

591: That's Why I Like Computers


00:00:00   Hey everybody, we're live from California in a hotel room. Good to be back, gentlemen.

00:00:05   We're here, we're looking at each other. It's a little creepy because we haven't done this in a long time.

00:00:10   We've got a table? We've never had a table before.

00:00:12   Yeah, we're here and yeah, we have a couple of hours to talk and we'll go until we drop dead.

00:00:20   You know, all of us are still mostly on Eastern Times, so we'll see how well this goes.

00:00:24   Why is Casey so much louder than me?

00:00:27   Because Casey just enunciates more than you.

00:00:29   I know, but you've got to turn me up then.

00:00:31   Alright, I got it, I got it. I'll turn Casey down.

00:00:34   Especially if you're going to use a live mix.

00:00:35   I mean, yeah.

00:00:36   Oh yikes.

00:00:37   You're not going to be able to correct it. I'm going to shove this microphone into my face here.

00:00:40   Don't do that, no, I can just do it.

00:00:42   I got you, I got you. You're up to 50 decibels, that should be funny.

00:00:46   I'm old and tired. Once I start yelling, it'll probably be better.

00:00:49   Oh my god.

00:00:49   That'll happen eventually.

00:00:50   Give it time.

00:00:52   I'm going to put a locking wheel nuts on this podcast.

00:00:53   You'll hear about it.

00:00:57   I have a lot of hard dynamic range. HDR. I'm at HDR.

00:01:00   Casey has already gone through a compressor. Everything's the same.

00:01:03   My whispers are low and my under the breath jokes are low, but then I get excited and I'm loud.

00:01:09   That's what you got to deal with.

00:01:10   We're off to a real off-space story.

00:01:12   That's why people like vinyl, that's why people like me.

00:01:14   Did you see my socks? Did you see my socks? Look at this. I know this is terrible audio content.

00:01:18   It's supposed to be records, but they're all warped because it's on a sock.

00:01:21   Then it's even more fitting.

00:01:23   It's exactly like the real thing.

00:01:25   Oh my god.

00:01:27   I apologize for being in person.

00:01:28   I know.

00:01:28   To see Casey's socks.

00:01:29   I have my shoes off too.

00:01:31   Margot.

00:01:32   Yeah, I'm just flat gray.

00:01:33   Oh, you have the white champion.

00:01:34   You have the boring champion white. I got the flat gray Adidas.

00:01:37   I got a great tie.

00:01:38   Really?

00:01:38   It's such a mess.

00:01:40   This is what the bootleg pays for. Sock comparisons.

00:01:43   So only you could smell our feet.

00:01:46   So are we?

00:01:47   Yeah, right.

00:01:48   Yeah, we're walking around in the California June heat all day.

00:01:51   I'm sure they smell fantastic.

00:01:52   They do.

00:01:53   Is this a show? Is this what people come in for?

00:01:55   Oh yeah.

00:01:56   Okay. I got to tell you.

00:01:57   So we're at a circular table, right?

00:01:59   The table is, I don't know what you want.

00:02:01   It's three, four feet across.

00:02:02   So like a meter ish for those of you who have other units.

00:02:06   And I had set a capped water bottle on the table between my computer and John's.

00:02:12   That water bottle was on the table for three and a half seconds before John,

00:02:16   which he's now doing again because I was demonstrating.

00:02:18   They can't see you.

00:02:19   Well, earlier today, earlier today, we were, we were sitting on,

00:02:24   on the ground outside of the Steve Jobs theater lobby,

00:02:28   trying to watch the state of the union.

00:02:29   And we were watching it like there were a big group of us around

00:02:32   and we were watching it on my laptop.

00:02:33   I put my laptop on the ground and just had the screen going

00:02:36   and the speakers up and everything.

00:02:37   And I, and Casey had placed a can of Diet Coke within a foot of my laptop.

00:02:43   Oh, easily three or four inches.

00:02:45   And I took a picture of it.

00:02:46   Oh no, I didn't know that.

00:02:48   Because I thought if this spills onto my laptop,

00:02:51   I'm going to want to have this picture.

00:02:54   Just in case.

00:02:55   Fortunately, I'm very lucky that Casey, in fact,

00:02:59   noticed this was a problem and a few minutes later moved it himself.

00:03:01   He moves it another foot away or so.

00:03:03   My laptop survived being near Casey drink for a few minutes.

00:03:07   Yeah, because we would have had no recording today if that had happened.

00:03:10   And I don't know other computers in this room.

00:03:13   You're right.

00:03:13   It could have happened.

00:03:14   I don't have two ports.

00:03:15   Sorry.

00:03:16   All right.

00:03:20   We should probably get the show on the road.

00:03:21   We have a lot to talk about.

00:03:21   We do.

00:03:22   So John, the ruling is no follow up.

00:03:24   Is that correct?

00:03:25   No time.

00:03:26   No time.

00:03:26   So WWDC 2024.

00:03:31   We are all here as we've mentioned.

00:03:33   I'm very excited for it.

00:03:34   I think I'd mentioned on the show, I was exceedingly anxious and nervous about travel.

00:03:39   And I will just suffice to say there was no travel issues.

00:03:42   Everything worked out.

00:03:42   I'm a big baby, you know, same as it ever was.

00:03:45   So we're all here.

00:03:46   We're safe.

00:03:46   We're sound.

00:03:47   And we got to the Apple Park, you know, like entry way.

00:03:51   And we went through and it was all amazing.

00:03:53   And, you know, John and I are eyes are as big as saucers because, you know, we've never

00:03:56   seen this before.

00:03:57   John is now plucking a piece of dust off of my life.

00:04:00   You don't have to give a play of a play of everything I've been doing.

00:04:02   I'm just proving your life.

00:04:03   So I can't do it remotely.

00:04:06   I've missed you guys so much.

00:04:07   Likewise.

00:04:08   So we go and we got to visit with some other press people, which was awesome.

00:04:13   It was so lovely for me, at least.

00:04:16   I presume it's the same for both of you guys, but it was so lovely having that time where

00:04:21   we were upstairs above where the actual event happens and they served us like breakfast

00:04:25   and whatnot.

00:04:26   And we had some time to just visit with a lot of our peers and friends and it was just very,

00:04:30   very cool.

00:04:30   And we had a couple hours of that.

00:04:33   And then the show started with what I thought and admittedly, I am so giddy about everything

00:04:38   that's happening right now that I'm going to love everything.

00:04:40   But I thought it was a hilarious video of Hair Force One and Schiller and a bunch of

00:04:47   the other presenters in a plane, skydiving out of the plane.

00:04:51   I loved when Craig Federighi put the helmet on.

00:04:55   That was his own hair.

00:04:57   The helmet was in the shape of his own hair.

00:04:59   It made me laugh quite a bit.

00:05:00   Yeah, that was fun.

00:05:02   I loved the video.

00:05:02   Although I will say, first of all, it was amazing that everyone else's hair was getting

00:05:07   blown around except Craig's.

00:05:08   That's got to stay in place, right?

00:05:11   I also loved having Schiller as the pilot.

00:05:15   But he could not have looked less happy to be there.

00:05:18   Also, he's supposed to look old and cranky.

00:05:20   I was kind of surprised I didn't bleep him because his line is, I'm getting too old for

00:05:24   this.

00:05:24   And he said, stuff.

00:05:26   Yep.

00:05:26   An Apple video.

00:05:28   But you know, Phil didn't want to say that.

00:05:29   Then it had him using a click wheel iPod, which that was cute.

00:05:32   And not his age is in spirit.

00:05:35   No, since he came up with the click wheel, you remember?

00:05:38   Oh, that was, oh, I don't think I know.

00:05:39   It was at a meeting, Phil Schiller, but it's public knowledge.

00:05:42   He said it somewhere that it was his idea to have a rotating wheel on the iPod.

00:05:46   Oh, that's cool.

00:05:47   So that's his little feather in his cap.

00:05:48   And he's the grizzled old veteran there.

00:05:50   Yeah.

00:05:51   I think this video, what I liked about it is that it didn't try to be too corporate,

00:05:58   too over the top, too high production.

00:06:01   It was just like a relatively short, relatively light, cute video, just about the event and

00:06:08   a couple of fun execs.

00:06:08   And then that was it.

00:06:09   Like there was no major statement they're trying to make.

00:06:12   They're not trying to be grand and show off how amazing everyone's lives are being saved

00:06:16   by it.

00:06:17   It was just a nice, simple intro to a developer show.

00:06:20   That video could have been made 10 years ago and we would have, well, everyone would have

00:06:24   a little bit less gray hair, but not that I could be talking, but I feel like that was

00:06:29   more of the spirit of the event than I think many of their more recent efforts with these

00:06:34   like preproduced fancy videos that have been very much like just very overproduced,

00:06:39   very like over polished, over corporate, over the top.

00:06:41   I like this.

00:06:42   This was a good fit for the event.

00:06:43   Yeah.

00:06:44   One thing you missed out on if you weren't here live, like we were, yay, is the two minutes

00:06:48   when Tim Cook and Craig come out on stage and just for the live people, you don't see

00:06:53   this in the movie.

00:06:54   And Craig introduced it by saying, and we have so much to announce today, we don't have

00:06:58   time for one of our normal videos where we have this all over.

00:07:01   So it's no over the top video, no silly things or whatever.

00:07:04   We're just going to get right to the facts.

00:07:06   And I think that intro helped like the undercutting, it helped to make that video land better because

00:07:11   I was thinking if I had seen this video at home without hearing Craig's enter, I'd be

00:07:14   like, oh, another one of these Apple things where they pretend they're secret agents and

00:07:17   do a thing.

00:07:18   But because he undercut it so thoroughly and so well live that when it started playing

00:07:22   it, it showed them jumping out of a plane.

00:07:24   And it was, it's so clearly like ridiculous and self-deprecating.

00:07:27   They're now parodying themselves.

00:07:29   And that is a much better look than let's say crushing trombone and a hydraulic press.

00:07:34   Yes.

00:07:35   Yeah.

00:07:35   I mean, it was huge dad energy, but here we are three dads.

00:07:38   So I loved it.

00:07:39   But yeah, they went just broadly and we'll obviously pick apart everything, but broadly

00:07:45   they went real fast and it was apparent pretty quickly that they were moving with a quickness.

00:07:50   And you know, we were sitting next to each other.

00:07:52   And I had Jason Snell to my right and Jason pointed out to me, like they're rounding out

00:07:59   the main like stretch of content.

00:08:02   And it was like, it was 11 o'clock Pacific or something like that.

00:08:05   They said that on the intro, they have the, the, the parachutes open, had the name of

00:08:08   the OSS and they said, we're going to do all of our OSS before we get onto the other stuff.

00:08:11   They had something like that.

00:08:12   And again, forgive people listening at home.

00:08:14   Like you may have had time to review the keynote video.

00:08:16   We have not, we've been busy all day, but yeah, there was an interesting approach to

00:08:20   just say, you know, the parachutes have the OSS.

00:08:22   They're going to go through all the OSS and they mentioned AI features, but they always

00:08:26   said like machine learning.

00:08:27   You made notes of it at a couple of times.

00:08:28   They would say, oh, there's a machine learning feature this, that, but you know, anyway,

00:08:31   we'll get to the big, uh, the big AI stuff at the end.

00:08:34   But they, they wanted to get their OSS out of the way, but there was so much content.

00:08:38   Like Casey was trying to take notes on it and I was trying to help and it was going

00:08:42   so fast.

00:08:42   We couldn't keep up with typing.

00:08:44   Yeah.

00:08:44   Yeah.

00:08:44   It was, it was incredible.

00:08:45   So, uh, moving through, oh, do we want to do like an overview upfront or we just want

00:08:50   to plow through it.

00:08:50   We got an order.

00:08:51   All right.

00:08:52   So, uh, well, excuse me, Apple TV plus.

00:08:55   That's right.

00:08:56   Oh yeah.

00:08:56   I literally, I took a break during the TV plus promo to write an email.

00:08:59   I'm like, I had to send this email to him this morning.

00:09:02   I'm like, this seems like a good time.

00:09:04   I'm excited about those shows, but I don't want to be spoiled on them.

00:09:07   You don't like, I'm going to watch the new season of severance and silo no matter what

00:09:10   you show me.

00:09:11   So I was kind of trying to avert my eyes, but yeah, that was there.

00:09:13   Yeah.

00:09:13   It was the thing.

00:09:14   It was apparently fifth anniversary of Apple TV plus.

00:09:16   So there was that.

00:09:16   Honestly, I mean, look, TV plus, I think it has turned out pretty well.

00:09:19   It's a great service.

00:09:20   There's a lot of great content on there and it got exactly as much time during a developer

00:09:25   keynote as I should have.

00:09:26   Yeah.

00:09:26   I mean, that's pretty good.

00:09:27   I would argue that I might be zero, but yeah, well, yeah.

00:09:29   Although I will say so a little inside baseball and I'm not,

00:09:32   I can't resist because it's my first time.

00:09:34   It was definitely loud during, during the like big cut sequences.

00:09:40   We should have used Margo's at concert head clubs.

00:09:41   That's true.

00:09:42   I didn't even think about it.

00:09:45   It's so true, but all my word, it was so loud during anything that was like, not just somebody

00:09:50   talking at you.

00:09:51   It was astonishingly loud.

00:09:52   It was very clear though.

00:09:53   I have to say it was so clear that like, because actual live Tim Cook comes out on stage and

00:09:58   talks into a microphone and then recorded Tim Cook came and they sounded exactly the

00:10:01   same.

00:10:02   That's true.

00:10:02   So anyway, so vision OS, like Mark, what's that a moment ago?

00:10:06   So Mike Rockwell comes out, uh, 1.5 million compatible apps.

00:10:09   I think it was Ben McCarthy had sent me a screenshot of what appeared to be a little

00:10:14   baby call sheet icon somewhere in the mass.

00:10:17   I was looking for it.

00:10:18   It was hard.

00:10:18   I was looking for it.

00:10:19   I couldn't tell, but we were seated relatively far away from the screen, which that sounds

00:10:24   like a complaint.

00:10:25   It actually wasn't.

00:10:25   It was chosen deliberately.

00:10:26   We wanted to be in the shade because we wanted to be in the shade.

00:10:29   So we were seated fairly far back and I tried to look and I haven't had the chance to go

00:10:33   back.

00:10:33   Like one of you just said to look at the video and see it.

00:10:35   But, uh, that would be my first keynote appearance if, if that's, if that's what happened.

00:10:39   So that's extremely exciting.

00:10:41   No, they had that.

00:10:42   Well, I guess, I guess the ATP podcast was in a session.

00:10:45   That's true.

00:10:46   That's the keynote.

00:10:47   Not on the keynote.

00:10:47   Um, so anyway, so one half million compatible apps.

00:10:50   And then we had a Haley Allen come out to talk about just vision, vision, West improvements.

00:10:55   Um, I'm trying to just skip over the stuff.

00:10:57   That's not that exciting.

00:10:58   Go to the stuff that I find exciting.

00:10:59   First of all, iOS.

00:11:01   Oh, stop.

00:11:02   Well played.

00:11:02   But, but still, uh, so yeah, so converting 2d images into 3d using quote advanced machine

00:11:09   learning.

00:11:09   I thought that was very cool.

00:11:10   Yeah, we'll see how it works.

00:11:12   It may be garbage.

00:11:13   It may be great.

00:11:13   I mean, it's just gotta be the subject detection, right?

00:11:15   Yeah.

00:11:15   Yeah.

00:11:16   Yeah.

00:11:16   And trying to figure out like, you know, how much depth certain subjects would naturally

00:11:20   have and maybe what the side of their head might slightly look like.

00:11:23   I mean, they're not, they're not the first for people to try to do this.

00:11:26   It's going to be a little weird.

00:11:28   I'm sure it will be fine if they do it with great subtlety.

00:11:31   It should be fine in most cases.

00:11:33   Yeah.

00:11:33   Like, uh, Facebook, I think I've never actually used like this feature, but I believe it has

00:11:38   something where you can take a 2d video and it'll do like a parallax effect between the

00:11:43   foreground and the background.

00:11:44   I presume to, to y'all's point that it's something like that.

00:11:46   Um, they did mention, and I forget exactly how they were, um, how they were describing

00:11:51   it, but the gist of it was it's very annoying sometimes to, to try to figure out the battery

00:11:57   level and the time on vision OS.

00:11:59   What you're supposed to do today is you look up, up, up, up, up, up, up, and there's like

00:12:03   a little gray circle with a down Chevron, and then you do a pinch gesture and that'll

00:12:07   drop down like control center, whatever.

00:12:09   And they say that what you can do is you can flip your hand.

00:12:12   So your palm up and that'll, it'll detect that and show like time and battery.

00:12:16   And then you can flip your hand over for control center, which if that works well, I think

00:12:20   that'll be really neat.

00:12:21   And the home gesture too.

00:12:22   Like that was the thing, because right now to go home, you have to reach your hand up

00:12:25   to the physical digital crown on the headset and push it.

00:12:29   And then with this, now that you can just have your hand palm up and squeeze together,

00:12:32   I think there's something, there's some kind of gesture as the home button, which that's

00:12:36   a good improvement.

00:12:36   Um, you know, vision OS, the more you can avoid constant hand motion, you know, the

00:12:40   less fatiguing it will be over time for all the control center thing.

00:12:44   Like they put it up high, like it's a balance.

00:12:45   They don't want it to be in your eye line.

00:12:47   So you accidentally trigger it, but then they don't want it to be too high.

00:12:50   So it's annoying.

00:12:51   But it is like, it's kind of important for it to be out of the way.

00:12:53   And that's why I think it's annoying to go cause the people you don't look up that with

00:12:57   your eyes, especially with your eyeballs.

00:12:58   Cause you can't just look up with your head.

00:12:59   Well, I guess you can, but it's just, no, if you look up with your head, you still got

00:13:03   to look up with your eyes.

00:13:04   It's weird.

00:13:04   It's, it's intentionally inaccessible and the hand gestures seem great.

00:13:07   Although I do wonder if they're kind of, kind of like how you burn, like a, you know, a

00:13:11   command click or whatever in an app.

00:13:13   Like how many hand gestures are they going to have us doing by year five of this thing?

00:13:17   We're making the spells from the one.

00:13:18   I was going to say the same thing.

00:13:20   It's so true.

00:13:21   So, all right.

00:13:21   So in the interest of moving along quickly, Mac virtual display, getting some big updates

00:13:24   later this year, which I am genuinely super excited about.

00:13:28   I I'm not using my vision pro that frequently, although it did on the plane on the way here

00:13:32   and it was wonderful.

00:13:33   But one of the things I do love about it is Mac virtual display.

00:13:36   And they're saying that again, it was going so fast.

00:13:40   I might be flubbing the details and that's true of basically everything we're about to

00:13:42   talk about for the next hour and a half.

00:13:44   But they said it was a much higher display resolution and size.

00:13:48   And they said something along the lines of it's the equivalent of two 4k screens.

00:13:53   But the way it was presented was like one just obscene ultra wide, like PC, PC ultra

00:14:00   wide monitors, but a virtual version.

00:14:01   It's basically like, you know, eight K by two K or whatever.

00:14:04   Right.

00:14:04   And what was interesting about this was they made brief mention that what's happening here

00:14:09   to make this work and look OK is that they're doing the dynamic foveation stuff that they

00:14:14   do for the entire OS for vision OS that is, but they're doing it for Mac virtual display

00:14:19   on the Mac.

00:14:20   So I guess they're live transmitting where your eyes are looking so that so that the

00:14:25   Mac will render.

00:14:25   I think they're doing that for bandwidth reasons because then they don't have to send the full

00:14:29   resolution display to the headset.

00:14:31   They can just, they can send a crappier version, but with a higher res of where you're looking,

00:14:34   which allows them to, I don't know what the limitation is.

00:14:37   It's like, is it a video memory or something or whatever the M2's limits are, but it's

00:14:41   clear that if they could have just said, okay, well just, you got a bigger screen now and

00:14:45   just not deal with this, they would have done it.

00:14:46   This is more complicated.

00:14:47   So yeah, yeah, very much so.

00:14:48   And then it was funny.

00:14:49   I have not looked at Mastodon all day, but I did see a handful of people send me a text

00:14:53   as soon as they mentioned that train support is now support will be supported in travel

00:14:57   mode.

00:14:57   I, I, it's hilarious to me that an American of all people is the one who is known for

00:15:01   using the vision pro on the train, but here I am.

00:15:04   I mean, only Americans can buy it.

00:15:06   So that's good point.

00:15:07   All right.

00:15:07   I take it all back.

00:15:08   Although soon there'll be opening another country.

00:15:10   Yeah, that's true.

00:15:10   I mean, yeah.

00:15:11   And so actually we can, we can jump right over there.

00:15:13   I mean, it's just very quickly.

00:15:14   There's apparently going to be a physical lens for certain Canon cameras.

00:15:17   I don't know, Marco, if you call it, which models for the EOS R7, Canon has this whole

00:15:22   new line of the mirrorless cameras that replace other big ones.

00:15:24   The R7 is one of the big great ones.

00:15:26   And there's a new Canon spatial lens that will allow native spatial video capture.

00:15:31   They say Final Cut Pro for Mac can edit it.

00:15:34   They said specifically for Mac, so I guess too bad for the iPad people.

00:15:37   And it's viewable in the new Vimeo app for Vision OS, which is interesting.

00:15:41   And then they also announced some deals integration with Blackmagic and DaVinci Resolve

00:15:46   for Apple immersive video.

00:15:48   That's the 180 degree field of view with the 8K res for production of that.

00:15:53   So they're basically, and then they said there's new Apple immersive video content on the way.

00:15:58   Yes.

00:15:59   So we will very slowly have new stuff coming to the vision pro.

00:16:03   Great.

00:16:03   I mean, and what's interesting too is like almost everything else we're going to talk

00:16:07   about is like they were very clear.

00:16:09   They kept saying that, you know, all these like new features and everything are coming

00:16:12   to quote a Mac, iPhone and iPad.

00:16:15   It was very clear.

00:16:18   None of this stuff is coming to Vision OS, at least not yet.

00:16:20   And the only reason I can think like it has the hardware, it has an M2 and that's, you

00:16:25   know, they, it goes down to M1 iPads and Macs.

00:16:28   So we know it's, it's like, you know, the hardware is compatible.

00:16:31   So I guess the only reason is like, they just haven't gotten to it.

00:16:34   I think those code bases are just too far diverged.

00:16:37   Like if you think about photos and vision, no S that's not a shared code base with the

00:16:41   other platforms.

00:16:42   Why not?

00:16:43   When they made it, they knew they were going to have to unify shared ish, but it's, you

00:16:47   know, they were so isolated for so long that there's enough of a divergence and they have

00:16:51   to work on their 2.0 features that I under kind of understand why they didn't get, I'm

00:16:54   assuming they will eventually as they converge further, but right now it kind of makes sense

00:16:59   to me.

00:17:00   I think the vision pro user base such as it is probably really needs to see like signs

00:17:08   of support from Apple.

00:17:09   And I don't think they really got a lot of that today.

00:17:11   I think they got a small amount of support, but all the cool features that they demoed

00:17:16   for everything else, all their other platforms really are all their other major platforms.

00:17:20   They like none of it's available for vision.

00:17:21   It was, and I think that's, that's kind of a weird miss at this point.

00:17:24   Well, the rumor was that they, that, you know, Craig Federi, he got religion about chat,

00:17:29   GPT in 2022.

00:17:30   So that gave all the other platforms two years to be figuring out how they're going to integrate

00:17:36   this.

00:17:36   And vision pro hadn't even shipped at that point is, but it's only been out for whatever

00:17:40   four or six months.

00:17:41   Like they're, they're just behind.

00:17:43   I, I, you know, it's kind of a shame cause they really want to promote this.

00:17:47   I knew that vision pro, I had it as the very first item in the schedule.

00:17:51   I didn't predict that TV plus would be in there.

00:17:53   You know, they want to talk about it cause it's their latest platform.

00:17:55   But so your point, Marco, they had the least to say about it.

00:17:58   It's not, it's not in on this party kind of like me with my Intel Mac.

00:18:01   Yeah.

00:18:02   Well, just very briefly, I wonder if, cause obviously an M2 is on the surface, it supports

00:18:10   all this new Apple intelligence stuff, which we'll talk about later, but I can't help but

00:18:13   wonder, it seems like the vision pro is running at the edge of what the M2 is capable of just

00:18:19   doing normal vision pro stuff.

00:18:21   I almost wonder if there just wasn't enough, not literal bandwidth, but figurative bandwidth

00:18:25   to like layer all this other stuff.

00:18:26   It's got the R1 doing a lot of stuff there.

00:18:28   Oh, that's true.

00:18:28   That's a good thing.

00:18:29   Yeah.

00:18:29   And the M2, I mean, the M2 is very strong.

00:18:31   Like I don't think, I don't think that's the problem.

00:18:34   I think it's just about like, they didn't, they just didn't have the time or the software

00:18:39   resources.

00:18:39   I don't know, whatever it was.

00:18:40   Half the apps that the AI stuff integrates with weren't even native.

00:18:43   So maybe we'll get it.

00:18:47   Yeah.

00:18:47   Well, we'll see.

00:18:48   It should make it easier actually.

00:18:49   Just here, run the iPad version.

00:18:50   So anyway, so yeah, to wrap up vision pro, I tried to copy down the countries and when,

00:18:55   and I failed miserably, so I don't have details.

