The Talk Show
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The Talk Show Episodes
Transcribed 417 of 417 (100.0%).
417: ‘Nothing Is Possible’, With Paul Kafasis
416: ‘A Professional Internet User’, With Vlad Prelovac
415: ‘A Good Duck Butt’, With Allen Pike
414: ‘Annoying Friendliness’, With Joanna Stern
413: ‘Holiday Party 2024’, With Merlin Mann
412: ‘His Most Pro Shirt’, With Dan Moren
411: ‘An Acoustic Nightmare’, With Tyler Stalman
410: ‘Shipping vs. Shipping’, With Jason Snell
409: ‘The Dynamic Paradox’, With Nilay Patel
408: ‘Good Enough to Be Pesky’, With Taegan Goddard
407: ‘Pinkie Swear’, With Chance Miller
406: ‘Hock TUAW’, With Christina Warren
405: ‘Chutes and Ladders’, With Hunter Hillegas
404: ‘Curiously Short Episodes’, With John Moltz
403: ‘150 Million Calculator Apps’, With Quinn Nelson
402: ‘Live From WWDC 2024’, With John Giannandrea, Craig Federighi, and Greg Joswiak
401: ‘Chockdingus’, With Craig Hockenberry
400: ‘Canadian Girlfriend Vibes’, With M.G. Siegler
399: ‘I Decapitated the MacBook Air’, With Federico Viticci
398: ‘You’ve Never Seen Email Like This Before’, With John Moltz
397: ‘Less Space Than a Nomad? Lame’, With Jason Snell
396: ‘The Essence of Stealing’, With David Barnard
395: ‘I‘m a Real-World Man’, With Adam Lisagor
394: ‘An Impossible Balcony’, With Matthew Panzarino
393: ‘An Asterisk on the Bento Box’, With Marco Arment
392: ‘Halos and Harps’, With Casey Liss
391: ‘Error -37’, With John Siracusa
390: ‘The Blurry Edge of Acceptable’, With Nilay Patel
389: ‘Two-Legged Stool’, With Gabe Rivera
388: ‘What the Actual’, With Christina Warren
387: ‘Are There Ever Too Many Love Songs?’, With Sebastiaan de With and Ben Sandofsky
386: ‘Gate Number Two’, With John Moltz
385: ‘Who’s Heef?’, With Matthew Panzarino
384: ‘Pleading the Fifth’, With Michael Simmons
383: ‘A Photocopy of a Fax’, With Jason Snell
382: ‘What’s Happening‽’, With Craig Hockenberry
381: ‘Tape Deck Dongle’, With Joanna Stern
380: ‘The M Is for Magnificent’, With Matthew Panzarino
379: ‘An Extra Kick in the Nuts’, With Christian Selig
378: ‘Live From WWDC 2023’, With John Ternus, Mike Rockwell, Craig Federighi, and Greg Joswiak
377: ‘guyenglish.zip’, With Guy English
376: ‘One True HIG’, With Neil Jhaveri
375: ‘No False Humidity’, With Jason Snell
374: ‘The Paul McCartney of Car Salesmen’, With John Moltz
373: ‘This Guy Reads a Lot Better’, With Quinn Nelson
372: ‘$8 Billion in Late Fees’, With Rene Ritchie
371: ‘The Skin of Your Pants’, With Daniel Jalkut
370: ‘Fine Hypertext Products’, With Jason Kottke
369: ‘18-Hour Bombing Mission’, With Marco Arment
368: ‘Tweeter and the Monkey Man’, With Dan Moren
367: ‘Slow Moving Hurricane’, With Craig Hockenberry
366: ‘Measure Seven Times, Cut Once’, With Glenn Fleishman
365: ‘Permanent September’, With Rene Ritchie
364: ‘Spooky Hole’, With John Moltz
363: ‘Deliberately Churned’, With Christina Warren
362: ‘Grand Scale Foot-Shooting’, With Anil Dash
361: ‘A Fit of Pique’, With Federico Viticci
360: ‘Neither Fish Nor Fowl’, With Jason Snell
359: ‘Big Booger Came After You’, With Merlin Mann
358: ‘Double-Digit Domains’, With Paul Kafasis
357: ‘Fluent Cupertinoese’, With Nilay Patel
356: ‘An Unranted Rant’, With Rosemary Orchard
355: ‘The Creaturest of Habits’, With Daniel Jalkut
354: ‘Get Me to the Fainting Couch’, With John Moltz
353: ‘Shop Different’, With Michael Steeber
