
The Accidental Tech Podcast

111: That Big Ring Underground Somewhere in Europe


00:00:00   I have no idea what day it is anymore. It's still Thursday. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/0">TS</a>]

00:00:03   What week is it the first week of April is that right now is the watch out yeah I know it's not soon. But not yet. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3">TS</a>]

00:00:12   All right. Check your wrist. Just like the rest. It's hair clock. It's hair o'clock. All right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/12">TS</a>]

00:00:19   So do we have some follow up. Starting with cooking. Apparently. Seriously. That's awesome. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/19">TS</a>]

00:00:25   Yeah this was last week on the poster up a so I was making fun of the temperature is printed on the glass door of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/25">TS</a>]

00:00:31   toaster saying that one sixty eight [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/31">TS</a>]

00:00:33   or one seventy is not an appropriate temperature park despite the fact that it is printed on the door of the toaster [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/33">TS</a>]

00:00:39   that I tested last week. And I also blame the government for these crazy. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/39">TS</a>]

00:00:44   Temperature ratings because they tend to be super conservative to make sure you don't get any food borne illnesses. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/44">TS</a>]

00:00:49   I was told by several people that the government had in fact changed their recommended temperature to pork they changed [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/49">TS</a>]

00:00:55   it in two thousand and eleven. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/55">TS</a>]

00:00:56   And when people mention this to me I had been recalled reading the story back then but anyway. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/56">TS</a>]

00:01:01   The government now recommends a one forty five for pork which is a perfectly same temperature pork [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/61">TS</a>]

00:01:06   and it will make it not taste like cardboard so everybody. You could say the government says the U.S. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/66">TS</a>]

00:01:12   Government that is that you can safely cook your parka one forty five and eat it and not have a days like cardboard. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/72">TS</a>]

00:01:17   All right well I feel better knowing that piece of information. I don't know about you guys. All right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/77">TS</a>]

00:01:23   What to tell us about the F. Sixteen. As another thing last we got held I can buy think was for stressed. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/83">TS</a>]

00:01:28   Touch trackpad you know the trackpad doesn't move but it feels like it moves. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/88">TS</a>]

00:01:31   And it reminded me of the stick in the at sixteen which doesn't move a couple people. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/91">TS</a>]

00:01:37   Knowledgeable about this stuff Burton tell me that the F. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/97">TS</a>]

00:01:40   Sixteen the original sixteen stick didn't move at all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/100">TS</a>]

00:01:42   and the pilots found it disconcerting because there was no feedback. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/102">TS</a>]

00:01:46   And so it was modified so that it moves slightly Some people say fractions of an inch Some people say moves an inch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/106">TS</a>]

00:01:51   total. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/111">TS</a>]

00:01:52   So I saw a video of it at one point moving it doesn't move much [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/112">TS</a>]

00:01:55   but it moves a little bit because there was no feedback it just felt kind of weird. And I didn't. I'm sure about the F. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/115">TS</a>]

00:02:00   Eighteen and people over and sell me to the F. Eighteen. Stick does move and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/120">TS</a>]

00:02:06   It actually is a has a mechanical connection to the flight controls as a backup. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/126">TS</a>]

00:02:11   I remember reading about that years ago a fly by wire thing before a drive by wire came to cars [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/131">TS</a>]

00:02:16   and they want transit in neutral already. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/136">TS</a>]

00:02:18   But flight of our came to planes first where the controls were not hooked up to the things that you put your hands on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/138">TS</a>]

00:02:26   were not hooked up to the control surfaces of the plane by a mechanical connection [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/146">TS</a>]

00:02:30   but rather just by like you would move the stick and it would figure out what you're trying to do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/150">TS</a>]

00:02:34   and then it was an instructor electronics to move the control surfaces of the plane [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/154">TS</a>]

00:02:37   and predictably that freaked out pilots like oh I got you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/157">TS</a>]

00:02:41   I got to have a direct connection I don't trust these computers blah blah blah but they made a trip triple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/161">TS</a>]

00:02:45   and quadruple redundant. Anyway in the F. Eighteen. It's why wire. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/165">TS</a>]

00:02:49   My understanding but there is a backup system where if the fly by wire system fails you can still move. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/169">TS</a>]

00:02:53   Services with a stick. So there you go. The ethics Tina needed with an moving stick. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/173">TS</a>]

00:03:00   Needed some haptic feedback as well I don't they get they did. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/180">TS</a>]

00:03:03   Side not to go as libration and just go with tiny amounts of movement but it still seems pretty weird. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/183">TS</a>]

00:03:08   That's definitely wanky. But hey whatever works. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/188">TS</a>]

00:03:12   Tell us about the current MacBook Pro and how many monitors you can connect to it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/192">TS</a>]

00:03:18   The last week talking about the confusion of. What would happen if they had to U.S.B. Seaports on a new MacBook and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/198">TS</a>]

00:03:26   But it only supported. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/206">TS</a>]

00:03:28   To monitor if you could only have the interim honor [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/208">TS</a>]

00:03:30   and one external monitor wouldn't be confusing that you had the the part that you thought you could hook something into [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/210">TS</a>]

00:03:34   it I said it would not be confusing because you would know that you bought a machine that only supports dual displays [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/214">TS</a>]

00:03:40   and Frank. And Frank wrote in to tell me well. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/220">TS</a>]

00:03:43   The current mac book pro only supports two external displays but it has three places you can plug a monitor. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/223">TS</a>]

00:03:48   So those people must just be thoroughly confused [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/228">TS</a>]

00:03:50   when they plug another modern It doesn't work right so there were two big pieces of follow up that we got our two P's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/230">TS</a>]

00:03:58   follow up that we got often. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/238">TS</a>]

00:04:00   One of them was everyone getting angry at you for falling into the Steve Jobs said or Steve Jobs did. Trap. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/240">TS</a>]

00:04:07   Would you like to defend yourself John. Yeah that's not. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/247">TS</a>]

00:04:10   It's one of those things where this sort of shared cultural knowledge of a medium or whatever and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/250">TS</a>]

00:04:15   It all nuances wrong out of that me minimum is kind of when. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/255">TS</a>]

00:04:19   When Tim Cook stuck took over Steve Jobs and Dave Jobs died. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/259">TS</a>]

00:04:23   Among the apple nerd community they were there were a lot of there was a lot of pushback on the idea. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/263">TS</a>]

00:04:29   On the other stories that were coming out saying oh Jobs is gone he was the only one who could have led Apple to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/269">TS</a>]

00:04:34   victory. Now no matter what Tim Cook does he do it without Jobs Apple can innovate and everything. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/274">TS</a>]

00:04:39   Tim Cook did it was well Steve Jobs but I don't this well he's no Steve Jobs was Steve Jobs had done that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/279">TS</a>]

00:04:43   and so the blowback me in our little circle was always. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/283">TS</a>]

00:04:47   I don't want to see anyone comparing anything to move the Steve Jobs I don't want to see anyone ever think the of jobs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/287">TS</a>]

00:04:51   what did on this and what a done that the spirit was that me I'm developed in was worthwhile and that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/291">TS</a>]

00:04:58   when that transition to date was there were a lot of those hysterical stories about how. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/298">TS</a>]

00:05:08   Possible to ever compare and contrast the valves and Tim Cook and that. That permits I reject. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/308">TS</a>]

00:05:13   I think it is perfectly valid to compare and address the of jobs and Tim Cook. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/313">TS</a>]

00:05:17   Whether or not you think one is better than the other and whether or not you want to make that particular case [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/317">TS</a>]

00:05:21   and last episode. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/321">TS</a>]

00:05:23   I was comparing them directly on things that they had each done with the product line not saying well like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/323">TS</a>]

00:05:28   What was Steve Jobs had done about the watch or some product the didn't that he didn't even know about. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/328">TS</a>]

00:05:33   I don't know about watch but anyway. That type of thing I think is not as useful. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/333">TS</a>]

00:05:38   But still I think is a valid line of inquiry as long as you're not using it as a cudgel to say like Steve Jobs would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/338">TS</a>]

00:05:45   never done that therefore what Tim Cook is doing is wrong because Steve Jobs is infallible though is over so anyway. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/345">TS</a>]

00:05:50   I reject that criticism because I think it is useful to compare these things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/350">TS</a>]

00:05:53   and as long as you do it in a thoughtful way. And not just you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/353">TS</a>]

00:05:59   Elevate Steve Jobs to godhood and use him as a way to say whatever Tim Cook does is bad [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/359">TS</a>]

00:06:03   or to try to support your own opinion by saying. I think the watch is dumb idea. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/363">TS</a>]

00:06:08   And Steve Jobs out of agreement and he was he was here. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/368">TS</a>]

00:06:10   He's always right there for I'm right because I'm telling you what the gods would have thought about the watcher. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/370">TS</a>]

00:06:15   You know I again I don't know if you knew about the watch would be better if we had example of a product that we were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/375">TS</a>]

00:06:19   sure that Steve Jobs never knew about a lot of things have been in the works for a long time. But anyway. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/379">TS</a>]

00:06:24   That's that's how I feel about the comparisons as the of jobs. So you stand by your comparison from last week. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/384">TS</a>]

00:06:30   Yes totally because you know it is not like completely speculative I'm not using the ghost of Steve Jobs as sure I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/390">TS</a>]

00:06:36   support my opinion I said I didn't even know what strategy was better than some because one of the of jobs one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/396">TS</a>]

00:06:40   and I could go either way on it it's not clear like it's not. It is completely valid. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/400">TS</a>]

00:06:45   All right let's awake Marko up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/405">TS</a>]

00:06:47   and have him tell us about something awesome then he can go back to sleep for a few more minutes. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/407">TS</a>]

00:06:51   And some some going on we did a podcast. Some like that is the show. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/411">TS</a>]

00:06:54   This is what people didn't for you want to explain why all asleep because no one's going to know why you're also doing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/414">TS</a>]

00:06:59   it like you did you think that everyone follows your life down to the tweet on Twitter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/419">TS</a>]

00:07:03   but people going to listen to this who haven't been following on Twitter have no idea why you're out of it so once you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/423">TS</a>]

00:07:07   explain a Thank God I'm so tired of Twitter. People are so nasty there anyway. Honestly I'm pulling away from Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/427">TS</a>]

00:07:15   I think I hope it's just not worth it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/435">TS</a>]

00:07:18   It is simply not worth it you haven't even been tweeting that much what do you know that's what I'm talking about. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/438">TS</a>]

00:07:22   I'm pulling away from Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/442">TS</a>]

00:07:24   All right well and they will save us we have to show her of a therapy session and see what's going on on your Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/444">TS</a>]

00:07:29   Well it's. It isn't that in the recent It's like I'm slowly realizing over the course of time. That Twitter is. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/449">TS</a>]

00:07:37   It's a tricky balance between whether it makes your life better or worse. Overall and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/457">TS</a>]

00:07:43   And I've been questioning what the. What the value of it is for me recently and whether it is a net gain or loss. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/463">TS</a>]

00:07:48   And I think. Maybe it's it's probably a net gain still but. But the ratio there is not as good as it should be. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/468">TS</a>]

00:07:56   So I'm really not incredibly happy with it anyway. And I'm exploring ways to try to fix that young man. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/476">TS</a>]

00:08:03   When you are tired of Twitter your tired of life. Another reference to an object. That's all wrong. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/483">TS</a>]

00:08:08   From a long time ago. So the reason I sound like this and the reason I'm out of it and probably not making any sense. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/488">TS</a>]

00:08:14   Is because I have just returned from a trip across the Atlantic Ocean. To Ireland for the wonderful tool conference. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/494">TS</a>]

00:08:22   And I would I would tell you how amazing it is in great detail. However K.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/502">TS</a>]

00:08:25   To get to go this year and they were just being cruel to me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/505">TS</a>]