00:18:57   But suffice to say, there's a handful of countries sometime in the next couple of weeks.

00:19:02   Yeah.

00:19:02   June 28th was China, Japan, and Singapore.

00:19:04   And then July 12th was Australia, Canada, France, Germany.

00:19:07   And then there was one of the one that I went to by too fast.

00:19:10   We were right down.

00:19:10   Exactly.

00:19:11   So I mean, this to me was a B, you know, like it was, it was good.

00:19:17   There was nothing that really wowed me.

00:19:18   There's nothing that made me think, oh, thank God this is going to change.

00:19:21   And you think, again, we're talking about this a day off.

00:19:23   There's gotta be more.

00:19:24   They just didn't, they just didn't fit into the keynote.

00:19:26   Once people install these betas in future episodes, we'll talk about how you can rearrange

00:19:29   icons in the home screen or something.

00:19:31   They just didn't make the keynote or whatever.

00:19:32   Yeah, but this was, this was acceptable.

00:19:34   Like I wasn't overly jazzed about this.

00:19:37   I mean, I am pretty jazzed about Mac virtual display to be honest with you, but it didn't

00:19:41   seem to take away any of the problems that people are having with vision OS in terms

00:19:45   of how difficult it is for like text entry, for example.

00:19:47   So we'll, we'll see what happens, but we.

00:19:49   Yeah.

00:19:49   If you didn't like vision OS before, you still won't like it.

00:19:52   If you liked it before you might, you have a few, a few improvements, some of which might

00:19:56   mean a lot to you.

00:19:57   Most of it probably won't.

00:19:58   Yeah, exactly right.

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00:21:36   Thank you so much to Trade Coffee for sponsoring our show.

00:21:39   iOS 18, baby.

00:21:45   So do we want to have a sidebar about the the Gurman rumor thing or do we want to put

00:21:51   that aside?

00:21:52   I'll tell you what.

00:21:52   So I'm obviously leading up.

00:21:54   Gurman always has lots of rumors, right?

00:21:55   There was the he basically had a ton of info right beforehand.

00:21:59   I didn't even look at it because I was at this point like we were so close.

00:22:02   I think I was already on the plane when it came out and I'm like, I don't even I don't

00:22:05   even want to be spoiled at this point.

00:22:07   I'm close enough now.

00:22:08   I'm like I'm in the mode.

00:22:09   I'm in like the very like, you know, theatrical like I want to I want to see the performance.

00:22:13   So, you know, I don't whatever he got like I've since heard afterwards.

00:22:18   He has very impressive sourcing.

00:22:19   Obviously, he he really is dominating the entire rumor game almost entirely by himself.

00:22:24   I am glad that he provides us content throughout the year to talk about but when it comes down

00:22:30   to like two days beforehand dumping an entire presentation, I don't I don't find a lot of

00:22:35   value in that to be honest.

00:22:36   Yeah.

00:22:37   So, you know, I recognize I'm not this is not the universal opinion of everybody who

00:22:41   ever, you know, reads news sites and we've certainly been guilty of, you know, seeing

00:22:44   these things ourselves and having fun with them sometimes but there's something like

00:22:48   a certain limit on how much I want things to be spoiled and that that was that seemed

00:22:52   like it was past it for me.

00:22:54   Yeah, and that's fair.

00:22:55   So anyway, so a lot of this we already knew if we had read the Mark Erman report but starts

00:23:01   with the home screen.

00:23:02   You can rearrange icons on springboard.

00:23:04   So they had a picture of a dog.

00:23:06   If I recall correctly, the dog's head is in like the upper left hand corner of the home

00:23:09   screen as I'm sorry, the dog was like the background of the home screen or what have

00:23:13   you dog's head is in the upper left.

00:23:14   So Craig arranges, you know, icons.

00:23:17   I think maybe there was a top row laterally and then there was a bunch of icons on the

00:23:20   right hand side and some icons on the bottom and it seemed like it was relatively easy

00:23:26   like whatever the new jiggle mode is.

00:23:28   It seemed like whatever he did, he did it quickly in it.

00:23:31   I don't think it was like a sequence is shortened sort of situation, although he didn't show

00:23:35   how he picked up a bunch of app icons somehow and then he just showed him dropping a group

00:23:39   of them.

00:23:39   The normal way where you grab one and then you tap a bunch of other ones and they join

00:23:42   the group, right?

00:23:43   He probably should have shown that just because most people don't even know you can do that.

00:23:46   Yeah, it is kind of complicated.

00:23:47   I mean, so we talk about the difficulty rearranging icons in the home screen and obviously people

00:23:51   do want to leave spaces and they've been using spacer icons and this helps them for not.

00:23:54   But if you can clear space on any of your screens, this should make it slightly easier

00:24:01   to rearrange because one of the most annoying things is how they, whatever you do, it wants

00:24:05   to fill the hole like it'll pull one from the previous screen and they all just want

00:24:09   to like they just want to compress into this big, you know, like you can't leave holes.

00:24:13   You can't.

00:24:14   If you know you're going to put something in a spot, there's no way to leave that spot

00:24:17   open and that makes it so difficult.

00:24:19   And that's why, like when you, you know, you remove an icon, everything shuffles up and

00:24:23   then one from the previous screen goes and shuffles in.

00:24:25   I hope that what the way they've done it has made the icons less obsessed with being right

00:24:30   next to each other or you can actually make holes because that's the point of this feature.

00:24:33   And I know people want this, so, you know, good job in iOS 18, the 18th version of the

00:24:38   phone operating system by allowing people to do something that they've been doing for

00:24:42   years and years using blank icons.

00:24:44   Indeed.

00:24:45   So they also announced that icons will darken in dark mode and the implication and from

00:24:51   what little I've gleaned since the keynote is that this does not require developer input.

00:24:56   Although I think we've since learned that that you can provide alternative versions

00:25:01   of your icon and that additionally you can customize all of your icons collectively in

00:25:09   one shot with a tint color.

00:25:10   And again, now I'm not so clear what is what is what developer input is required for that

00:25:17   or is or do they do it all magically?

00:25:19   I think we had seen a screenshot that one of our friends had taken of like their home

00:25:24   screen and with a red tint and that was with, you know, today's icon.

00:25:27   So that makes me think you don't have to opt into it as a developer.

00:25:30   That's right.

00:25:30   Yeah.

00:25:31   Like it seems like you can opt in as a developer and provide them with separate icon assets

00:25:36   that are maybe more optimized for it.

00:25:37   But even if you don't, they will still do it anyway, which I think, you know, this is

00:25:41   what we were saying the other week that we were saying like, wow, it kind of seems like

00:25:43   that would be a bit risky with like big brand recognition and things, but they did it anyway.

00:25:48   And so I think that's a it's a great move for users.

00:25:50   Do we know if it's like every home screen when you pick this color?

00:25:54   Is it per home screen?

00:25:55   Because I had originally thought when this rumor I thought it was per icon, but that

00:25:58   seems to be not the case, right?

00:25:59   They only showed whole homes, home screens were like all the icons are right tinted or

00:26:03   as far as I know, it's the entire screen, but it, but is it per like, if I go to a different

00:26:07   page, we'll find out, but it's interesting.

00:26:08   Like, and the way that it looked like they're doing it, I don't know if this is how they're

00:26:11   doing it, but it looks as if they turned all the icons black and white and then all the

00:26:15   things that were whitish become pinkish, become greenish, you know, whatever.

00:26:18   Like that's what it looks like.

00:26:19   If you don't have any sort of customization, that's how it tints your icons and that's

00:26:23   not going to look great in some cases.

00:26:24   And you know, it's like my, my main objection to this feature is that I just don't think

00:26:28   it would be attractive.

00:26:29   Like I think people should be able to change their icons, so whatever they want and they

00:26:33   can with the stupid shortcut thing, which is annoying, just, you know, make whatever

00:26:35   icon you want, make a shortcut.

00:26:37   You can pick any icon you want.

00:26:38   It would be nice if you could sort of just hold on an icon and say, I want to change

00:26:41   this icon and here's what I want to change it to, but that's not really this feature.

00:26:46   It's tinting it's developer support for, you know, custom icons for dark mode.

00:26:50   And it's so you can give your home screens a theme and they, and it will pick the theme

00:26:55   based on your background.

00:26:55   If your background is yellowish, we'll make all your icons yellowish and so on.

00:26:59   So I, you know, and apparently there's an Android feature that is very, very similar

00:27:02   to this.

00:27:02   So it makes sense that they pulled this out because it's a kind of, I guess, switching

00:27:05   feature.

00:27:05   Like people on Android are used to being able to do this now they can do it on iOS too.

00:27:09   Yeah.

00:27:09   And I think if they did this in a very Apple way of like, you know, there, there's this

00:27:12   whole industry out there of these apps that let people customize their home screens and

00:27:16   they, they do it through, as we mentioned, you know, all these ridiculous hacks to get

00:27:20   that, to be able to do per icon customization and, you know, to arbitrary icons.

00:27:24   You know, you can, you can have all these apps that will help you install a really aesthetic

00:27:28   theme for your home screen.

00:27:30   And you can have this and it'll show you hundreds of things.

00:27:32   You can buy packs of them and everything.

00:27:34   And they work through all these, you know, terrible means.

00:27:36   What Apple did here is not remove the need for all those apps and not remove their market

00:27:41   at all.

00:27:42   What they did here was give you like the 20% solutions.

00:27:46   Like here, if you want to customize your home screen, okay, we'll give you the, this very

00:27:50   limited, like guardrailed safe way to do it.

00:27:53   And we'll give you these, you know, these 10 options that you can pick or whatever.

00:27:57   Although actually the free form color picker was nice, but like, you know, we're going

00:27:59   to give you these, these very limited controls.

00:28:02   You can do a small subset of customization.

00:28:04   It's still very gated, very limited, very safe, but we will let you do this.

00:28:10   And so that's going to be great.

00:28:11   A lot of people are going to do that.

00:28:12   And at the same time, it's not going to at all affect the market for the apps that go

00:28:15   way further than that.

00:28:16   Yep.

00:28:18   Yeah.

00:28:18   I mean, we'll see what happens with it, but I I'm excited because it seems like there's

00:28:22   a need for this or want for this, if nothing else.

00:28:24   And now Apple satisfying it.

00:28:26   You're going to make your whole home screen yellow?

00:28:28   No, no, I'm not.

00:28:29   But it would match your car if it did.

00:28:31   Control center.

00:28:32   So you're going to be able to swipe vertically between different pages.

00:28:36   And what I thought was most interesting is that, and this is the beginning of, I feel

00:28:40   like we heard a lot about the Intents API in several places that it becomes important.

00:28:44   And I think Marco, you had said over the last few weeks or months that you saw this, you

00:28:49   know, this, the tea leaves pointing this way and it sure seems like you were dead, right?

00:28:53   So anyways, third parties can donate controls to control center, which is really, really

00:28:57   fun.

00:28:58   So the canonical example that they used was like, Hey, if you have a Ford and you can

00:29:02   unlock your Ford remotely, well, if the Ford app supports it, you can have a control center

00:29:08   icon that, that is unlock my car.

00:29:11   And then they additionally said that lock screen controls are now going to be swipeable.

00:29:17   And which I think is very interesting and exciting.

00:29:20   And while that, although I don't remember if it was mentioned here, while I'm thinking

00:29:23   of it, another thing that they mentioned at some point today was that third party camera

00:29:27   apps, there will be an API to have a third party camera app work while the phone is locked.

00:29:32   Correct.

00:29:33   And that is tremendous news for my dear friend, Ben McCarthy.

00:29:37   And, you know, a lot of other people who have third party camera apps, because that is a

00:29:41   real stumbling point because the fastest way to use a, a, or the fastest when you're trying

00:29:46   to take a photo, you want to do it immediately, right?

00:29:48   And you can don't want to unlock your phone and blah, blah, blah.

00:29:50   So that's really exciting as well.

00:29:51   Yeah.

00:29:51   This now gives people the full capability to have a third party camera apps that replace

00:29:55   the camera button on the lock screen and work while the camera is still locked.

00:29:59   That's all very new.

00:30:00   And that's yeah.

00:30:01   For third party camera apps, that's huge.

00:30:03   And presumably also the swipe gesture on the lock screen.

00:30:05   If you don't want to hold down on the camera icon, you can just swipe sideways.

00:30:07   That will also be configurable.

00:30:10   Do we know?

00:30:10   I don't know.

00:30:11   It would be really weird if you held down on the icon and got one camera app and swiped

00:30:14   and got a different one.

00:30:14   That's true.

00:30:15   Yeah.

00:30:15   But we'll see.

00:30:16   We will see what happens.

00:30:17   And control center integration too.

00:30:19   And the way this works is all built on widgets.

00:30:21   Like this, we've been seeing the building blocks here for a while.

00:30:25   The modern widget system powers so many things all across system.

00:30:29   And so as far as we can tell, I haven't dove too far into it yet, but as far as we can

00:30:33   tell, all of this control center stuff is all just basically widgets in a new place.

00:30:38   It does inherit the same seeming limitations of widgets.

00:30:41   Hopefully we'll have some follow up next week with details of this, but it does seem like

00:30:46   when you, if you have, say, an app running a thing in control center with one of these

00:30:50   new blocks in control center, the app is not constantly running in the background.

00:30:55   So it might be hard to do things like make a rich now playing widget for audio apps,

00:30:59   for instance.

00:31:00   It's very similar to other widgets seemingly in that it supports things like buttons and

00:31:04   toggles that kind of wake the app up when they are hit and then make the app go back

00:31:08   to sleep.

00:31:08   So it's going to be a little bit limited, but I'm really glad they're doing this.

00:31:13   And what's interesting though is like that kind of to some degree might replace widgets

00:31:19   on like, because you can currently pull down like the widget screen or you can swipe over

00:31:22   to the widget page.

00:31:23   Like there's certain places like you can kind of now have widgets in like three different

00:31:29   directions of swiping on the phone.

00:31:30   It's I think it might be, it might get a little confusing as to like where you're going to

00:31:34   put certain things or like end up on the wrong page.

00:31:36   I don't know, but I'm glad to have this, you know, even if it's maybe getting a little

00:31:41   bit busy.

00:31:42   Yeah.

00:31:42   Yeah.

00:31:43   They talked about privacy for a while.

00:31:45   They said that one of the things you might want to do is put face or touch ID or passcode

00:31:52   in front of apps.

00:31:53   So you can only open, you know, the photos app, for example, if you authenticate.

00:31:58   They also said you can hide an app entirely.

00:32:01   I missed how you would access it.

00:32:03   Maybe you're searching for it.

00:32:04   So it shows up in the app library.

00:32:06   Okay.

00:32:06   And there's like a special hidden apps block on the bottom of the app library.

00:32:10   And it didn't show it in a locked state, but we assume it, you just let you face ID probably

00:32:14   to unlock that, that block.

00:32:16   And then you can access the app.

00:32:17   That's like a deleted photos and the photos and hidden photos, the hidden album.

00:32:21   It basically, it makes it work like the hidden album.

00:32:23   It looks like it's kind of weird.

00:32:24   How well, I guess it's, there's two things, right?

00:32:26   So one is protecting an app and you can do that individually.

00:32:30   The apps and you're like, great, the feature is done.

00:32:31   And the other is hiding the fact that that app is on your phone at all because the apps

00:32:35   that you tap and they face ID, you can still see the icon to the app and you're right.

00:32:38   They didn't show it in the presentation, but I assume the hidden apps app library folder

00:32:42   doesn't even show you which apps are in it when it's in the lock state.

00:32:44   I would hope not.

00:32:45   Right.

00:32:45   And so that's, that's why there's both of these features.

00:32:48   It's not just like, Oh, if you don't want to individually lock apps, you can just drag

00:32:51   them into this folder and they're all locked.

00:32:52   No, it's the hide.

00:32:53   The fact that the app is on your phone at all.

00:32:54   Yep.

00:32:55   They also said, and this is a long time coming, but I'm very happy for it.

00:33:00   You can restrict what contacts are being exposed to apps.

00:33:04   So there was a big brouhaha a few years ago where we realized, I don't remember what

00:33:08   app, it doesn't matter, but like there was some app that wanted to slurp up all your

00:33:11   contacts and path.

00:33:12   I get, I want to say that, but I think it was after path, but you very well could be

00:33:16   right.

00:33:16   It doesn't really matter one way or another.

00:33:17   It's slurped up all your contacts, which could have been for reasonable reasons, but

00:33:21   ultimately what it ended up doing was like spamming all your contacts saying, Oh, you

00:33:25   should join path, whatever it was.

00:33:26   And that was really gross.

00:33:28   And ever since then, I, at least, and I think many others have been really reluctant to

00:33:32   let, let an app, you know, sort of up all your contacts, which I think is good to be

00:33:36   reluctant about it.

00:33:37   Now, apparently there's going to be some sort of API where you can say, I guess, again,

00:33:40   in the, in the vein of photos, you know, what contacts would you like to expose to such

00:33:44   and such an app, which is, which is great.

00:33:46   I'm here for it.

00:33:47   Yeah.

00:33:47   Because before there used to be no API at all to contact access.

00:33:50   It was just a public API.

00:33:52   And that, I think that's when a lot of these apps were really abusing it.

00:33:55   And so this, this, it's great to see this because there are so many apps where like

00:33:59   in order to do some critical functionality, it requests access to your entire address

00:34:04   book.

00:34:04   Sometimes it actually requires it in ways that I think are not actually necessary.

00:34:09   And the app review should take a look at like WhatsApp, for instance.

00:34:12   Small app, no one's really heard of it.

00:34:14   But it there's, it's like, it's nice to see Apple putting a little more attention on

00:34:18   contact privacy.

00:34:19   Yeah, it's kind of, I see that in some apps and sometimes I can see, like, you want to

00:34:22   be able to like, say it's an app where you're going to have to type people's email addresses

00:34:26   or contact information.

00:34:27   You want it to auto complete it, right?

00:34:28   I understand what, like, I want this app to build up a database of all the contacts so

00:34:32   I can auto complete.

00:34:33   But you don't want the app to actually have all your contact info.

00:34:36   I wonder if there's some privacy preserving way that they could like vend and a contact

00:34:41   auto complete typing that I don't know.

00:34:43   It's a complicated problem.

00:34:44   They easily could for like the system text inputs.

00:34:47   But I think the reality is in the app landscape we live in, no app would ever use that.

00:34:52   They would just request access to your entire time.

00:34:54   And keep nagging you about it every time you launch the app.

00:34:57   You sure you don't want to give me access to all your contacts?

00:34:58   Are you sure?

00:34:59   Yeah.

00:34:59   And they would get some critical functionality behind it.

00:35:01   An app review wouldn't have a problem with it.

00:35:03   They should, but they won't.

00:35:04   Right.

00:35:04   Oh, yeah.

00:35:05   Yeah.

00:35:05   All right.

00:35:06   So we talk about messages.

00:35:07   Tap backs could be any emoji.

00:35:09   Finally.

00:35:10   Finally.

00:35:11   I'm very excited about this.

00:35:12   Truly I am.

00:35:13   I'm a little worried.

00:35:14   What?

00:35:14   I don't think they did a great job of showing what the user interface is going to look like.

00:35:18   So I'm a little nervous.

00:35:19   It's going to be super clunky.

00:35:20   I'm going on faith that it won't be.

00:35:21   But assuming it's not clunky, I'm here for it.

00:35:24   Very excited.

00:35:25   Yeah, that's a good point because the one good thing about the limited set is you don't

00:35:28   have to go through like a giant picker.

00:35:30   You know, their emoji picker has gotten better.

00:35:32   But it's still sometimes cumbersome.

00:35:34   Yeah.

00:35:35   I mean, one thing I also loved, obviously, yeah, finally, the emoji.

00:35:38   Everyone's been wanting that for how many years now?

00:35:42   And every other chat app does it.

00:35:43   And it's great.

00:35:44   And you know, Slack, WhatsApp, like every other-- there's so many other apps people

00:35:47   are using that just have freeform emoji responsive things.

00:35:50   It has become a language that people expect to have that.

00:35:54   So that's good.

00:35:54   I also love that they did bullet italic underlined strikethrough.

00:35:58   Yeah.

00:35:59   And then they have send later because interestingly,

00:36:01   they use the example of like if you want to send somebody a happy birthday message in

00:36:04   the morning, you can schedule it at night and it'll go that morning.

00:36:08   You can just have AI send it for them.

00:36:09   You don't need to send it yourself.

00:36:10   You're getting ahead, man.

00:36:11   You're getting ahead.

00:36:12   Well, then you can have their AI read all their birthday messages and just summarize

00:36:15   it for you.

00:36:15   And say thank you for you, yeah.

00:36:16   Very easy.

00:36:17   All right, let's stay positive.

00:36:19   So there's also text formatting.

00:36:21   I'm sorry, you said text formatting.

00:36:22   It's the text effects.

00:36:23   There's magnification, animation, a blow away.

00:36:26   We couldn't have a keynote without blow away reference some way somehow.

00:36:30   Again, this sounds cool and interesting.

00:36:32   I'm a little worried and skeptical about the interface in order to do it because like text

00:36:36   selection on iOS, not fun, which I don't know how it could be fun without a full physical

00:36:42   keyboard.

00:36:42   So I'm not like faulting them for that, but I don't know.

00:36:44   This seems like it might be more effort than it's worth.

00:36:46   Something that I thought was very, very interesting, particularly sitting directly in front of

00:36:51   underscore actually was messages via satellite.

00:36:55   So to back up a half step, you can send emergency messages via satellite.

00:36:59   Like there's a wizard you would walk through that says, are you hurt?

00:37:03   Are you stranded?

00:37:03   Whatever.

00:37:04   You know, are you safe, et cetera, et cetera.

00:37:06   And he would basically write a message, not in an AI way, just like, you know, so Casey

00:37:11   is hurt on the side of the road and he's such and such Latin long.

00:37:14   Go help him.

00:37:15   More of a Mad Libs way.

00:37:16   Yes, that's a good way of putting it.

00:37:17   That's a very good way of putting it.

00:37:18   Well, now you can do full honest to goodness messages.

00:37:23   Like you type your message and send it via satellite, which I think is great.

00:37:26   Yeah.

00:37:27   It's full, it's almost like it's, it's core messages or core features of iMessage via

00:37:32   satellite.

00:37:32   Yeah, that's true.

00:37:33   Cause it was like tap backs as well.

00:37:34   Yeah.

00:37:34   So, so it said, so now, you know, since the iPhone 14, you've been able to do those emergency

00:37:38   messages, but it was like emergency only.

00:37:40   Now when you are connected only via satellite, you can do, you can text seemingly anybody.

00:37:45   They have SMS support.

00:37:47   And then for iMessage, they said key iMessage features, whatever that means.

00:37:51   But they said it includes sending receiving messages, emoji and tap backs.

00:37:54   So like that's, you know, so obviously, so probably not like photos and stuff, but that's,

00:37:59   that's pretty cool.

00:37:59   Like it's basically like free unlimited satellite texting with any iPhone.

00:38:04   They didn't mention any money, but I do.

00:38:06   I mean, well, they, all they said was works with iPhone 14 or later.

00:38:10   I mean, I take your point.

00:38:10   I think they're just kicking that can down the road until they figure out what they're

00:38:14   going to do about charging for this, but it's got to, it's got to be free.

00:38:17   Well, maybe they would do emergency for free.

00:38:20   That's a good point.

00:38:20   And then this new feature, maybe we part of some plus plan.

00:38:23   Same thing around in the keynote, which is weird.

00:38:25   I know what are you going to do?

00:38:26   Mails getting on device categorization.

00:38:29   So this is where you filter in the Gmail's had this for how many years, John?

00:38:32   But I do not use it in Gmail, but some people like it.

00:38:34   I mean, in the times I used to actually, Hey, when Hey was new and exciting, like

00:38:39   it had its own little cute categorization.

00:38:41   Right?

00:38:41   Exactly.

00:38:42   The key feature of this categorization thing is what are the categories?

00:38:45   And it's not like the user can pick them.

00:38:47   It's basically the person who makes the app has to decide what are the categories of email

00:38:52   that people get that they think would be useful to junk put into bins.

00:38:54   And then they have whatever machine learning thing puts them into these bins.

00:38:57   So here are the bins that Apple chose.

00:38:59   I mean, there's no reason that has to be fixed.

00:39:01   Like Apple has, I think chosen to make it fixed, but you could do things like

00:39:04   make a tagging system and then have the system automatically file into those tags.

00:39:08   I don't know if they're going to, I don't mean, I don't mean just the word.

00:39:11   I mean like the, the analysis of the message to say what kind of message in it.

00:39:14   So Apple's things are what primary transactions updates and promotions.

00:39:18   Is that all of them?

00:39:19   Yeah.

00:39:19   Something like that.

00:39:20   Promotions was a great euphemism.

00:39:21   Well, I mean, everyone has some promotions.

00:39:22   It's, it's, it's tough.

00:39:23   That's not spam or whatever, but like transactions make some sense.

00:39:26   People want to have receipts.

00:39:27   Primary is like the catchall for the important messages and then updates is newsletters and

00:39:32   social media.

00:39:33   I don't know.

00:39:33   I, I always find it like, I find it more work for me to think about what bucket this thing

00:39:37   would be.

00:39:38   And even though in Gmail, like Gmail's buckets, it can be in five, all the buckets at the

00:39:41   same time.

