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ATP Episodes
Transcribed 629 of 629 (100.0%).
628: There’s a Certain Smell
627: Dragged Across the Line
626: No Longer ery Good
625: Time and Smoke
624: Do Less Math in Computers
623: It’s About Human Connection
622: Duplicate Garbage Generation Process
621: I'll Meet You Any Time You Want
620: Mostly Cookies
619: Master Plan to Take Over the World
618: Type System Says No
617: An Incredibly Dangerous App
616: I Have No Grippers
615: A Mildly Brisk Walk
614: Don't Puke for the Show
613: Dress for the Chip You Want
612: Screen on Face
611: RAM Christmas
610: More Values in the Darkness
609: You're the Oreo Cookie
608: Boot to Toot
607: The Structure and Vibe of a Podcast
606: A Decade of Half-Presses
605: Manage the Moisture Situation
604: Minimized Embiggening
603: Too Smart to Move
602: A Glimpse of a Better World
601: Foreheads Over the Years
600: Everyone Ends Up at Crab
599: Where Did Salad Go?
598: Three-Burner Stove
597: Apple Watch Shuffle
596: A New Foundation for Progress
595: The Best Secret Store
594: We Just Found It on the Doorstep
593: Not a European Lawyer
592: I Think He Won the Game
591: That's Why I Like Computers
ATP Interview: Holly Borla & Ben Cohen
590: Buy Your Car an iPhone
589: The Correct Amount of Rocks
588: Sync Up Your Cycle
587: No Dots Are Going to Help Me
586: Do a Barrel Roll!
585: Everyone Heard the Same Nonsense
584: Daisy Hates Ticketmaster
583: I've Spent a Lot of Time in the Address Bar
582: Can't Render, Fog It
581: A Different Way to Be Evil
580: Socks in the Knob-Hole
579: Use Your Words
578: Weird Can Be Beautiful
577: Colorful Criticism
576: Quiet Little Leech
575: Walk a Little Faster
574: Weird Forking Scenario
573: Look at It Harder
572: Cryptofarts and Copyright Infringement
571: Adding Some Carrot
570: The Local Mooching Situation
569: Do Grasshoppers Have Tongues?
568: The Year of Romance
567: macOS Uranus
566: Using It Is Wearing It Out
565: Trickle-Up Concern
564: Always Get the Biggest Pizza
563: Drain the Attic
562: Do You Have a Dragon?
561: Market Your Bug
560: They're All Rectangles
559: The Tall Lettuce
558: Multilevel Pizza Oven
557: The Phone-Box Lottery
556: Apple Chips Are People
555: A Very Eventful Day
554: Is This Your Dog?
553: Cut the Bridges to the Mainland
552: Not a Saturated Year
551: Tickle Rock You
550: A Wizard With No Choices
549: Unauthorized Trash Can
548: Starting to Count Chickens
547: Own Your Pricing
546: Re-Crop With the Wisdom of Age
545: My Butler Can’t Use It
544: Valid in a Marco Way
543: 100 Million Tire-Kickers
542: Penguin Camel Monkey Shark
541: Make a Little Maze
540: The Points Don’t Matter
539: The Strap Situation
538: We Studied Thousands of Heads
537: Worse Than All of Our Toilets
536: I Reboot With Reason
535: My Computer Supports Math
534: On the Cheerleader Bus
533: The Beach Is the Beach
532: The Meat Part of Multitasking
531: Rock It in the Right Direction
530: You Are Not Nintendo
529: The Cycles of Marco
528: My Favorite Slap in the Face
527: The True Siri Experience
526: Food Comes From Cans
525: The Glory Speakers
524: The Anti-Fireplace Lobby
523: I Can't Give Him the Carrot Fast Enough
522: I’ll Just Keep You for Ten Years
521: Dance Compatible
520: Bananas Ingestion System
519: Paint My Wings
518: Deconstructed iMac
517: A Tesla Full of Kindles
516: One of My Fits of Rage
515: The Elder Programmer Look
514: My Immense Softness
513: Scribble on the Shared Placemat
512: Owned With a P
511: Moving to Antarctica
510: It's Occupied by Bears
509: Tiny Tyrants
508: Later Is Getting Later and Later
507: It Sucks, Doesn't It?