00:08:28   For me to tell you how awesome it was but suffice to say it was awesome. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/508">TS</a>]

00:08:32   And I've been awake for proximately twenty two hours now. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/512">TS</a>]

00:08:35   I forget what time my body thinks it is it doesn't really matter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/515">TS</a>]

00:08:40   But I'm a zombie and I sound like this so I apologize. In better news. We have a new sponsor this week. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/520">TS</a>]

00:08:46   We do our first bunch of this week is Reuters T.V. Writers T.V. Is an i Phone app to give you personalized T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/526">TS</a>]

00:08:54   News service available in the U.S. and The U.K. Go to Reuters dot tv that's our E.U. T E R S A dot tv to see more. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/534">TS</a>]

00:09:03   This can bring you whatever news you want for more than twenty five hundred Reuters journalists [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/543">TS</a>]

00:09:07   and over two hundred locations around the world. But Reuters T.V. You get a customized news show. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/547">TS</a>]

00:09:13   That's always up to date with breaking stories and insightful coverage. National and international. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/553">TS</a>]

00:09:18   But this is better than watching the old T.V. News shows because it's more relevant to you. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/558">TS</a>]

00:09:22   And specifically tailored to your interests and location. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/562">TS</a>]

00:09:26   You can also pick the duration of your custom news show in the app. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/566">TS</a>]

00:09:29   Then and how much time you have you know if you want to have a half hour you can do a half hour. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/569">TS</a>]

00:09:34   You can go all the way down to just five minutes. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/574">TS</a>]

00:09:36   If you really just want to quick little overview of what's going on you can have your own five minute new show. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/576">TS</a>]

00:09:41   And of course you can watch Reuters T.V. On demand. Whenever you want. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/581">TS</a>]

00:09:45   It's always ready to watch it even periodically downloaded in the background using the I.O.'s background download [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/585">TS</a>]

00:09:51   system. So you can open it up and watch whenever you're offline. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/591">TS</a>]

00:09:55   You know like if you're on an airplane or if you're commuting underground. It's always there ready to go. Reuters T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/595">TS</a>]

00:10:00   Also includes live feeds. These are live. Unfiltered professionally shot video feeds. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/600">TS</a>]

00:10:06   Covering events all over the world as they happen.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/606">TS</a>]

00:10:09   From protests in Egypt say to presidential speeches in Washington D.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/609">TS</a>]

00:10:13   You watch all of these things live as they unfold. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/613">TS</a>]

00:10:16   As part of this app and you can also you know of course you have your on demand new show ever you want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/616">TS</a>]

00:10:20   and you have these live feeds all integrated into one beautiful av. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/620">TS</a>]

00:10:25   This is really great honestly I got to say for cable cutters like me. Because it's very hard to get good news coverage.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/625">TS</a>]

00:10:31   And it's even harder to get good live news coverage. If you don't have cable or broadcast T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/631">TS</a>]

00:10:37   And I haven't had it for years and that's one of the things have always missed. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/637">TS</a>]

00:10:40   Was being able to watch live events and have live coverage and. This is just a. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/640">TS</a>]

00:10:45   Great alternative for that it really does replace a completely.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/645">TS</a>]

00:10:48   So slant today for a free thirty day trial of Reuters T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/648">TS</a>]

00:10:52   After that is just a dollar ninety nine or one pound forty nine. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/652">TS</a>]

00:10:57   I don't know how British people say that one forty nine P. I don't know if you would say two bucks a month. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/657">TS</a>]

00:11:02   Via an abstraction from the App Store so you know there's not like any kind of like big invasive scription process. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/662">TS</a>]

00:11:09   It's all using I.O.'s native stuff. Native background downloads. Native subscriptions so it's easy to sign up. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/669">TS</a>]

00:11:15   Easy to cancel. You don't to worry about them Spanier being weird or anything like that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/675">TS</a>]

00:11:18   It's just done really will go to Reuters dot tv Ari U.T.E. R.S. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/678">TS</a>]

00:11:23   Dot tv to learn more get the app and start your free trial today. To have your own professional news service. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/683">TS</a>]

00:11:30   Right on your phone. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/690">TS</a>]

00:11:32   All right so I had said earlier that there were two major pieces of follow up that that we got a lot of complaining [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/692">TS</a>]

00:11:41   about. Via the feedback and. Well this week. There were two. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/701">TS</a>]

00:11:47   And the other one had to do with some of the statements we made on fab in RAM which in turn were based on some follow [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/707">TS</a>]

00:11:55   up that we had gotten two weeks ago so John you want to set all this straight you know this is my memory. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/715">TS</a>]

00:12:00   But I just started as back the first time over. I talked about it that. Set when. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/720">TS</a>]

00:12:05   When using a bunch fabric silicon chips. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/725">TS</a>]

00:12:08   That the first thing they do to work out the kinks in a new process size was fab RAM because it's simple. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/728">TS</a>]

00:12:13   and very regular not as complicated as actual full fledged C.P.U. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/733">TS</a>]

00:12:17   And then we get feedback with said No no I actually DRAM is really complicated is that capacitors they're like they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/737">TS</a>]

00:12:22   not like two flat plate facing in shows like a tube within a Toobin it's really complicated to fab them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/742">TS</a>]

00:12:26   and actually it's much harder to fab those capacitors than just regular plain old logic transistors so that the filling [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/746">TS</a>]

00:12:32   out the case and I was like All right well you know. Maybe my dad is old. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/752">TS</a>]

00:12:36   Maybe I'm just remembering this from when I was a kid I never revisited maybe. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/756">TS</a>]

00:12:39   When they pass through like thirty two nanometer something changes you know things get weird. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/759">TS</a>]

00:12:43   You start getting really small process sizes like who knows amazing love X. Ray lithography maybe we already have X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/763">TS</a>]

00:12:48   Rays. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/768">TS</a>]

00:12:49   That's how much I mean giving up with it as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/769">TS</a>]

00:12:50   and not much it's not like you just drink drink drink that's going to shrink your whole life. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/770">TS</a>]

00:12:54   We have a whole episode about the end of Moore's Law By the way. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/774">TS</a>]

00:12:56   Because you know more laws existed for most of our life. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/776">TS</a>]

00:12:59   Where it's like I'll you know they just keep shrinking the process but like. It doesn't take a genius to figure out. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/779">TS</a>]

00:13:04   You can't keep shrinking forever. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/784">TS</a>]

00:13:06   Eventually you get down to the things that they're slamming together in the big ring underground somewhere in Europe [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/786">TS</a>]

00:13:14   and Iran doesn't problems. But anyway we're not there yet. And so. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/794">TS</a>]

00:13:20   Last week I said What the heck was I remembering with this whole fabric RAM for us and I just crazy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/800">TS</a>]

00:13:24   or with a song that used to do but don't do anymore [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/804">TS</a>]

00:13:26   and I got a lot of people who would be in position to know telling me that what I was. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/806">TS</a>]

00:13:31   It wasn't that they don't fabricate something. S.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/811">TS</a>]

00:13:33   RAM not DRAM SRAM of the stuff you use to make like the caches and stuff on C.B.S. It is not the same as DRAM. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/813">TS</a>]

00:13:40   It is much more expensive than DRAM and faster because you need to use way more transistors per bit of stored memory. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/820">TS</a>]

00:13:47   But unlike the RAM It doesn't need to be refreshed every X. Number of milliseconds Anyway I will link to the the. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/827">TS</a>]

00:13:52   The SRAM BT page as RAM is not a new thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/832">TS</a>]

00:13:55   but the point is SRAM does not is not filled with capacitors is just a bunch of logic gates and it is very regular [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/835">TS</a>]

00:14:01   and that is what they use to test out the kinks in their process in fact we have someone enter Yang from a. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/841">TS</a>]

00:14:06   Another he's not the one from Intel at some else from Intel but anyway. He links to and then text Oracle while back. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/846">TS</a>]

00:14:11   Specifically talking about SRAM than Tex their story says the good old SRAM test vehicles a great weight are now bugs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/851">TS</a>]

00:14:17   in the manufacturing process. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/857">TS</a>]

00:14:18   And he talks about how intel was damage in two thousand and seven their thirty two nanometre SRAM test chip. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/858">TS</a>]

00:14:24   And Eric who used to work at Intel until two thousand and six. Says that each new process node and S.D.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/864">TS</a>]

00:14:29   RAM modules fab prior to the main production of C.P.S. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/869">TS</a>]

00:14:32   I saw someone else I don't have the notes here are saying that that that measurement of like how small you able to get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/872">TS</a>]

00:14:38   as RAM is kind of like the yardstick for how you're doing on your process size ago we first got us ram down to the size [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/878">TS</a>]

00:14:43   of the state or whatever so there you go. One letter makes a difference if you don't know difference in S. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/883">TS</a>]

00:14:48   RAM and DRAM I encourage you to read the Wikipedia pages it will put in the show it's because all RAM is crazy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/888">TS</a>]

00:14:53   and examine the difference us remedy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/893">TS</a>]

00:14:55   and RAM will make you appreciate the stuff inside your computer that you never need to think about. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/895">TS</a>]

00:15:00   And finally Gordon McGregor sent us a link to a chart that shows. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/900">TS</a>]

00:15:04   Prophesies and I didn't quite understand this chart and it seems to contradict some of things I just said [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/904">TS</a>]

00:15:08   but this chart shows that DRAM still leads process development versus logic [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/908">TS</a>]

00:15:13   but the gap is closing over time that you guys look at this graph here. And now. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/913">TS</a>]

00:15:17   It is somewhat confusing and shows logic and then dram the NAND flash [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/917">TS</a>]

00:15:20   and I don't know what that other line is there anyway. I will leave. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/920">TS</a>]

00:15:25   Crap in the show it's anyone's to parse that out and figure what it is I'm looking at there. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/925">TS</a>]

00:15:29   But I'm fairly convinced of what I was remembering was SRAM [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/929">TS</a>]

00:15:32   and not DRAM in the first letter makes all the difference that took surprisingly little time Jon I'm very proud if I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/932">TS</a>]

00:15:38   tried to trim it down I didn't want it there was some are rehashing of the new MacBook I think we've covered. Yeah. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/938">TS</a>]

00:15:44   I think we can definitely never talk about the one port on the mac book again. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/944">TS</a>]

00:15:48   Oh no not when we are what Apple sends us all our free sample copies I will talk about it some more. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/948">TS</a>]

00:15:52   Oh yeah that yeah I didn't mention I got so I got five of the moment in my mailbox today. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/952">TS</a>]

00:15:57   Yes I said check your wrist you're wearing two Apple watches right now. Oh my God you're right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/957">TS</a>]

00:16:03   If it were only that easy. Damage the sport. OK so. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/963">TS</a>]

00:16:10   Would So it's funny that this is the week that we run through follow up so quickly because we don't really have any [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/970">TS</a>]

00:16:15   terribly pressing topics as write down your Where is your follow up now. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/975">TS</a>]

00:16:21   Let me get right so I don't know which what if you guys put this in the show it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/981">TS</a>]

00:16:26   but would you like to talk about our Macs and roadmap rumors. I think we all would. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/986">TS</a>]

00:16:32   I think we should all bring up this page which is from a long time ago [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/992">TS</a>]

00:16:34   and it is a complete the unsubstantiated rumor as far as I can tell but I. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/994">TS</a>]

00:16:38   So we ran out of topics they were moving from discussing. New B.S. Rumors to discussing. Ancient B.S. Room. Yeah. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/998">TS</a>]

00:16:45   Well I mean. Yes armor is a jumping off point first of all it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1005">TS</a>]

00:16:49   It's in one of those subcommunities that we don't really travel in like the whole semiconductor forums [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1009">TS</a>]