00:39:42   Cause they're not folders.

00:39:42   Like it's tagging system.

00:39:44   Right.

00:39:44   But I think this, a lot of people feel like they don't have any tools to manage their

00:39:51   email even when they do, because the tools are complicated or require setup that nerds

00:39:55   will do, but people won't.

00:39:56   They just go to their inbox and they just flail and then you leave.

00:40:00   Right.

00:40:00   And this at least like this will, at first it's going to annoy people because it's like,

00:40:04   where's my email?

00:40:05   It's in these categories.

00:40:06   I don't care about it, but as long as it can be disabled, that's fine.

00:40:09   And for the people who do find this useful, they'll be like, Oh, now something else is

00:40:14   organizing my email for me.

00:40:15   And they will learn where to look for certain things like this.

00:40:19   Gmail does it.

00:40:20   A lot of other email clients do it.

00:40:21   Obviously people find it useful.

00:40:22   This is an apple catch up feature.

00:40:24   I think it's important for them to have this.

00:40:26   I just hope they allow.

00:40:27   I'm thinking people in my life, if they install this operating system and they say, where

00:40:31   did all my email go?

00:40:32   I don't know what primary is.

00:40:34   That's a bad sign, but we'll see how it goes.

00:40:35   Yeah.

00:40:36   I'm also curious, they had that, the digest view per sender and it seems like it was like,

00:40:41   they had like custom header images for companies that I don't know how that like, are they

00:40:46   defining some new standard of like, if you know, extracting it from the emails, I don't

00:40:50   know.

00:40:50   Yeah.

00:40:50   That, that was that, that seemed a little gross to me, but I don't know.

00:40:54   It's, it's pretty hard.

00:40:55   I wonder if this, all this stuff will work on apple's email.

00:40:57   So they can put all their own stuff into primary when they tell us about the latest sale on

00:41:01   Mac book pros or the WWDC developer emails.

00:41:03   We'll see what happens.

00:41:05   But, uh, I do think the digest view, like the example they used was here's all your,

00:41:10   all the emails about like a upcoming set of flights, for example.

00:41:12   And I mean, I'm here for that.

00:41:14   So I was very happy for underscore when we saw messages via satellite.

00:41:20   And then I got very sad for underscore because then just a moment later they decided to announce

00:41:26   new topographic maps in maps.

00:41:28   You can access them offline.

00:41:29   There's turn by turn voice guidance.

00:41:31   I think they specifically were talking about for hikes.

00:41:33   Yep.

00:41:33   They were.

00:41:34   This was literally the only new features for maps this year were targeted.

00:41:39   Yeah.

00:41:39   Yeah.

00:41:40   It was just targeting pedometer plus plus.

00:41:41   He, he, because underscore is the nicest human that's ever lived.

00:41:44   He was, it's so positive and so upbeat about it, but I, my heart breaks for poor.

00:41:49   And there are other other hiking apps.

00:41:50   We just happen to know someone who makes one of them.

00:41:52   And this, and to be clear, this is, this is exactly, you would expect apple to add this

00:41:57   feature.

00:41:57   It is a logical feature to add to maps.

00:41:59   They should add it.

00:42:00   Third parties have been filling this gap.

00:42:02   Now apple is stepping up and I think underscores, right?

00:42:04   That apple is going to do what they do, but third parties are able to do more sophisticated,

00:42:08   complicated things with different decisions.

00:42:10   So it's not like when apple enters one of these areas, it makes it impossible.

00:42:13   Like apple made a podcast app and overcast still exists, right?

00:42:16   So it is actually just the first, it is a, is it a, it is dynamic that as a developer

00:42:20   for any platform you should become accustomed to.

00:42:23   And don't be afraid that it's going to destroy your app because you know, if your app was

00:42:28   successful at all, there's room to make something different than what apple does.

00:42:33   And apple almost never do what a third party would want to do with a given app.

00:42:36   Well, in all fairness though, you know, when apple really does damage by a Sherlocking,

00:42:41   it's usually because they do something in a way that someone else can't match.

00:42:45   Like in using some kind of system integration or apis that we aren't allowed to use or business

00:42:49   terms that we aren't allowed to use 30%, you know, shenanigans like that's, that's what

00:42:54   usually really kills something else.

00:42:56   Or they massively subsidize it because obviously apple can make apps that are subsidized by

00:43:00   their bazillions of dollars from their other businesses and they can put you out of business.

00:43:02   But they tend not to do that.

00:43:04   Like they, they, they have surprisingly small teams on many of their apps, but the real

00:43:07   thing that keeps it back is because apple is never going to add really complicated, sophisticated

00:43:11   features.

00:43:11   They're just allergic to it, right?

00:43:13   Yeah.

00:43:13   And so if you know, whatever obscure feature that you think hikers want, apple's probably

00:43:18   never going to get around to that.

00:43:19   They're just going to give like the thing that works for 90% of hikers and that 10%

00:43:23   would still be using your app.

00:43:24   So you just have to make sure your app, I mean, it probably already does, does something

00:43:28   opinionated specific that is too, too nitty gritty for apple to ever add because they

00:43:33   have to make something that works for most people and you can make something that works

00:43:36   for like the hiking enthusiasts.

00:43:37   By the way, real time follow apparently the standard exists for email corporate logo headers.

00:43:42   It's called Bimi or B I M I and apparently it's not very good, but that is a public standard.

00:43:46   So please don't email us.

00:43:47   Thank you.

00:43:48   Wow.

00:43:48   I today I learned that's, it must, it must be used so broadly somehow, somehow we missed

00:43:53   it.

00:43:54   Wallet gets a tap to apple pay cash.

00:43:57   So what the theory is, you know, let's say you want to pay somebody for something, but

00:44:03   you don't necessarily want to give out your phone number or your email address, what have

00:44:06   you.

00:44:06   Then you can just tap your phones like you can to exchange stuff via airdrop.

00:44:11   Uh, so that's pretty cool.

00:44:13   That's super cool.

00:44:13   It's like not just that you don't have to share it with them, even with people who I

00:44:17   don't care about sharing it.

00:44:18   Like I'll totally give you my, you have to do the thing.

00:44:20   It was like, what's your iMessage?

00:44:22   What's your, I mean, that's why Venmo and stuff have the little QR codes for you to

00:44:25   say, just the hassle of having to type something in or whatever.

00:44:29   And so this has the double whammy.

00:44:30   You don't have to type anything in and presumably it's privacy preserving where you literally

00:44:34   don't need to give it to them.

00:44:35   Yeah.

00:44:35   Yep.

00:44:36   Uh, you can use apple pay online.

00:44:38   Um, I guess it's apple pay cash online.

00:44:41   Is that what I missed that part of the, there were some kind of like enhancements to what

00:44:44   you can do with apple pay checkout online.

00:44:46   And it was, it was various like financial, you know, little tricks that we don't really

00:44:50   care about.

00:44:50   Yeah.

00:44:50   And this is another example of them flying by, but they did mention of something about

00:44:55   in the wallet app.

00:44:56   So if you have like a concert ticket, there would be an event guide for that particular

00:45:00   venue, which in theory sounds really great.

00:45:03   Um, they talked about journal app.

00:45:05   Honestly, I don't really care.

00:45:06   We should probably move on.

00:45:07   They added a few, they added search, which it somehow magically did not have like amazingly

00:45:11   now it has it.

00:45:12   You can log your state of mind also, which I think I'm kind of surprised it wasn't there

00:45:16   at first, but it's good to see them, you know, doing something to the journal app.

00:45:20   Like this is a brand new app that launched in a very minimal state.

00:45:23   I didn't have a chance.

00:45:24   I didn't see yet though.

00:45:25   Were there any changes to journal API's?

00:45:27   Like was there any, any way for, for instance, other third-party apps to vend activities

00:45:32   to suggest for journal to use?

00:45:34   They didn't mention it in the keynote, but that doesn't mean it's not there.

00:45:36   We'll find out.

00:45:36   Yeah, indeed.

00:45:37   Then there's game mode in iPhone.

00:45:40   So that's, you know, basically cranking everything else back so that the game process is the

00:45:46   priority.

00:45:46   Photos gets its biggest redesign ever.

00:45:50   It's got a two pane design, which I didn't think aesthetically looked great, but I can

00:45:55   understand how they landed there because it seems like functionally it'll be an improvement.

00:45:58   There's filters.

00:46:00   So one of the examples they, they enumerated was filtering out screenshots, which is pretty

00:46:04   cool.

00:46:04   Granted, I was sitting with a bunch of journalists, so they were very excited about that.

00:46:08   You don't have a lot of screenshots in your phone that were intentionally taking people

00:46:11   who write about software for a living do.

00:46:13   It's built on the amazing intelligence in the photos app is what was, what was stated

00:46:19   at the time.

00:46:20   There's collections time, people, favorite memories, trips, et cetera.

00:46:24   You can reorder collections.

00:46:26   You can pin collections.

00:46:27   This is so I have, I have many albums and I want to put stuff in like the same three

00:46:31   albums all the time and they're alphabetical currently.

00:46:34   Yeah.

00:46:34   Scroll, scroll, scroll.

00:46:36   Oh, I went past that letter.

00:46:37   Go back up.

00:46:37   This is great.

00:46:38   Yep.

00:46:38   Yeah.

00:46:39   I think this is actually good.

00:46:40   Like I obviously this is like a high risk thing to redesign the photos app.

00:46:44   I will have to see like what it actually is like in use, but I'm pretty optimistic.

00:46:48   The current photos app really has a hard time scaling to very large collections, which we

00:46:53   all slowly accumulate.

00:46:55   This seems like they've done a lot to try to make them more manageable.

00:46:57   They did mention that they had, and this, the part of the state of the union that we

00:47:01   saw that they had redone some of the photos app and Swift UI, but not, they made a point

00:47:04   of saying, but not the collection view because they were showing, showing how it could integrate

00:47:08   integrate with UI kit.

00:47:09   And I think that's because a Swift UI can't handle the collection view in photos.

00:47:13   We have a lot of photos.

00:47:14   Yeah.

00:47:14   That would, that would not be something I would use Swift UI for.

00:47:17   Right.

00:47:18   They also said there's a carousel that has a new set of photos each day, which is exciting.

00:47:22   And then on the Bento box at the end, they mentioned RCS and we all laughed because we

00:47:27   thought that that was all we were going to get with regard to RCS.

00:47:30   But then they actually briefly said verbally that RCS is coming.

00:47:34   And also something that I think is exciting, especially for those with not as great vision

00:47:38   is larger icons on the home screen.

00:47:40   So I think that was very briefly mentioned.

00:47:41   Yeah.

00:47:42   Did they show that?

00:47:42   Cause I would love to make some icons bigger and some icons smaller.

00:47:45   You know what I mean?

00:47:45   Yeah.

00:47:46   Like is my thing with game controllers.

00:47:48   Not every button is equally important.

00:47:49   The primary action button on a controller is more important than the tertiary button.

00:47:54   Right.

00:47:54   So I would love to make apps bigger, but did you have other thoughts on game controllers?

00:47:58   You want to share?

00:47:58   All right.

00:48:01   Audio and home.

00:48:02   I don't know too much that we need to say about this.

00:48:05   I did like the AirPods Pro.

00:48:07   Maybe only the AirPods Pro one way or another, you can nod or shake your head to interact

00:48:11   with Siri.

00:48:12   So, you know, an example they gave is, you know, Marco was calling, do you want to answer

00:48:15   and you can shake your head laterally left and right.

00:48:17   And that Siri will interpret that as no, I do not want to answer.

00:48:20   Which is cool.

00:48:21   Voice isolation, which we got an email about this actually.

00:48:24   And I don't know, do you, do you remember, I feel like voice isolation was a thing in

00:48:28   the past.

00:48:28   They've talked about it on the phone and various other things.

00:48:31   I don't know why maybe they did it better or it seems like there's like a new like ML

00:48:35   based cause there are, there's lots of new techniques out in the industry for ML based

00:48:39   voice isolation.

00:48:39   I got you.

00:48:40   I remember Nvidia did this amazing demo showing it off like two years ago.

00:48:44   And other products have added it here and there.

00:48:47   So I, you're right.

00:48:48   They have had like various techniques for various noise canceling and microphone isolation

00:48:52   techniques over time.

00:48:53   I think those have mostly just been very kind of simple hardware tricks and this seems like

00:48:58   it's more ML based.

00:48:59   Yeah.

00:48:59   So this should work a lot better and be more advanced.

00:49:01   It's going to be pretty cool if it works.

00:49:03   Yep.

00:49:03   I hope it's not AirPods Pro only.

00:49:04   They just showed the AirPods Pro.

00:49:06   The voice isolation is they said AirPods Pro.

00:49:08   They specifically said the nodding your head might be for both, but sorry, John, you're

00:49:12   going to have to get on the pro train eventually.

00:49:13   Yep.

00:49:14   TV OS.

00:49:15   This was fun for you, huh?

00:49:16   It's time for the big pep talk we gave about how third party apps are still liable when

00:49:20   Apple does something.

00:49:20   Insert that here.

00:49:22   Oh God.

00:49:23   So I believe there was a feature at its TV OS called insight.

00:49:27   Now I believe it was like something else I've seen.

00:49:30   Oh yeah, Amazon X-ray.

00:49:31   Yes.

00:49:32   That's right.

00:49:32   And what else?

00:49:33   There was some other app.

00:49:34   Oh yeah, your app.

00:49:35   That's right.

00:49:36   Before Casey decided to make call sheet, we've been saying for years that X-ray is a great

00:49:40   feature that Amazon has and people always have a question when they're watching a show.

00:49:43   What is that person from an X-ray provides that feature X-rays interface to be clear

00:49:46   is terrible.

00:49:47   Like every Amazon interface, Casey's app call sheet, in case you don't know, is the thing

00:49:50   where you can look up what people who've been in movies and TV shows and so on and so forth.

00:49:54   And it's a very nice app.

00:49:55   The thing I would say to encourage you here is those on screen things for doing that.

00:50:00   I think they should be there and they're great, but Apple's history of making an interface

00:50:04   on the TV itself that lets you do anything sensible is not good.

00:50:07   I would much rather look when someone says, what is that person from?

00:50:12   If I threw an interface on the screen while we were watching the show, she doesn't want

00:50:16   me to even pause it.

00:50:17   She wants me to look it up on my phone, in which case I'll use call sheet.

00:50:20   And again, I'm not pooping this feature.

00:50:22   I think it should exist.

00:50:23   I think it's great.

00:50:23   Hopefully it'll have a better interest in X-ray, but there is still definitely a place

00:50:28   for a thing for app that you use on your phone to look up who that person is without pausing

00:50:31   the show and without putting anything on the screen.

00:50:33   Yeah.

00:50:33   Also the, you know, the, the, um, the new feature will only were inside this club.

00:50:38   It will only work on Apple TV app.

00:50:40   Like it won't work in third party.

00:50:42   I didn't catch it first.

00:50:43   I thought it was just on the Apple TV player, but again, in hindsight, it does make some

00:50:47   sense.

00:50:47   They wouldn't have the data.

00:50:48   Right.

00:50:48   They just, they just do screen, like do the Shazam version video Shazam.

00:50:52   Oh, they're definitely not doing that.

00:50:54   I know.

00:50:54   But like that, that would be the tech.

00:50:55   Your TV is doing that to show you ads, but Apple's not doing that.

00:50:59   Technology does exist, but Apple is not used.

00:51:00   This is just for Apple TV plus television shows or movies.

00:51:04   If I use that instead of call sheet, I'd be spoiled constantly on, you know, character

00:51:08   reveals and stuff like that.

00:51:10   Yeah.

00:51:11   I apparently owe you a drink at dinner.

00:51:12   You'll be fine.

00:51:13   But no, it was funny though, because for a hot second, I was devastated because I was,

00:51:21   I thought it was for everything.

00:51:22   And I think part of the reason I thought that, which in retrospect was silly, but I knew

00:51:26   that there was so much AI and ML and what have you.

00:51:29   And I'm like envisioning this world where they're like figuring out what's on screen.

00:51:32   I mean, they could, hypothetically they could, but the more I think about it, the more I

00:51:36   think that that's, that's challenging at least today, maybe in the future.

00:51:39   Won't be, but today I think that's really challenging.

00:51:41   I don't think it's challenging.

00:51:42   I think it's expensive.

00:51:43   And it's privacy invasive in a way that Apple doesn't like to do.

00:51:46   So anyway, so there was a five minute window before people started reporting in and sending

00:51:50   me texts that like, Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

00:51:52   It's okay.

00:51:52   It's just Apple TV plus.

00:51:53   And then I was not quite so miserable, but for a second developer experience, that's

00:51:57   the thing is underscore again, I'm just sitting right behind me and he's like, Nope, this

00:52:01   is part of the process.

00:52:02   So anyways, but yes, it was, it was funny in retrospect, not funny at the time.

00:52:06   Enhanced dialogue, one of my favorite features about my beloved Sonos setup is that the sound

00:52:12   bars, or at least my sound bar can do their own dialogue enhancing mode, which is not

00:52:18   flawless, but it works reasonably well.

00:52:20   And I am old enough now that I feel like generally speaking, I can hear, but particularly at

00:52:25   nighttime when the kids are asleep and Declan's room is right above our family room where

00:52:28   we watch TV.

00:52:29   I don't want to have to crank the volume in order to just understand what the heck people

00:52:33   are saying.

00:52:33   Do you have reduced loud sounds on?

00:52:35   I don't, I understand the question.

00:52:36   I don't recall.

00:52:37   You should try that.

00:52:38   I'll have to give that a shot.

00:52:39   You're talking about the reduced loud sound?

00:52:41   Just a compressor.

00:52:42   Just compress.

00:52:42   I leave that on all the time.

00:52:44   Yeah, I should, I should give that a shot, but one way or another, there's now enhanced

00:52:47   dialogue for, for I think any playback on Apple TV, which I'm really excited for.

00:52:51   Cause presumably an Apple TV box is going to have more processing power than my Arc

00:52:55   sound bar.

00:52:55   So these enhanced dialogue features exist everywhere.

00:52:57   They're on every TV, they're on every receiver, they're on every set-down box.

00:53:00   It's good that Apple has one, but I have to tell you the quality of these varies widely.

00:53:05   So hopefully Apple does a good job of it because it's easy to just like, Oh, I'm just applying

00:53:09   an EQ curve and human voices are around here and that is awful.

00:53:12   And that's been around for ages and there's, you know, increasing amounts of ML or whatever.

00:53:15   So I hope Apple has done a good job of this because it actually is pretty hard to do because

00:53:18   if you, if you listen to a bad one, it's, it's grading on your ears.

00:53:22   Like you can, like the voices are just too loud and too clear and everything else feels

00:53:26   in the distance.

00:53:27   So doing this well is actually kind of tricky and I'm looking forward to seeing Apple's

00:53:30   implementation.

00:53:31   I mean, it could literally be the exact same algorithms as the voice oscillation for AirPods

00:53:34   pro, just like tuned down, you know, like with less reduction of the background.

00:53:38   But you do have to be careful because you don't want it to sound like, like the people

00:53:43   are like right in front of your face and the whole rest of the show is back there.

00:53:46   Like you can, you can over enhance it.

00:53:48   I mean, one thing that, that Apple is historically very good at is doing features like this with

00:53:53   subtlety.

00:53:54   Like a lot of times they get criticized for not like doing a more extreme version or having

00:53:57   more controls over how they're doing things like this.

00:53:59   But I would trust them to do this well enough that it would be, if anything, people, you

00:54:04   would say it doesn't go far enough.

00:54:05   It would, it's probably going to be a pretty subtle effect.

00:54:07   Like the demo, I mean, obviously we were hearing it over like, you know, concert speakers.

00:54:11   So who knows how it sounds in person, but the demo of it seemed like it was actually

00:54:14   fairly subtle.

00:54:15   Auto subtitle appearance when muting or skipping back.

00:54:19   I thought that they already did this for like, what did she say or whatever.

00:54:22   They do it when you, when you ask those Siri remote, what did they say?

00:54:25   And then it will go backwards three seconds, turn subtitles on, play through and then turn

00:54:29   the subtitles back off, which is one of the best features of Apple TV.

00:54:32   And now this is even more of that of saying, look, if you just skip it back, you don't

00:54:36   even have to, because it is kind of annoying to pick up the remote and mumble into it.

00:54:40   What did they say or whatever?

00:54:41   This, if you skip back, it just assumes it's because you didn't hear something.

00:54:44   So that, that removes the stuff.

00:54:46   And that's great.

00:54:47   And the auto subtitles, subtitling appearance when muting is a no brainer.

00:54:50   That is great.

00:54:51   Yeah.

00:54:51   I love that support for, I think it was 21 by nine projectors, whatever the standard

00:54:56   aspect ratio is, which is kind of interesting and cool.

00:54:59   I don't know anyone that uses an Apple TV with a projector, but I know what happens.

00:55:02   So that's neat.

00:55:03   And then different screensavers are going to be available.

00:55:06   Slideshows, portraits, moments from Apple TV plus shows.

00:55:09   And then they did a big song and dance about Snoopy and how that's going to be a screensaver.

00:55:13   That's cool.

00:55:13   Before we talk watchOS, do we want to talk about something else that's awesome?

00:55:19   Yes.

00:55:20   In a moment.

00:55:21   Sorry, I dropped that on you a little unexpectedly.

00:55:23   Yes.

00:55:24   We are also sponsored.

00:55:26   Thanks.

00:55:26   Thanks, man.

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00:57:30   Thanks to DeleteMe for sponsoring our show.

00:57:32   [MUSIC PLAYING]

00:57:36   WatchOS.

00:57:36   They talked a lot about activity or activeness.

00:57:41   I know that's not really a word.

00:57:42   But anyways--

00:57:42   That's it.

00:57:42   Yeah.

00:57:43   Activation.

00:57:44   Activation.

00:57:44   That's what it was.

00:57:45   But they talked about training load, which was interesting.

00:57:47   To be honest, I was slightly tuned out at this point because I was still figuring out

00:57:50   if my job was going away.

00:57:51   [LAUGHTER]

00:57:52   You were sending your emails.

00:57:53   Right, exactly.

00:57:54   But they talked about training load and, oh, if you've trained really, really hard, that

00:57:59   maybe you need to back it off a little bit so you don't get exhausted, et cetera, et cetera.

00:58:01   You can customize the summary tab in fitness, which I'm excited about.

00:58:06   You can also have different goals for different days.

00:58:08   You can account for injuries.

00:58:10   And gentlemen, you can pause for rest days.

00:58:13   This is great.

00:58:14   Finally.

00:58:14   You know there's someone out there who got a Series 0 watch, and they've been on a streak,

00:58:18   and they've been getting their badges, and they haven't missed a thing.

00:58:20   It's a single day.

00:58:21   And now, finally, that person can have one day of rest.

00:58:25   I don't think a Series 0 watch would have enough battery life to give you your stand-out

00:58:28   person.

00:58:29   They've been going from watch to watch and somehow haven't lost all their streaks.

00:58:31   Oh, yeah.

00:58:32   They've just-- because we've been saying this for years.

00:58:34   Like, they gamified this by giving you cool little badges for going on streaks.

00:58:39   But it's unhealthy to, like, for example, keep doing the same activity through injuries

00:58:43   or never to take a day off.

00:58:45   And we've always been like Apple.

00:58:46   Like, you're not promoting a healthy lifestyle.

00:58:48   The people who are most addicted to this gamified thing are going to end up injuring themselves

00:58:53   and making their lives worse.

00:58:55   Let people have a day off.

00:58:57   Pause for a day.

00:58:58   The streak still counts.

00:59:00   This is just a life lesson that Apple has now learned and now is passing on to us.

00:59:04   It's OK to take a day off.

00:59:05   And if you're injured, don't do the same activity you normally do.

00:59:08   And now the watch understands that and will allow you to maintain your streak.

00:59:11   And I think it is completely legitimate.

00:59:13   And also, like, there's this, like, falling off the wagon effect where, like, if you have

00:59:17   had a long streak and then you have to break it, you're forced to break it for some reason,

00:59:21   a lot of times it's really hard to ever go back.

00:59:22   It's like, well, it's over now.

00:59:24   Yeah.

00:59:24   And you never go back.

00:59:26   Yeah, exactly.

00:59:26   Like, well, I'm off the wagon now.

00:59:28   Forget it.

00:59:28   I guess I'll go back to being a slob.

00:59:30   And it can be very demotivating.

00:59:33   So actually, like, enabling rest days not only is healthier mentally for the people who are

00:59:39   trying to keep streaks going, but I think it will result in people keeping more streaks

00:59:42   overall and not falling off that wagon as much because you're not, like, losing, oh,

00:59:49   there it is.

00:59:50   I'm gone forever.

00:59:50   Like, I lost all this that I've worked for.

00:59:52   I might as well throw it away.

00:59:54   But it makes the Apple Watch stickier, you know, for a self-motivated thing where, like,

00:59:57   you're not going to switch to a different watch if you still have your streaks gone.

01:00:00   Indeed.

01:00:01   They talked a little bit about a Vitals app, which I'm genuinely excited about, to see

01:00:07   kind of, like, an overall status of what your health is across several different metrics,

01:00:12   which is cool because fitness, obviously, is specifically about exercise and things of

01:00:16   that nature and fitness.

01:00:17   And Vitals is more of a holistic view of everything about you.