352: ‘I’ve Kissed That Mouse’, With Marco Arment
351: ‘Here You Go, Cheapskate’, With Rene Ritchie
350: ‘Your Sack of Meat With Teeth’, With Jason Snell
349: ‘Live From WWDC 2022’, With Craig Federighi and Greg Joswiak
348: ‘Joe Biden’s Gum’’, With John Moltz
347: ‘After Steve’, With Tripp Mickle
346: ‘Like Neo Dodging Bullets’, With Zach Gage
345: ‘A Fake Crank on the Web’, With Michael Simmons
344: ‘Devastation, Pessimism, and Rage’, With Glenn Fleishman
343: ‘Fussy Typography Improvements’, With Paul Kafasis
342: ‘Doggy Lake’, With Matthew Panzarino
341: ‘A Cold Glass in Hell’, With Casey Liss
340: ‘Billionaires Have Beefs’, With Tom Watson and Daniel Agee
339: ‘2006: Hard Work’, With Ken Kocienda
338: ‘That’ll Pivot His Tables’, With Rene Ritchie
337: ‘See Me After Class’, With Jason Snell
336: ‘He Looked Like a Fred’, With John Moltz
335: ‘Blofeld-69-420’, With Guy English
334: ‘High-Margin Candy Bar’, With Dieter Bohn
333: ‘Schrödinger’s Feature’, With Rene Ritchie
332: ‘The Post-Doom Era’, With Joanna Stern
331: ‘John Was the Problem’, With Merlin Mann
330: ‘Headline Goes Here’, With Jim Dalrymple
329: ‘The Scotland Board of Tourism’, With David Smith
328: ‘The Warden’s Dilemma’, With Ben Thompson
327: ‘Giddy With Mac-Ness’, With Daniel Jalkut
326: ‘A Very Large Nap’, With John Moltz
325: ‘The Negative Version of Icing on the Cake’, With Nilay Patel
324: ‘A Pretty Generic Thing You Stick in a Hole’, With Jason Snell
323: ‘Skeptical Not Cynical’, With Matthew Panzarino
322: ‘It Was More Arial Than Helvetica’, With Rene Ritchie
321: ‘Just a Standard Bird’, With MG Siegler
320: ‘Paper Floor Mats’, With Christina Warren
319: ‘You Called Him Pixel Mature’, With John Moltz
318: ‘Holes in the Blast Door’, With Matthew Panzarino
317: ‘The NOC List’, With Rene Ritchie
316: Remote From WWDC 2021 With Craig Federighi and Greg Joswiak
315: ‘I Don’t Know How to Read’, With Joanna Stern
314: ‘Obviously Tier One’, With Marco Arment
313: ‘The Sour Grapes Commission’, With Glenn Fleishman
312: ‘Not to Get Zealotrous’, With Craig Mod
311: ‘Toaster Fridgey’, With Rene Ritchie
310: ‘Russian Nesting Doll Code’, With Jason Snell
309: ‘Pinkies on the Semicolon’, With John Siracusa
308: ‘Peak Hubris’, With Christina Warren
307: ‘Soviet Toilet Paper’, With John Moltz
306: ‘A Total Landscaping’, With Mike Monteiro
305: ‘Star Wars: The Mandalorian’ Holiday Spectacular, With Special Guests Guy English and John Siracusa’
304: ‘2020 Year in Review’, With Rene Ritchie
303: ‘Half of the Bikini Emoji’, With Matthew Panzarino
302: ‘Camera Beer Belly’, With Nilay Patel
301: ‘A Craptastic Craptacular’, With Joanna Stern
300: ‘Holiday Party 2020’, With Merlin Mann
299: ‘Sounds Like a Good Red Sauce Place’, With Special Guest Jason Snell
298: ‘I’m Expecting Led Zeppelin IV’, With Special Guest MG Siegler
297: ‘Subscribed to a Hamburger’, With David Smith
296: ‘Cameras Every Single Where’, With Michael Simmons
295: ‘Signing Up to Take Some Vitamins’, With Peter Kafka
294: ‘DOS Rot’, With John Moltz
293: ‘I’m More of a Porkins Guy’, With Anil Dash
292: ‘Not the Batman We Want or Need’, With Rene Ritchie
291: ‘Algorithms, How Do They Work?’, With Nilay Patel
290: ‘The Least Worst’, With Christina Warren
289: ‘I’m Batman. America. Freedom.’ With Adam Lisagor
288: ‘It Shouldn’t Be Hard to Get a Smoothie’ With Dan Frommer