00:16:56   but you know where they're where they're debating they're really into who's particular process size [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1016">TS</a>]

00:17:01   and what particular technology is getting what contrasts. For what chip and you know all that stuff. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1021">TS</a>]

00:17:07   So at the very least like anyway. Look at the story. It's about like the A nine the A ten a nine X. The A ten X. The S. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1027">TS</a>]

00:17:15   One and yes to all names that you could very easily make up based on the you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1035">TS</a>]

00:17:19   Apple's current naming of their ships. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1039">TS</a>]

00:17:22   And who might get those contracts and what technology they're using [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1042">TS</a>]

00:17:26   and they had the date they're supposed to start production [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1046">TS</a>]

00:17:28   and contracts that are split over different fabs like Sam's log into has and seeing global foundry [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1048">TS</a>]

00:17:33   and whether Intel's that mean anything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1053">TS</a>]

00:17:37   and there's a big table showing less information most of which is not that big of deal except from the perspective of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1057">TS</a>]

00:17:43   Apple. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1063">TS</a>]

00:17:43   You know How is Apple managing its relationship with its fierce competitor Samsung that it is still relying on to fab a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1063">TS</a>]

00:17:50   lot of its chips. And that's always an uncomfortable situation and we've talked in the past about. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1070">TS</a>]

00:17:54   Perhaps getting intel. Into the mix here because they are usually at the forefront of process technology. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1074">TS</a>]

00:18:01   Very often far ahead of the rest of the field itself are Apple hasn't been using them for anything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1081">TS</a>]

00:18:05   but it's because of course Intel is their own chips they want to use instead of arm and anyway. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1085">TS</a>]

00:18:10   Inside this entire story is a one line item showing on the A nine X. and A ten X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1090">TS</a>]

00:18:15   Line is a ball on a nine antennas of those with the i Phone on the Apple watches across the S. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1095">TS</a>]

00:18:20   One in the US to another talked about the baseband chip on the i Phone and i Pad. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1100">TS</a>]

00:18:24   and then the middle I don't it's as a nine X. A ten X. I Pad and mac. And that is not an exciting part of the story. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1104">TS</a>]

00:18:31   Really to the people discussing it because all they care about is whose fabric and what technology it's on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1111">TS</a>]

00:18:35   but it's like I'll just throw that in the yeah of course then I commit an act of course that we max based on those. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1115">TS</a>]

00:18:40   And this is the internal arm they snack rumor that we've talked about length in the past. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1120">TS</a>]

00:18:45   I think it was worth revisiting. Do we think anything has changed on the feasibility of likeability of ARM based Macs. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1125">TS</a>]

00:18:54   In light of what say like than the new mac book with its five watt. C.P.U. and The very latest. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1134">TS</a>]

00:19:01   I Pad Air two with its benchmarks versus new computer is that we think it now is the time to he believed. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1141">TS</a>]

00:19:07   Do you believe this this. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1147">TS</a>]

00:19:09   You know little table here anymore than we did in the past or the just still awaiting Fiat's it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1149">TS</a>]

00:19:14   You know I actually had an interesting. And related realization. At work the other day. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1154">TS</a>]

00:19:20   One of my co-workers who is not a developer. She had just swapped a Dell. I Pad Air narcs kissing. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1160">TS</a>]

00:19:28   Medical care knock off for a actual mac McCarran this. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1168">TS</a>]

00:19:32   MacBook Air happen to be a few years old I don't recall exactly when it was built. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1172">TS</a>]

00:19:36   But she didn't have the I'm where installed. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1176">TS</a>]

00:19:41   Now typically when we used to she Max to everyone doesn't matter if your developer not. We would our I.T. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1181">TS</a>]

00:19:48   Department of one to install the where fusion. On every single mac. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1188">TS</a>]

00:19:53   Because inevitably all of these people be it business people developers whatever. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1193">TS</a>]

00:19:58   Are going to need to do something in Windows that they can't do in O.O.S. Ten and so those are I.T. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1198">TS</a>]

00:20:05   Guy would just get ahead of the curve and just put the more fusion on there. And I went to do something in the M.R. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1205">TS</a>]

00:20:11   Fusion on her machine off camera was but doesn't really matter. And the more fusion wasn't there. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1211">TS</a>]

00:20:17   And that was a little bit odd for me because I thought it was a given that safer Visine know if nothing else. That V.M. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1217">TS</a>]

00:20:26   Ware would be on every man every MAC we hand out in the company. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1226">TS</a>]

00:20:29   And it isn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1229">TS</a>]

00:20:30   and that relates to this discussion because I've have to imagine that virtualizing a Windows installation unless it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1230">TS</a>]

00:20:40   whatever that we are to version of Windows is that runs on the surface. The armed services. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1240">TS</a>]

00:20:44   Virtualizing a Windows installation on an arm. Mad. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1244">TS</a>]

00:20:48   Back would be unbelievably slow I mean we've talked about this in the past [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1248">TS</a>]

00:20:51   but my recollection of Max before I ever touched a mac. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1251">TS</a>]

00:20:55   Was that they would have like separate daughter boards on some of these old Max that would basically be a P.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1255">TS</a>]

00:20:59   On a on a daughter board that you would plug into your mac. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1259">TS</a>]

00:21:03   In order to make emulation of P.C.'s way faster you know to talk about John. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1263">TS</a>]

00:21:07   They had those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1267">TS</a>]

00:21:08   but nobody on them like you knew would never see one in the wild they made a couple machines that you could do that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1268">TS</a>]

00:21:12   with a couple third parties actual show the card but it was not a thing like Virtual P.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1272">TS</a>]

00:21:16   Was the thing and that was all emulated X. Eighty six. P.C. On my Power P.C. MAC and it was to burst low. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1276">TS</a>]

00:21:23   Exactly exactly and so that's what. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1283">TS</a>]

00:21:25   That's that's one of the things that I love about my Macs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1285">TS</a>]

00:21:29   and this is granted directly driven by the fact that I do all of my work on the Microsoft stack. But nonetheless. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1289">TS</a>]

00:21:36   I love being able to boot into Wait why don't love being being able to and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1296">TS</a>]

00:21:39   when just one of the able to get my job done by booting into Windows and using Visual Studio [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1299">TS</a>]

00:21:44   and doing all that sort of thing. But it's very interesting to me that someone who isn't a developer. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1304">TS</a>]

00:21:49   Apparently doesn't need Windows anymore. And that's a change from just a couple of years back at least in my workplace. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1309">TS</a>]

00:21:56   And that is kind of what you were talking about John you know is this more feasible now well I don't know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1316">TS</a>]

00:22:01   but certainly could be. I think it's not just Windows because we always think Oh I say six. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1321">TS</a>]

00:22:07   It's great we can run Windows software now finally this. The divide existed for so long it was an actress's P.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1327">TS</a>]

00:22:13   and It was the software compatibility problem when Apple and X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1333">TS</a>]

00:22:16   Eighty six it was you know cutting the Gordian knot and say. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1336">TS</a>]

00:22:19   Game over is not an issue anymore you can boot Windows on these things. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1339">TS</a>]

00:22:23   There is no excuse not to you don't take it there's Mag You know I mean I can do it can do everything you can kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1343">TS</a>]

00:22:29   look at as a transitional thing like we need to. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1349">TS</a>]

00:22:31   We need to be able to do what the competition can do long enough to defeat the competition [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1351">TS</a>]

00:22:37   and then it doesn't matter anymore it's not like the mac is defeating Windows P.C.'s [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1357">TS</a>]

00:22:40   but what's happening is that you know the P.C. Is being defeated by every hit by mobile. Right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1360">TS</a>]

00:22:45   And so it becomes less relevant. What goes on down here and in the P.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1365">TS</a>]

00:22:49   World and maybe Windows becomes less relevant to even Microsoft as bring all that stuff. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1369">TS</a>]

00:22:54   To be you know net net base or Voces and cloud subscriptions and web based things and you know. It's just that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1374">TS</a>]

00:23:01   The stakes are a lot lower. You know the DO need for Windows is a lot lower. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1381">TS</a>]

00:23:08   Within specific applications like if you really need to do use Windows OS X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1388">TS</a>]

00:23:11   Eighty six I think it's still indispensable for those things I don't think it's feasible for Apple to go armed for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1391">TS</a>]

00:23:17   variety of reasons. And for X. Eighty six so there isn't a very appealing that Windows is from my perspective. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1397">TS</a>]

00:23:23   In my particular job in everyone's various windows yes it's important but I feel like Linux is just as important [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1403">TS</a>]

00:23:29   and if that was my Linux runs on everything I expose need X. X. X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1409">TS</a>]

00:23:32   You're right Linux does run everything I had Linux on my Power P.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1412">TS</a>]

00:23:34   Mag there were lots of different distributions but practically speaking. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1414">TS</a>]

00:23:38   It's a lot easier to get binary packages and did work out. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1418">TS</a>]

00:23:42   Compilation problems than to just you know sort out everything you need to sort out on X. Eighty six sixty four Linux. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1422">TS</a>]

00:23:48   Right because that is the sweet spot that is what everyone is using That's the common thing if you have some exotic [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1428">TS</a>]

00:23:53   C.P.U. Like armor powerpc or whatever. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1433">TS</a>]

00:23:56   You are a little bit off the beaten path that a big deal no but it's just a hassle it's an annoyance it's. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1436">TS</a>]

00:24:03   It's the kind of thing that mac users use that New Yorkers like oh I can do that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1443">TS</a>]

00:24:07   but I'm a little bit different right it's like oh it's ten in the beginning. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1447">TS</a>]

00:24:10   You try to compile your unix software to be like you can build it on a Mac. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1450">TS</a>]

00:24:13   But it's kind of weird you might tweak a make file and it's like why doesn't just build out of the box Luckily ever. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1453">TS</a>]

00:24:18   All the people who maintain software packages for Unix. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1458">TS</a>]

00:24:22   Seem to get Macs because it only took a few years for all those packages to start building [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1462">TS</a>]

00:24:25   and now you just expect if I get something from the open source world it will build on the MAC of a dozen you're angry [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1465">TS</a>]

00:24:32   at somebody so we've already become titled. Like how dare that thing not build on the Mac. Right. But yeah. I think X.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1472">TS</a>]

00:24:40   Eighty six. Still serves a role as the sort of common base. Windows Macklin X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1480">TS</a>]

00:24:45   Even though the mac in the past has run on different platforms [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1485">TS</a>]

00:24:48   and even though Linux in the present runs on a bazillion different platforms [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1488">TS</a>]

00:24:51   and even Windows as a various times are on different platforms are merging of windows now there was a power with a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1491">TS</a>]

00:24:56   version of Windows N.T. For people who are really old Remember that one. But X. Eighty six is still that commonality. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1496">TS</a>]

00:25:02   So regardless of what goes on in the low end of arm I have to think that they have Apple would have to keep X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1502">TS</a>]

00:25:09   Eighty six fifty four at the very least on the high end. For some period of time and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1509">TS</a>]

00:25:13   The thing that makes trips me up about the ARM based mac is like. So do you have two different. C.P. Using Macs. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1513">TS</a>]

00:25:20   For a long period for multiple years where you can get both our Macs and X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1520">TS</a>]

00:25:24   Eighty six Macs that it seems like more trouble than it's worth to me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1524">TS</a>]

00:25:31   Yeah that seems weird I mean that's Microsoft is doing with the surface right because they have the surface.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1531">TS</a>]

00:25:37   What is it artsy which is what Windows R.T. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1537">TS</a>]

00:25:40   I'm sorry I'm conflating them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1540">TS</a>]

00:25:42   but yeah there's a surface that runs arm which at least the early ones I haven't kept up with the later ones [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1542">TS</a>]