01:00:21   I mean, I like what they're doing here.

01:00:23   Like, so the idea is, like, daily health metrics, overall health status.

01:00:26   If they're-- if a bunch of-- if something changes in a few different ways, like, if

01:00:30   your Vitals in different ways change, they will alert you, like, hey, your heart rate's

01:00:34   been up this week, and also, you know, other stuff has changed.

01:00:36   That's nice.

01:00:38   But why-- I have to wonder, why can't this just be the health app?

01:00:42   Why-- like, I feel like the health app, honestly, is a mess.

01:00:46   There's so much in there, and I don't think the health app does a good job of information

01:00:52   architecture.

01:00:52   You mean on the watch?

01:00:53   Because this is the watch OS section.

01:00:55   You mean in general, the health app.

01:00:57   I mean in general.

01:00:58   Like, I think this should be just a function of the health app.

01:01:01   Maybe it is.

01:01:01   Maybe it's just the Vitals tab in the health app now.

01:01:03   No, well, maybe.

01:01:05   I mean, I thought it was a whole separate app, but--

01:01:07   I thought it was a whole separate app.

01:01:08   I'm pretty sure it is.

01:01:09   And I will concur.

01:01:10   We don't-- I don't want to belabor it, because--

01:01:11   Chat room's saying it's in the health app on iOS, and on watch OS, it's separate.

01:01:14   So maybe it's just a separate screen.

01:01:16   Oh, interesting.

01:01:16   Yeah, that's what I assumed.

01:01:17   OK, either way, the health app-- and from an information architecture perspective, the

01:01:22   health app is a disaster.

01:01:24   It's just terrible.

01:01:25   Yeah, like, Apple's modern-- like, Apple's modern design language that they use there

01:01:28   of just, like, a bunch-- like, a grid of square-- around rect squares with, like, some text

01:01:34   in the corner, and that's it.

01:01:35   And there's just a whole huge grid.

01:01:36   Like, I feel like that is-- that does not scale to a lot of information.

01:01:40   That's fine if you have a simple app, like, Reminders, where you have, like, those little

01:01:44   blocks.

01:01:44   It's the same pattern.

01:01:45   Reminders, that's OK there, but the health app has a thousand different things in it.

01:01:49   And I don't feel like it's organized well.

01:01:52   So maybe they'll do a better job of this.

01:01:54   Yeah, but that's so nice.

01:01:55   They talked about cycle tracking and gestational age, which I thought was very cool, and a

01:02:00   lot more support about pregnancy-specific metrics.

01:02:03   So as an example, you know, I think they-- I think they use blood pressure as an example,

01:02:08   but there was something that they cited that it goes up quite a bit during pregnancy, and

01:02:12   that's normally OK, but you want to keep an eye on it, et cetera, et cetera.

01:02:15   So I thought that was very cool.

01:02:16   Yeah, that's another example of, like, third-party app opportunity type thing, and even more

01:02:20   so here, because, like, the health data is essentially a shared database that other apps

01:02:23   can access and do things with.

01:02:25   And there are tons of pregnancy tracking apps on the App Store right now, and it's like,

01:02:30   oh, Apple is now going to give you one for free, so why would anyone use a third-party

01:02:34   one?

01:02:34   I hope the third-party ones could integrate with the new pregnancy-specific information

01:02:39   that is presumably in the health database to enhance themselves.

01:02:42   And of course, those apps are going to be way more sophisticated, way more varied, way

01:02:45   more tailored to people's individual goals or whatever.

01:02:47   So I think this will actually be a boost to that market, not a detriment to it.

01:02:50   Well, honestly, maybe it might have to be a detriment, because a lot of times-- like,

01:02:54   remember, it came out a few years ago that the privacy of those apps is horrendous, like,

01:02:58   that all of the leading pregnancy tracking apps that somebody could find a couple years

01:03:02   ago, they were all sending that data to Facebook.

01:03:04   Oh, that's true.

01:03:05   Yeah, yeah, yeah.

01:03:05   I forgot about that.

01:03:06   No, that is true.

01:03:07   And I feel like this should help-- the competitive landscape should change so that now there

01:03:12   is a privacy-preserving option, so maybe apps have to do that less.

01:03:15   Yeah, I think that any time Apple can add this kind of-- even though their version is

01:03:20   going to be more basic, more just core functionality, they're going to give the 20% solution, right?

01:03:25   But even-- like, that is usually a good thing if the alternative is a market full of privacy-invading

01:03:32   awful apps.

01:03:32   Yeah, I just want to sell your name to diaper manufacturing.

01:03:34   [INAUDIBLE]

01:03:35   [LAUGHTER]

01:03:35   Anyway, it's for diaper.

01:03:36   You know, it makes perfect sense.

01:03:37   That's how they do it.

01:03:38   Connections was another section where they talked about several different things.

01:03:41   They will automatically add new widgets to the Smart Stack watch face, which is kind

01:03:45   of sort of the nouveau Siri watch face.

01:03:47   There's Translate on the Apple Watch that uses, quote, "machine learning models" to

01:03:52   do the translation.

01:03:54   Live activities in the Smart Stack.

01:03:56   This-- I don't use live activities enough, but if there's anything that's going to get

01:04:00   me on this watch face, it's live activities in the Smart Stack.

01:04:02   I am here for that, very excited about it.

01:04:05   And in fact, I'm jumping ahead a bit, but there seem to be a lot of different things

01:04:10   where they're acknowledging and embracing the fact that the iPhone is kind of the core

01:04:14   computing device of your life, even for the three of us, where I think we're all primarily

01:04:19   Mac people.

01:04:20   But-- and John will argue with me as soon as I stop talking-- but generally speaking,

01:04:23   I think for a lot of people, the iPhone is the prime-- or maybe not primary, but the

01:04:27   most important hub of your digital life.

01:04:30   And I think a lot of things are now-- Apple is embracing that for a lot of features.

01:04:35   And this is one of them, live activities on the Smart Stack.

01:04:37   So we're getting lifts and Ubers and whatnot while we're here in San Jose and Cupertino.

01:04:42   And so having that appear on your watch, whatever the live activity is on your watch, that's

01:04:47   exciting.

01:04:48   So I'm looking forward to that.

01:04:49   Yeah.

01:04:50   That is a theme throughout.

01:04:51   And I think that's a good-- what we have with our iPhones is it's always the primary-- it's

01:04:57   always where things come first.

01:04:58   It's always the device that no matter what is going on, if you're traveling or something,

01:05:02   you're always going to at least have your phone.

01:05:04   It makes a lot of sense to keep the iPhone as the center of everything and to bring those

01:05:09   features to the other platforms when you can, but still having the-- because no matter what

01:05:14   Apple tries to do, the iPhone's always going to be the primary computing device.

01:05:17   So as much as they can embrace that and make the iPhone help the other platforms, as much

01:05:23   as they can do it--

01:05:24   And we'll see the iPhone helping the other platforms by making appearance on them later.

01:05:28   Yes.

01:05:29   Can I just say my favorite addition to watchOS, the Double Tap API.

01:05:36   So tell me more-- I'm not trying to be funny.

01:05:37   Tell me more about why that's so exciting for you.

01:05:39   Because I don't have Double Tap, so I don't know what I'm missing out on.

01:05:41   You couldn't-- remember, you couldn't do it before.

01:05:43   Only Apple had access to it.

01:05:44   Right.

01:05:44   But do you feel like it-- do you feel-- do you use the features

01:05:47   in Apple stuff at all ever or no?

01:05:50   No, because it's very slow and unreliable.

01:05:52   Cool.

01:05:52   So I try to use it to dismiss notifications or whatever.

01:05:55   I have found it to be way too slow.

01:05:58   And I have the Series 9.

01:05:59   Like, I have the right hardware for it.

01:06:01   And it's just really unreliable.

01:06:04   And when it does work, it's still very-- it's much slower than doing it yourself.

01:06:09   Because you have to give it a second to recognize it.

01:06:11   And then it taps you to tell you, hey, I recognize this.

01:06:15   And it shows a little overlay saying, Double Tap.

01:06:18   So the reason I want it is that my customers want to use it.

01:06:21   And I've gotten so many emails from people since it launched saying, hey,

01:06:25   Double Tap doesn't work in your app.

01:06:27   What the heck, man?

01:06:28   Because they don't know that until this, the only thing third-party apps could do with

01:06:32   it was use it to dismiss notifications or perform the primary action on a notification.

01:06:36   That's all it could do.

01:06:37   So apps-- and of course, what they expect from OverTap is play/pause.

01:06:41   Like, when you-- of course that would be what it does, right?

01:06:44   That doesn't make sense.

01:06:45   And it just seemed like I was being neglectful by not having this in my app, when really

01:06:48   I couldn't have it in my app.

01:06:49   So now that's going to be good for the very basic thing.

01:06:52   And whatever they add in the future in this area, if they add more gestures or more things

01:06:57   like that, hopefully they will now add these switch to modifiers for them as well.

01:07:00   Yep.

01:07:01   Photos watch face gets better customization and will automatically find photos.

01:07:05   I don't know what specifically that means.

01:07:07   I mean, I understand those words.

01:07:08   It meant machine learning.

01:07:09   That's what they said.

01:07:10   They still didn't-- so this-- now we're like a half hour.

01:07:12   And they still didn't say AI once.

01:07:14   Yeah.

01:07:15   All right.

01:07:16   iPadOS 18, yes?

01:07:19   Or are we taking another pause?

01:07:20   We don't need more pauses.

01:07:22   OK.

01:07:22   Sorry.

01:07:22   Pause it out.

01:07:23   We are paused out.

01:07:24   OK.

01:07:24   iPadOS 18.

01:07:25   I would like to make an opening statement about this.

01:07:28   Everyone was waiting for Apple to say, don't worry, you guys.

01:07:33   We've solved multitasking.

01:07:35   Like I said, there was no rumors about that.

01:07:37   No, there were no rumors.

01:07:38   But like, just this morning--

01:07:39   No expectations.

01:07:40   I think it was just this morning.

01:07:41   And if-- I apologize.

01:07:43   I am not even going to be doing show notes for this episode.

01:07:46   So the show notes are barren.

01:07:47   But there was a Verge link that I'm not going to look up.

01:07:50   But you can look it up yourselves.

01:07:51   There's a Verge link where they talked about basically--

01:07:53   I feel like it was literally this morning.

01:07:55   Like, hey, we've got this incredible hardware.

01:07:57   Where's the software?

01:07:59   And so all of us--

01:08:00   I agree, John, that nobody was necessarily expecting it.

01:08:03   But we were all hoping for it.

01:08:05   And it didn't land.

01:08:06   And what did land, though, was actually for me, to this point,

01:08:10   the most impressive stuff I saw in the entire keynote.

01:08:14   Like, I was excited about other things, for sure.

01:08:16   But the iPad demo--

01:08:19   iPad OS demo blew my mind more than anything else

01:08:23   I think I saw during the keynote.

01:08:24   So what did we talk about?

01:08:25   Well, first, it has the home screen customization

01:08:28   from iOS.

01:08:29   Which, honestly, that's new.

01:08:30   Yeah, it's not a given that it's going to get new features.

01:08:32   Right.

01:08:33   Usually when something cool comes to like Springboard in iOS,

01:08:37   the home screen, the widgets, usually that either doesn't

01:08:40   come to the iPad at all that year,

01:08:41   or maybe comes like the following year,

01:08:43   or it comes to the iPad in a much more limited way.

01:08:45   In this case, all of that home screen customization

01:08:47   and stuff that is in iOS 18 is also all on iPad OS 18.

01:08:51   So that was actually a pleasant surprise.

01:08:53   Yep.

01:08:53   Couldn't agree more.

01:08:54   So there's that.

01:08:55   The same story with Control Center

01:08:58   and a lot of the photo stuff.

01:09:00   They talked a lot about a floating tab bar,

01:09:02   which I believe they either said or implied

01:09:05   has an associated API where--

01:09:06   Yes, it does.

01:09:07   --this is like on the Apple TV+ app

01:09:08   where there's a tab bar at the top.

01:09:10   And I was like, OK, fine, whatever.

01:09:12   And then they said, oh, and there's some--

01:09:14   I don't know if it's like a hamburger button or whatever,

01:09:16   but there's some button you can press.

01:09:17   And then that tab bar will slide down into the--

01:09:20   I was going to say the left, wherever your text starts.

01:09:22   Into a sidebar.

01:09:23   Leading.

01:09:23   Into a sidebar.

01:09:24   It'll slide down into dot leading.

01:09:25   Into dot leading, right.

01:09:26   Into a sidebar.

01:09:28   And that, I thought, was extremely cool.

01:09:30   And so they talked about-- they made a big happy stink

01:09:35   about how there's improved and refined animations.

01:09:38   They talked a little bit about SharePlay.

01:09:40   And at this point, I started to pass out.

01:09:42   But then they started talking about screen sharing.

01:09:44   And I woke back up.

01:09:46   And they said, there are a couple

01:09:47   of very interesting features.

01:09:48   You can tap and draw on the screen

01:09:51   to instruct the remote users.

01:09:52   So they showed putting a gigantic F-U.

01:09:56   It's right here.

01:09:58   It's right here.

01:09:58   Circle the button in a big, hot pink marker.

01:10:01   It's right here.

01:10:02   Click this.

01:10:03   Yeah, it's like a big arrow or circle or what have you.

01:10:06   And they also said that you can ask-- the remote person

01:10:10   can ask for remote control.

01:10:12   So if you have grandma or grandpa or what have you,

01:10:14   and they don't understand what's going on,

01:10:15   but they live 500 miles away, you get on a SharePlay call.

01:10:19   I'm not clear how you do the screen sharing.

01:10:21   It doesn't really matter.

01:10:22   But one way or another, you can say to grandma,

01:10:24   I would like the control, please.

01:10:27   And you can actually perform the operation

01:10:29   that grandma or grandpa is trying to perform,

01:10:30   which I was very excited about.

01:10:32   Oh, man.

01:10:32   For remote tech support.

01:10:33   I'm so excited to use this.

01:10:34   Yeah.

01:10:36   Back when I had needs like that with my grandparents,

01:10:38   this would have been a godsend.

01:10:41   I'm very happy for everybody who has to use this feature.

01:10:45   This is going to be a big quality of life improvement.

01:10:48   Yep.

01:10:50   Then the Sherlocking continues.

01:10:53   Poor James Thompson.

01:10:54   I love James so much.

01:10:56   Calculator is arriving on iPad.

01:10:58   I genuinely double down on what you guys were saying earlier

01:11:02   about how this doesn't necessarily hurt James,

01:11:04   but it's not a fun feeling.

01:11:06   And I don't know if it would help him necessarily.

01:11:09   I mean, it does draw attention to our calculator apps.

01:11:12   I think PCALC is going to be fine,

01:11:13   because PCALC has, with the sole exception of the iPad,

01:11:17   has always run on platforms that had built-in calculators.

01:11:21   Well, I guess the Apple TV.

01:11:22   But there were always Apple calculator apps

01:11:26   on these platforms, and PCALC still had quite a market.

01:11:28   I will say also, when they announced a calculator for iPad,

01:11:32   as of yet, that got the biggest applause in the event.

01:11:35   I would have expected emoji responses in iMessage

01:11:39   to be a bigger applause, but no.

01:11:41   Calculator for iPad, by far the biggest applause

01:11:44   in that keynote up to this point.

01:11:46   This is interesting with Casey being excited about the iPad stuff

01:11:48   we're about to see in a second.

01:11:49   It's kind of just because of the order,

01:11:52   because as we'll see, this thing that was presented

01:11:55   as a feature of calculator is not a feature of calculator.

01:11:58   It is like an OS-wide service that appears in other OSs

01:12:01   and other places, like it's everywhere.

01:12:02   Sort of.

01:12:02   Well, I think it's just calculator and notes.

01:12:05   Right, but it's clear that it's not

01:12:06   a feature of the calculator app if Notes is using it.

01:12:08   Right?

01:12:09   So it's interesting.

01:12:09   So it's a framework.

01:12:10   Yeah, so what we're going to talk about now is math notes.

01:12:13   Like this is-- so calculator, it's calculator for the iPad,

01:12:16   but then it has this other mode called math notes that--

01:12:20   It's totally unrelated.

01:12:21   It might as well have been a separate app.

01:12:22   That's the thing.

01:12:23   So there's all these apps now that are--

01:12:26   all these features now that are kind of buried

01:12:28   in Apple apps in weird places.

01:12:30   So for instance, like--

01:12:31   You hit that one secret button on calculator.

01:12:31   Right.

01:12:32   There's like the document scanning

01:12:33   that's just built into the files app or preview on the Mac.

01:12:36   There's a whole document scanner you can use with phone cameras

01:12:40   and stuff, and it's tucked into weird places.

01:12:42   Like you don't even know it's there.

01:12:43   Notes is the king of this.

01:12:45   There are so many amazing features in Apple Notes

01:12:49   that you wouldn't really expect to be in a notes app,

01:12:52   and it doesn't really have that much to do with notes

01:12:54   necessarily.

01:12:55   And so this is one of them.

01:12:56   So this math notes feature, this is what they demoed

01:12:59   but I agree, Casey.

01:13:01   I think this is one of the most impressive demos of the day.

01:13:03   Math notes, it's kind of like a combination of calculator

01:13:08   and solver with handwriting in the most amazing--

01:13:12   it's like a handwritten solver, basically.

01:13:15   Yeah, yeah, yeah.

01:13:15   That's a good way to put it.

01:13:15   The most amazing recognition and ways to play with numbers.

01:13:20   So the way it works is you use the Apple Pencil,

01:13:22   and you can just doodle up a note or whatever.

01:13:25   And any-- if you write like 7 plus 4 equals,

01:13:29   it will recognize that as a mathematical expression

01:13:32   and stick the answer there.

01:13:34   Well, but there-- wait, there's more.

01:13:35   And there's so much more.

01:13:36   But wait, there's more.

01:13:37   Not only does it stick the answer there,

01:13:39   the naive way of building this is it puts a mono-spaced font--

01:13:44   Right.

01:13:45   What did you say?

01:13:45   7 times 4 is 28 or what have you.

01:13:47   It doesn't matter.

01:13:47   It puts a 28 there in a mono-spaced font, right?

01:13:49   Oh no, baby.

01:13:50   It's going to try to mimic your own flippin' handwriting.

01:13:54   Yep.

01:13:54   How amazing is that?

01:13:56   I don't understand how this is possible.

01:13:58   And I think-- I don't know if this

01:13:59   was part of the same thing, but I think it also improves--

01:14:01   yeah, it improves your handwriting as well.

01:14:03   So when you're scribbling the numbers, it's trying to-- oh,

01:14:06   you made the circle on that 9 is a little bit squished.

01:14:09   It opens it back up for you.

01:14:10   So it's more legible to yourself later.

01:14:12   And then it writes the answer.

01:14:14   And then like Solver, which is a great app

01:14:15   that we should link in the show notes that Casey's not making,

01:14:18   that will-- it's a live thing.

01:14:21   It's like a spreadsheet where the answer is based

01:14:23   on the things that are before it.

01:14:24   One of the really cool things I think I saw in the keynote

01:14:27   was hard to tell because it was far away is what-- they were

01:14:30   like, oh, you can change the numbers.

01:14:31   And I'm like, oh, changing numbers.

01:14:32   Is it going to make me get an eraser tool

01:14:34   and then carefully scribble out the 9?

01:14:36   And you can do-- the presenter did that.

01:14:38   That was one of the choices.

01:14:39   But I think there's like a gesture to sort of just

01:14:43   swipe over the 9 and the whole-- it knows where the 9 is.

01:14:46   You know what I mean?

01:14:46   And the whole 9 disappears and you type a new number

01:14:48   in its place.

01:14:49   And there's a little-- if you hover over it,

01:14:51   it shows a little slider above it.

01:14:53   And you can just slide the value up and down.

01:14:55   Yeah.

01:14:55   And it does more complicated math.

01:14:56   So more ways for kids to cheat on their homework,

01:14:58   not that they need it anymore because there's

01:15:00   a million web-based tools that will do all this for you

01:15:01   already.

01:15:02   Yeah.

01:15:03   I mean, I personally am not a handwriting person.

01:15:05   That's why I like computers.

01:15:06   But tons of people are.

01:15:09   I like solver.

01:15:10   I like typing actual numbers.

01:15:12   I don't want to see my handwriting.

01:15:13   I don't want to handwrite math equations.

01:15:14   But sometimes, especially if you don't know like math ML

01:15:16   or how to make the big--

01:15:17   if you're in an actual math class,

01:15:19   we have big giant expressions with fractions and exponents

01:15:22   and lots of parentheses and square roots

01:15:24   over whole big things.

01:15:25   And doing algebra, this looks like a great teaching tool.

01:15:29   And it's essentially-- I don't know

01:15:31   if it's a public framework, but it's

01:15:33   a private framework that's used by two of Apple's apps.

01:15:34   And it's so amazing.

01:15:35   They should just spread it everywhere.

01:15:37   Like Pencil Kit, I hope they eventually

01:15:39   will make this a third-party thing that you can just pop up

01:15:41   because it's just--

01:15:42   what a great app.

01:15:43   And for the iPad, it's their one app platform that has a pencil.

01:15:47   This is-- what can you do with a pencil?

01:15:49   They're really cranking up the features that--

01:15:51   and we'll see more later-- that appear

01:15:53   with the Pencil in Pencil Kit or with pencil-related things

01:15:56   in the OS.

01:15:56   Yeah, because this feeds right into SmartScript, actually.

01:15:59   This was-- Math Notes and Smart Script

01:16:01   seem to be the same system.

01:16:03   So between-- Calculator has Math Notes.

01:16:06   Notes also has Math Notes.

01:16:08   But Notes takes it further with the idea of Smart Script.

01:16:11   So this is basically the engine that

01:16:13   recreates your handwriting as like a font,

01:16:16   basically, dynamically.

01:16:17   And so as you hand write notes, it

01:16:20   figures out what your handwriting looks like.

01:16:21   As John mentions, if you kind of squish a letter

01:16:24   or flub a letter, it will correct it

01:16:26   to make it more readable as you go.

01:16:28   And because what it's doing is converting your handwriting

01:16:30   into reflowable text.

01:16:32   So after you've handwritten a whole page of notes

01:16:35   with the Apple Pencil in Apple Notes,

01:16:38   you can delete words by scratching them out

01:16:40   and then just collapses them.

01:16:41   You can copy and paste.

01:16:42   You can paste other text in, and it will paste it

01:16:44   in your handwriting.

01:16:46   It's just nuts.

01:16:47   I said to Dan sitting next to me,

01:16:49   I said, oh, they'll also sign checks for you.

01:16:50   Yeah, right?

01:16:52   Like, wait, it's pasting?

01:16:53   Oh, this is-- can people--

01:16:56   do kids still need doctor's notes or notes from your parents

01:16:59   to get out of school?

01:17:01   Oh, this would be great.

01:17:02   No, kids have other ways of hacking that.

01:17:03   They always do.

01:17:03   But this is definitely a cool feature.

01:17:05   And it also has kind of like shades of Newton.

01:17:07   You know what I mean?

01:17:08   Like being able to use handwriting as text

01:17:11   and then interchangeably.

01:17:12   It's amazing looking tech.

01:17:14   I hope it works as well as the demos.

01:17:16   It demoed phenomenally.

01:17:17   If you watch nothing else from the ski note, if you ask me,

01:17:20   watch this like 5 to 10 minute demonstration.

01:17:23   It was-- I think Jenny Chen did it.

01:17:25   It was phenomenal.

01:17:26   It was so cool.

01:17:28   It doesn't evaluate an expression

01:17:30   until you draw an equal sign, which I thought was clever.

01:17:34   She had a column of numbers.

01:17:36   She was putting together like a--

01:17:37   Budget or something.

01:17:38   Yeah, yeah.

01:17:39   And there was a column of numbers.

01:17:40   And she said, oh, I really wish I had a sum of this.

01:17:43   And so she just underlined the bottom number.

01:17:45   And then magically, a sum appears.

01:17:47   It was unbelievable.

01:17:49   She put a graph in one of them.

01:17:50   She was doing like some physics problem.

01:17:52   Yeah, it has a built in grapher because of course,

01:17:53   might as well.

01:17:54   Why not?

01:17:55   It was incredible.

01:17:56   It was really--

01:17:57   I wish I was not like John and I hand wrote things.

01:18:00   Yeah, right.

01:18:01   I just never do.

01:18:02   But again, if you don't know the correct note,

01:18:04   if you ever tried to enter a complicated algebraic

01:18:06   expression like in Wolfram Alpha or in something or whatever

01:18:10   and you don't know how to do that,

01:18:11   are you trying to use the tools?

01:18:12   Oh, I need a big parentheses.

01:18:13   I'm using a toolbar.

01:18:15   If you don't know the ASCII syntax for it or whatever,

01:18:18   it's just like, just let me draw it.

01:18:19   Just let me draw the expression and this is really making

01:18:24   this stuff more accessible.

01:18:25   And again, there are web based tools that do this.

01:18:27   And there are teaching tools that do all these things as well.

01:18:28   And there's Wolfram Alpha exists.

01:18:30   But this is on your iPad.

01:18:31   This comes with your iPad.

01:18:33   I think this also shows some of the kind of hilarious limits

01:18:36   of the rumor game.