287: ‘Patina of Usefulness’ With Matthew Panzarino
286: Remote From WWDC 2020 With Craig Federighi and Greg Joswiak
285: ‘Fahrenheit Truthers’ With Ben Thompson
284: ‘30 Years of TidBITS’ With Adam Engst
283: ‘Some Kind of Sandwich’ With Dieter Bohn
282: ‘Everybody Is an Expert’ With Joanna Stern
281: ‘A Kryptonian Baby’ With Rene Ritchie
280: ‘The Subtle Difference Between Hand Sanitizer and Vodka’ With Matthew Panzarino
279: ‘Chain of Precision’ With Jason Snell
278: ‘Dot Net Party’ With Federico Viticci
277: ‘Polish Stink Eye’ With John Moltz
276: ‘Bring It On, Haters’ With Ben Thompson
275: ‘Fake Faces’ With Glenn Fleishman
274: ‘Sport Mode’ With Merlin Mann
273: ‘My Cousin Hans’ With Rene Ritchie
272: ‘The Save Twitch’ With Rich Siegel
271: ‘A Perfect Wheel’ With Jason Snell
270: ‘Talking About Crimes’ With Matthew Yglesias
269: ‘Maximally Thin’ With Casey Johnston
268: ‘With Ham I’d Be Better’ With Dave Mark
267: ‘Just the Tips’ With John Moltz
266: ‘iPhone-Colored Glasses’ With Rene Ritchie
265: ‘Thompson’s Razor’ With Ben Thompson
264: ‘Apple Is Not a 4-Star Company’ With Joanna Stern
263: ‘The Dumbest Thing Possible’ With Dan Frommer
262: ‘Freakishly Snappy’ With Brent Simmons
261: ‘Contact Heineken’ With Jim Dalrymple
260: ‘A Clear Eyed Look at Dishwashers’ With John Siracusa
259: ‘Start a Bakin’ Timer’ With Marco Arment
258: ‘Pousse-Café’ With John Moltz
257: ‘A Beautiful Sandwich’ With Daniel Jalkut
256: ‘A Bit Too Thin’ With Ben Thompson
255: ‘Zap the PRAM’ With Jason Snell
254: Live From WWDC 2019 With Craig Federighi and Greg Joswiak
253: ‘An Italicized “Finally”’ With Rene Ritchie
252: ‘The Dustin Egress Problem’ With Cabel Sasser, Steven Frank, and Greg Maletic From Panic
251: ‘Parking Meters in a Dirt Lot’ With Merlin Mann
250: ‘A Couple of Awkward Swipes’ With MG Siegler
249: ‘Better Than Nothing’ With John Moltz
248: ‘Equally Confused’ With Peter Kafka
247: ‘I Have Faith in the Rice’ With Paul Kafasis
246: ‘Loan It to Nien Nunb’ With Matthew Panzarino
245: ‘40 Hours a Day of Murder’ With Rene Ritchie
244: ‘Plagiarists and Fabulists’ With Glenn Fleishman
243: ‘The God Awful Truth’ With Rich Mogull
242: ‘The Butts Incident’ With John Moltz
241: ‘More Smarter’ With Joanna Stern
240: ‘Drastically Shakier’ With Ben Thompson
239: ‘Proprioceptive Lie’ With Rene Ritchie
238: ‘Fort Jason Sudeikis’ With Jason Snell
237: ‘Out on Home Video’ With Matthew Panzarino
236: ‘A Vivid Nightmarescape’ With Dieter Bohn
235: ‘Jony White’s Universe of Objective Purity’ With Rene Ritchie
234: ‘Welcome to Dongletropolis’ With Merlin Mann
233: ‘North Korean USB Fan’ With John Moltz
232: ‘I’ll Eat My Hat’ With John Moltz
231: ‘It’s a Deep Notch’ With Dan Frommer
230: ‘Flabbergasting’ With Nilay Patel
229: ‘iPhone 🍸’ With Rene Ritchie
228: ‘Smallen Up the Bezels’ With Jason Snell
227: ‘Little Q&A’
226: ‘Cut That Mustache With Scissors’ With Marco Arment
225: ‘Resources Up the Yang’ With Matthew Panzarino
224: ‘AirPower, What’s That?’ With Serenity Caldwell
223: Live From WWDC 2018 With Greg Joswiak and Mike Rockwell
222: ‘Pseudorandom Gibberish’ With Rene Ritchie
221: ‘Slathered in Incompetence’ With Ben Thompson
220: ‘$270 Worth of Unneeded Keyboards’ With Jim Dalrymple
219: ‘Top Men’ With Matthew Panzarino
218: ‘Spending Tim Cook’s Money’ With Serenity Caldwell
217: ‘Our Name Is Our Address’ With Jason Kottke