00:25:48   but a few co-workers go to build every year and that's kind of the Microsoft of you to be D.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1548">TS</a>]

00:25:52   If you will it's in Moscone the whole rigamarole. And anyway. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1552">TS</a>]

00:25:56   Unlike Apple Microsoft gives away all sorts of off some goodies. Like I think they got X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1556">TS</a>]

00:26:02   Box ones last year at such a well anyways. They got surface R.T.S. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1562">TS</a>]

00:26:07   A couple of years ago and they said that they were great for the three or four [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1567">TS</a>]

00:26:12   or ten pieces of software that came with it. But they were pieces of crap it for anything else. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1572">TS</a>]

00:26:18   And the chat room is telling me well that's not really a thing anymore but it's still an illustrated example of well. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1578">TS</a>]

00:26:26   It makes everything harder when you're not running on the platform that they're not running on the C.P.U. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1586">TS</a>]

00:26:31   That most of the platform is running on. Now granted just like you said John over time that would change but it's. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1591">TS</a>]

00:26:37   It's weird from a consumer point of view like we've been lamenting maybe not the three of us as much [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1597">TS</a>]

00:26:41   but we as a community been lamenting. All the different skews that are that Apple is that has now. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1601">TS</a>]

00:26:47   Between i Pads and certainly the watch and. I Phones and Macs and this would just further complicate things. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1607">TS</a>]

00:26:56   I don't know. It's. I agree with you for sure John that it seems really aggressive to get rid of Intel. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1616">TS</a>]

00:27:01   Even on the low end. Even on like a little even on the low end. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1621">TS</a>]

00:27:05   It seems aggressive but I I would believe it because Apple is aggressive. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1625">TS</a>]

00:27:09   I hear they're coming out with a computer that only has one port. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1629">TS</a>]

00:27:13   These very sad that the board a knowledge of the terrorist attack by the way that the ARM based version of Windows. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1633">TS</a>]

00:27:22   Gone around in circles here John Doe it's dead. It's just going away it's a sleeping. You know X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1642">TS</a>]

00:27:28   Version of Windows anyway. That always struck me as. Rob loon. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1648">TS</a>]

00:27:31   We can make you know because it's when they were doing like the original service right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1651">TS</a>]

00:27:34   and then they were going to have one that was Intel power [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1654">TS</a>]

00:27:36   but the best chips in Delhi give them a Story Corps like events to be on the side of their tablet [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1656">TS</a>]

00:27:40   and I was kind of like. Now I can we make one that i Pad like. But still using you know like camp. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1660">TS</a>]

00:27:47   Can we do it we want to make an i Pad and Intel is not a chip for us. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1667">TS</a>]

00:27:51   Can we still put Windows on it as the whole thing was like Windows eight it's the same error of all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1671">TS</a>]

00:27:54   but all we can make an ARM version of Windows How about that. And if it sold like gangbusters. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1674">TS</a>]

00:27:59   They would be like full steam ahead on it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1679">TS</a>]

00:28:01   but service in general didn't sell a gang busters in the arm version even less so because just like he said people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1681">TS</a>]

00:28:06   bought them. And if there I can imagine people buying one thing while this runs Windows I'll be able to run everything. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1686">TS</a>]

00:28:11   And being mistaken despite the fact that I'm sure the nice Microsoft sales people tried to emphasize to them that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1691">TS</a>]

00:28:16   will not be able to run X X X software on your arm based surface. And then. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1696">TS</a>]

00:28:20   It required Microsoft to do the thing that has not been really good to doing lately which is make all the people who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1700">TS</a>]

00:28:26   make a third party applications. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1706">TS</a>]

00:28:27   Also compile an ARM version make sure your app works on ARM like Apple is the king of hurting its developer community. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1707">TS</a>]

00:28:33   Toward through platform transitions where there be from one C.P.U. To the next from desktop the phone or from power B.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1713">TS</a>]

00:28:40   To Intel. Apple has done that. More times or more successfully than the other technology company. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1720">TS</a>]

00:28:45   And Microsoft has not done a great job of hurting its developer community from one A.P.I. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1725">TS</a>]

00:28:51   Set to the other from one C.P.U. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1731">TS</a>]

00:28:53   Architecture to the other hell they had a really hard time getting them onto the Windows N.T. Codebase off of the. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1733">TS</a>]

00:28:58   Windows there down one hundred ninety five hundred ninety eight docx code base so it could just be different strengths [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1738">TS</a>]

00:29:04   in the company. I totally the Apple could pull off an arm that transition. But I'm always looking like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1744">TS</a>]

00:29:10   Aside from the obvious upside that we talk about all the time Apple one stone in control every important technology in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1750">TS</a>]

00:29:14   this product like that is there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1754">TS</a>]

00:29:15   and that's the reason we're talking about this at all it's totally fits with everything they want to do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1755">TS</a>]

00:29:19   but then you say or do you can do about the not pro already and over the next book pro. Are you going to become a C.P.U. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1759">TS</a>]

00:29:26   Design powerhouse there is a we already R.C.B. Your design Paris look at the eight where I'm a. Yes. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1766">TS</a>]

00:29:31   All right so I believe you could do it. But you do help one big bang do you say. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1771">TS</a>]

00:29:37   And all the Macs are arm now we've got a twelve core arm for our Macin pros all the way down to the time you little arm [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1777">TS</a>]

00:29:43   in our apple watch and we design them all because now we're the new Intel and I guess. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1783">TS</a>]

00:29:48   We get Samsung and to fab them for us the process know that maybe a little bit behind Intel. I don't know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1788">TS</a>]

00:29:55   It worries me the whole thing worries me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1795">TS</a>]

00:29:58   Well and also if we look at like did you see there was there was a benchmark on banks that has been since taken down. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1798">TS</a>]

00:30:06   But I saw a screenshot of it earlier. This is a benchmark of the new mac book the new slow mac book and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1806">TS</a>]

00:30:16   You know it's roughly equivalent to the performance of like two thousand [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1816">TS</a>]

00:30:20   and ten MacBook Air is like it's you know in that ballpark and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1820">TS</a>]

00:30:23   I have reason to believe a few details about the screen shot it looks legitimate. I think this is. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1823">TS</a>]

00:30:29   I think this is a real deal. So we've actually we now can see kind of what the what the C.P.U. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1829">TS</a>]

00:30:35   Performance would be like you know. I mean what the C.P.U. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1835">TS</a>]

00:30:38   Performance is as Intel tries to go all the way down to arm level chips and it's it is not an atom chip. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1838">TS</a>]

00:30:44   This is an actual you know. Core. Serious chip but it's pretty it's pretty close. And if you. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1844">TS</a>]

00:30:49   If you think about like you know compare this to the speed of the eight X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1849">TS</a>]

00:30:54   Chip in the i Pad Air too which is currently the. I believe currently. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1854">TS</a>]

00:30:57   The best the best ARM chip that's kind of in that ballpark for like you know. Lot of general like that right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1857">TS</a>]

00:31:05   It's fairly. Close as you know it's in the ballpark it's very similar to what we're seeing in the arm jobs. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1865">TS</a>]

00:31:11   You know in the same power and the low profile. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1871">TS</a>]

00:31:14   So I think if you look at this you can you can kind of see well in our version of this laptop really wouldn't be that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1874">TS</a>]

00:31:20   different performance [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1880">TS</a>]

00:31:21   or battery wise like I think it would be certainly in the same ballpark on both of those criteria. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1881">TS</a>]

00:31:26   So the question is why go through the transition at all like. If. If Intel can. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1886">TS</a>]

00:31:31   With enough pressure [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1891">TS</a>]

00:31:32   and enough technology if Intel can kind of reach down to the power levels of ARM chips to make a very low level chip. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1892">TS</a>]

00:31:39   That still performs OK even though it's not great. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1899">TS</a>]

00:31:42   And if arm can reach up and try to make a chip that performs as well as Intel but still keeps that inflow. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1902">TS</a>]

00:31:47   And they're both kind of reaching the same general range by doing that then why why should Apple. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1907">TS</a>]

00:31:54   Transition a product line that is so well established on Intel chips [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1914">TS</a>]

00:31:57   and has all these massive transition costs if they were to choose to do it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1917">TS</a>]

00:32:00   Why why make the jump it seems like there's a lot of game to be had there. Simon when he tweeted out US The earlier. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1920">TS</a>]

00:32:06   On April first you may have been in the area. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1926">TS</a>]

00:32:08   He says the i Pad air to just not from the Tweed to expand its output He says twenty seven point three watt hour is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1928">TS</a>]

00:32:14   that just the battery capacity I don't know anyway. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1934">TS</a>]

00:32:18   Eight hundred forty five hundred gig bench as to number separated by a slash. And it's a twenty animators. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1938">TS</a>]

00:32:23   And the new MacBook is thirty nine point seven what ours again I assume that's the battery. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1943">TS</a>]

00:32:27   Nine hundred four thousand gig bench so it's comparable geek bench core and it's fourteen animators like yours [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1947">TS</a>]

00:32:33   and they're like their ballpark. You know close to each other the i Pad or two in the new MacBook. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1953">TS</a>]

00:32:38   But the bottom line of his tweet is Corambis two hundred dollars more. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1958">TS</a>]

00:32:43   I don't you know maybe as a retail price or whatever. What can you do. What can Apple do if they fab their own chips. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1963">TS</a>]

00:32:50   Save money sell their computers for less money. I guess. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1970">TS</a>]

00:32:54   You know I mean I felt think it's about owning control and not about. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1974">TS</a>]

00:32:57   You know we don't want to give a portion of our profits to Intel. But as I have said on many past programs. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1977">TS</a>]

00:33:03   I really wish. Apple and Intel those two crazy kids of yours work this out. You know. I want I want the best. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1983">TS</a>]

00:33:10   I want my Macs and everything to be fab with the best process technology human beings can make [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1990">TS</a>]

00:33:15   and usually that's Intel has that. And the best C.P.U. Designs and like just. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/1995">TS</a>]

00:33:20   I don't understand why we have to fight it. Why can't I have both like anyway. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2000">TS</a>]

00:33:24   Well right now we have competition that's great I mean right now. You have like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2004">TS</a>]

00:33:28   You know I'm sure we've all heard that Apple probably has had a and are mac. Like in the labs for testing. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2008">TS</a>]

00:33:35   As a contingency plan for years I mean that's not new right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2015">TS</a>]

00:33:38   So you know anyone would agree to that who knows anything about this stuff so you know. Apple knows. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2018">TS</a>]

00:33:44   They can make in our MacBook whenever they want to intel knows that Apple can make in our mac book. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2024">TS</a>]

00:33:51   And so I think that keeps you know that healthy competition there like Intel has a bit of a fire lit into them in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2031">TS</a>]

00:33:57   last couple of years try to get these power needs down to compete with aren't because they have no meaningful mobile [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2037">TS</a>]

00:34:03   presence. They. They really need a mobile presence of they want to see any more growth ever again. And so. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2043">TS</a>]

00:34:11   And they can't stand to. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2051">TS</a>]

00:34:13   They certainly can't lose the business they already have in N P C's and servers so they're working really hard [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2053">TS</a>]

00:34:20   and you're right. They do have like the best. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2060">TS</a>]

00:34:23   Process manufacturing technology in the world most of the time so I think that competition is great [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2063">TS</a>]

00:34:29   and I think we will see better results from. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2069">TS</a>]

00:34:31   Then tell as long as they are separate as long as this battle has not been settled yet. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2071">TS</a>]

00:34:37   As long as there's as long as there's a threat that Intel might lose their their P.C. Business or any part of it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2077">TS</a>]

00:34:45   To arm. Intel going to keep working really hard. And so I was arm. And that's great. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2085">TS</a>]

00:34:49   The semi tech conductor community site that this rumor thing is on. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2089">TS</a>]