01:18:36   Because it was rumor that there would be like MathML support

01:18:40   in Notes, which like, OK.

01:18:42   It undersells it, yeah.

01:18:43   Yes, it's like that is sort of what this is.

01:18:46   But it's totally missing what this really is.

01:18:49   It's Newton plus solver.

01:18:51   Exactly.

01:18:52   So we get to Mac OS 15.

01:18:53   Sequoia is the answer, which is good because everyone

01:18:57   definitely knows how to correctly pronounce and spell

01:18:59   Sequoia.

01:19:00   But here we are.

01:19:03   Mac OS 15 gets all the Notes stuff we just talked about.

01:19:06   Well, I guess except the pencil related things.

01:19:08   Not necessarily because people can use tablets--

01:19:12   Oh, that's true.

01:19:13   Drawing tablets with the Mac.

01:19:13   I wonder if a wacko would work.

01:19:15   I didn't think about that.

01:19:15   I don't know.

01:19:16   I doubt it.

01:19:18   Then this is what I was alluding to earlier.

01:19:21   They had a big section on continuity.

01:19:22   And I think for me, if you're going to watch one thing,

01:19:25   watch Math Notes.

01:19:26   If you're going to watch two things,

01:19:28   watch this iPhone mirroring stuff.

01:19:29   So what they said was, hey, what about occasions

01:19:32   when your phone is out of reach, but you want to do something

01:19:35   with your phone?

01:19:36   Well, what they demoed was you can mirror your phone's screen

01:19:42   onto your Mac.

01:19:43   And then not only that, but you can

01:19:45   interact with your phone using your keyboard and mouse, which

01:19:49   was very freaking cool.

01:19:52   And then apparently you can pinch to zoom?

01:19:54   I mean, they mentioned that.

01:19:55   I was wondering.

01:19:56   As soon as they did that, I'm like, oh,

01:19:57   that looks like a simulator.

01:19:58   Are they going to make users hold down option

01:20:00   to get the little two balls or whatever?

01:20:02   I'm like, there's no way that they're

01:20:03   going to ask users to do that.

01:20:04   But then I realized everyone has a trackpad,

01:20:05   so you can just pinch.

01:20:06   That's true.

01:20:07   This is your virtual phone on your Mac screen.

01:20:09   I mean, you feel like, oh, how lazy are you?

01:20:11   Why don't you just go get your phone?

01:20:12   But honestly, it's a back door to let you run iPhone apps

01:20:15   on your Mac, essentially.

01:20:16   Previously, only iPad apps could be run on your Mac

01:20:18   and their little windows.

01:20:19   Now your whole freaking phone is there on your Mac.

01:20:21   I think this is a great feature.

01:20:23   It's such a perfect integration of because they

01:20:25   make the phone platform and the Mac--

01:20:28   excellent.

01:20:28   I give this two thumbs up.

01:20:30   I mean, I don't even know how often I'll use it,

01:20:32   but it just seems like something that should be possible,

01:20:34   and now it is.

01:20:35   And think of so many--

01:20:37   also, notifications from the phone will show up on the Mac.

01:20:40   The audio from the phone comes through the Mac.

01:20:43   You can have standby support, where

01:20:45   the phone can be on a charging stand in standby,

01:20:47   showing some widgets next to your desk,

01:20:48   and you can be using it on the Mac.

01:20:50   Like, you can drag and drop files to the phone from the Mac.

01:20:53   I think this is going to be one of those things

01:20:55   that we start to use all the time and not even realize it.

01:20:58   And wonder how we lived before it existed.

01:21:00   Even just something simple, like what

01:21:02   if you break your screen on your phone,

01:21:04   and you need to get info on it or something?

01:21:06   Extend the life of phones with broken screens.

01:21:08   I need to bring the laptop around with me to use my phone.

01:21:11   Yeah, or get info off of it before you get a replacement

01:21:14   phone from it.

01:21:14   Maybe Apple will start selling a headless iPhone shuffle.

01:21:17   [LAUGHTER]

01:21:17   Easy peasy.

01:21:19   I can't even with that.

01:21:20   It's like a stick of Trident gum,

01:21:22   but you need another device to use it.

01:21:24   No buttons.

01:21:25   No buttons.

01:21:26   I just want to reiterate what Marco just

01:21:27   said, because he went so fast.

01:21:29   But I think it's important.

01:21:30   A notification comes through on your Mac.

01:21:33   It looks like it is peer with all your Mac notifications.

01:21:37   You can click on it on the Mac, and it will start up

01:21:40   the phone mirroring.

01:21:42   So you'll see your phone, and then you

01:21:44   can interact with that notification,

01:21:46   because your phone has now started

01:21:48   whatever app that notification came from, which is incredible.

01:21:51   And like you said a moment ago, you could have standby.

01:21:53   I don't personally use standby, just

01:21:55   because I don't really have a dock that makes it easy.

01:21:58   But I love the idea of it.

01:21:59   But if you are a standby person, you

01:22:01   can have your phone sitting next to your computer.

01:22:04   And similar to how CarPlay eventually

01:22:07   started working, where it was not literally

01:22:10   what you were doing on your phone,

01:22:11   it became like a second screen, well, standby

01:22:14   can remain up while you're interacting with your phone

01:22:19   on the computer.

01:22:20   So your phone is doing two things concurrently.

01:22:23   Very, very, very cool stuff.

01:22:24   And this is also--

01:22:25   just now that it needs to be reinforced.

01:22:27   So reinforcing the Mac's dominance as the platform

01:22:30   where you can do everything.

01:22:31   You can run iPad apps.

01:22:32   You can run Mac apps.

01:22:33   You can use your entire phone.

01:22:35   It integrates with all these things.

01:22:36   You can develop apps for all those platforms.

01:22:37   The only thing you can't do is the Vision OS stuff.

01:22:39   And that still kind of seems like it's off in the corner.

01:22:41   And the pencil, too.

01:22:43   Yeah, I do wonder about the pencil.

01:22:45   Obviously, you can use an iPad as sidecar.

01:22:46   I don't think there's any pencil support in that mode.

01:22:49   But technically speaking, it seems

01:22:50   like it would be plausible to allow

01:22:52   you to use your Apple pencil on your iPad screen

01:22:54   when using a sidecar.

01:22:55   And we'll see how--

01:22:56   I mean, they should just make Touch Max with pencil support.

01:22:58   I mean, they'll get to it eventually, but not this one.

01:22:59   And cellular and OLED.

01:23:01   Well, get in line.

01:23:02   OLED we're going to get.

01:23:03   Don't worry about it.

01:23:04   That's coming.

01:23:06   What else do they have?

01:23:08   Video conferencing stuff.

01:23:09   Window tiling.

01:23:10   You blew right past that.

01:23:11   Oh, I'm sorry.

01:23:11   You're right.

01:23:11   That's true.

01:23:12   There goes a bunch of apps that manage Windows.

01:23:14   Don't worry, John.

01:23:14   You're totally safe from being Sherlocked.

01:23:16   Well, the app doesn't do any of this stuff.

01:23:18   Again, they still don't expose enough APIs

01:23:20   for you to do something good.

01:23:20   I know window tiling is one of the few things you can do.

01:23:23   Because you don't need interactive support for it.

01:23:24   It's like, oh, I just enter a keyboard command.

01:23:26   And the active window goes into the third or a quarter

01:23:28   or whatever.

01:23:29   But real-time interactive window dragging,

01:23:31   like when you're dragging a shape in Adobe Illustrator

01:23:34   or Affinity Designer or something,

01:23:36   there's no APIs for that.

01:23:37   And Apple doesn't do it itself.

01:23:38   But yeah, this does hurt a lot of apps that do the same thing.

01:23:41   This is just catch up with Windows.

01:23:42   They've had this forever.

01:23:43   People just expect to be able to yank a window

01:23:44   to the side of the screen and have it tile.

01:23:46   And now it does.

01:23:47   And it will hurt a bunch of third-party apps.

01:23:48   But third-party apps do way more than this.

01:23:50   So again, there's room for them to exist.

01:23:52   Though this is another moment where

01:23:53   there was a lot of applause when we were sitting there.

01:23:56   And it's so funny, too, because you guys have talked about it,

01:23:57   or maybe just Marco, I guess, has talked about in the past.

01:24:00   They have the pregnant pause when

01:24:02   they're waiting for people to stop clapping

01:24:04   because it's a recorded video.

01:24:05   They just keep going.

01:24:05   They just keep plowing forward.

01:24:07   But there was a lot of applause for that.

01:24:09   So like I said, there's some video conferencing stuff.

01:24:11   They have Zoom-style fake backgrounds.

01:24:13   I thought they already had that.

01:24:14   But it's a catch-up feature.

01:24:15   System-wide background replacement for any video input.

01:24:18   And presumably, they'll do a less janky job of it.

01:24:20   I mean, their demo looked pristine.

01:24:22   But we'll see.

01:24:23   It's a competition to see who has the best machine learning.

01:24:25   Everyone's demos always look pristine.

01:24:27   Let's see what happens when you're in dim lighting

01:24:28   and stuff like that.

01:24:29   All right, so real-time follow-up.

01:24:31   I just adjusted where I was sitting.

01:24:33   And I definitely kicked over my capped water bottle.

01:24:35   So maybe John was right about this.

01:24:36   Wow.

01:24:37   Because I had it at the edge of my chair.

01:24:39   And I adjusted where I was sitting and cleaned.

01:24:41   See, levels.

01:24:42   Levels are important.

01:24:43   Levels, levels.

01:24:43   I've had opinions about where 1Password has been

01:24:51   going for the last year or two.

01:24:52   You?

01:24:53   And I will say that there is now a passwords

01:24:57   app on all of the platforms, including Windows

01:25:01   on the iCloud for Windows app.

01:25:03   And I will be exploring that later this year.

01:25:05   And I'm going to--

01:25:06   As will I.

01:25:07   That's all I'm going to say about that for now.

01:25:08   Yes.

01:25:10   It is not as full featured as 1Password by any means.

01:25:13   In particular, it seems-- I haven't explored yet

01:25:15   whether there's any kind of group functionality,

01:25:17   like family sharing and things like that.

01:25:19   I had somebody talk to me--

01:25:20   Oh, there is.

01:25:20   We have that already?

01:25:21   So I had somebody reach out on Mastodon,

01:25:24   because I think I'd cast out a question about this.

01:25:27   And I know that there is something, but I don't know.

01:25:30   Talk about it on this show.

01:25:30   Now you're both like this.

01:25:31   Jeez.

01:25:32   I'm currently using it.

01:25:33   Yes, you can make arbitrary groups

01:25:35   where you share things in your iCloud keychain.

01:25:38   I have two groups.

01:25:38   I have family passwords and parent passwords.

01:25:41   And once you put a thing into that group,

01:25:43   it is shared with the people who you say--

01:25:45   just completely arbitrary.

01:25:46   It works great.

01:25:47   I mean, for passwords, the verification

01:25:49   goes the whole nine yards.

01:25:50   And yeah, this app--

01:25:51   I mean, people have been asking for this because passwords--

01:25:54   the keychain access app is obscure and weird.

01:25:57   That is not for regular people to use.

01:25:58   Exactly.

01:25:58   I don't think it's for me to use, for goodness sakes.

01:26:00   It's not for any people to use.

01:26:02   But then there was the password settings thing on iOS,

01:26:05   and then the password preference pane/whatever

01:26:07   they're called in settings.

01:26:08   But it's just kind of buried.

01:26:09   And people were making shortcuts to launch it,

01:26:10   but now there will be a dedicated app,

01:26:12   so it's more exposed.

01:26:13   It just makes it feel more comfortable, like, yes,

01:26:15   when I need to get my passwords.

01:26:17   Now, keychain access does more than just passwords.

01:26:20   Keychain access has secure notes.

01:26:21   Keychain access has all your stupid developer certificates

01:26:24   in it.

01:26:25   That stuff isn't exposed in passwords.

01:26:27   That is in the keychain, so to speak,

01:26:29   and that is important stuff.

01:26:30   And so keychain access has to still exist,

01:26:32   but regular people should not touch that,

01:26:34   because you can really hose yourself by like, oh, I

01:26:35   don't know what these certificates are.

01:26:36   Let me delete all these.

01:26:37   Like, even if you're not a developer, don't do that.

01:26:39   Like, your root SSL certificates are represented in there.

01:26:42   There's your login keychain and the system keychain and things

01:26:44   that people don't have to understand.

01:26:46   Plus, making-- what do we call it--

01:26:48   signing requests for making SSL certificates

01:26:50   if you're not using Let's Encrypt, which you should be.

01:26:53   Like, keychain access will soldier on.

01:26:55   But since the last version of Mac OS,

01:26:57   when you launch keychain access, it says, hey,

01:26:59   are you sure you want to launch keychain access?

01:27:01   Yes, the passwords are over here.

01:27:02   Yeah, do you want me to just open the passwords preference

01:27:05   button?

01:27:05   And now I hope it will say, actually,

01:27:07   there's a whole other app called passwords.

01:27:08   You should go to that one.

01:27:09   And it's a Swift UI app, and it looks nice.

01:27:11   And I hope it doesn't have write-aligned text

01:27:12   fields for the passwords, but we'll see how that goes.

01:27:15   Yeah, I think this is--

01:27:17   there are going to be some things, like secure notes,

01:27:19   you mentioned are not there.

01:27:20   Like, you know where secure notes are?

01:27:22   In Notes.

01:27:23   Like, you can make a locked note and have all the--

01:27:25   But those aren't in keychain.

01:27:26   I do wonder how they're going to square this,

01:27:28   because I do have secure--

01:27:29   like, the secure notes in Notes are in the Notes database

01:27:31   and encrypted.

01:27:32   The secure notes in keychain access, I believe,

01:27:34   are in the keychain with all of the-- in iCloud keychain

01:27:37   with all the secure synced stuff.

01:27:38   I may be wrong about that, but I think

01:27:40   there are two different worlds, and I

01:27:42   wonder how they're going to reconcile that.

01:27:43   Because that is a feature that people like 1Password,

01:27:45   like, they just want to, like--

01:27:46   here's an arbitrary list of secure stuff

01:27:48   that I want to be locked up or whatever.

01:27:50   And you can do that in keychain, but it's

01:27:52   a terrible interface for it.

01:27:54   Then using it in Notes is much nicer,

01:27:55   so I hope that's what people are doing.

01:27:57   I wonder if maybe they're just trying

01:27:58   to keep the iCloud keychain data size small and lightweight.

01:28:02   Like, you know, if you--

01:28:03   with 1Password, you can have just arbitrary files

01:28:06   that you stick in there.

01:28:07   And the way it does it is honestly kind of rough.

01:28:09   But you-- so I'd, like, scan my driver's license

01:28:12   and have the picture of it in there, for instance.

01:28:14   Like, if you put, like, one image or one PDF into keychain,

01:28:18   it's going to be way larger probably

01:28:20   than everything else in there.

01:28:21   And that's just for one of them.

01:28:22   So, like, if they keep the size of everything small,

01:28:24   maybe that helps them keep it fast and reliable.

01:28:27   All right, they talked about Safari for a bit.

01:28:30   They said the quote, "private browsing."

01:28:32   That's actually private, which I thought was funny.

01:28:34   They didn't go deeper into that, but we all know who they're--

01:28:37   Well, yeah.

01:28:37   And then the next line was, "if you've

01:28:39   missed anything we've added to Safari over the last few years,

01:28:42   it's time to check it out."

01:28:43   They were clearly targeting Chrome.

01:28:45   Because, like, look, the reality is

01:28:47   Safari has a Chrome problem.

01:28:49   Chrome is way more popular than Safari,

01:28:51   and Google is being extremely aggressive at getting

01:28:54   the most people possible to switch to it.

01:28:56   Like, Google is so-- like, the second you sign into any Google

01:28:59   service, you get that email saying, like,

01:29:01   complete your Google setup.

01:29:02   And it, like, hammers home.

01:29:03   You've got to install Chrome.

01:29:04   You've got to install Chrome on all your devices.

01:29:06   Like, the fact is, Safari has a severe problem

01:29:09   with, like, losing people to Chrome a lot over the years.

01:29:13   So this was clearly targeted at that.

01:29:15   And I think it's good to see Apple being a bit aggressive

01:29:18   there, because they have to be.

01:29:19   Yep, couldn't agree more.

01:29:21   So they highlighted, quote, "machine learning,"

01:29:24   quote, which includes directions to things

01:29:27   that it detects on the page, summaries of pages,

01:29:30   quick links to learn more about, like, people, movie, music, TV

01:29:33   shows.

01:29:34   This was not a call sheet thing in my eyes.

01:29:36   That's just, you know, hey, there's--

01:29:38   Basically, this is all kind of Safari saying,

01:29:41   the web has junked up with crap.

01:29:42   And we know when you land on a web page,

01:29:45   maybe you just don't know what the deal is with this TV show.

01:29:47   And you can't see it through the barrage

01:29:49   of ads and other garbage.

01:29:50   And so this reader mode that's existed for years,

01:29:53   it will summarize it.

01:29:54   And if there's media stuff, it will try to extract that stuff

01:29:56   and probably give you a button that you can see it

01:29:58   on Apple TV+.

01:29:59   You know, like, it's an opportunity

01:30:01   for them to integrate with streaming services.

01:30:03   But it's also just--

01:30:04   a lot of Safari's tools seem like the web is an annoying

01:30:08   place to be sometimes.

01:30:10   And we will try to use our application to scrape out

01:30:13   the stuff that you actually want and present it to you

01:30:15   in a nice way.

01:30:15   And I appreciate that.

01:30:16   Yep.

01:30:17   Reader includes now a table of contents

01:30:20   and a summary, which I thought was very cool.

01:30:23   It's in, like, a little sidebar area, which was neat.

01:30:25   Then they talked about viewer, which was specifically

01:30:28   for video playback.

01:30:30   It's unclear.

01:30:31   Like, John wrote in the notes, does this work on YouTube,

01:30:33   question mark?

01:30:34   We don't know.

01:30:36   So it's unclear what the situation is.

01:30:38   But it has a mode where the video will take up

01:30:42   the entire window area, which I really liked.

01:30:44   Because I don't necessarily want to go full screen with video.

01:30:46   But I wanted to make the video take up the entire window

01:30:49   area.

01:30:49   And it uses the native player, too.

01:30:51   Like, if you watch some web page that has video,

01:30:52   and it's some weird video player,

01:30:54   and there's a bunch of blinking ads in the corner,

01:30:55   and there's some thing-- like, this

01:30:57   will yank it out into the native player somehow.

01:31:00   That's why I asked if it works on YouTube,

01:31:01   because how would that work?

01:31:02   There's a bunch of utilities that do that with YouTube now,

01:31:04   where they'll essentially modify the markup on the page

01:31:06   to let you use the native player,

01:31:08   turn it into an HTML5 player.

01:31:10   So that would be the first thing I'd try on that.

01:31:12   But it's good to have that feature available.

01:31:14   These features are great, because if you

01:31:15   don't want to use them, they don't

01:31:17   mess with your web browsing.

01:31:18   But it's always worth a try.

01:31:20   And I'm using Reader more and more often,

01:31:22   just because so many web pages are so junked up,

01:31:24   it's impossible to actually read them.

01:31:26   Oh, it's bad.

01:31:27   John, there was some talk about gaming.

01:31:29   So anyway--

01:31:31   [LAUGHTER]

01:31:32   Yeah, so the game porting toolkit,

01:31:34   they are not budging on this, the idea

01:31:37   that this is a tool for you to port your games,

01:31:40   as opposed to what other people like Valve

01:31:43   has done with the Steam Deck and everything, of saying, no, no,

01:31:47   Apple will take care of this.

01:31:48   You just run your game, and we will make it work on the Mac.

01:31:51   They're saying, no, this is a tool for you, developer,

01:31:53   for you to make your game to run on the Mac,

01:31:54   because we want it to be essentially a native Mac game.

01:31:57   We don't want this to be a way to run Windows games on Mac,

01:32:01   although it is.

01:32:02   And they mentioned crossover and whatever that whiskey thing is.

01:32:05   There's a bunch of other tools that use the game party toolkit

01:32:07   to essentially provide an app that's like, hey, go here,

01:32:10   and you can play Windows games on your Mac,

01:32:11   and you totally can, right?

01:32:12   But Apple is not on board with that.

01:32:14   And when they said this, it was like,

01:32:16   why don't you do what they're doing, Apple?

01:32:17   But no, Apple says, we want you to port your games,

01:32:20   and we've found two more developers who are porting

01:32:23   games that you played three years ago.

01:32:25   Wow.

01:32:25   I mean, the most interesting thing

01:32:26   is they mentioned Frostpunk, which I don't know much about.

01:32:29   But they mentioned Control, which

01:32:31   was one of the first sort of AAA games

01:32:33   to really emphasize ray tracing.

01:32:37   They're like, hey, you just got an Nvidia

01:32:38   carb with ray tracing support, and you might not

01:32:40   know what the hell that's good for.

01:32:41   Well, get Control, because it has the mode,

01:32:43   but you can turn on ray tracing, and it looks kind of cool.

01:32:45   And again, that was years ago.

01:32:46   Now it's available on the Mac.

01:32:48   As you know, Macs and iPads have ray tracing hardware

01:32:51   in their GPUs, and so that's a good get for them.

01:32:54   But this is back in time.

01:32:56   So if you've been wanting to play Control,

01:32:57   which is a pretty cool game, you can try it out now on your Mac.

01:33:00   And then Ubisoft out there talking about Prince of Persia

01:33:03   and the new Assassin's Creed game.

01:33:04   So Apple is schmoozing the developers enough

01:33:06   to get them on board, and some of these games

01:33:09   are not three-year-old games.

01:33:10   Like the Assassin's Creed is the upcoming one,

01:33:12   so there's support there.

01:33:13   So they seem to be making some headway

01:33:15   with the big developers.

01:33:16   It's kind of one of those things where Apple

01:33:19   has to get to the point where when a cool game is coming out,

01:33:22   a Mac user doesn't have to think about whether it will

01:33:25   be available on their platform.

01:33:27   All they have to ask is, is this a platform exclusive?

01:33:29   Because that's what people think, oh,

01:33:30   is the game coming out?

01:33:31   And what do they want to know?

01:33:32   Is this a platform exclusive?

01:33:33   Is it only on PlayStation?

01:33:34   Is it only on Xbox?

01:33:35   Is it only on PC?

01:33:37   And if they say no, it's a cross-platform game,

01:33:39   which most AAA games are because they want

01:33:40   to make money from everybody.

01:33:41   When they say that, Mac users know they're still excluded.

01:33:44   No, it's not platform exclusive.

01:33:45   It's everywhere, except for the Mac, obviously.

01:33:48   That's the hurdle they have to get over.

01:33:50   And so I bring up a new developer every year

01:33:52   to say, we have this game.

01:33:53   We have that game.

01:33:54   They have to get it to the point where gamers, when they hear

01:33:57   a game is not platform exclusive,

01:33:59   can assume that it's on the Mac, and we are so far from that.

01:34:01   But baby steps.

01:34:02   Every year there's one more developer, one more game.

01:34:05   It's just at this rate, it'll be like 2076 before that happens.

01:34:09   Do we know, Jon, if your ancient piece of garbage slow Mac Pro

01:34:13   is going to be able to work with anything?

01:34:15   It seems like no.

01:34:16   I mean, they were pretty clear.

01:34:19   I mean, they didn't say anything about OS supported platforms.

01:34:22   But I would assume-- this is a bad assumption.

01:34:24   Previous years, you would assume that if this version of Mac OS

01:34:28   did not support Intel, they would have set it

01:34:30   in the keynote.

01:34:30   But in recent years, it seems like they

01:34:33   leave unfortunate news out of the keynote

01:34:35   and maybe say it for State of the Union or something.

01:34:37   But they didn't say anything.

01:34:38   So I'm assuming Sequoia still runs

01:34:41   on Intel minus all the features we're going

01:34:43   to talk about in a little bit.

01:34:44   But just, you know, a listener sent in a link

01:34:50   to our predictions from past episodes.

01:34:52   We mentioned that in the last episode.

01:34:54   Like, what were our predictions?

01:34:55   I was kind of surprised to hear myself

01:34:57   saying that my prediction was WWC 2024,

01:34:59   but then I heard the reasoning.

01:35:01   That would be pretty much the exact same time span

01:35:03   for when Apple dropped PowerPC support, which

01:35:05   is three years and seven months after the first Intel Mac.

01:35:07   So if they followed the same logic,

01:35:10   they should have dropped Intel support today.

01:35:14   I don't think they did.

01:35:15   So therefore, they're going even longer with this transition.

01:35:17   So good for them.

01:35:18   Casey's prediction was 2026, and Marco just waffled.

01:35:21   Usually that's my competition.

01:35:22   Sounds about right, yeah.

01:35:24   All right.

01:35:25   Now we have a little over an hour in.

01:35:27   We have our first mention of artificial intelligence.

01:35:31   Yeah.

01:35:32   This was-- again, I think I'm going to request and give

01:35:35   myself an opening statement.

01:35:37   I felt like what we all wanted, or certainly what I wanted,

01:35:40   and I think we talked about this last week,

01:35:41   was we wanted the adults in the room.

01:35:44   And that's not really to slag on Microsoft necessarily

01:35:48   or Google, but we wanted somebody with a little bit of--

01:35:52   I can't think of ways to say this

01:35:53   that aren't going to sound mean, but here we are,

01:35:56   and I'm very tired.