216: ‘Podcast Amnesia’ With Jason Snell
215: ‘The “Press Real Hard” Era’ With Marco Arment
214: ‘Only Wireless. Less Smart Than an Echo. Lame.’ With Paul Kafasis
213: ‘Don’t Tap the Monkey’ With John Moltz
212: ‘Arbiter of Finallys’ With Rene Ritchie
211: ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Holiday Spectacular With Special Guests Guy English and John Siracusa
210: ‘Australian Battery Scam’ With Jason Snell
209: ‘Blaming a Platypus’ With Matthew Panzarino
208: ‘Disgusting Inception’ With John Moltz
207: ‘Christmas Mitzvah’ With Merlin Mann
206: ‘Bed Is Where My Problems Are’ With Ben Thompson
205: ‘If You Trust Your Twin’ With Jim Dalrymple
204: ‘Flaunting That Notch’ With Rene Ritchie
203: ‘Unused VIPs’ With Serenity Caldwell
202: ‘You Tell Me If It’s a Dongle’ With Joanna Stern
201: ‘Much More Smarter’ With Matthew Panzarino
200: ‘Episode CC’ With Craig Federighi
199: ‘Under Rumored’ With Jim Dalrymple
198: ‘Prison Oreos’ With Jason Snell
197: ‘Nancy Reagan Was Right’ With Glenn Fleishman
196: ‘Actually, You Can Buy a Better Coke’ With Rene Ritchie
195: ‘I Do Like Throwing a Baby’ With John Moltz
194: ‘Egg Freckles’ With Serenity Caldwell
193: ‘Crack Marketing Team’ — Live From WWDC 2017 With Phil Schiller and Craig Federighi
192: ‘The Original Sin Is XML’ With Special Guests Manton Reece and Brent Simmons
191: ‘He Ends Up Fighting Hervé Villechaize’ With Jim Dalrymple
190: ‘Anything Luxury’ With Ben Thompson
189: ‘Long Press on the French Fries’ With Rene Ritchie
188: ‘Apple VP Lisa Jackson’
187: ‘Forget About Frodo and Sam’ With MG Siegler
186: ‘Good News, My House Burned Down’ With Matthew Panzarino
185: ‘Warmest Regards’ With Dan Frommer
184: ‘Hubbo Is in Decline’ With Merlin Mann
183: ‘A Very Masculine Bark’ With Serenity Caldwell
182: ‘AAA Podcast’ With Marco Arment
181: ‘Corporate Stiffy’ With John Moltz
180: ‘Yay or Nay to Their POV’ With Matthew Panzarino
179: ‘iPhone Is the New Hitler’ With Ben Thompson
178: ‘Now Banned in China’ With Jim Dalrymple
177: ‘Surface Curious’ With Rene Ritchie
176: ‘Frolic’ With Craig Hockenberry
175: ‘Uncle Joe’s Bathtub Gin’ With Glenn Fleishman
174: ‘Election Escape Key’ With Joanna Stern
173: ‘Fork the Universe’ With Jason Snell
172: ‘Holiday Party’ With Merlin Mann
171: ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma Multitasking’ With John Moltz
170: ‘Kicking Dirt on Them While They’re on Fire’ With Ben Thompson
169: ‘A Murder of Eeros’ With Matthew Panzarino
168: ‘You’ve Got the Nubbin’ With Serenity Caldwell
167: ‘Hey Bruh You Bumped Muh Hat’ With Jim Dalrymple
166: ‘Way of the Future’ With Rene Ritchie
165: ‘I Do Feel the Pea’ With Guy English
164: ‘Enjoyably Clicky’ With Jason Snell
163: ‘Low Grade Scam’ With Joanna Stern
162: ‘Special Bullying Venue’ With Glenn Fleishman
161: ‘Mumbles and Grunts’ With John Moltz
160: ‘Fresh Out of Prison’ With Nilay Patel
159: ‘Phil Z’ With Marco Arment
158: Live From WWDC 2016 With Guests Phil Schiller and Craig Federighi
157: ‘A Nokia Phone and Some Pills (WWDC Prelude)’ With Dan Frommer
156: ‘Yo, Dingus’ With Merlin Mann
155: ‘Medium Rare MacBook’ With MG Siegler
154: ‘Facebook on Your Face’ With Rene Ritchie
153: ‘Chock Full of Whimsy’ With Ben Thompson
152: ‘The Greatest Mic Drop I’ve Ever Seen’ With Guy English
151: ‘Option P’ With Serenity Caldwell
150: ‘Strict Robot Definer’ With Jason Snell