00:34:54   Part of what they talk about this article is speculating about the idea that for future chips assuming this little [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2094">TS</a>]

00:35:00   table is correct for future chips that Apple is spreading the manufacturing around not for technical reasons. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2100">TS</a>]

00:35:06   But just sort of the same reason that like the music makers went to Amazon [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2106">TS</a>]

00:35:10   and tried to spread their business around from Apple just because they don't want to give anyone fab more. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2110">TS</a>]

00:35:15   More power than than the others I like the idea that all Apple you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2115">TS</a>]

00:35:19   Makes their own ship designs they own the intellectual property for the chip designs and they want to farm out. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2119">TS</a>]

00:35:24   Fattening of those chips. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2124">TS</a>]

00:35:26   To the best company the same way they do like who wants to build who wants to assemble computers. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2126">TS</a>]

00:35:31   Who wants to make our glass who wants you know like that's the relationship Apple is comfortable with we own [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2131">TS</a>]

00:35:36   intellectual property. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2136">TS</a>]

00:35:38   We have a competition amongst all these other lower margin businesses to kill each other for our business. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2138">TS</a>]

00:35:43   Who wants to manufacture the watch well go ahead you know fight fight with each other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2143">TS</a>]

00:35:46   and we will pick the winner like you want to manufacture our car like you know I mean who wants to fab our chips. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2146">TS</a>]

00:35:52   And even if one company clearly has the best deal on the best technology for particular generation the speculation in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2152">TS</a>]

00:35:57   this. Semiconductor semi wiki dot com Web site is that Apple is saying. If we were. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2157">TS</a>]

00:36:04   You know if we wanted the best for the best price we would give all of our business to whoever Samsung to S.M.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2164">TS</a>]

00:36:08   or Whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2168">TS</a>]

00:36:08   but long term wise it's better for us to kind of spread it around to maybe give seventy five percent to Samsung [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2168">TS</a>]

00:36:14   and twenty five cent to go blow a foundry just because we don't want to put all our eggs in one basket. And Intel. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2174">TS</a>]

00:36:22   As much as Intel is in this fight or whatever. Like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2182">TS</a>]

00:36:26   That's the relationship I feel like Apple wants is we just want intelligent to be just another fab. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2186">TS</a>]

00:36:32   Just like all these other people are. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2192">TS</a>]

00:36:34   And then we will have you all fight amongst yourselves [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2194">TS</a>]

00:36:36   and they would love to have Intel like babbling some of their chips like will give Intel fifty percent and D.M.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2196">TS</a>]

00:36:41   Twenty five percent unlike. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2201">TS</a>]

00:36:43   But Intel's just not in it at all maybe because Intel wants all their business or none of their business [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2203">TS</a>]

00:36:48   or demands that Apple use X. Eighty six in its phones. I'm sure Intel is showing Apple road maps that show. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2208">TS</a>]

00:36:55   What amazing chips they're going to have that could be in an i Phone in the i Phone seven [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2215">TS</a>]

00:36:58   or eight like that's how Intel got Apple's business to begin with they showed them the core lineup and I said. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2218">TS</a>]

00:37:02   I know we have been pending for is now and they suck but like net versus dead. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2222">TS</a>]

00:37:06   Here's what we're going to make of you in the future and no one can compete with it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2226">TS</a>]

00:37:09   and Intel was a hundred percent right they got Apple's business [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2229">TS</a>]

00:37:11   and they did have by far the fastest most powerful fish and chips. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2231">TS</a>]

00:37:15   During that first generation when they were you know coming out and Apple's laptop so. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2235">TS</a>]

00:37:20   I'm sure those meetings are still taking place [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2240">TS</a>]

00:37:22   but in the meantime Apple is shipping a hell of a lot of ARM devices manufactured by nameless faceless. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2242">TS</a>]

00:37:27   Sometimes very big competitors that we don't know or hear about and I just the way Apple likes it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2247">TS</a>]

00:37:32   Our second bunch of this week is Squarespace. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2252">TS</a>]

00:37:34   The all on platform makes it fast and easy to create your own professional web site portfolio [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2254">TS</a>]

00:37:39   and online store for a free trial and ten percent off. Visit squarespace dot com editor offer code A.T.P. At checkout. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2259">TS</a>]

00:37:47   I personally but lots of sites at square space. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2267">TS</a>]

00:37:49   And I keep going back because it's just great I mean you can get dedicated tools to do other things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2269">TS</a>]

00:37:55   but Squarespace if you want to build a website. Just like a general purpose Web site. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2275">TS</a>]

00:37:59   It has an info about your business or your group or your interest or whatever or yourself. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2279">TS</a>]

00:38:03   You little portfolio you want to have like photo galleries combine with blog post and anything else. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2283">TS</a>]

00:38:08   A store to maybe sell T. Shirts or whatever. You can do all that was square space all together in one site. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2288">TS</a>]

00:38:13   In one interface. And it's beautiful it is very well designed it is very easy to use. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2293">TS</a>]

00:38:19   And they host everything for you to worry about that you want to worry about patching [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2299">TS</a>]

00:38:22   and getting security updates getting hacked. It's all just all done for you on Squarespace. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2302">TS</a>]

00:38:28   It is so much better than building things yourself the vast majority of the time even for developers like us. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2308">TS</a>]

00:38:33   Most of the time you should just do Squarespace rather than any other C.M.S. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2313">TS</a>]

00:38:36   That you can find that's that's me Tony that personally. And I do it myself. Squarespace seven. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2316">TS</a>]

00:38:42   Was released last fall and it has tons of new stuff. Besides redesign interfaces also integration with Google Apps. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2322">TS</a>]

00:38:49   Integration and a partnership with Getty Images. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2329">TS</a>]

00:38:51   You can get really really affordable stock photos for your logos or backgrounds or posts [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2331">TS</a>]

00:38:56   and any kind of content where you could use. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2336">TS</a>]

00:38:59   Professionally shop or TA graphy you can get all that built in with Getty Images for seven also features. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2339">TS</a>]

00:39:05   Brand new templates. The great feature called cover pages where you can basically have temporary or permanent. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2345">TS</a>]

00:39:10   Intro pages. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2350">TS</a>]

00:39:12   Off your site or for any sections or whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2352">TS</a>]

00:39:14   and they can have different themes in the rest of your site they can be like really flashy and trendy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2354">TS</a>]

00:39:18   and the research has more conservative maybe. Whatever you want you can do a lot with cover pages and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2358">TS</a>]

00:39:23   You can see more at square space dot com slash seven spelled out. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2363">TS</a>]

00:39:28   Anyway square space is of course simple and powerful they have twenty. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2368">TS</a>]

00:39:31   We're seven support via live chat and email response of design. Built in commerce if you need it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2371">TS</a>]

00:39:38   All of this starts at only eight dollars a month. And if you cited for a whole year upfront. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2378">TS</a>]

00:39:43   You can get a freedom a name included in that price. So you can sort of free trial today. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2383">TS</a>]

00:39:47   Check it out yourself you don't believe me that's fine. Go check it out yourself. Square Space dot com. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2387">TS</a>]

00:39:54   Just try it open a free trial there is no credit card required for a free trial. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2394">TS</a>]

00:39:59   And then when you do have to sign up for it afterwards which you probably will make sure to use the offer code. A.T.P. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2399">TS</a>]

00:40:04   To get ten percent off your first purchase. So once again squarespace dot com. Use Code A.T.P. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2404">TS</a>]

00:40:09   To ten percent off your first purchase. Thank you very much Squarespace for support for our show once again. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2409">TS</a>]

00:40:14   Squarespace start here go anywhere. John you made an interesting observation. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2414">TS</a>]

00:40:20   Early So I think it was Johnny was Mark is probably John. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2420">TS</a>]

00:40:24   That maybe other people have also realized but the first place I saw it was here in the show notes and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2424">TS</a>]

00:40:29   You have pointed out that the Apple T.V. Is actually cheaper. Then the V.G.A. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2429">TS</a>]

00:40:35   Adapter for the MacBook that only has one port. Yeah I'm not the first person make that analogy but one. When they end. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2435">TS</a>]

00:40:42   Because in the same keynote. They announced the price drop of the Apple T.V. From one that I'm dollar six and idolize. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2442">TS</a>]

00:40:48   And they also announce the availability or. Then out the product and then of the availability of the Dr maybe. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2448">TS</a>]

00:40:54   Shortly after the announcement. We all went to the Web site and look at the adapters for the one part that book. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2454">TS</a>]

00:40:59   And one of those adapters. Is seventy nine dollars. Oh they should have called it the mac book one. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2459">TS</a>]

00:41:05   But a missed opportunity. There you go it's like the X. Box One the start over. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2465">TS</a>]

00:41:09   Exactly this sort of name to like the one one you know that one. What a car the super car. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2469">TS</a>]

00:41:14   The hypercar sorry the one one. I've lost track of what you're saying there's no word. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2474">TS</a>]

00:41:19   But they're not making any sense and I believe is it. The chat room tell me is that like oh any. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2479">TS</a>]

00:41:24   And then the number one or the reverse. You haven't heard of this either Casey. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2484">TS</a>]

00:41:28   Not because I wasn't on top here and you get this all you got all your car doesn't even bring it up. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2488">TS</a>]

00:41:32   I can't handle another week of feedback about that anyway. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2492">TS</a>]

00:41:36   The one one is by the car manufacturer whose name I'm not going to attempt to pronounce [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2496">TS</a>]

00:41:40   but you know it as the really long one on the top tier board what's the name of that company with the K. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2500">TS</a>]

00:41:44   Coatings like yeah OK There you go. That one. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2504">TS</a>]

00:41:47   They're making a car called the one one spelled see some weird way I think it's because it's one. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2507">TS</a>]

00:41:53   One horsepower propounder something anyway it's insane to go google the one one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2513">TS</a>]

00:41:57   and see what the crazy people are making for cars you should probably it's a when the colon and numeral one. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2517">TS</a>]

00:42:04   That's not confusing at all. It is a crate. You have to look at it just is crazy. Anyway the Ferrari love Ferrari. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2524">TS</a>]

00:42:10   It is more there is way more creative that it will probably break after being driven one hundred miles [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2530">TS</a>]

00:42:14   but you know like anyone. It's. Yeah. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2534">TS</a>]

00:42:16   You just don't get the law for I bought this car is crazy on the hearth Barbara kilogram sorry there and European. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2536">TS</a>]

00:42:23   That's not on ours proper print All right. Anyway. The fact that the new Apple T.V. Is cheaper than the adapter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2543">TS</a>]

00:42:32   I don't know what the highest as a highlight the fact that adapters too expensive. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2552">TS</a>]

00:42:35   The how is the fact that adapter also contains silicon chips we know that you know like do are the silicon chips that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2555">TS</a>]

00:42:42   are in that adapter actually marks pensive than the ancient single core a five bits in the Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2562">TS</a>]

00:42:50   I don't know but what like price drop itself like. You know dropping Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2570">TS</a>]

00:42:56   If ninety nine dollars sixty nine dollars all points towards. And the fact they announce H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2576">TS</a>]

00:43:01   Deal or talk to him talk about a second all points towards the idea that this is her and Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2581">TS</a>]

00:43:07   Is finally blessedly going to not to be the best Apple T.V. You can buy. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2587">TS</a>]

00:43:12   Whether it goes away or continues on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2592">TS</a>]

00:43:14   and it's sixty nine dollars lot as many people think it will either way a new Apple T.V. Is coming. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2594">TS</a>]

00:43:19   It is long overdue I want to know Apple T.V. Comes by dropping this one at least room for the new Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2599">TS</a>]

00:43:24   To come in and ninety nine to have an actual decency be you and to not give me obscure errors [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2604">TS</a>]