506: Our Only SEO Is You
505: A Mental Laxative
504: Too Much Apple in My Apple
503: Draw Your Own Slice of Pizza
502: Going Retina Again
501: Torsional Rigidity Check
500: All the Nerds in the Room
499: Living Is Pretty Important to Me
498: Not MagSafe, but MagSafe
497: The Hotness Has to Go Somewhere
496: One of My Lesser TiVos
495: Five Points for Smell
494: Ultra-Wideband Park Bench
493: Downstairs Downstairs
492: Umbrella Hammer Toadstool
491: Salmon and SwiftUI
490: Tiny Pictures of Knobs
489: Very Inappropriate Thoughts About This Computer
488: Pebbles on the Scale
487: Mid-Life Rally
486: Field Day at Apple Park
485: This Is Casey Actual
484: Hot-Spare Price is Right
483: The Faceless Knob
482: I Should Probably Get Reading Glasses
481: Accidentally Made It Too Good
480: Three Wise Admins
479: Never Mind, I'm Out
478: No Bum Cores
477: In the Metal
476: Plausibly Viable
475: Shove It Out the Back
474: That's Where the Magic Happens
473: Fanboats and Coattails
472: File a Casey Radar
471: My Fiber Situation Is Fine
470: Computers Can Do Things
469: Tiny Toastie
468: You Got Your Non-Money's Worth
467: The Strain Provider
466: There's Probably a Wizard for It
465: Lasers Are Great
464: Monks at Drafting Tables
463: No Indication of Progress
462: Xcode X
461: Re-tend That Garden
460: Desktop Laptop
459: The Bluetooth Adds Warmth
458: This Is Not Your First Plane Crash
457: The World's Greatest Conference Call
456: The Monitor Situation
455: Your Yanking Force
454: The Notch is Young
453: As the Prophecy Foretold
452: It's Totally Leashed
451: A Series of Terrible Magic Tricks
450: Distending My Wardrobe
449: An Unclean Mouse
448: Next Year, Which Is Now
447: Lunchbox on Your Face
446: Dead From Fraud
445: Best Blender Is a Wasteland
444: It Should Definitely Bother Apple
443: A Storm of Asterisks
442: Bob’s Barbecue
441: Meals at Home
440: The Reality of Magnets
439: Eventually Converge on Correctness
438: Some Amount of Futzing
437: The Right Side of the Mouse Pad
436: Eddy Cue Shows Up at Your Door
435: A Strong Number Four
434: A Squirmy Soup of Rectangles
433: Before We Leave the Dump
432: I Shouldn't Need to Wiggle
431: City of Chips
430: Apple Did Not Eat That Food
429: Digital Speedo
428: A Series of Rectangles
427: The Apology Remote
426: Loaded Baked Potato
425: Hey Billionaire
424: Ethernet Squid
423: Fort of HomePods
422: Sell a Third Box
421: The First Miniboss
420: I Have No Urge to Speak
419: This Week’s Gasp
418: Dangerously Close to Being on a Phone Call
417: Sand and Water Interface
416: I Will Take Away Those Kudos
415: Sent Without Pants
414: Promoted Onto the Roof
413: Suddenly I'm the Marco
412: Love Batteries
411: Are My Instructions Not Clear?