149: ‘With Apologies to Hamilton’ With Glenn Fleishman
148: ‘Occupy Portland’ With John Moltz
147: ‘iTools or Whatever’ With Jim Dalrymple
146: ‘“They Might Be Giants” With a Spanish Accent’ With Special Guests Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi
145: ‘Anthropomorphic Human Bowel’ With Ben Thompson
144: ‘Hopped Up on Holiday Juice’ With Matthew Panzarino
143: ‘A Squirrel Eating a Duck’ With Merlin Mann
142: ‘They Sherlocked F.lux’ With Dan Frommer
141: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Holiday Spectacular With Special Guests Guy English, Amy Jane Gruber, and More
140: ‘Apple’s 2015 Year in Review’ With Rene Ritchie
139: ‘How Many Fingers Should This Baby Have?’ With Special Guests Craig Federighi and John Siracusa
138: ‘I’ve Been Using Mine More in Bed’ With Joanna Stern
137: ‘Peak Rumor Season’ With John Moltz
136: ‘Fully Charged Pencil’ With Jason Snell
135: ‘Put a Nipple on It’ With Adam Lisagor
134: ‘Field Sobriety Test’ With Guy English
133: ‘The MacGuffin Tractor’ With Serenity Caldwell
132: ‘Peace, Porn, and Privacy’ With Guest Marco Arment
131: ‘If Only the Death Star Had That’ With Guest Rene Ritchie
130: ‘A Full Canseco’ With Guest John Moltz
129: ‘90 Minutes or Bust’ With Guest Ben Thompson
128: ‘Did You Ever Take a Photograph?’ With Guest Matthew Panzarino
127: ‘A Sack Full of Plucked Feathers’ With Guest John Moltz
126: ‘Tommy Got Made’ With Guest Jason Snell
125: ‘They Buy a Hole in the Wall’ With Guest Horace Dediu
124: ‘Schiller Did Not Have to Put Up With This Bullshit’ With Guest Guy English
123: Live From WWDC 2015 With Guest Phil Schiller
122: ‘Everyone Needs a Jerk’ With Guest Mark Gurman
121: ‘He Was Sort of Anti-Golf’ With Guest Rene Ritchie
120: ‘The Move to Frisco’ With Guest Dan Frommer
119: ‘Workin’ in Pajamas’ With Guest David Sparks
118: ‘Sloppy on the Side’ With Guest Adam Lisagor
117: ‘I Touched Ron Johnson’ With Guest John Moltz
116: ‘Browser Pooped on the Wee-Wee Pad’ With Guest Joanna Stern
115: ‘Turd on the Front Porch’ With Guest Ben Thompson
114: ‘All of Us Assholes in Journalism’ With Guest Serenity Caldwell
113: ‘A Tube of Lubricant for Your Life’ With Guest Matthew Panzarino
112: ‘Retina Quality’ With Guest Paul Kafasis
111: ‘12 Hours a Day’ With Guest John Moltz
110: ‘Rats in the Lobby’ With Guest Merlin Mann
109: ‘How Many Keys?’ With Guest MG Siegler
108: ‘Malaprops’ With Guest Ben Thompson
107: ‘Now It’s All Floppy’ With Guest Marco Arment
106: ‘Star Wars Holiday Spectacular’ With Guests John Siracusa and Guy English
105: ‘George Lucas Called’ With Guest Jason Snell
104: ‘2014 Year in Review’ With Guest Rene Ritchie
103: ‘Robotitize the Assembly’ With Guest Dan Frommer
102: ‘Maybe You Don’t Take an Apprentice’ With Dave Wiskus
101: ‘Like a Butt Crack’ With Christa Mrgan
100: ‘People Are Gay All the Time’ With John Moltz
XCIX: ‘The Smoker Channels’ With Merlin Mann
98: ‘Far Less Eloquent as You’ With John Siracusa
97: ‘Copious Software Projects’ With Guy English
96: ‘The Edition Edition’ With Ben ‘Bengate’ Thompson
95: ‘Twenty-One Thousand Words’ With Rene Ritchie
94: ‘Very Few Outhouses Anymore’ With Jason Snell
93: ‘Toner-Perfect Design’ With Craig Hockenberry
92: ‘That New Laptop Smell’ With Joanna Stern
91: ‘BlackBerry Is Still Technically in Business’ With Dan Frommer
90: ‘Jamming More RAM in for Free’ With John Moltz