00:43:29   when I try to watch television programs and. And I'm really getting greedy here and I. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2609">TS</a>]

00:43:34   I know everyone has a Roku or some other box that they love is going to tell me this is not a problem there. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2614">TS</a>]

00:43:39   But all the T.V. Connected things that I have anything. Streams video. Whether it's streaming from icing on G. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2619">TS</a>]

00:43:46   String from my mac streaming on to my Playstation three Playstation four. From my Tivo for my Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2626">TS</a>]

00:43:52   What else I've connected all these different devices for my T.V. Itself streaming from Netflix. All these things. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2632">TS</a>]

00:43:59   Just this one elusive piece of technology. Seems not to exist which is the ability to do. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2639">TS</a>]

00:44:05   Scrub around in a television program in anything resembling a reliable meaningful way. Is just like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2645">TS</a>]

00:44:11   Fast forward rewind to be like just. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2651">TS</a>]

00:44:15   Sometimes fascinating a rewind scan totally screws a stream and you want to start from the beginning. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2655">TS</a>]

00:44:19   Sometimes it kind of moves a little bit and stutter sometimes a perfectly good stream will stop and just like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2659">TS</a>]

00:44:25   I don't know what the problem is with this like I do it on web pages all the time I move a little scrubber [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2665">TS</a>]

00:44:29   and You Tube and it actually works and yet for everything connected to my television. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2669">TS</a>]

00:44:32   If I ever want to fast forward a rewind scan. As in not jump to the beginning. Not jump to the end. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2672">TS</a>]

00:44:38   But moving either direction. At a speed faster than one X. Playback. These applications. These devices. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2678">TS</a>]

00:44:45   Throw up their hands and say you're crazy as not going to happen. Why don't know why are even bothering. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2685">TS</a>]

00:44:50   Now Europe I will punish you with at least a three minute delay before any picture moves again. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2690">TS</a>]

00:44:54   And you won't know where you are in the stream. And you won't be able to get back to where you are and sometimes. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2694">TS</a>]

00:44:59   I'm you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2699">TS</a>]

00:44:59   I'm starting over entirely I'm going to lose your place you have to start from the beginning [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2699">TS</a>]

00:45:02   and by the way you can't get back to where you left off because if you try to fast forward scan. That will mark either. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2702">TS</a>]

00:45:07   Stream error. The president. I wonder if. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2707">TS</a>]

00:45:11   If any part of it is related to the hardware decoding chips they use for the video codecs. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2711">TS</a>]

00:45:16   I don't know what it's related to do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2716">TS</a>]

00:45:17   and I know I made bets probably not the problem it's probably because they're sloppy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2717">TS</a>]

00:45:21   and cheaply made in their software or slop. Sloppy and cheaply made I mean this is like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2721">TS</a>]

00:45:25   I'm really not that into the idea of a new Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2725">TS</a>]

00:45:30   Right now like I mean it's fine I hope they make one and I hope it does well in everything but like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2730">TS</a>]

00:45:34   I'm not really excited about the idea of a new Apple T.V.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2734">TS</a>]

00:45:37   Hardware device because the problems I have with the existing Apple T.V. Don't seem hardware related. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2737">TS</a>]

00:45:44   Well that's the thing that some people are saying that chat results like. When something like this happens. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2744">TS</a>]

00:45:48   Like the puck or anything you connect your T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2748">TS</a>]

00:45:50   You're like what's the problem is the problem that I'm not getting data from the streaming service is the problem that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2750">TS</a>]

00:45:55   the software scrap is the problem that the hardware is crappy Is it cut some combination. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2755">TS</a>]

00:45:59   Sometimes is one problem sometimes there is a problem that you know my eyes P.S. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2759">TS</a>]

00:46:03   Throttling connection to this thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2763">TS</a>]

00:46:04   and if I change my D.M.'s I'll get a better stream is the problem that the authentication service right tunes aren't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2764">TS</a>]

00:46:09   working and really would stream fine if I got into Cajuns are reserved weren't constantly stalling [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2769">TS</a>]

00:46:13   when it's trying to reoffend to get while marching like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2773">TS</a>]

00:46:15   There are so many moving parts [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2775">TS</a>]

00:46:17   and there is so little that you can debug with these closed systems that you just like look either has to work all the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2777">TS</a>]

00:46:21   time hundred percent or. You know or I just throw up my hands and I say. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2781">TS</a>]

00:46:27   I don't know what you know you can go in tomorrow [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2787">TS</a>]

00:46:28   and then you're like well I guess I'm rebooting everything I own I guess I'm given the power because the only way I can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2788">TS</a>]

00:46:33   get the thing to reboot because even the secret. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2793">TS</a>]

00:46:35   Command handshake that you hold on the remote isn't working as a things frozen hard like it is so frustrating not to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2795">TS</a>]

00:46:41   know where the problem isn't your diagnosis saying you think it's not a hardware problem. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2801">TS</a>]

00:46:46   I think there are problems at every level and the hardware. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2806">TS</a>]

00:46:50   Because it's old [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2810">TS</a>]

00:46:51   and the software because it's so clearly in kind of like maintenance mode I just hope like that all the good people are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2811">TS</a>]

00:46:56   working on the new version. And a new version won't have these problems and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2816">TS</a>]

00:47:00   But even if they caught with a new hardware new software that's better I also believe that my connection. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2820">TS</a>]

00:47:04   My streaming connection is crappy because I've heard that Apple uses a different connection for streaming its Net Flix [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2824">TS</a>]

00:47:09   than the other Netflix clients. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2829">TS</a>]

00:47:10   And I think this is mostly borne out by I'm very experimental action when I can't get a stream of Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2830">TS</a>]

00:47:14   Netflix client. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2834">TS</a>]

00:47:15   I use my Tivo Netflix line and it can go to Netflix on my in a web browser on one of my Macs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2835">TS</a>]

00:47:21   and it works it really just the whole. Interconnected mess of things that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2841">TS</a>]

00:47:28   That have to work correctly and in harmony for me to watch a television program streaming over the Internet [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2848">TS</a>]

00:47:34   and seems like there's always at least one out of the three layers of screwing up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2854">TS</a>]

00:47:37   and usually all three of them are screwing up and it's very frustrating. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2857">TS</a>]

00:47:41   The biggest the biggest frustration for me with these things. So I don't know maybe a month or two ago two months ago. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2861">TS</a>]

00:47:47   Whatever I bought both a route to T.V. Whatever the newest who is and an Amazon Fire T.V. Late the big powerful one. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2867">TS</a>]

00:47:56   Because there's two T.V.'s in the house and they both of Apple T.V.'s and the F.T.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2876">TS</a>]

00:48:01   Are getting so flaky and like let me let me just try something else to see what everyone's talking about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2881">TS</a>]

00:48:05   and want to check it out as I video service anyway. So they're both just of really. Mediocre. Like they're fine. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2885">TS</a>]

00:48:14   If I had to pick one that is less crappy I guess had picked the Amazon one. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2894">TS</a>]

00:48:18   But what's really frustrating is that the Apple T.V. Is still the best one that the press isn't me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2898">TS</a>]

00:48:24   I guess having the fantasy that the Roco that everyone loves who have a better. That's the problem. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2904">TS</a>]

00:48:28   I had that fantasy too and now that I've been using them they like the Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2908">TS</a>]

00:48:33   Is still the best one which a few people on Twitter told me in advance so I I but I was afraid that it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2913">TS</a>]

00:48:39   That they would be right and then fortunate they are I mean just by general like just usability. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2919">TS</a>]

00:48:43   The basic interface I mean these other players have had years to rip off the good stuff from Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2923">TS</a>]

00:48:49   and they just haven't. And like I don't know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2929">TS</a>]

00:48:52   I don't know what it is I maybe they just don't have the kind of sensibilities to develop simple interfaces I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2932">TS</a>]

00:49:01   know mate. Maybe they think the way to compete with Apple is by. During on a whole bunch of stuff. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2941">TS</a>]

00:49:06   Well that is the road like the Roku was like opposite like it's the most flexible it can run plex like if it's going to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2946">TS</a>]

00:49:11   let you do everything right. That's that's what it's trying to do but all of these boxes. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2951">TS</a>]

00:49:16   The problem is like for all the features and all the you Iraq ever. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2956">TS</a>]

00:49:21   Like if I could put some big giant sign like the i'd be old I.B.M. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2961">TS</a>]

00:49:24   Think Pad or the next thing you know framed poster after that or whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2964">TS</a>]

00:49:29   but I would put it all these people things were much longer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2969">TS</a>]

00:49:31   and I had to come up with a snappy phrasing part of the bottle as. What I want to watch a program. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2971">TS</a>]

00:49:36   I want to press a series about NS and have video play pretty much immediately. And that has to work. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2976">TS</a>]

00:49:42   And that has to work. Every time. Maybe it's because I'm old. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2982">TS</a>]

00:49:46   Because I come from a place where a television know if your television wasn't broken then you turned it on you could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2986">TS</a>]

00:49:50   see moving pictures. Pretty much every time. The funny thing funny thing is like what you want out of seeking. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2990">TS</a>]

00:49:58   V.C.R.'s offered that perfect right and then when you know exactly like. It wasn't great but you could do it on a V.C.R.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/2998">TS</a>]

00:50:04   You can do it on D.V.D. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3004">TS</a>]

00:50:05   It was like wow I can skip without scrubbing through you know I mean there wasn't a little static you lines on D.V.D.'s [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3005">TS</a>]

00:50:10   and you fast forward a toss you get like right we seem to have been making progress in how streaming [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3010">TS</a>]

00:50:14   when it works right it's like this is what I wanted to magic I have access to a million shows any time I want them. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3014">TS</a>]

00:50:19   I can go to any part of it like it's amazing right there are going to spice season whole season they're really sad ones [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3019">TS</a>]

00:50:23   like all the magic at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3023">TS</a>]

00:50:24   but all the magic crumbles into dust soon as I sit down from television person series buttons on my remote [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3024">TS</a>]

00:50:29   and moving pictures do not start happening. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3029">TS</a>]

00:50:32   And I got an error message or something else and it's like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3032">TS</a>]

00:50:35   and it doesn't have to happen like ninety percent of time it works right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3035">TS</a>]

00:50:38   But that ten percent just destroys the illusion that you know I'm living in a future where things work. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3038">TS</a>]

00:50:44   So it's funny that the market brought up the Roku in the fire T.V. and Compared them to the Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3044">TS</a>]

00:50:50   Because I maybe a month ago got a fire T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3050">TS</a>]

00:50:55   Stick which is the less powerful version of what Marco got what Marco God is physically I as far as I know is a bout [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3055">TS</a>]

00:51:03   the same size as an Apple T.V. Is a fair to say. It's like an Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3063">TS</a>]

00:51:06   That's been rolled over by by a steamroller slightly so it's like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3066">TS</a>]

00:51:09   Just the same volume briefly but just flatter and wider OK So the fact of the stick is more like a Chromecast. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3069">TS</a>]

00:51:17   In that it's just a little H.D. My dongle. And a little power brick to power it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3077">TS</a>]

00:51:22   And I got it on demand mourns recommendation because he had said he had had pretty good luck with Fire T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3082">TS</a>]

00:51:27   and I don't believe he had said he'd ever tried the stick but they're roughly equivalent. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3087">TS</a>]

00:51:31   On less you have to release really nice home theater set up which I do not. So I got this far G.B. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3091">TS</a>]

00:51:38   Stick I believe is forty. There's an Amazon. And I love it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3098">TS</a>]

00:51:42   And the reason I love it mostly is because I can use plex with it natively. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3102">TS</a>]

00:51:48   I basically the only things I tend to do with my Apple T.V. Are airplane mirroring. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3108">TS</a>]