410: The Comfort Is Killing Me
409: Midrange Snob
408: Feature Headphones
407: It Isn't a Big Grapefruit
406: A Bomb on Your Home Screen
405: The Benevolence of the Powerful
404: With Four Hands Tied Behind Its Back
403: A VCR for the Internet
402: Flat-Side Promoter
401: Sandwich-Closing Force
400: Reach Is the Next Frontier
399: Off the Pouch Lifestyle
398: The State of Your Baby
397: We Can't Wait To See What You Do To It
396: The World of Moving
395: Receive Their Honking
394: The Price of an ATP Sticker
393: We’re the Bit Company
392: Corporate Relationship Counselor
391: Worse in Stupid Ways
390: I Invented This Anti-Pattern
389: One Branch Leads to Yes
388: Riding the Autocomplete
387: It Might Not Be as Cool as You Think
386: No More Holes in My House
385: Temporal Smear
384: Equal Emphasis
383: Demand-Paged Outrage
382: Static Ad Removal
381: Uncomfortable Truths
380: Wires Are Great
379: The Everything’s OK Alarm
378: Whale Quench
377: $10 Worth of Headaches
376: Monogamous Gaming Lifestyle
375: Wobbly Goblin
374: Screwdriver Testing Harness
373: This Jerk, Right Here
372: Things Are Degraded
371: Four-Letter Technologies
370: Ghost Finger
369: Brown Big Bear
368: A Jacket and Some Pins
367: Antitrust Relief Valve
366: There’s Nothing You Can Fix in a Day
365: Day-One Cowboy
364: A Casey Settings Screen
363: The Floor is Lava
362: Xcode in Anger
361: A Button in the Thumb Shelf
360: Big Hole in the Middle
359: I Could Live in There
358: Emotional-Support Mac Pro
357: A Giant Green Field
356: With a Heavy Heart
355: The Way Corn Grows
354: Casey's Computer Corner
353: Modern-Day Dialup
352: No One Else Had Calipers
351: The Floor Is High
350: Wax Buddies
349: Formative Tech Dystopia
348: Panic Shutdown
347: Not Enough Carrot to Take the Stick
346: Go Back and Pop Myself
345: Unapologetically Digital
344: Peace in the Battery Kingdom
343: The Stand Is Your Hand
342: The Opposite of Con
341: John Is My Default
340: You Are a Computer Athlete
339: Ketchup Momentum
338: Double Chunking
337: Sea Conditions Are Calm
336: Your Face Is Not Your Face
335: Withhold the Fun
334: Mechanical Disadvantage
333: Pesky Human Issues
332: Fuzzy Muppet Felt
331: The Technical Burden of Users
330: A Rotation You Can't Complete
329: Mac Pro Day
328: The Pixel Stump
327: Better Late Than Wrong
326: Blow Your Redo Stack
325: Relive Your Calculator-Watch Dreams
324: Automatic Kicking Machine
323: A Slightly Smaller Thumb
322: Morale-Sucking Maple Syrup Fires
321: Dumbed Down, Locked Down, and Locked Out
320: Here Comes the Big But
319: We Should Probably Get to the Apple Event
318: Not a Casino I Want to Play In
317: We’re Customers Too
316: MacBook Hierarchy of Needs
315: 1.0 Was Just Speed
314: Kernel Panic in the Night
313: The Residue of Seven People
312: Fashion Phase
311: Mutually Assured Destruction
310: Apple Playstore
309: Do Not Expect Five Nines From My Plex
308: Left-Handed Streaming Service
307: Casey Apple Pencil
306: My Watch Has Ended
305: An Uneasy Peace
304: Island of Shortcuts
303: Your Mahogany World
302: Paint This Square
301: I Cut Them Up in the Air
300: First of All, It's Easy
299: Headphone Bump
298: Protective Sandwich
297: It Also Deserves to Die
296: Giant Buffers of Floats
295: Outlets That Suck
294: The Intersection of Liberal Arts and Whatever
293: You Know My Pouches
292: Start a Rotate Chicken Nuggets Timer
291: John's Special Day
290: A Weird Sandwich
289: Everybody's in the Alliance
288: Rich Person's Raspberry Pi
287: Open-Faced Compliment Sandwich
286: I Respect a Good Crust
285: Do Not Drill Holes in This House
284: Hotel California Keyboard
283: Just Lower Your Standards
282: Not Unreliable Enough
281: My Private Siri
280: Extinction-Level Event
279: You’ll Hate What I’m Actually Doing
278: Best Worst Influence
277: You're Not a Mac App Yet
276: Observing a Black Hole
275: It's Difficult When You’re a Billionaire
274: Not the Teddy Bear's Fault
273: Playing You Like a Video Game
272: 60% Satisfied
271: Voting With Your Virtual Feet
270: Three Major Zippers
269: Cooled by Jellyfish
268: A Tarnished Brass Age
267: I Slowly Ate the Crystals
266: Text Adventure Mode
265: Simon Says Volume Five
264: Every Building Has Bugs
263: Old Potato
262: A Clear Path to Okayness
261: Seven-Dollar Plastic Garbage
260: The Todoyist Problem
259: I Hired Myself
258: Non-Beta Data
257: Smell the Wind
256: A Heroic Threshold for Pain
255: The Thermal Paste Lottery
254: Hot Box With Knobs
253: I Think I Ordered One
252: Any Day Could Be Mac Pro Day
251: Uninstall Your Water Reminder App!