01:35:57   So we wanted people that weren't--

01:36:00   that were going to have taste and have not class,

01:36:03   but just apply artificial intelligence and large language

01:36:07   models and things like that in ways that

01:36:09   actually help regular humans.

01:36:12   Not for me to figure out an FFmpeg incantation,

01:36:14   but to do normal stuff.

01:36:16   And Craig comes out, or maybe it was Tim.

01:36:19   I think it was Craig, though.

01:36:20   It was Tim first.

01:36:21   OK.

01:36:22   And says-- several things I'm going to read.

01:36:24   These may not be verbatim quotes,

01:36:25   but I think they're worth noting.

01:36:28   They called it Apple Intelligence.

01:36:29   I don't recall exactly when the reveal was,

01:36:31   but they said, we want to ensure that the outcome of using

01:36:35   AI features reflects the principles

01:36:36   at the core of our promise.

01:36:38   We want them to be powerful enough to help with the things

01:36:40   that matter most.

01:36:42   They need to be intuitive and easy to use,

01:36:44   deeply integrated into product experiences,

01:36:47   and they should understand you and be grounded

01:36:49   in your personal context.

01:36:51   What is your routine?

01:36:53   Who are your relationships with?

01:36:54   What kind of communications do you participate in?

01:36:56   And so on.

01:36:57   And obviously, privacy is a very big deal.

01:36:59   And so they say, oh, I think this

01:37:00   is when the reveal was.

01:37:01   It goes beyond artificial intelligence.

01:37:03   It's personal intelligence.

01:37:04   It's now Apple Intelligence.

01:37:05   So what you were saying about being adults and--

01:37:09   it could be phrased as being less hasty,

01:37:11   being more conservative.

01:37:12   But really what it is is Apple's implementation of everything,

01:37:19   as I said, it reflects a value system.

01:37:21   Apple has a value system that informs their products.

01:37:24   Every company does.

01:37:25   But the thing is, the value system of many companies

01:37:28   is unattractive to customers.

01:37:30   So they don't talk about it.

01:37:32   Their value system may be, we need as much

01:37:33   of your information as possible because we

01:37:35   can sell ads better to it.

01:37:36   And they don't want to say that to you

01:37:38   because it doesn't make you want to buy their products.

01:37:40   But that is their value system, and it is embodied

01:37:42   in their product.

01:37:44   And so Apple's value system--

01:37:46   and again, it's not because Apple is magnanimous or whatever.

01:37:48   Apple's business model does not involve selling advertisement

01:37:51   and collecting information about you to sell to advertisers.

01:37:54   That's why they do this.

01:37:55   It's not because Apple is good.

01:37:56   And you can say, well, maybe--

01:37:57   because Apple does have ad-type businesses or whatever.

01:37:59   And we've talked about Apple's conflicts

01:38:01   with their services business versus other ones or whatever.

01:38:03   But Apple's value system is such that telling it to customers

01:38:08   is advantageous for their business.

01:38:10   And do they live up to their value system all the time?

01:38:12   No.

01:38:13   We call them on it.

01:38:14   But they do have a value system.

01:38:15   And if you look at the amount of work

01:38:17   and the amount of technology they

01:38:19   put into trying to implement artificial intelligence stuff

01:38:23   within the bounds of their value system,

01:38:25   you see that it's not like BS.

01:38:27   They're not blowing smoke up your butt.

01:38:29   They did a lot of work that they didn't

01:38:30   have to do to make these features exist and fit

01:38:35   within their value system.

01:38:36   And the problem is this thing that's sweeping the industry,

01:38:39   this whole AI trend with LMs or whatever, a lot about it

01:38:42   is counter to their value system of privacy and useful approach

01:38:46   and making it easier for everybody.

01:38:48   And so Apple had to figure out how

01:38:50   we have to get in on this train because it's

01:38:52   the trend or whatever.

01:38:53   And Apple doesn't always follow trends,

01:38:55   but Apple sees the value--

01:38:56   excuse me, the value too much.

01:38:58   They see how good these features could be.

01:38:59   So they say, we can't ignore this.

01:39:01   We have to do something here.

01:39:03   But how do we take this thing that, by its very nature,

01:39:08   consumes information indiscriminately,

01:39:10   gives bogus answers to things, potentially harmful,

01:39:13   offensive things that we don't want?

01:39:15   How do we figure out how to provide the benefit to people

01:39:19   while still keeping it within our values?

01:39:21   And I was honestly very impressed with the lengths

01:39:24   that they have gone to to try to do what everyone else is doing

01:39:26   and their catch up in a way that--

01:39:29   I bet other companies are looking at this like, they did what?

01:39:32   For what reason?

01:39:33   Why would they do all that work?

01:39:34   To preserve privacy?

01:39:36   That doesn't make any sense.

01:39:37   Go fast and break things.

01:39:39   So I came away really impressed with what they've done.

01:39:42   I mean, obviously, the features that we're going to talk about,

01:39:44   it's like, OK, yeah, every one of these features,

01:39:45   you can say someone else had this already.

01:39:47   But I feel much more comfortable using these features

01:39:50   in the way that Apple has implemented them.

01:39:53   And it remains to be seen and we'll

01:39:54   talk about for the next year.

01:39:55   How do they actually work?

01:39:57   Because if you're all wonderful and privacy preserving

01:40:00   and deeply integrated into the operating system

01:40:02   but it doesn't work well, we'll complain about it.

01:40:04   But it sure demoed well.

01:40:06   Yeah.

01:40:07   I thought they handled it with a deft hand.

01:40:09   I thought it was well done.

01:40:10   Because to keep in mind, the environment into which they

01:40:14   are announcing these AI-based features, some of which

01:40:17   are server-based--

01:40:18   and this is an awfully hostile environment in the culture

01:40:23   right now, in the media, in the press,

01:40:26   even just among the public.

01:40:28   There's a lot of hate around AI stuff these days.

01:40:31   It's a very, very hot area.

01:40:34   And Apple historically has been hit or miss

01:40:36   in terms of how they've been able to read

01:40:37   the room in those ways.

01:40:38   That's true.

01:40:39   And I was a little concerned for them going into this, honestly.

01:40:41   But I think they did a really good job with it.

01:40:43   As John said, I think their approach

01:40:45   to doing this in the Apple way with all the privacy

01:40:49   focus and everything, I think it probably

01:40:52   will result in not being as good or as capable as some

01:40:57   of the other systems here and there.

01:40:59   But overall, I think what they've shown--

01:41:01   again, we'll see how it works-- but I

01:41:02   think what they've shown has a pretty good chance of working

01:41:05   well enough that we will decide, as Apple users,

01:41:08   this is worth the trade-off.

01:41:09   I think they might have an actual advantage this time.

01:41:11   Because-- well, we'll talk to it when we get to it, I guess.

01:41:15   But a lot of the capabilities they're providing

01:41:19   require information that is not readily accessible to anything

01:41:23   except for the OS platform, because they

01:41:24   have access to everything.

01:41:26   And normally, you wouldn't want to use a platform that's

01:41:29   like, we're going to take all your information

01:41:31   and chuck it over the fence to open AI.

01:41:33   And that will give us these amazing features.

01:41:35   But because Apple has implemented all of their AI

01:41:37   features in such a privacy-preserving way,

01:41:39   they feel free to pull literally anything, everything,

01:41:43   all your relationships, all your contacts, all your photos,

01:41:45   all your everything, because they know they're not sending

01:41:47   all that information to the server

01:41:49   to be harvested for advertising purposes.

01:41:51   They're custom selecting just the two things you need.

01:41:55   Your wife's name is this.

01:41:56   Here's a picture of her.

01:41:57   Here's the information we have about her.

01:41:59   Here's the question the person asks.

01:42:01   And then it processes your requests

01:42:02   and discards that information.

01:42:04   You would not want that information

01:42:06   to being sent to arbitrary third-party AI vendors.

01:42:09   You would never-- like, say you're using this cool AI tool,

01:42:12   and so it's great.

01:42:12   I need access to all your photos and all your contacts

01:42:14   and everything you've written in your messages

01:42:16   and all your email.

01:42:17   And it's like, you would never give that.

01:42:18   It's like, well, we need that to do cool AI stuff.

01:42:20   It's like, but do you need it all now?

01:42:22   And they'd be like, yes, sell ads, right?

01:42:24   So I think Apple's ability to pick and choose just

01:42:28   the slices they want should make it possible for them to add--

01:42:33   not creepier features, but features that, as they said,

01:42:36   they take your personal contacts into account

01:42:38   without you feeling like you're giving them everything.

01:42:40   Never mind that Apple already has access to everything,

01:42:42   because if you use Apple Photos, they have all your photos.

01:42:43   But the whole idea of, well, Apple doesn't have access

01:42:46   to your photos, and then encrypted,

01:42:47   and Apple doesn't have access to your messages,

01:42:48   and then encrypted, except for iCloud backups,

01:42:50   unless you enable advanced data protection.

01:42:52   Anyway, the world is complicated.

01:42:54   But I think, in this case, they may actually

01:42:57   be at an advantage here, because they no longer have barriers

01:43:00   to combining information about you to give good answers.

01:43:04   They feel free to just yank it all,

01:43:05   because they have this very privacy-preserving way

01:43:07   that they're doing it.

01:43:08   Yeah.

01:43:09   And I love that, as expected, they

01:43:12   are doing as much as they can locally on device.

01:43:15   And that's great for privacy concerns in lots of ways,

01:43:18   because then you can have even more access to things.

01:43:20   But also, it's great for latency and performance.

01:43:23   Some of the biggest problems that I've always had with Siri

01:43:26   is that it's just so incredibly inconsistent in ways

01:43:29   that feel kind of like server failures, or server timeouts,

01:43:32   or things like that.

01:43:33   And so by putting so much on device--

01:43:36   and of course, by also having probably

01:43:38   a pretty strong financial incentive

01:43:39   to put more and more on device over time,

01:43:41   and to minimize server requests--

01:43:44   that is both good for privacy--

01:43:46   and you're right.

01:43:47   When they do send them to servers or to another model,

01:43:51   they're sending a minimal set of information, and that's good.

01:43:53   But I got the impression that most requests are intended

01:43:57   to be handled fully on device.

01:43:59   And that's going to be just amazing for consistency

01:44:02   and performance also.

01:44:03   Yeah, the one thing they don't have with this,

01:44:05   and we talked about with learning the LMs,

01:44:07   learning and everything, is they're not pitching,

01:44:09   and they certainly don't have.

01:44:10   The idea of your own personal assistant

01:44:12   that learns about you over time, that's not this.

01:44:16   This is like one-off.

01:44:17   So you have an agent.

01:44:18   It can do it.

01:44:18   It can answer questions.

01:44:19   It can take commands or whatever.

01:44:20   But it immediately forgets everything.

01:44:22   The servers forget everything.

01:44:23   The client forgets everything.

01:44:24   I know they have the semantic model.

01:44:25   And they talked about this.

01:44:26   It's like, we have a semantic model.

01:44:27   They didn't want to say, we have the equivalent of Microsoft

01:44:30   Recall database on your phone.

01:44:31   But don't think about that comparison,

01:44:33   because they do have this local-only semantic model of all

01:44:36   this stuff that is the stew that processed all your email,

01:44:39   and all your photos, and all your other things.

01:44:41   So you can ask scary questions.

01:44:42   Find me the picture of this person with this thing

01:44:44   or whatever, and it can pull it out.

01:44:45   Because it's already done that processing.

01:44:47   But there's no agent that learns about you.

01:44:49   Because if there was, it would live only on your phone.

01:44:51   And when your phone goes in a lake, you would lose it.

01:44:53   Well, I think the phone is the agent, in a way.

01:44:55   Like the semantic index that they kept talking about,

01:44:58   I think what they're trying to do

01:45:01   is use all the data and info that you already

01:45:05   entrust to your phone.

01:45:07   Not do something like Microsoft Recall or Rewind AI,

01:45:10   where not creating a whole new record of every single thing,

01:45:13   like a screen recorder.

01:45:14   It's not as in readable form.

01:45:16   It doesn't have plain text versions,

01:45:17   and it doesn't have screenshots.

01:45:18   But it has, hopefully, that information inside it.

01:45:20   Right.

01:45:21   But I think what they are doing seems

01:45:23   to be more like a search index.

01:45:25   But it's a search index, in AI terms, of information

01:45:30   that your phone already is keeping.

01:45:32   It doesn't seem like it's keeping new records.

01:45:34   But it's not learning anything.

01:45:36   It's not gaining knowledge over time to become more and more

01:45:38   intimately familiar with you.

01:45:39   It is always just in time what it

01:45:41   pulls from its semantic index, and it

01:45:42   can answer your question.

01:45:43   But there's no teaching in anything.

01:45:45   The whole point is, if there was teaching it,

01:45:46   what would you be teaching?

01:45:47   Would you be teaching anything that's only on your device?

01:45:49   To do sort of a learning agent that learns about you

01:45:52   and get smarter over time, that would

01:45:53   have to live somewhere other than on your phone,

01:45:54   and then introduce a whole host of other problems.

01:45:56   So they're not even addressing that.

01:45:57   They're saying, this will crunch through the data on your phone,

01:46:00   which is all the data in your life,

01:46:01   and you could ask the questions, and it can give you an answer.

01:46:03   But it's never going to get any more knowledgeable about you

01:46:06   other than you just adding new photos and new messages

01:46:08   or whatever.

01:46:09   There's no learning.

01:46:10   Well, but I think that is learning.

01:46:12   You can't give a huge preamble to your system prompt things

01:46:16   like, please speak to me only in limericks.

01:46:19   You can't do that.

01:46:20   I mean like learning, learning, as in getting familiar with you

01:46:24   and just the dream of the eye of a thing that actually--

01:46:27   we discussed it.

01:46:28   The large thing I always don't learn in the ways

01:46:30   that people think they do.

01:46:31   And Apple is not changing that here.

01:46:33   I just think it's interesting to clarify,

01:46:34   because they do have that-- by going with this approach,

01:46:37   they do have the problem of where would this thing live,

01:46:39   whereas all the voracious server-side people are like,

01:46:41   don't worry, it all lives in our cloud.

01:46:43   You'd just suck all your information up.

01:46:44   And if they figure out how to make that learn,

01:46:46   don't worry, you have your own private one,

01:46:48   and it gets smarter over time.

01:46:49   And Apple doesn't have the ability

01:46:51   to do that with this approach.

01:46:52   I don't think it's going to hurt them,

01:46:53   because it'll be addressed.

01:46:54   Discuss the last episode, there is no good way

01:46:57   to do that with LLMs right now.

01:46:58   But if there ever is, Apple may need to--

01:47:01   there may become a time where some intelligence needs

01:47:04   to live somewhere other than on your phone.

01:47:06   And I'm sure Apple will work hard to find a privacy

01:47:09   preserving way to do that.

01:47:10   All right, let's talk about how we're actually

01:47:12   using this model.

01:47:14   So they talked about several different things.

01:47:16   And it started with capabilities.

01:47:18   So basically, what are we doing with this?

01:47:20   And they talked about language.

01:47:22   So prioritizing notifications, which

01:47:25   seems like low-hanging fruit in terms of a good way to use it.

01:47:28   It may be a very difficult thing to implement,

01:47:30   but in terms of a good way to use this sort of thing.

01:47:33   Are they going to prioritize down the Apple Store

01:47:35   notification I got this morning?

01:47:37   No, it's the highest priority.

01:47:38   You need a Father's Day gift.

01:47:41   Thank you so much, Apple Store.

01:47:42   I know this is a stupid tangent, but the Apple TV thing

01:47:45   tells you a sports score that pops over your screen.

01:47:47   How do you disable that?

01:47:49   I thought I had disabled it.

01:47:50   I went through all the settings.

01:47:51   That drives me crazy.

01:47:53   I have never watched a sport on Apple TV, ever.

01:47:56   No part of all the information Apple knows about me

01:47:59   would indicate that I like sports at all.

01:48:01   It didn't gather that, if I knew.

01:48:02   And yet, I'm getting those sports

01:48:04   promos on top of everything I watch on the Apple TV.

01:48:08   It makes me want to set it on fire.

01:48:09   I get so mad.

01:48:11   There is some way to disable this, I'm sure.

01:48:13   I thought I had disabled it.

01:48:14   That's why, but I can't--

01:48:16   someone write in and tell us how to actually disable it,

01:48:18   because it's driving me insane.

01:48:19   Chuck your Apple TV.

01:48:20   Anyway, it will prioritize those.

01:48:21   Top priority.

01:48:22   The movie you're watching, it's real important

01:48:24   for you to know the score on a sports game

01:48:25   that you don't care about.

01:48:27   Hopefully, Apple's learning index

01:48:28   is better now than whatever's running on the Apple TV.

01:48:31   Sometimes I don't even know what sport they're talking about.

01:48:33   They're like, Rogers and Harrison are in the--

01:48:36   I don't know who these people are.

01:48:37   Am I supposed to know people by their last name?

01:48:39   I can't tell what sport you're talking about.

01:48:41   All right, so then there's new writing tools

01:48:43   that are available system-wide.

01:48:44   They may have mentioned--

01:48:45   I forget how they phrased it-- but basically,

01:48:46   anywhere you would have a text field,

01:48:48   like an actual Apple-vended text field, you can do rewrite.

01:48:52   You can summarize.

01:48:53   At some point, they talked about changing the tone.

01:48:56   That might have been email-specific.

01:48:57   I don't recall.

01:48:57   But you can change the tone of things.

01:49:00   I think it's anywhere.

01:49:01   This entire feature class is called Rewrite.

01:49:03   And I think this is in any standard text field,

01:49:06   like Craig Federighi said in the Don't Call It a Talk Show,

01:49:08   Fake Talk Show they held afterwards, that it works--

01:49:11   We should probably explain what that is in a minute,

01:49:13   but carry on.

01:49:14   That basically, it works anywhere

01:49:16   that you currently see things like spell check.

01:49:19   So any standard system--

01:49:20   Yeah, third-party apps, not just--

01:49:22   anywhere you see those standard controls.

01:49:24   And I was like, Mac OS 8 had a way

01:49:27   to select text and summarize it.

01:49:28   We've come a long way.

01:49:29   That summarization was not very good.

01:49:30   I believe it would just pick the most relevant sentences based

01:49:33   on analysis, just string those together, which worked about

01:49:35   as well as you can imagine.

01:49:36   But yeah, another catch-up feature,

01:49:38   every app that we've used with AI enhancement

01:49:40   has a feature to summarize it and rewrite it and fix the--

01:49:43   but they're implementing it well.

01:49:45   It's system-wide.

01:49:46   It's available to third parties.

01:49:47   We hope it works well.

01:49:48   I think it does make me a little bit uneasy that like, all right,

01:49:51   so here we are.

01:49:52   We're having AI generate and edit

01:49:54   our messages that are going to be sent to someone else who's

01:49:57   going to use AI to summarize them.

01:49:59   And it's like, what are we doing?

01:50:00   This seems like sexual waste.

01:50:02   In some respects, you would hope that this

01:50:05   will teach people to be better writers when they

01:50:08   see how things are rewritten.

01:50:09   Do calculators teach people how to do math themselves better?

01:50:12   It's not quite the same, because you just

01:50:14   care about the answer with the calculator, where

01:50:16   I assume people will read the revised writing to see

01:50:21   if it is acceptable to them.

01:50:22   Maybe that's not--

01:50:23   That's a big assumption.

01:50:24   I know.

01:50:24   But things like that, I think you can learn by seeing how--

01:50:31   if you had a human editor revise your writing

01:50:33   and you watch them do it, you will eventually

01:50:35   become a better--

01:50:35   I'm not saying this is a tool to become a better writer,

01:50:37   but I think there is some learning happening there,

01:50:39   because a lot of time, people just write a certain way,

01:50:42   and they don't think about it.

01:50:43   And just having somebody rewrite their stuff,

01:50:45   like even if it's a computer, and them seeing, oh,

01:50:47   that actually is better that way can teach them to be

01:50:49   a better writer in small ways.

01:50:50   But we'll see how much people actually use these features.

01:50:54   And for people not reading, that's obviously

01:50:55   the danger case.

01:50:56   It's like, oh, I'll just hit this button,

01:50:58   and then I'll hit Send.

01:50:59   People are going to get burned by that.

01:51:01   They're going to learn.

01:51:02   Oh, maybe I should read what I wrote.

01:51:05   It's one of those things.

01:51:06   Tools give you enough rope to hang yourself,

01:51:08   and I think this is the case with that.

01:51:10   I do like, though, one of the options-- so first of all,

01:51:12   Rewrite's going to give you a really, really good proofread

01:51:15   grammar check kind of thing.

01:51:16   It's going to be more advanced than most grammar checks.

01:51:18   Isn't there a service Grammarly, is it?

01:51:19   Grammarly, yeah.

01:51:20   Whatever uses it for this.

01:51:21   So that's good to have that be on device, too,

01:51:23   to not have basically a key logger from someone else.

01:51:26   So that's good.

01:51:26   But also, I like that they have tone changes

01:51:29   as one of the options to rewrite messages.

01:51:31   So you can make your writing more formal or whatever.

01:51:33   And I think that's not-- or have different sentiment analysis

01:51:37   to have it be maybe less negative.

01:51:38   That, I think, is going to be nice for people who maybe are

01:51:41   not great at that kind of writing

01:51:43   or even that kind of speaking.

01:51:44   I mean, like, forum software has had stuff like that for years

01:51:46   where they'll say, before you hit Send on this message,

01:51:49   it seems pretty aggressive.

01:51:50   You sure you don't want to comment down?

01:51:52   People have been using it to try to make people be less

01:51:54   obnoxious online.

01:51:55   And I tried to write down the tone things,

01:51:58   but they were all nice.

01:51:59   I was like, do you want your tone to be more concise

01:52:02   or more friendly or more conciliatory?

01:52:04   Where is the more aggressive setting?

01:52:07   I want it to be more assertive.

01:52:09   I want it to be like maybe you're

01:52:10   negotiating for real estate over email or something.

01:52:13   That wasn't in the options, and I kind of understand that

01:52:15   because the thing will just start threatening people's

01:52:17   lives or whatever.

01:52:18   Yeah, make me a better negotiator.

01:52:19   But this is part of the being conservative with, like,

01:52:22   let's just have all the tone settings to make

01:52:24   you sound nicer and none of them to be.

01:52:26   Sometimes you do want to be more assertive,

01:52:27   but it's too dangerous for you.

01:52:29   I'd help you with that at this point.

01:52:30   With respect, I don't think that you

01:52:32   needed to be more assertive about blocking real nuts.

01:52:35   I was so nice about it.

01:52:36   I was just mostly incredulous.

01:52:37   No, it's good too.

01:52:38   Like, you know, for people who are

01:52:39   trying to write a formal business email or something,

01:52:42   and maybe they don't have that kind of writing skill

01:52:44   or maybe they don't know English that well.

01:52:46   Like, I think this has a lot of really good applications.

01:52:50   But I think we are definitely going

01:52:51   to have the problem of people not reading what I wrote

01:52:54   and just sending it.

01:52:55   Yeah.

01:52:55   You know, and then people don't read emails anyway.

01:52:58   These are all-- us exchanging so much text

01:53:01   is such a big change from when I was a kid when people did not

01:53:04   exchange text this much, period, in their entire lives.

01:53:06   Like, they didn't write letters to each other,

01:53:08   and there was no text messaging, no email, no this, not--

01:53:11   like, now people work with text so much more.

01:53:13   I think it is making people better writers.

01:53:15   And I think you learn, like, when you get your first job

01:53:17   where you have to do, like, job email, oh, job email

01:53:20   is different than text messages.

01:53:21   Like, kids will learn that when they get their first job

01:53:23   and realize they can't address their coworkers and boss

01:53:27   the same way.

01:53:28   And, like, there's a culture that evolves around that.

01:53:29   And, you know, for better or for worse,

01:53:31   we all learn how to write work emails.

01:53:33   And having computers help out with that, you know,

01:53:36   maybe we'll just smooth that curve a little bit.

01:53:38   Please advise.

01:53:39   All right.

01:53:40   So the language stuff is in Mail Notes, Safari Pages, Keynote,

01:53:42   and third party apps, as John had mentioned.

01:53:44   Then we get to images.

01:53:47   I don't know why I wrote down photos, emojis, and GIFs.

01:53:49   But apparently that was mentioned.

01:53:51   You get, like, a Bitmoji style generated images of people.

01:53:56   It's more like a Memoji, isn't it?

01:53:57   Doesn't it look kind of like the Memoji style?

01:53:59   Well, sort of.

01:53:59   But then you've got, like, the backgrounds,

01:54:01   and they're interactive-- or they're not interactive,

01:54:03   but they're, like, holding things, which is more Bitmoji.

01:54:05   I don't know.

01:54:05   I mean, it's one way or the other.

01:54:07   But yeah, no, what I'm saying is you have pictures of people

01:54:10   in your contacts, in your photos collection

01:54:12   that it has identified using the people and places feature.

01:54:15   You can ask it to draw you a cartoony picture

01:54:18   of that person, which is brave.

01:54:20   Yes.

01:54:20   Because cartoony pictures of people

01:54:23   can go wrong in many, many ways.

01:54:25   And this is an Apple feature, not an OpenAI feature,

01:54:27   which I'll get to in a little bit.