00:51:54   Typically video but not always or Netflix the fired T.V. Stick. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3114">TS</a>]

00:52:01   Doesn't natively support a fair play mirroring of course there are apps that you can download [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3121">TS</a>]

00:52:06   and pay for to get airplay mirroring. I have bought a couple and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3126">TS</a>]

00:52:10   They're not very good which is not surprising but there are enough in a pinch. But it has Netflix and it has plex.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3130">TS</a>]

00:52:18   And that is easily ninety percent of what I want out of a box care or dongle connected to my T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3138">TS</a>]

00:52:26   And again what makes the A if our T.V. Stick so wonderful for me is that the Plex support is fantastic. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3146">TS</a>]

00:52:32   Rather than airplane. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3152">TS</a>]

00:52:34   From my i Pad or my i Phone or yes I'm aware of that god awful hack you can do with the trailers app on the Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3154">TS</a>]

00:52:40   I'm not going to do that. So it's. I love it because it works great with plex you can seek. Usually with plastics. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3160">TS</a>]

00:52:48   It works pretty darn well with Netflix. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3168">TS</a>]

00:52:52   So I really like it now that being said the user interface is crappy Marco is exactly right that the user interface [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3172">TS</a>]

00:52:58   it's. It's difference. But and too much Android leaks out for my taste like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3178">TS</a>]

00:53:04   Not that I have anything intrinsically against enjoyed but fiddly bits that I shouldn't have to worry about. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3184">TS</a>]

00:53:10   Why just I guess I don't have to worry about them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3190">TS</a>]

00:53:12   but they're still there like do you want to allow side loading like that why is that even an option. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3192">TS</a>]

00:53:17   No I don't want that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3197">TS</a>]

00:53:19   And the way you go and get like apps is a little weird it's just like a generic search which may be. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3199">TS</a>]

00:53:24   Is better but it's weird to me that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3204">TS</a>]

00:53:27   when I search for plaques I could be ending up an app so I could be ending up on audiotape whatever the case may be. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3207">TS</a>]

00:53:33   So there definitely odd bits to the user interface but by and large. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3213">TS</a>]

00:53:37   I like it in the other thing I really like about it that just occurred to me is that the remote is either Bluetooth [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3217">TS</a>]

00:53:42   or are after something. So that you do not need to point the remote at the Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3222">TS</a>]

00:53:47   Which is really awesome because our Apple T.V. Is kind of tucked away a little bit and not. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3227">TS</a>]

00:53:52   Extraordinarily easy to point a remote at so for all of those reasons I really love my Fire T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3232">TS</a>]

00:53:58   Stick and I definitely recommend it if. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3238">TS</a>]

00:54:01   If your if you have similar needs from your device that I do now Marco I think you have very different needs from your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3241">TS</a>]

00:54:08   device and. As far as I recall you get a lot of your media through i Tunes is that right. It's not as much anymore. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3248">TS</a>]

00:54:16   The. The the constant. D.R. Am. Errors on authentication trying to play my media that I bought from i Tunes. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3256">TS</a>]

00:54:23   Is really convincing me to try to stop doing that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3263">TS</a>]

00:54:25   I actually went when I got these boxes I did start using plex I installed myself lecture the very first time. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3265">TS</a>]

00:54:31   Using plex. For me feels a lot like building a gaming P.C. In the sense that I'm getting a lot of functionality. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3271">TS</a>]

00:54:39   More than I actually really need. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3279">TS</a>]

00:54:42   But also coming at a cost of maintenance and fiddle Enos that I'm sure I just have settings wrong. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3282">TS</a>]

00:54:50   But it's just so freakin fiddly plaques. Yeah. There's nothing the only fiddly thing about plex. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3290">TS</a>]

00:54:57   Is that you have to use their naming convention which is not my favorite [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3297">TS</a>]

00:55:01   but not so egregious that I can't bend to it other than that. Everything just works magically. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3301">TS</a>]

00:55:08   I can watch my media that. Stored in mice Knology anywhere in the world as long as I haven't or an Internet connection. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3308">TS</a>]

00:55:14   It will automatically transcode on the fly to whatever my speed is as it sees fit. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3314">TS</a>]

00:55:19   And it will grab all the Mehta data it needs as long as I name things appropriately like I I could not disagree more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3319">TS</a>]

00:55:25   I've had nothing but wonderful experiences with plex. I've tried to use plex but like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3325">TS</a>]

00:55:29   My problem is always been I don't have anything attached to my television that can run it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3329">TS</a>]

00:55:33   And once the P S four version of blacks came out I'm like now finally well. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3333">TS</a>]

00:55:37   Now this is I might be a story still attached to my television but anyway. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3337">TS</a>]

00:55:41   I know I figured all the P S four isn't like came out I should try it and I did and it's very bad [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3341">TS</a>]

00:55:46   and the set up process was super painful [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3346">TS</a>]

00:55:48   and there's no way a human could have figured out the crap that I had to go through to try to get this thing to work in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3348">TS</a>]

00:55:52   terms of opening ports on my modem ng. Getting reverse look up there which is like insanity right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3352">TS</a>]

00:55:57   But really what I'm what I'm looking for out of yes it does just because the P S four I've used plucked on my mac [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3357">TS</a>]

00:56:02   before and it's weight and eyes are like the mac version of flex if I get the MAC merchant likes on my T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3362">TS</a>]

00:56:06   Set by having an act many or something it would make a big difference. Right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3366">TS</a>]

00:56:10   But anyway what I'm looking for out of plaques and why it probably know I'm alive [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3370">TS</a>]

00:56:14   or have it as I think what you're talking about K.C. The dream thing. Sort of the. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3374">TS</a>]

00:56:18   The software connected box equivalent of the omnivorous box that I was dreaming about way back when like that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3378">TS</a>]

00:56:24   Some will make a box that takes the take video input from everywhere [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3384">TS</a>]

00:56:27   and unifies it so I don't care where it comes from. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3387">TS</a>]

00:56:29   And it would do everything like No never made that and no one ever probably will. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3389">TS</a>]

00:56:33   The software Kovan of that is like plex where it's like give me your video. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3393">TS</a>]

00:56:38   Do you have random Bit Torrent things you illegally download the you have videos that you rip do you have videos of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3398">TS</a>]

00:56:43   your kid do you. Blue Ray extractions that you made with them K.V. Make em Kavi from. You know Blu rays that you own. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3403">TS</a>]

00:56:51   I don't care where this video came from. You just throw it all into the pit and. I don't care what you deem them. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3411">TS</a>]

00:56:57   I don't care what's in them. I have this crazy. You know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3417">TS</a>]

00:57:00   Crowd sourced Internet power database Well I will figure out what the heck these files are all look at the you know the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3420">TS</a>]

00:57:08   fingerprints of the data. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3428">TS</a>]

00:57:10   Organize it into seasons give you cover [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3430">TS</a>]

00:57:12   or give you descriptions of every episode like Plax does a hell of a lot of that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3432">TS</a>]

00:57:17   Plex you can more or less throw a bunch of stuff that like the metadata look up the cover art. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3437">TS</a>]

00:57:22   The being able to play a million different crazy formats transcoding on the fly. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3442">TS</a>]

00:57:27   Doing all that stuff plex and various other utilities and other sort of software to do a lot of that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3447">TS</a>]

00:57:33   But they're a little bit flaky. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3453">TS</a>]

00:57:36   They can't really play every file that you download sometimes the device you're running it on can't transcode fast [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3456">TS</a>]

00:57:41   enough to handle this thing sometimes you lose the five point one track and it mixes it down to something else. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3461">TS</a>]

00:57:46   You can't see the special features from your D.V.D.'s or Blu rays like the limitation just got stacking up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3466">TS</a>]

00:57:51   and stacking up. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3471">TS</a>]

00:57:52   And because no one none of the legit people are motivated to be able to take your legal downloads [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3472">TS</a>]

00:57:58   or your rips of D.V.D.'s and figure out what they are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3478">TS</a>]

00:58:00   and sort them into sessions Apple's never going to do that like Rochas probably not even going to do that other than [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3480">TS</a>]

00:58:05   running a plex Op Right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3485">TS</a>]

00:58:06   And so this is definitely an in-between stage where we are in a transition from broadcast television to streaming [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3486">TS</a>]

00:58:14   television. And there's lots of sort of do it yourself are solutions that work to varying degrees but. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3494">TS</a>]

00:58:19   I feel like to come over the hump. The non-broadcast television. Experience. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3499">TS</a>]

00:58:26   Needs to be like the old one in one specific way. When you press play video has to play. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3506">TS</a>]

00:58:31   And I don't care where the problem isn't it is anyone else is there with the networks is that I a speed fighting with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3511">TS</a>]

00:58:36   with. You know the. Netflix or something is it the hardware is it my. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3516">TS</a>]

00:58:41   My router is the jumbo packets like I don't care I just want video to play. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3521">TS</a>]

00:58:47   And I have to say of all you know all this complaining about streaming devices. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3527">TS</a>]

00:58:50   The one television connected device [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3530">TS</a>]

00:58:52   and I have my house that is closest to the ideal of press playing video place is the Tivo. Why. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3532">TS</a>]

00:58:57   Because it's piggybacking on the Old Crow the coaxial cable that comes into my house that delivers television which has [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3537">TS</a>]

00:59:04   you know developed over the years to be different than what it was. But yeah. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3544">TS</a>]

00:59:10   You know I have a cable card goes in the case because I feel cable goes into the back of my T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3550">TS</a>]

00:59:14   I pay for all the pay channels I pay for all the fancy stuff right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3554">TS</a>]

00:59:18   And then to the hard drive and an incredibly weak C.P.U. and A bunch of video decoding chips. That record. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3558">TS</a>]

00:59:24   Six of those channels at once onto a hard drive and when I press play it plays the video off that hard drive and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3564">TS</a>]

00:59:29   when I fast ordinary want it fast forwards only once and it works every time and it doesn't crash [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3569">TS</a>]

00:59:34   and I don't get authentication errors and that's you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3574">TS</a>]

00:59:37   It does have a Netflix Hine on it which is flaky and it does have all these other streaming club. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3577">TS</a>]

00:59:40   Client what it's like a but for the core purpose of recording video that's coming over my house [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3580">TS</a>]

00:59:44   or the coaxial cable that I pay for it works. And so my vast preference is record Game of Thrones. On my Tivo. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3584">TS</a>]

00:59:52   Watch it on my Tivo. Yes I've H.B.O. GO Yes I have H.B.O. Now I have lovable blah. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3592">TS</a>]

00:59:57   You know and I know will work sit down in front of a turn and go down again out there on to play the video play. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3597">TS</a>]

01:00:01   Every time it plays. And that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3601">TS</a>]

01:00:04   Like that's going to keep me loyal to Tivo [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3604">TS</a>]

01:00:06   and going to keep me paying my whatever the heck it is huge bill for real live old fashioned cable service in till the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3606">TS</a>]

01:00:12   streaming people can get their acts together to the point where now I can start choosing things based on features [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3612">TS</a>]

01:00:17   or pricing or something like that the Right now I'm choosing based on reliability. Yeah. I hear that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3617">TS</a>]

01:00:22   I mean it sounds like we all sort of have our own unique needs. Jon apparently boils down to just freaking work. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3622">TS</a>]

01:00:31   But yeah I don't know it's. It's sad that this hasn't been solved which I know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3631">TS</a>]

01:00:36   I think this is where you started John but it's sad that this is still that that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3636">TS</a>]

01:00:41   Marco and I both felt like we needed two different manufacturers boxes in order to fix this problem and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3641">TS</a>]

01:00:49   Neither of us feels completely satisfied with that fix. Yet all of us have multiple things like I have. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3649">TS</a>]

01:00:55   I watch things from Netflix and I choose the Apple T.V. To be run out of client because no fan. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3655">TS</a>]