250: We're Doing a Show
249: Beehives Full of Bees
248: Chili Cookoff
247: A Place to Stick Your Gum
246: I Just Want My Stories
245: Senior-Citizen Advantage
244: The Mac Renaissance
243: Knew About the Dollar Signs
242: These Arms Are Coming Off
241: Jazzercise Boot Camp
240: Undefined Wait Period
239: Set This Money on Fire
238: Begging for the Hub
237: You Are Not a Datacenter
236: Irresponsible Use of Infinite Terabytes
235: Notch-Savvy
234: Everybody Has Asterisks
233: Nobody Cares But Me, But I Do Care
232: You've Exceeded Some Limit
231: I Am Not a Salad Power User
230: Auto, Dynamic, Fresh, Dank
229: Just Smush the Screen Somewhere
228: I Never Cancel a Drag
227: Typing on Pillows
226: Smooth Scrolling Is For Suckers
225: A Conversation with Siri
224: Yearning for Reflection
223: Throw the Fork Away
222: As Thin as Humans Will Tolerate
221: Personal Body Chemistry
220: Executive Box Lunch
219: Million Dollar Lunch
218: MagSafe Cups of Water
217: Apology Mac Pro
216: Thermal Corner
215: Pots Are Made to Be Broken
214: Christmas Phone
213: Siri in a Can
212: Meatspace Windows
211: Hardware Mind Virus
210: My Stupid Thumb
209: Making Sausage-Making Glamorous
208: Your Face Is Your Face
207: Selling Hot Dogs on a Stick
206: All You Need Is Five Nerds
205: People Don't Use the Weird Parts
204: You’re Only Stable When You’re Dead
203: Screaming At Us From The Future
202: Something Has Gone Wrong
201: Volume Micromanager
200: I Had a Dream About the Mac Pro
199: 10,000 Hours of Coughing
198: Puppy Game Boy
197: Life by a Thousand Hugs
196: Roasting Your Own Beans
195: The Show Must Go On
194: Dark Night of the Soul
193: The Escape Zone
192: Hello Again Again
191: The Failure Mode of a Train
190: The Girl Who Never Came Over
189: The Museum of Pristine Apple Hardware
188: $850 Fidget Cube
187: Putting Plastic on Your Couches
186: Jony Ive Has a Lot of White Pants
185: The Delaware of Europe
184: Procedural Marriage Mistakes
183: I Filed a Radar
182: I Had to Reboot My Car Today
181: Eat Your Vegetables
180: Don't Cry for John, Argentina
179: Free-to-Play Dogs
178: Mama Needs That Pokémon
177: Paying for Someone to Blame
176: Yellow Sock Time
175: Dance Palace
174: A Ding in the Room
173: A Series of Heartbreaking Rejections
172: iPhone X
171: WWDC Is Not Santa Claus
170: Casey Beats John, 29–29
169: My Fingers Are Still Moving
168: Coffee Stops Working
167: They’ve Opened the Door to Streakers
166: Fitness Turd
165: Time Was…
164: Waiting for the Bla-Bloop
163: Wet Right Thumb
162: iPhone Sorry Erin
161: Dark Mode Is Your Hat
160: Be Careful Out There
159: A Typo On Your Brake Pads
158: You Can't Outlaw Math
157: As Many People in the Sandbox as Possible
156: A Mac on Fire
155: Edit, Crop, Aspect, Original
154: A Rich Toddler’s Toy
153: Larger, Less Portable Pastures
152: Daddy Didn't Want the Good Graphics Card
151: The Opposite of Final
150: A Mac Pro in Every Pot
149: Everyone's on Vacation
148: Your Feelings Are Real
147: Here I Am, I'm a Battery
146: Control + Money + Smallness
145: Lasers and Pew-Pew and Space Aliens
144: Digital Schmear
143: Capital F, Capital C
142: Hateful Game of Frogger
141: Chain-Link-Fenced Garden
140: Harpooned a Turtle
139: I've Seen This Train Before
138: Only Microsoft
137: Feature Photos
136: War and Peace
135: Uncomfortable in My Pants
134: Who Did It Firster?