01:54:28   This is an Apple feature.

01:54:29   So if Apple hoses this, there's going to be press about it.

01:54:34   There's a lot of ways to go wrong.

01:54:35   I bet they've been very careful with certain things.

01:54:38   Don't make my nose too big or whatever.

01:54:39   I bet there's a lot of that kind of stuff in there.

01:54:41   First of all, they don't want to make it something unflattering,

01:54:43   because people don't want to see unflattering picture

01:54:44   of themselves.

01:54:45   And second, I think it's got the same problem

01:54:46   that I always complain about in Memoji

01:54:48   is that unlike the Miis in Nintendo,

01:54:50   Memoji all have little pumpkin heads.

01:54:52   And my head's not a pumpkin, it's a football, right?

01:54:57   They just regularize everybody into the little people

01:55:01   from Play School or whatever.

01:55:03   Everyone looks like a doll.

01:55:04   And then you don't see yourself in that.

01:55:06   You're like, you have not captured my likeness.

01:55:07   That doesn't look like me, right?

01:55:09   This seems like it's going to try

01:55:11   to capture people's likenesses.

01:55:12   So when you paste it into a chat or whatever,

01:55:14   generate it in whatever way, people go, oh, that's Timmy.

01:55:17   I recognize his face.

01:55:19   It's not just because Timmy has brown hair.

01:55:21   It's just a round pumpkin head with brown hair on it.

01:55:23   So this is the first sort of potential danger

01:55:27   zone of the features they've got.

01:55:28   Because all the other ones, like text summarization,

01:55:30   helping you with writing, changing the sentiment nicer,

01:55:33   this has the potential to go wrong.

01:55:34   But anyway, it's part of their image generation framework.

01:55:37   It can make people for you.

01:55:38   Indeed.

01:55:40   And you can do it as sketches, illustrations, or animations.

01:55:43   And it's built into the system apps.

01:55:45   Then another capability, action.

01:55:48   Basically what they're saying is you can say--

01:55:51   I think to Siri was the implication.

01:55:53   This is such a weird structure of the thing.

01:55:55   We've talked about it before of how

01:55:57   are they going to talk about the OS is about talking

01:55:58   about AI features.

01:55:59   And the fact is they didn't.

01:56:00   They talked about AI features.

01:56:01   They just didn't call them AI.

01:56:02   How are they going to talk about Siri

01:56:03   when they haven't introduced Siri yet?

01:56:05   They just talked about it, and they just didn't mention Siri.

01:56:07   Later they're going to mention Siri.

01:56:09   Normally they have a way to arrange it

01:56:11   so they can talk about what they want about it.

01:56:13   They couldn't avoid it.

01:56:13   They had to talk about things that they hadn't, quote, unquote,

01:56:15   talked about yet.

01:56:16   And this is one.

01:56:16   Yes, you're asking Siri.

01:56:18   So the examples they gave-- pull up the files

01:56:20   that JAWS shared with me last week,

01:56:22   or show me all the photos with Declan and Michaela and Erin

01:56:25   and me, or show me the podcast that my wife sent last week.

01:56:27   I was happy to hear that.

01:56:29   And so--

01:56:30   I wasn't.

01:56:30   I can't do that.

01:56:31   Well, fair.

01:56:32   My point is just that I'm always pleased when

01:56:34   Apple acknowledges a podcast or a thing.

01:56:36   But yeah, I think these make a lot of sense.

01:56:38   I think this is the sort of thing we want to see from Siri,

01:56:41   making it more useful.

01:56:43   They also said a lot about personal context.

01:56:45   And they started to flirt a little bit with Rewind.ai

01:56:48   and-- what is it-- Recall that Microsoft

01:56:50   has been embroiled over.

01:56:52   But they said that there is an awareness

01:56:54   of what's on the screen.

01:56:55   They didn't say that.

01:56:57   They showed things that said, hey, when you're on the screen,

01:56:59   that's the context.

01:57:00   And so when you say something like, oh, send this to whatever

01:57:03   or--

01:57:05   I'm assuming it's not OCRing the screen and scraping the info.

01:57:08   I'm assuming this is all user activity APIs and Apple's apps

01:57:11   that have integration.

01:57:11   I don't know if that's true.

01:57:12   Well, I don't think that's exclusively true.

01:57:14   Because one of the examples they showed at some point--

01:57:16   it might not have been at this part of the presentation--

01:57:19   but somebody sent their address in the text message thread.

01:57:22   So you and I are exchanging messages.

01:57:24   You send me your mailing address.

01:57:25   And they said to Siri, add that address to his contact

01:57:29   or something along those lines.

01:57:30   But Siri has full access to messages.

01:57:33   It's Apple's own app.

01:57:34   If that was WhatsApp, what would it have done?

01:57:36   I see your point.

01:57:37   Yeah, I'm not sure.

01:57:38   That's a good point.

01:57:38   I'm not entirely sure.

01:57:40   Honestly, I think because of the way they're doing this,

01:57:42   I would have no problem with it screen scraping and OCRing it.

01:57:45   Because I know that it is just getting the information it

01:57:47   wants.

01:57:47   It's sending it to a server that doesn't log it

01:57:49   that has no ability to store things.

01:57:50   And it throws it away.

01:57:51   Right.

01:57:51   That's so much better.

01:57:52   It is also probably just using the accessibility APIs.

01:57:55   It's probably already all--

01:57:56   Yeah, there are lots of-- like I said,

01:57:58   there's NS user activity-- or not NS.

01:57:59   But there's user activity API.

01:58:01   There's the other various ways where

01:58:03   this information is exposed to the OS to the frameworks

01:58:06   that you're using.

01:58:06   Because you're using the UI frameworks.

01:58:08   There's lots of ways they can do this.

01:58:10   And that is the advantage they have as the platform vendor.

01:58:12   And being context aware in this way

01:58:15   is great because when they said about context,

01:58:17   it's like, how are we providing context?

01:58:19   You're providing context by just using your phone.

01:58:21   Whatever you're doing on your phone, that is the context.

01:58:23   And then you activate the new Siri,

01:58:26   which we'll see in a little bit.

01:58:27   And you don't have to do anything to provide the context.

01:58:29   It's already there.

01:58:30   And the OS sort of extracts that from what you're doing

01:58:33   and what you have done.

01:58:35   Because the OS knows all that and uses

01:58:36   that to hopefully get a more useful answer out of the LLM.

01:58:39   So I talked about architecture.

01:58:41   I feel like maybe we should try to breeze through this

01:58:44   as quickly as possible.

01:58:45   But basically, they made a whole speech

01:58:47   about how privacy is important.

01:58:49   And of course, they cited that on-device processing

01:58:52   is where they're doing most of this, which leads us

01:58:55   to Apple Intelligence being Apple Silicon only,

01:58:58   apparently A17 Pro and above.

01:59:01   They talked about how there's different models.

01:59:04   There's LLMs and diffusion models.

01:59:06   They have an on-device semantic index, the software image.

01:59:10   They made a lot of-- they talked a lot about how their images,

01:59:15   which they meant both for the iPhone

01:59:17   and for their servers, which we're

01:59:19   going to get to in two seconds, are independently verifiable.

01:59:22   And I'm not entirely clear how or why or what.

01:59:25   All they're saying is, you know how security researchers can

01:59:27   find flaws in iOS because they have iOS?

01:59:31   That's the same thing.

01:59:32   Because if you've run servers, there

01:59:33   was no reason for you to give them what's there.

01:59:34   Now, anyone listening to this who's not an Apple

01:59:36   client was like, why don't they just give them the source code?

01:59:38   That's not yet the Apple way.

01:59:40   But honestly, analyzing a compiled binary

01:59:43   is much harder than analyzing the source code.

01:59:46   But that's the way it is.

01:59:48   So they talk about private cloud compute,

01:59:50   which basically, the short short of it is,

01:59:52   they try to do everything on-device when they can,

01:59:54   including a lot of the image generation,

01:59:56   I think they had said at one point,

01:59:57   that they do that on-device.

01:59:59   But there is an awareness that, oh, this is not

02:00:02   going to work on-device.

02:00:03   I've got to send this to something

02:00:04   with more compute power.

02:00:06   And so they're using servers that are, in turn,

02:00:09   using Apple Silicon that draws on the security properties

02:00:13   of Swift, among other things, which I'm not entirely clear

02:00:15   what that means.

02:00:15   It doesn't mean memory safety and stuff.

02:00:17   This private cloud compute finally

02:00:19   makes sense of the rumor we talked about in past episode

02:00:22   about using Apple Silicon and servers.

02:00:24   Finally makes sense, right?

02:00:25   Not because of the secure on-device.

02:00:27   It's because this is stuff they would run on-device.

02:00:30   They're just farming it out.

02:00:31   And if you're going to farm it out,

02:00:32   you have to farm it out too.

02:00:33   You don't have to.

02:00:34   But it's much easier to farm it out to the same architecture.

02:00:37   I would run it on Apple Silicon, but it would burn your CPU.

02:00:39   Or you don't have enough RAM.

02:00:40   Well, guess what?

02:00:41   Apple makes bigger Apple Silicon chips.

02:00:43   Finally, it's like, why would they use the M2 Ultra?

02:00:45   This is why.

02:00:46   It's Apple Silicon.

02:00:48   Think of it as just an outboard giant processor for your phone

02:00:51   that you call upon briefly to do a thing

02:00:53   and get the answer back.

02:00:55   I feel so much better.

02:00:56   I'm like, why are they doing this?

02:00:57   Why are they making a server?

02:00:58   And so, yeah, they'll give you the image

02:01:01   of the thing that's running on that server.

02:01:03   And they'll do a cryptographic thing where

02:01:04   you can prove that iOS won't talk to it unless it's been--

02:01:07   the one piece they didn't mention

02:01:08   is there's got to be a third party involved in here.

02:01:10   Otherwise, we're just taking Apple's word for it.

02:01:11   That will only let you use the published ones.

02:01:13   But they're bending over backwards.

02:01:15   Like, they're going almost as far

02:01:16   enough to give you the source code to it.

02:01:18   It's saying, we're going to do outboard processing.

02:01:21   But we don't want any of your data.

02:01:23   These things can't log.

02:01:24   They have no storage subsystem.

02:01:26   They're running like a version of Apple's operating system

02:01:28   that takes those parts of the operating system out.

02:01:31   There's no support for persistent storage.

02:01:34   There's no file system.

02:01:35   [DING]

02:01:37   [LAUGHTER]

02:01:39   Like, it's just so-- you see this a lot in cloud computing

02:01:41   where they'll have servers that can't log, that don't save

02:01:44   any information.

02:01:45   This is what they're doing because they

02:01:46   don't want this information.

02:01:47   It's cheaper for them not to have it.

02:01:49   And they are really, really going to great lengths

02:01:51   to try to make it so that an outside observer could say,

02:01:54   yes, they're honestly not saving my stuff.

02:01:58   But they do want to be able to do things faster than they can

02:02:01   on your phone or with more RAM than they can on your phone.

02:02:04   This is a very clever solution.

02:02:05   I'm much more optimistic about it now than I was before.

02:02:08   Yeah, and the other thing that I think worth mentioning

02:02:10   is Marco alluded to a quasi-talk show that we went to.

02:02:13   And then we ignored it after that.

02:02:15   But what we had done was during the State of the Union,

02:02:19   actually, they had iJustine interview John Giannandrea,

02:02:23   I think was the pronunciation.

02:02:24   And--

02:02:25   Tim Cook didn't say--

02:02:26   Tim Cook just called him JG.

02:02:27   That's what everyone calls him.

02:02:28   John Giannandrea.

02:02:30   But anyways, they had a conversation.

02:02:32   And it was like half an hour long.

02:02:33   And it was mostly softballs and mostly it

02:02:37   appeared to be prepared, both remarks and questions.

02:02:41   But one of the things that Justine had asked was, well,

02:02:44   you never really talked about the environment.

02:02:46   And this all comes back together because I forget who it was.

02:02:49   But one of them said, look, all of our chips

02:02:52   began life as iPhone chips where power is incredibly important.

02:02:56   And so if we're going to do all this cloud computing,

02:02:59   why wouldn't we try to do it on something that sips power

02:03:02   rather than slurps power?

02:03:04   And so here again, like you were saying,

02:03:05   John, this also helps me grok and understand

02:03:08   why they're doing all this with Apple Silicon.

02:03:10   And they emphasized, oh, and by the way,

02:03:12   all data centers run on 100% renewable energy anyway.

02:03:15   Yep, exactly right.

02:03:16   So anyway, so experiences.

02:03:18   Now we get to Siri.

02:03:19   So Siri apparently serves 1.5 billion requests per day.

02:03:24   And it was introduced 13 years ago.

02:03:28   I think that was my first WWDC then,

02:03:30   because that would make it 2011, wouldn't it?

02:03:32   It doesn't matter.

02:03:32   It was introduced in 2011.

02:03:33   But yeah, my first was 2009.

02:03:35   Right.

02:03:35   I was 11.

02:03:37   That was your first as well, right?

02:03:38   John, sorry.

02:03:39   I'm looking at John and pointing,

02:03:40   which is not helpful for listeners.

02:03:42   We don't do this in person often.

02:03:44   So anyways, it's more natural, relevant, and personal.

02:03:47   It has a whole new look.

02:03:48   It's like a glowing rim light and rainbow animation.

02:03:51   It's a cool look.

02:03:52   I also like how there's a little bit of an indentation animation

02:03:54   where the button is where you're squeezing it.

02:03:56   That's kind of a cool look.

02:03:57   We were talking about in the pundit world,

02:04:02   are they going to rename Siri?

02:04:03   Because the old one has such bad PR.

02:04:05   It's so dumb.

02:04:06   Everyone hates Siri.

02:04:07   Maybe they'll call it Siri X or Siri 10 or something

02:04:09   like that.

02:04:10   Not that they would rename it.

02:04:11   But it rebranded it.

02:04:11   Siri AI, another possibility, right?

02:04:13   And then people were like, oh, no, they'll

02:04:15   just keep this name the same.

02:04:16   They'll tell us, really, this time it's good, right?

02:04:18   They did something that I hadn't heard anyone predict,

02:04:20   which is keep the name the same, which

02:04:21   a lot of people did say that they would do.

02:04:23   But they essentially totally rebranded Siri.

02:04:26   The icon is different.

02:04:28   The user interface is different.

02:04:29   How it manifests in the OS is different.

02:04:33   You would be forgiven for thinking that Siri is gone

02:04:35   and has been replaced with something new.

02:04:37   I didn't think they would change the icon.

02:04:39   The iconic Siri look with the wavy thing, gone.

02:04:42   Now there's a colorful infinity symbol thing or whatever.

02:04:45   The icon's out of the menu bar.

02:04:48   Everything about this is rebranded,

02:04:50   except it's still Siri.

02:04:51   This is really trying to let people know this is--

02:04:54   you may have been annoyed with Siri,

02:04:56   and we didn't change the name.

02:04:57   But this is better.

02:04:58   But everything is better, yeah.

02:04:59   So they made a big point about how it will understand you,

02:05:02   even if you stumble over your words, which I use Siri most

02:05:05   when I'm in the car because I'm using it with CarPlay,

02:05:08   and I'm responding to text messages or whatever

02:05:10   the case may be.

02:05:10   I don't know what my problem is.

02:05:12   I literally talk for a living.

02:05:13   That is literally my vocation.

02:05:15   And yet, I am constantly stumbling over my own words.

02:05:18   And so hopefully that'll get a lot better.

02:05:20   It maintains the conversational context.

02:05:22   And they gave examples that you would expect.

02:05:24   I can't recall any of them right now.

02:05:26   But it was what you would expect.

02:05:27   So do this, and then OK, what about-- or you're

02:05:31   taking several steps in a row.

02:05:32   Because context window is a natural part of LLMs,

02:05:34   and so this fits well with that.

02:05:36   There's type to Siri.

02:05:37   So you can double tap on the bottom of the screen,

02:05:39   and then you can type kind of sort of like a chat bot, which

02:05:44   I think there's a type to Siri already.

02:05:45   You can type to Siri now, but they're just

02:05:46   exposing it more broadly.

02:05:47   Because a lot of the time, the barrier to using Siri

02:05:49   is I don't want to talk out loud right now.

02:05:51   In whatever context I'm in, I don't want to or can't.

02:05:53   And so this gives it a more prominent option

02:05:56   to something you could do before,

02:05:57   but most people probably didn't know how to access.

02:06:00   They're giving Siri a lot of product knowledge,

02:06:03   which I was like--

02:06:04   What products?

02:06:04   What products?

02:06:05   What?

02:06:05   So they said, you can ask Siri, how do I scan a QR code?

02:06:09   And once it processes and realizes what you're asking,

02:06:12   it will show like a little help thing

02:06:14   at the top of the screen saying, step one, do this.

02:06:16   Step two, do that.

02:06:17   Step three, do this, which I thought was phenomenal.

02:06:19   And another example they gave very quickly

02:06:21   is, how do I write a message now and schedule it to send later?

02:06:23   And so it will tell you.

02:06:25   It will teach you how to do that,

02:06:26   which I thought was very cool.

02:06:27   Although they didn't go through with that.

02:06:29   It's like, do those instructions stay on the screen?

02:06:31   How can you access the UI when they're there?

02:06:32   But it's better than nothing.

02:06:33   But yeah, to be clear, they didn't say this explicitly.

02:06:36   I'm assuming it's only Apple products.

02:06:38   Like, how do I fix my refrigerator?

02:06:40   Like, they're not on board for that.

02:06:41   But I will definitely use this, because very often I

02:06:44   want to Google for something and find like a text bag.

02:06:46   Like, how deep does it go?

02:06:48   Can I ask it what the resolution was on like the second iPad

02:06:51   or something?

02:06:51   Like, I mean, Apple has this info.

02:06:55   It's great that they're exposing it.

02:06:56   Maybe it's mostly useful for tech podcasters,

02:06:59   but I'm looking forward to it.

02:07:00   It's just a K-base index at this point.

02:07:02   Yeah, I mean, yeah.

02:07:02   But by all means, it's like a better search

02:07:05   engine for information that's already on Apple's website

02:07:07   somewhere that you'll never find.

02:07:08   Unfortunately, unfortunately, Jon, I

02:07:10   don't think it will prepare the way for you.

02:07:12   So I wouldn't try that.

02:07:14   There's in-app actions.

02:07:15   So add this photo to the email I drafted to Steve,

02:07:18   or show me photos of Stacey in New York wearing her pink coat.

02:07:22   Like, that example in particular,

02:07:24   I find that one of the things I miss so deeply about Google

02:07:28   Photos, which was also not perfect,

02:07:30   but at the time that I abandoned it a couple of years ago,

02:07:32   was pretty darn good, was being able to search for something

02:07:36   with natural language.

02:07:37   And Apple has supported this for the last couple of years,

02:07:41   but it's not great.

02:07:42   Yeah, they had a fixed set of words and phrases

02:07:45   that you could use, and if it wasn't other than your--

02:07:48   I remember, like, I have an app on my phone called Queryable,

02:07:52   and I showed this to an Apple person at one point,

02:07:54   and I said, well, I use this third-party app

02:07:56   to search photos.

02:07:57   And they're like, why don't you just use the photo search?

02:07:59   You can just type things or whatever.

02:08:00   And I showed them an example, and it

02:08:01   was like ripped blue t-shirt or some phrase like that.

02:08:04   Queryable, a third-party app that

02:08:06   has to grind over and index all your things,

02:08:08   but they use this type of element type thing?

02:08:09   Like, look, it found it instantly.

02:08:11   And you know the photos didn't have ripped blue t-shirt

02:08:14   as any one of the keywords, so you would never find it.

02:08:16   And finally, Apple has caught up with that and saying, yes,

02:08:18   you just type what you want to find.

02:08:20   We'll do our best to find it.

02:08:21   We're not confining you to keywords.

02:08:23   Powered by modern technology, I'm very happy to see this.

02:08:26   Me too.

02:08:27   I hope it works really well.

02:08:28   Because this is one of those things--

02:08:30   and this is what, to bring it full circle,

02:08:31   what I was talking about earlier,

02:08:32   and not to say that you guys disagree at all,

02:08:34   but this is what I want to see.

02:08:35   Like, take something that is frigging painful in my life.

02:08:38   Like, I know that I took a picture of me and Marco

02:08:43   on the Nurburgring.

02:08:44   And I know that it was sometime in 2013.

02:08:46   And yes, I could like drill in via map.

02:08:48   But I forget where the Nurburgring is in Germany.

02:08:50   And you're scrolling.

02:08:50   You even find the month.

02:08:51   There's so many photos there.

02:08:52   And you go past it because it's just one picture.

02:08:54   Right.

02:08:54   Yeah, it's so frustrating.

02:08:56   This is the moment that I want the adults in the room

02:08:59   to fix that problem.

02:09:01   And as far as we know so far, they're fixing it.

02:09:04   So I'm here for it.

02:09:06   But they also said you can do something like, say,

02:09:08   make this photo pop.

02:09:09   But I guess it increases saturation or something

02:09:11   on those lines.

02:09:11   I have funny ways for you to hit a button in the UI.

02:09:13   OK, sure.

02:09:15   Significant enhancements to App Intents.

02:09:17   And this was kind of hinted at or obliquely mentioned

02:09:20   many, many, many times.

02:09:21   But basically, the App Intents system-- and Marco,

02:09:24   I'm happy for you to jump in whenever you're ready.

02:09:26   But the App Intents system is powering

02:09:28   a lot of what Siri is doing, which is exactly, I think,

02:09:30   what Marco, you had predicted in the past.

02:09:32   Yeah, it's what I've been hoping for.

02:09:34   Because it's a way for apps to expose different actions,

02:09:37   like play a podcast, send email, or whatever,

02:09:40   to the shortcut system.

02:09:41   So far.

02:09:41   And that's great for shortcuts users,

02:09:43   but there's not that many shortcuts users.

02:09:45   So what they're doing is expanding the system

02:09:49   and basically adding it to the semantic index.

02:09:52   So that way, at some point, rolling out slowly

02:09:56   over the next year or so, Siri will first

02:10:00   be able to access those App Intents

02:10:03   and start doing actions like, give me

02:10:08   a list of all the podcasts in Overcast

02:10:10   that they never set up a shortcut for,

02:10:12   that it can use the App Intents system with AI approaches

02:10:17   and linguistic analysis to look at the descriptions and actions

02:10:20   and try to figure out what you actually meant

02:10:23   and then actually do that in those apps.

02:10:24   What they showed today is the early foundations of that.

02:10:28   It's going to be a while before we can actually really do that.

02:10:32   And a lot of this stuff is kind of hand-wavy as, soon, this

02:10:35   will be available, or later in the year, or next year.

02:10:38   But this is good.

02:10:39   This is exactly what I was hoping to see.

02:10:41   This is a great first step.

02:10:43   Yep, couldn't agree more.

02:10:44   They also gave another great example.

02:10:45   Siri, when is my mom's flight landing?

02:10:47   And it was pulling together not only the email that

02:10:50   has her flight number, but also what is the actual arrival

02:10:54   time for that flight.

02:10:55   And again, this is smart, useful, useful ways

02:10:59   to solve problems for people.

02:11:01   I have a question about that, though.

02:11:02   A lot of the examples they were showing were like, oh,

02:11:04   and we pulled this from an email or whatever.

02:11:07   And they did show the Superhuman Email App at one point,

02:11:09   but my question is, I don't use the mail app.

02:11:11   Does it have no access to my email because it's from Google?

02:11:14   I understand it's a third-party integration problem.

02:11:16   Google's not going to want to share that with you.

02:11:18   Google already does a lot of these things.

02:11:19   Google will read my emails, knows where my flights are,

02:11:21   gives me summaries, and so on and so forth.

02:11:23   But it seems like, because I use Gmail, nothing in my email

02:11:26   will be exposed to Siri, which will make it less useful for me.

02:11:28   And that is actually a problem for Apple,

02:11:30   because a lot of people do use third-party mail clients.

02:11:32   And I hope Apple at least comes up with a way

02:11:35   to integrate with Siri for third-party email apps that then

02:11:40   Google can ignore for three years like they did with--

02:11:42   what was it?

02:11:43   Multitasking in iOS.

02:11:44   What was the feature they didn't add to iOS for you?

02:11:45   Yeah.

02:11:46   Yeah, for the iPad, right?

02:11:47   I mean, this is probably all part of the spotlight APIs.

02:11:52   I don't know to what degree--

02:11:54   I don't know if we know yet, through documentation

02:11:56   and everything, to what degree the existing spotlight APIs are

02:11:59   being used to feed the semantic index from third-party apps.

02:12:02   I don't think we know that.

02:12:03   But that is the way to do it.

02:12:06   And so that's probably one of those other areas

02:12:08   that we'll also see, like, over time, we're

02:12:10   going to probably see them start making these APIs slowly more

02:12:14   integrated, more public with the semantic index,

02:12:16   and allow third-party apps to add data to it.

02:12:20   Whether the apps will is a very different question.

02:12:23   And Google is not motivated to do this.

02:12:25   I mean, Google has no spotlight supports.

02:12:27   Google has its own search, which is very good.

02:12:29   But it's kind of a shame that the usefulness of Siri

02:12:32   is-- depends highly on having access to things

02:12:36   like your email that it just may not have access

02:12:38   to if you don't use Apple Mail.

02:12:40   So they said it's a new era for Siri.