89: ‘Cat Pictures’ With Marco Arment (Side 2)
88: ‘Cat Pictures’ With Marco Arment (Side 1)
87: ‘Free Alcoholic Beverages’ With Ben Thompson
86: ‘Diddling Your Feeds’ With Dave Wiskus
85: ‘Oh Man, Soccer’ With Paul Kafasis
84: ‘Doctoring the Ball’ With Guy English
83: Live From WWDC 2014 With Marco Arment, Casey Liss, John Siracusa, and Scott Simpson
82: ‘We're Allowed to Make Stuff Up; It's a Podcast’ With Dan Frommer
81: ‘Bring Back Jerry Yang’ With John Moltz
80: Beats by Tim
79: Whatever Jobs Had His Pants on Fire For
78: Live From Build 2014
77: Stampy in the Hunger Games
76: Here`s a Frickin` Pipe Dream
75: We Used to Finger Each Other
74: Heart of a Gambler
73: Do Not Retweet the Band-Aid
72: Go To The Mat On Stickers
71: Construction Kit Food
70: Ken Turns Effect
69: Peter`s Going To Want His Money Back
68: We`re Gonna Get Email
67: The Floppy 2: The Zip Disk
66: Geared Up For CES
65: 2013 Holiday Spectacular
64: One Star
63: Would You Pay A Quarter For That?
62: Checkin` Out Butts with Siri
61: My_Feedback.ppt
60: Anti-Elop Bias
59: A Dog Named Maverick
58: iPad Square
57: One For The Pedants
56: OS X El Camino
55: Black to the Mac
54: Green iPhone 5C Hidden In A Beard
53: If They Had Asked Us
52: A Little Bit Of Dancing On Their Grave
51: Amazon First Citywide Change Bank
50: Gold-Plated USB Cables
49: Mountains of Garbage
48: Eddy Cue Is Going to Jail
47: Extreme Minimal Guns
46: Close Encounters of the Seventh Kind
45: I Missed OK
44: Code 47: Live From WWDC 2013
43: All The Leaks Are Wrong
42: No One Has A Higher Horse
41: See You on Larry`s Island
40: A Look At Mail In Cyberdog
39: iOS 7 Deforestation
38: Up To The Creepy Line
37: Live from Úll 2013
36: Stockpiling the Nuclear Weapons of Design War
35: Bozos and BlackBerrys
34: I Don`t Want To Put Down My Drink
33: Apple`s Actual Problems
32: Denied Permission for an Emergency Landing at Clavius
31: Velocity Hotels
30: Buy High, Sell Low, with Marco Arment
29: The Mac Faithful, with John Moltz
28: Inappropriate Outfits, with Dan Frommer
27: The Glass Something or Another, with Dave Pell
26: Steve Wouldn’t Eat An Energy Bar, with John Moltz
25: A Therapeutic Dose of Imodium, with Merlin Mann
24: It’s Like Drug Money, with Glenn Fleishman
23: More Useful and Less Horrible, with Dan Frommer
22: Chewbacca Does It Again, with MG Siegler
21: Looper, with Rian Johnson and Adam Lisagor
20: Live From Çingleton, with Brent Simmons
19: Ant-Covered Candy Bar, with John Moltz
18: Instawhatsit, with Marco Arment
17: The iPhone 5 , with MG Siegler
16: Big in Indonesia, with Om Malik
15: The Moltzphone EXTREMO III DX, with John Moltz
14: You’re Not Gonna Name Him Fuzzbutt, with Craig Hockenberry
13: Unusually Open, with Michael Lopp
12: Down to the Mac Nerd Guys, with John Siracusa
11: We’re Going to Get You Some Jeans Today, Jimmy, with John Moltz
10: The Next Big Thing, with MG Siegler
9: Command Versus Splat, with Dan Frommer
8: Like Giving Natalie Portman a Trucker Cap, with Merlin Mann
7: Hot Ladies in Movies, with John August and Adam Lisagor
6: Laggy by Any Standard, with Guy English
5: Live From WWDC 2012, with Cabel Sasser
4: A Decent Thing That Someone Would Like, with MG Siegler
3: Superman Didn’t Even Make His Own Logo, with John Moltz
2: Dare I Say, Kubrick?, with Adam Lisagor
1: What If the Dolphins Had Thumbs, with John Moltz