133: You Have to Walk the Dog
132: Digital Hearth
131: Finding Your Way Back In
130: Technical Countermeasures
129: Tap-to-Click Wizard
128: Blue Ring Stud
127: Not a Cactus in Sight
126: The Web Kind of Happens to You
125: A Better Future for Everybody
124: The Tyranny of Radio
123: Imperfect Signaling Mechanism
122: My Results Were Inconclusive
121: Admitted No Wrongdoing
120: One Magical Wire
119: Promoretired
118: A Fistful of Apple Watches
117: You Don't Have the Antibodies
116: Women Aren't a Minority
115: Empathy for the Machine
114: So Far, So OK
113: Get Your Ears Ready to Hear Me Complain
112: The Problem Is You
111: That Big Ring Underground Somewhere in Europe
110: And on That Bombshell…
109: Bigger in the Pocket
108: Zero is Better Than One
107: We Get the Most Boring Tips
106: That’s Slightly Right
105: Do You Want to Sell Sugar Phones for the Rest of Your Life?
104: Minutiæ
103: An Atheist or a Howard Stern Fan
102: Marco Is Not a Platform
101: Big Plastic Finger
100: MacBook Shuffle
99: Pop-Up Headlights
98: Landmines, Pitfalls, and Bottomless Pits
97: You Have to Know When to Stop
96: The Windows of Siracusa County
95: The Bear Wakes Up and Bites You
94: Spirited Defense of Pong
93: I'm Not Running a Boarding House Here
92: You Don't Know My Pants
91: Press Agree to Drive
90: Speculative Abandonware
89: DeLorean + McLaren
88: Standing on Opposite Sides of the Gym
87: Not an Accurate Representation of My Mousing Skills
86: Moving the Party to the Bar Down the Block
85: The Unexpected Hard Part
84: The Load-Bearing Finger
83: Entering the iTouch Phase of My Life
82: The Flash Storage Is Adequate
81: You Left Your Money in a Bank
80: Tangled in Version Numbers
79: Tip Ring Ring Sleeve
78: Fleece the Whales
77: Full-Stack Businessperson
76: Not Suitable for Any Purpose
75: You Had Your Moment
74: One Of Us Shipped Something
73: Notifications Duck
72: Take Your Co-Host To Work Day
71: Security By Guilt
70: The Endgame Is Omnipotence
69: Welcome to the Web, Casey
68: Siracusa Waited Impatiently For This
67: Tim Said, Man
66: Boiling A Pretty Big Lake
65: The Year Of Casey
64: It Never Died Because It Never Lived
63: I Hold My Children To A Higher Standard
62: Journey Would Be Wasted On You
61: Perfectly Neutral
60: The Great Odwalla Flavor Change of 2013
59: The Little Puck That Could
58: Always On Vacation In California
57: Smorgasbord of Pronunciation
56: The Woodpecker
55: Dave, Who Stinks!
54: goto fail;
53: There's Gonna Be Some Flapping
52: Necessary But Not Sufficient
51: Maybe We're Just Dinosaurs
50: Disk Light Observer Effect
49: Roamio and Siracusiet
48: Marco Bought Four
47: Better Pixels
46: A Compromised Machine
45: Give Up On The Retina Dream
44: A Plague With Very Minor Effects
43: Brilliance Enhancer
42: The Ultimate Vanity Search
41: Penny Wise, Pound Foolish
40: The Compliance Shark
39: Desperation Mode
38: Auto-Update My Parents
37: A 3,000-Word Digression
36: A Weird One
35: Sea-Level Executives
34: Made The Dot Smaller
33: A 30-Minute Skip Button
32: It Doesn't Bother Me
31: Swimming In 16 GB Gold
30: Full Frontal Thumb
29: Computerized Garden Gnome
28: The Pit Of Irrelevance
27: Overflow Gallery In The Bathroom
26: Three Phones Ago
25: Thrustmaster Joystick
24: Double Meta
23: The X Or The X
22: Full Brichter
21: The Transitive Property of Nerdiness
20: A Box and a Strap
19: Designed by App in Cal
18: Aluminum-Colored Aluminum
17: Can't Innovate Anymore
16: John, We Don't Play Games
15: Cat, Modifier Cat
14: Pouring Champagne Onto Rap Stars
13: Animated Kale
12: Accidental Server Hardware
11: A Particularly Exuberant Adolescence
10: Gradual Ramp Up To Nothing
9: Fish Bicycle Scenario
8: Hold Me!
7: The Forecast For iCloud
6: Live Like Other People
5: Negativity, Skepticism, and Doubt
4: The Bridges
3: Conditions Led To Freecell
2: The 7th Guest
1: iPhone Plus