02:12:42   Then you can enhance your writing.

02:12:44   We spoke about most of this already.

02:12:45   But there's smart reply in mail.

02:12:47   And what I thought was interesting was,

02:12:51   like, I write to the boys, hey, when

02:12:53   are you going to San Jose?

02:12:56   What is your flight number?

02:12:57   When are you getting in?

02:12:58   Et cetera, et cetera.

02:12:58   So I have a list of questions, right?

02:13:00   What they had was like a wizard sort of interface

02:13:04   where you would just say, OK, my flight number is 1234.

02:13:06   I get in on Sunday.

02:13:07   And I'll be in at 5 PM or whatever.

02:13:09   And then it would-- based on my answer, their answers,

02:13:12   I guess-- it would draft an email that would say, hey,

02:13:15   I'm getting into such and such time and blah, blah, blah.

02:13:17   And I thought that was very neat.

02:13:18   Yeah.

02:13:18   I mean, and people are like, oh, don't you

02:13:19   want to write that email yourself?

02:13:21   Especially on a phone, this is like-- if you're on the go,

02:13:23   you don't have time to tap out an email.

02:13:24   But you just want to say, yes, I'll be there.

02:13:26   And I'll be there at 8 or no, I'm not coming.

02:13:27   And you don't want to have to type out that email.

02:13:29   This is a useful feature.

02:13:31   You called it a wizard using the Microsoft terminology.

02:13:35   It's turning what would be a typing exercise into a button

02:13:37   pressing exercise.

02:13:38   And when you're on the go, especially on the watch--

02:13:40   I don't know if this is exposed on the watch--

02:13:41   but even on the phone, sometimes you

02:13:43   don't want to sit there and grab your phone with two hands

02:13:44   and type, type, type or whatever.

02:13:46   I give this feature a big thumbs up.

02:13:47   Yeah.

02:13:48   Mail, previews and mail.

02:13:50   So what I was going to say is previews and mail,

02:13:52   and now summaries.

02:13:52   What does that even mean?

02:13:53   So when you're looking at your inbox, for example,

02:13:55   and you'll see the first two or three lines of text

02:13:59   from that email, oftentimes it's like, hey, how's it going?

02:14:02   Hey, we spoke about this.

02:14:04   Well, now what that's going to show is a summary of the email.

02:14:07   Two very big thumbs up for me, if that's what's happening,

02:14:11   or if it works well, I guess I should say.

02:14:14   And it also will bubble up priority messages.

02:14:16   Same thing with notifications.

02:14:18   Priority at the top, you'll get summaries, et cetera.

02:14:20   They specifically enumerated, oh,

02:14:22   if the group chat is popping off,

02:14:24   you'll get a summary of it, which is great.

02:14:26   Focus has a reduce interruptions mode.

02:14:28   And they showed a screenshot of maybe important--

02:14:31   and I think it was like a rideshare or something

02:14:33   like that.

02:14:33   I forget exactly what it was.

02:14:35   They had a section about expressing yourself.

02:14:37   And they talked about genmoji.

02:14:40   So what you can do is you can type a T-Rex wearing

02:14:43   a tuxedo on a surfboard.

02:14:44   And then you'll get an emoji-looking thing

02:14:48   of a T-Rex wearing a tuxedo on a surfboard.

02:14:50   If this works, that's really cool.

02:14:51   I like it.

02:14:52   It's basically an emoji generator

02:14:53   that generates new art in the style of Apple's emoji.

02:14:58   Which is great.

02:14:59   This is a clever idea to choose to do this particular feature

02:15:03   because the images generated are low resolution.

02:15:05   That's true.

02:15:06   That's faster to generate.

02:15:07   Oh, that's interesting.

02:15:08   Yeah.

02:15:09   They picked very tiny images.

02:15:10   So very often, those AI image generators

02:15:13   will make you a thumbnail first.

02:15:14   And if you really like it, it'll do the longer processing

02:15:16   for the bigger thing.

02:15:17   But these are all fast and presumably on device

02:15:20   and presumably trained on Apple's own emoji.

02:15:21   That was one of the questions, by the way,

02:15:23   that I just asked.

02:15:23   They said-- and you may be wondering, listen to this--

02:15:26   they asked Apple, what did you use

02:15:29   to train all your AI models?

02:15:33   And their answer was not great.

02:15:35   I was hoping that they would have touted it in the thing.

02:15:37   And by the way, everything we train these with

02:15:40   is information that we own.

02:15:41   But what they said instead was, we trained it

02:15:44   on publicly available information on the web,

02:15:47   yada, yada.

02:15:49   They didn't have a story kind of like Adobe or whatever of like,

02:15:51   look, we paid for our own all the information

02:15:54   we trained this on.

02:15:54   It's not on any of your user data.

02:15:56   It's just on stock photos that we bought or licensed.

02:15:59   We licensed things from New York Times.

02:16:00   They didn't say that.

02:16:01   They trained it on publicly available information.

02:16:05   So Apple is not currently entirely immune

02:16:08   to whatever the fallout is of the legal ramifications

02:16:11   of training AI stuff.

02:16:13   Yep, so they have an image playground,

02:16:17   which this is where we're starting to jump

02:16:20   the shark a little bit.

02:16:21   But it could be cool.

02:16:23   So what this is is it's in line, or I

02:16:24   believe they said in a dedicated app.

02:16:26   And you can create playful images.

02:16:28   There are themes, costumes, accessories, places, and more.

02:16:31   It all happens on device.

02:16:33   And you can use different styles,

02:16:34   like we mentioned before, animation, sketch,

02:16:35   or illustration.

02:16:36   There are suggestions related to personal context.

02:16:39   You can do this, I think, in many different places.

02:16:43   And this is creating like a-- what was the image generator

02:16:45   thing you just said a second ago?

02:16:46   The stable diffusion.

02:16:48   It's giving like a stable diffusion style image.

02:16:51   This is 2024 clip art.

02:16:52   Yeah, actually.

02:16:53   But they really showed it being used as clip art.

02:16:55   You need an image or something.

02:16:57   Now you can just describe what it is.

02:16:58   Or if you did a sketch of something,

02:17:00   they showed someone they drew like an outline of something,

02:17:02   you can just say, take this and make it into a picture.

02:17:03   And they even showed, hey, maybe you

02:17:05   didn't provide an illustration.

02:17:06   Maybe you wrote a note or a document.

02:17:08   And you just circled the blank area next to it.

02:17:11   And it says, make me an image.

02:17:12   And it will look at the text and figure based on that text,

02:17:14   here's what the image should be.

02:17:16   I presume that this was trained only on known licensed images,

02:17:21   because this is a big danger zone.

02:17:22   But if they train it only on like if there's no porn there,

02:17:26   it's not going to generate those type of things.

02:17:28   It seems very constrained.

02:17:30   And the interface is wacky and weird and really maybe

02:17:34   it's like a glowing blob and these things floating

02:17:37   around it.

02:17:37   I'm not sure that's the right choice for this feature.

02:17:39   But anyway, if you need to generate AI looking stock art

02:17:43   that everyone will know was AI generated,

02:17:46   you can use this feature to do it.

02:17:48   It's available to third parties.

02:17:49   It's available as a dedicated app.

02:17:50   It appears in lots of places.

02:17:52   It's blobby and weird.

02:17:53   And I think this is the most sort of out there feature

02:17:56   they decided to add that is a questionable utility

02:17:58   of questionable legality based on what they've told us.

02:18:01   And I think all of the stuff that it generates

02:18:04   is kind of recognizable as having been generated.

02:18:07   But it's better than, I guess, doing

02:18:09   what other people-- what people did before features like this,

02:18:11   which is that you just Google.

02:18:12   You just type what you want in Google.

02:18:14   You make it an image search.

02:18:15   You grab some image you found on the web.

02:18:16   You yank it and put it in your thing.

02:18:18   And this is probably better than that.

02:18:19   They mentioned a few other things.

02:18:21   Photo editing, they have a cleanup tool,

02:18:23   magic eraser style thing, searching

02:18:24   using natural language, which we talked about.

02:18:27   Memory movies, which I actually really enjoy those.

02:18:29   They're clearly a very naive implementation.

02:18:32   But they're fun, and I guess they're

02:18:34   going to get a lot better.

02:18:35   Or you could even type a description,

02:18:36   and it'll assemble the movie for you.

02:18:38   They even said including chapters.

02:18:39   I'm not sure if they literally mean chapters

02:18:41   or if they mean different phases.

02:18:43   Like a title card or whatever.

02:18:44   And by the way, the way the third party

02:18:46   thing of scribbling over an image or whatever,

02:18:48   that's their magic wand tool.

02:18:50   It's part of like pencil kit.

02:18:51   The little pencil thing that you see

02:18:52   lets you pick like a highlighter or a pencil, a pen,

02:18:54   or whatever.

02:18:55   Now you have a new tool, which is like a magician's magic wand.

02:18:58   And that's the thing you use in any document where

02:19:00   you're using pencil kit.

02:19:01   And that thing appears.

02:19:02   You can just grab the magic wand and circle something

02:19:04   that you drew, and it will make an image out of it.

02:19:07   And then Craig comes back to say that notes will record

02:19:10   and transcribe audio.

02:19:12   And then I believe he said you can also

02:19:14   do this on a phone call.

02:19:15   And part of that is that it will notify you.

02:19:18   They didn't explain how.

02:19:19   But notify you and the other party, I should make it clear.

02:19:23   They will notify both parties that the recording has started.

02:19:26   And that will be part of the phone call.

02:19:28   And then it will record and transcribe it.

02:19:30   Yeah, and summarize it afterwards.

02:19:31   Right.

02:19:32   So all common voice meeting features.

02:19:35   And then all this is available for free on new OSs.

02:19:38   Then they talked about, hey, what

02:19:39   if you need to do something more?

02:19:41   Like something more intense that requires more general knowledge,

02:19:44   et cetera, et cetera.

02:19:45   So we've partnered with ChatGPT and GPT 4.0.

02:19:49   And Siri can leverage ChatGPT.

02:19:51   And what we've talked about, and we are not the only ones,

02:19:53   is, well, how does Apple make it clear

02:19:56   that if this gets gross or weird or whatever, that's not on us.

02:19:59   That's them over there.

02:20:00   That's the double popped collar weirdos over there.

02:20:03   Don't blame us.

02:20:04   And so what happens is as you're using Siri, it will say, hey--

02:20:07   I forget exactly how it's verbalized.

02:20:09   But basically, I can't do this.

02:20:10   ChatGPT might be able to.

02:20:11   Oh, it doesn't say I can't do this.

02:20:12   Right, exactly.

02:20:13   That's the thing about this feature.

02:20:14   They were like, how is this going to manifest?

02:20:16   How are they going to present it?

02:20:17   The fact is they don't have anything like this.

02:20:21   Now, if they did have something like this,

02:20:22   how would they use it?

02:20:23   We don't know.

02:20:24   Because they don't have anything like this.

02:20:26   But basically, you talk to Siri, and I'm

02:20:29   sure it doesn't say I can't do this.

02:20:30   What it does is helpfully offer, hey,

02:20:33   do you want me to send this to ChatGPT?

02:20:35   As if people know what the hell ChatGPT is.

02:20:38   People know.

02:20:38   And you could say yes or you can say no.

02:20:40   And if you say yes, it will do it, and it will bring it back.

02:20:43   And they're really sort of isolating it to lay the blame.

02:20:46   And I was kind of surprised when they said, and by the way,

02:20:49   this may work with other things besides ChatGPT in the future.

02:20:52   They even named Google Gemini.

02:20:54   They said, you know, Google Gemini,

02:20:55   we were talking with them, and the rumors that you read-- no,

02:20:57   they didn't say this.

02:20:58   But they said, hey, we may integrate

02:21:01   with other third-party large language models.

02:21:04   What they didn't say is we're also internally

02:21:06   working to make our model as good as theirs

02:21:08   so we can use it.

02:21:09   They do have their own models.

02:21:10   Everything we've talked about so far

02:21:12   is Apple's own models running on Apple's own servers

02:21:14   and Apple's own device.

02:21:15   And they emphasize this in the keynote.

02:21:17   Just to be clear, everything you've seen, it's us.

02:21:20   It's all us.

02:21:20   It's privacy-preserving.

02:21:22   But then they didn't say this.

02:21:24   We don't have this.

02:21:25   There's a thing we don't have that we

02:21:26   know people are interested in.

02:21:28   And we wanted to provide access to it.

02:21:29   And the way they're doing it is sometimes when you talk to Siri,

02:21:32   it suggests that you talk to somebody else.

02:21:35   Yep.

02:21:35   And so they will go to ChatGPT.

02:21:37   This will do composition, image generation, no account required.

02:21:41   It's free.

02:21:42   There's nothing logged.

02:21:45   ChatGPT subscribers can optionally

02:21:47   connect their account to get more paid features,

02:21:49   et cetera, et cetera.

02:21:50   They said, you're in control of when ChatGPT is used.

02:21:53   It's coming later this year.

02:21:54   And it's support for other AI models in the future.

02:21:57   And so basically, that's AI for the rest of us, as they said.

02:22:01   iPhone 15 Pro and iPad and Mac with M1 or later.

02:22:05   US English this summer.

02:22:06   Everyone else pound sand for the time being.

02:22:08   And iPad, M1, and later, too.

02:22:09   Sorry, yes, yes, yes.

02:22:10   Yeah.

02:22:11   This is pretty great.

02:22:12   I mean, I think we need to wrap up because we're

02:22:15   going to run along here.

02:22:17   I'm very happy with what they've announced today.

02:22:20   I think it is exactly the kind of thing

02:22:23   we would expect from Apple and kind of at the top of what

02:22:26   we would expect from Apple.

02:22:27   It's not underwhelming.

02:22:30   There's no major limitations or compromises that we can see yet.

02:22:34   I think it looks like a really solid set of updates.

02:22:36   And I like that where they're going with their AI features

02:22:40   does seem to be exactly in line with both what

02:22:43   we would expect from Apple and what we would hope from Apple.

02:22:46   So overall, we'll see over the coming months,

02:22:49   as we dive into the APIs and see what the limitations are,

02:22:52   and then as we actually get to use these betas,

02:22:54   like we'll see kind of where the rough edges still are

02:22:56   or what features aren't there yet.

02:22:57   But overall, as a way for them to have set the direction,

02:23:00   I'm very happy with what this is.

02:23:02   Yeah.

02:23:03   All these things are so subject to, OK, well,

02:23:05   we have to actually try to use them.

02:23:06   Because the things they describe are great

02:23:07   until we see what answers they give them.

02:23:09   With these sort of AI/LM things, that's the big question.

02:23:12   Like, will it do a good job?

02:23:14   We like how it's set up.

02:23:16   We like, as I said, the architecture

02:23:17   and their private clouds and the privacy preserving.

02:23:19   And we like how it integrates.

02:23:21   And we like everything about it.

02:23:22   But the bottom line is, you're going to get a result.

02:23:25   Is the result useful?

02:23:26   Does it get it wrong?

02:23:27   Like, this has always been the problem with Siri.

02:23:29   Siri ostensibly can do a bunch of things.

02:23:30   But often you ask it to do them and it can't do them.

02:23:33   Will it be consistent more than Siri is?

02:23:35   Will it be faster?

02:23:36   Like, these are all things that we'll find out

02:23:38   when we start running the betas and see how it works out.

02:23:40   But the architecture and the arrangement

02:23:42   and the selection of features they've laid out

02:23:44   all look good.

02:23:45   It's just a question of execution now.

02:23:47   And we hope they do that well.

02:23:48   - Yep.

02:23:49   - All right, thank you to our sponsors this week.

02:23:52   Trade Coffee and Delete Me.

02:23:54   And thank you especially to our members.

02:23:56   You support us directly.

02:23:57   We are so thankful for that.

02:23:59   You can join atp.fm/join.

02:24:03   What are we doing for overtime this week?

02:24:04   - I think we're going to be talking about

02:24:06   the Apple Park WWDC experience.

02:24:09   Which I'm very excited to talk about.

02:24:11   Everything except maybe the food will be in overtime.

02:24:14   We'll probably, we'll give everyone the food stuff

02:24:16   in just a moment.

02:24:17   - So overtime is our member exclusive segment.

02:24:19   You can join and listen atp.fm/join.

02:24:22   Thank you so much everyone and we'll talk to you next week.

02:24:25   (upbeat music)

02:24:28   ♪ Now the show is over ♪

02:24:30   ♪ They didn't even mean to begin ♪

02:24:32   ♪ 'Cause it was accidental ♪

02:24:34   ♪ Accidental ♪

02:24:35   ♪ Oh it was accidental ♪

02:24:37   ♪ Accidental ♪

02:24:38   ♪ John didn't do any research ♪

02:24:40   ♪ Marco and Casey wouldn't let him ♪

02:24:43   ♪ 'Cause it was accidental ♪

02:24:45   ♪ Accidental ♪

02:24:46   ♪ It was accidental ♪

02:24:47   ♪ Accidental ♪

02:24:49   ♪ And you can find the show notes at atp.fm ♪

02:24:54   ♪ And if you're into Mastodon ♪

02:24:56   ♪ You can follow them at C-A-S-E-Y-L-I-S-S ♪

02:25:03   ♪ So that's Casey List M-A-R-C-O ♪

02:25:06   ♪ A-R-M ♪

02:25:07   ♪ And T-Marco ♪

02:25:08   ♪ Armin ♪

02:25:10   ♪ S-I-R ♪

02:25:11   ♪ A-C ♪

02:25:12   ♪ U-S-A ♪

02:25:13   ♪ Syracuse ♪

02:25:15   ♪ It's accidental ♪

02:25:16   ♪ It's accidental ♪

02:25:18   ♪ They didn't mean to ♪

02:25:20   ♪ Accidental ♪

02:25:21   ♪ Accidental ♪

02:25:23   ♪ Tech podcast ♪

02:25:25   ♪ So long ♪

02:25:27   - So John, how was the WWDC food?

02:25:30   - So we used to talk about the WWDC box lunches

02:25:32   because they would be in like big convention centers

02:25:35   and the convention centers very often have contracts

02:25:37   that require Apple to use their vendor

02:25:41   for food that you serve people.

02:25:43   So they had to use those vendors

02:25:45   and that food was often exciting and surprising

02:25:49   and unexpected and soggy and strange

02:25:52   and just the source of lots of conversations.

02:25:55   This was my first WWDC at Apple Park,

02:25:57   even though they'd done it here for a couple of years,

02:25:59   it was Casey's first as well.

02:26:01   They did not have box lunches.

02:26:03   Apple is not required to use some weird vendor

02:26:05   for their food.

02:26:06   In fact, they can do whatever they want.

02:26:08   It's their food, it's in Apple Park.

02:26:10   And I have to say, not that this is a high bar,

02:26:13   but this was the best WWDC food I have ever had.

02:26:15   Not even close.

02:26:17   It's nothing like the box lunches you see.

02:26:20   It was better than most catered food

02:26:23   at any kind of office conference thing you're going to see.

02:26:25   It was interesting, it was executed pretty well.

02:26:28   They didn't have many items that were ill-advised.

02:26:32   (laughing)

02:26:34   Like an ice cream sundae

02:26:35   and they leave it out in the sun for an hour.

02:26:37   Like there's some food items that will work better

02:26:39   in a context where you have to put out

02:26:41   large volumes of it out for people.

02:26:42   Now, I will say that I was with the media people

02:26:45   in a smaller area.

02:26:46   I don't know if the attendees got different food

02:26:48   than we did, but the media area had maybe, you know,

02:26:51   100 or 200 people versus 5,000 attendees.

02:26:55   - Well, no, it's not 5,000 anymore, right?

02:26:56   - No, I think it's like 1,500 or something.

02:26:58   - I don't know, it seems like a lot,

02:26:59   but anyway, there's a lot more.

02:27:01   And so maybe the food was different down there,

02:27:03   but yeah, they had a selection.

02:27:04   I don't even think they called it pizza.

02:27:06   I think they called it like focaccia with tomato sauce

02:27:08   and cheese on top with basil, and that's what it was.

02:27:11   And I have to say--

02:27:12   - Yeah, it was not pizza.

02:27:13   - It didn't, I mean, it looked like it was pretending

02:27:15   to be Sicilian pizza, but what it tasted like

02:27:18   was focaccia with tomato sauce, mozzarella.

02:27:21   But it was, for what it was, I give it a thumbs up.

02:27:24   - Wow.

02:27:26   - It was, it didn't taste like pizza,

02:27:28   but it tastes like a good food item that I want to eat.

02:27:30   Right, and that's what it's gotta do.

02:27:31   And they had the little thing with like the pork belly

02:27:34   on a cornbread thing with a jalapeno.

02:27:36   - That was really good too.

02:27:36   - What the hell, that was, I'm like, thumbs up on that too.

02:27:38   - Yeah, 'cause there was like a slab of thick cut bacon,

02:27:40   basically, 'cause that's what pork belly basically is,

02:27:42   and, or vice versa, and a little piece of cornbread

02:27:45   and like a little sliver of jalapeno, that was really good.

02:27:48   They had some sort of fish-like sandwich thing.

02:27:50   - Yeah, I didn't bring the fish.

02:27:51   - You know, I wouldn't go for the fish.

02:27:52   - It was really good, it was actually really, really good.

02:27:53   - You went back for seconds, you got a second one of those.

02:27:56   - And actually breakfast was really good too,

02:27:57   come to think of it, they had little sandwiches.

02:27:58   - Yeah, I had a great overnight oats thing at breakfast.

02:28:00   - No, I didn't have that, but they had little

02:28:01   breakfast sandwiches that were like egg and bacon,

02:28:03   whatever, those were really good.

02:28:05   - Yeah, they had those little mini slice,

02:28:06   like I got one with like eggplant on it,

02:28:08   and some other stuff, some pickled peppers and eggplant.

02:28:10   Just, I mean, it wasn't, you know, it's not high cuisine,

02:28:12   and you could tell some of it, you know,

02:28:14   it's been out for a while, and some of the pickled peppers

02:28:15   did soak into like the kind of hot dog bunny type,

02:28:18   but I'm not saying it's amazing, great food,

02:28:20   but boy, so much better than those box lunches, so much.

02:28:24   - So much better.

02:28:25   There was something else that I, oh,

02:28:27   I saw you grab a little like cup of salad,

02:28:29   and I'm really allergic to spinach,

02:28:31   and so I'm always a little, like I love salad,

02:28:33   but I'm always a little reluctant to, you know,

02:28:35   brave that in this sort of scenario,

02:28:37   but I looked and they had the ingredients there,

02:28:39   because California, I guess, but hey,

02:28:40   it worked out in my favor, and I had that,

02:28:42   and it had all sorts of ingredients that

02:28:45   I don't typically eat, but it was very, very tasty,

02:28:48   so I enjoyed that. - They're called vegetables.

02:28:49   - Oh, stop, I have salads all the time.

02:28:51   (laughing)

02:28:52   But yeah, the chocolate chip cookie,

02:28:54   they had little packages.

02:28:55   - Yeah, the chocolate chip cookie was pretty good.

02:28:56   - Even the touchscreen coffee was actually pretty good.

02:28:58   - Oh, I'm impressed. - They had one of those,

02:29:00   like you know, touchscreens where you push what you want,

02:29:01   and it just very slowly drips it out,

02:29:03   this very fancy looking faucet,

02:29:05   but even that was actually like okay,

02:29:07   which I was not expecting it to be.

02:29:08   - Yeah, yeah, I was very--

02:29:10   - One complaint is they had water,

02:29:12   just you know, water bottles there,

02:29:13   and to try to be environmentally better,

02:29:15   they didn't have plastic water bottles,

02:29:17   they had like aluminum water bottles.

02:29:19   The caps on those aluminum water bottles

02:29:21   were so hard to get off, way too hard.

02:29:23   - I have one right here, it's fine.

02:29:25   - Just the initial thing where you have to break

02:29:27   the little things that are connecting,

02:29:28   that's what I mean, once it's open, it's fine.

02:29:30   - You gotta do some strength training on that,

02:29:32   your wrist action. - I know, I know,

02:29:33   but it's just, I mean, I got them open,

02:29:35   but it was just harder than it should have been,

02:29:37   so there's one design problem with those bottles,

02:29:39   but yeah, again, the bar is low,

02:29:41   you're not expecting much, but pleasantly surprised,

02:29:45   you know, as you would expect, the Apple Park food,

02:29:48   I'm sure people who work there,

02:29:49   it's just like work cafeteria food,

02:29:51   but it is better. - Well, I think it was,

02:29:52   it said Cafe Max-- - Oh, you know,

02:29:53   it's all the same, that's what you get if you work there,

02:29:56   but like, having eaten at a lot of company cafeterias

02:29:59   in my career, this is a step up

02:30:01   from any place I have ever worked.

02:30:02   - Yeah, have you ever been to any of the Cafe Max

02:30:05   ever, ever, ever? - Yes.

02:30:06   - Okay, so, 'cause we went like in 2017 or something.

02:30:09   - Honestly, I've always been very pleased with them.

02:30:11   - Yeah, same. - I've gone to a few

02:30:12   here and there like over different years

02:30:14   and different buildings and different people

02:30:16   giving us lunches and stuff, and it's always been good.

02:30:18   - Yeah, I was very impressed with the food.

02:30:19   It gave, two thumbs up for me.

02:30:21   (beeping)