01:01:00   I watch things from streaming video I buy things from i Tunes like I do all of it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3660">TS</a>]

01:01:04   Right but it's like when I have a choice sometimes you don't have a choice like when I have a choice to. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3664">TS</a>]

01:01:08   So as my go to. But if I don't I go down the cascade. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3668">TS</a>]

01:01:11   Want to try to stream and liason ology or want to try to watch an Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3671">TS</a>]

01:01:14   and Have a fly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3674">TS</a>]

01:01:14   and on trying to T.V.'s building that decline sometimes I make the rounds until one of the works right sometimes my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3674">TS</a>]

01:01:19   kids want to watch a movie that I have. I bought an i Tunes. I haven't illegally downloaded file. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3679">TS</a>]

01:01:24   I have the blue right. I have the D.V.D. This is very common case there are movies where I have all those things right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3684">TS</a>]

01:01:29   And it's like how how should have should we watch that file. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3689">TS</a>]

01:01:33   Is it important to make picture is moving on the television as fast as possible before the kid gets cranky. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3693">TS</a>]

01:01:38   Or is it for me is an important because of the family viewing that I'm going to take out the actual Blu ray disc [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3698">TS</a>]

01:01:43   and put it in because that has the highest modality video and sound [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3703">TS</a>]

01:01:45   and that's very important to me isn't why on a big stack of Blu rays right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3705">TS</a>]

01:01:49   Because movies that I already own [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3709">TS</a>]

01:01:50   and they already watch I like to have a Blue Ray if I really care about the movie because that is the best quality. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3710">TS</a>]

01:01:55   So having to be like a connoisseur of like. How do I want to watch this today. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3715">TS</a>]

01:02:01   And having to pick based on quality and rely on reliability [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3721">TS</a>]

01:02:05   and speed in which one is just going to work especially with like illegal downloads.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3725">TS</a>]

01:02:09   Which thing will actually successfully places. Let's try to drag me from this analogy on my T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3729">TS</a>]

01:02:14   Let's try it through the Playstation media Sarah let's try to pluck Let's try transporting it manually and like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3734">TS</a>]

01:02:19   You know sometimes you just want to watch a movie. Well in this kind of part it is like I've hired almost nothing. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3739">TS</a>]

01:02:24   And it still sucks. Like you can do everything. Quote right. You can. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3744">TS</a>]

01:02:29   You can do you can totally buy into one of the existence of the you know whether it's the Apple ecosystem the Amazon [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3749">TS</a>]

01:02:35   whatever. You can totally buy into it you can do everything right. The way most people do. And it still doesn't. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3755">TS</a>]

01:02:41   Work very well. It's worse because that's a monoculture you need biological diversity. Right that's doing. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3761">TS</a>]

01:02:47   Illegally has the advantage that there won't be like an skippable F.B.I. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3767">TS</a>]

01:02:52   Warnings at the front of it you'll be able you will have to fight through it seven layers of menus in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3772">TS</a>]

01:02:55   and downloading your job updates on your Blu ray player just to get in the movie like pirating is almost always better [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3775">TS</a>]

01:03:01   but then like OK well now I don't get the. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3781">TS</a>]

01:03:03   I don't like the way this is transcode it or it was cropped wrong [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3783">TS</a>]

01:03:05   or I don't like the the audio tracks that are included in this are they don't get the director's commentary there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3785">TS</a>]

01:03:10   always trade offs but I would say overall illegal. Gives you a better experience like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3790">TS</a>]

01:03:15   Again even for movies that I own the dysphoric sometimes. If I just want to watch the thing right now. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3795">TS</a>]

01:03:21   I will look at the even the RIP version of it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3801">TS</a>]

01:03:23   or the illegally downloaded version of it because I know I'll get to the movie part faster. Well that's. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3803">TS</a>]

01:03:28   And that's one of the reasons why. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3808">TS</a>]

01:03:30   I've been ripping on my Blu rays using Don Milton scripts because like I bought this L.G. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3810">TS</a>]

01:03:34   Blu ray Ripper and I have this next mini that's doing this for a live stream now and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3814">TS</a>]

01:03:38   when it's not doing life for main task is doing. Plex and we were ripping and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3818">TS</a>]

01:03:42   I'm doing all that because I keep having these stupid errors of stuff I've actually bought on i Tunes. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3822">TS</a>]

01:03:47   And like you know like when my kid wants to watch a Pixar movie. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3827">TS</a>]

01:03:49   And we try to play it and it doesn't and I can't get it playing. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3829">TS</a>]

01:03:52   After ten minutes of fiddling with stuff because of random Apple T.V. or C.D.N. or Service errors. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3832">TS</a>]

01:03:59   I want to just have it locally on the LAN and have it play. What used to work rate. But now home sharing sucks. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3839">TS</a>]

01:04:06   And like it's like everything sucks. Should never turned up jumbo frames Margot. Like I really like. I don't get. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3846">TS</a>]

01:04:15   It is so frustrating and the good thing is I think there is there is hope in sight. Right now. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3855">TS</a>]

01:04:22   There is kind of this this. Inconvenient. Hole in this NG The division of the market right now because you can't get. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3862">TS</a>]

01:04:30   Like all the big stuff in one box basically because the biggest offenders are that apple. The Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3870">TS</a>]

01:04:37   Is the problem a sickly that that Apple T.V. The only thing they can play i Tunes stuff. And the Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3877">TS</a>]

01:04:42   Can't for the most part can't do plex. And it can't play Amazon and video. If there is a future Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3882">TS</a>]

01:04:48   Coming out soon. That offers an applet form. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3888">TS</a>]

01:04:51   Maybe that is how Apple kind of finally quietly allow those things to happen on the Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3891">TS</a>]

01:04:57   Without having to partner with our mix they really probably wouldn't want to do. And without having to. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3897">TS</a>]

01:05:02   You know install plex was built an application. Might you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3902">TS</a>]

01:05:05   Cause piracy concern pressure from their content partners whatever. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3905">TS</a>]

01:05:08   Like if they like but if they're just another Apple T.V. That has great hardware and. And that platform. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3908">TS</a>]

01:05:17   And they permit. Plex and Amazon T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3917">TS</a>]

01:05:19   To build apps for it which they almost certainly would then that I think will be a really great box potentially. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3919">TS</a>]

01:05:27   If it actually works. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3927">TS</a>]

01:05:28   And baby by then they will have fixed discovery Division I assume is probably what's causing the all the home sharing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3928">TS</a>]

01:05:34   issues. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3934">TS</a>]

01:05:35   I still feel like the I A speedy issue isn't resolved like the battle between the content providers [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3935">TS</a>]

01:05:41   and the content owners whether it be H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3941">TS</a>]

01:05:43   or Netflix or some combination and the I A species who just want to cut of everything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3943">TS</a>]

01:05:46   and want you know like the whole strangling networks that they know the. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3946">TS</a>]

01:05:49   Netflix content comes from and charging like a whole new trail anything like that that need to sort out. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3949">TS</a>]

01:05:56   Everything to work even of all the hardware and software. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3956">TS</a>]

01:05:58   and business deals get worked out on the device connected your T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3958">TS</a>]

01:06:03   If the I was pissed on a spat with one or more of those people. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3963">TS</a>]

01:06:06   Your experience is going to suck [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3966">TS</a>]

01:06:07   and is like nothing you can do about it because you'll do like a speed like you've got one hundred megabits down [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3967">TS</a>]

01:06:11   but you can't watch a video. And more than for any. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3971">TS</a>]

01:06:14   He and even then a stall sometimes it's like why am I even paying for this service and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3974">TS</a>]

01:06:19   You know it's that they get the. You know the H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3979">TS</a>]

01:06:22   Now deal that was part of the thank you note with the one part MacBook right. It's called an epic one now John. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3982">TS</a>]

01:06:28   Yes as are calling everyone a before we do the H.B.O. On stuff let's let's thank our last concert. Our last sponsor is. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3988">TS</a>]

01:06:36   Harry's go to Harry's dot com. H A R R Y S. Dot com and use promo code A.T.P. For five bucks off your first purchase. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/3996">TS</a>]

01:06:44   Harry's offers. High quality razors and bleeds for a fraction of the price of the big razor brands. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4004">TS</a>]

01:06:50   Usually see in drugstores. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4010">TS</a>]

01:06:52   Here's a started by two guys who wanted a better product without paying an arm [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4012">TS</a>]

01:06:55   and a leg to make their own blades from their own factory is action old blade factory in German that they light so much [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4015">TS</a>]

01:07:01   that they bought the factory. These are high quality high performing German blades. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4021">TS</a>]

01:07:06   Crafted by shaving experts and this is not you know. It's I was reading a little bit low up on this for this week. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4026">TS</a>]

01:07:11   It is surprisingly difficult to make really good disposable razor blades. It is. There's a lot of engineering letter R. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4031">TS</a>]

01:07:17   and D. Goes into that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4037">TS</a>]

01:07:19   This is a longstanding factor they've been doing this stuff for a very long time and they know how to do it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4039">TS</a>]

01:07:24   and they these blades they make it give you a better shave. That respects your face. And your wallet. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4044">TS</a>]

01:07:31   Harry's offers factory direct pricing at a fraction of the big brand prices. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4051">TS</a>]

01:07:35   They are usually about half the price or less compared to something like like a like a July fusion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4055">TS</a>]

01:07:41   or zone like that which I would say. I would say the July fusion is the most direct. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4061">TS</a>]

01:07:45   The most the most equivalent rival in the market. Eight pack of Harry's blades. Is just fifteen bucks. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4065">TS</a>]

01:07:51   A sixteen package or twenty five bucks for reference. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4071">TS</a>]

01:07:56   Twelve fusion blades are forty one dollars twelve Harry's blades are just twenty dollars so it's bronze about half the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4076">TS</a>]

01:08:02   price of the big razor brands. Now. The Harry starter set is an amazing deal for fifteen bucks. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4082">TS</a>]

01:08:08   You get a razor moisturizing shave cream or jail your choice. And three razor blades. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4088">TS</a>]

01:08:14   Really this is incredible deal here and there. They have great packaging they have a great design skill over there. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4094">TS</a>]

01:08:21   I would say. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4101">TS</a>]

01:08:22   They really have like kind of like the modern hip flash Mad Men aesthetic nailed like and it is nice like old style [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4102">TS</a>]

01:08:29   but modernized and you know still it still has that classy old look. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4109">TS</a>]

01:08:34   That handles can be like nice and weighty and metal [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4114">TS</a>]

01:08:36   and polish you know you don't feel like using like an android commercial. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4116">TS</a>]

01:08:40   Like you feel like you're using something like classy. That's really designed for modern people and not like you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4120">TS</a>]

01:08:46   Eighty's robots. I love their designs of their stuff. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4126">TS</a>]

01:08:50   With harry's you get the camions an ease of ordering online high quality blades. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4130">TS</a>]

01:08:54   A great handle and shaving cream and excellent customer service. At half the price of the big brands. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4134">TS</a>]

01:09:00   Get started today with a set that includes a handle three blades [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4140">TS</a>]

01:09:03   and shaving cream for just fifteen dollars shipped to your door. Go to Harry's dot com and you can use the promo code. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4143">TS</a>]

01:09:08   A.T.P. To say five dollars off your first purchase. Thank you very much to Harry's for sponsoring once again. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4148">TS</a>]

01:09:15   So back to the H.B.O. Deal that came up in the last appliqueing no. Yeah. This is. Framed as an apple. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4155">TS</a>]

01:09:23   When But really it is just the natural evolution of H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4163">TS</a>]

01:09:27   In the past they were a thing you had to buy as a premium addition to your cable bill. Then they had the H.B.O. GO. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4167">TS</a>]

01:09:34   Application which first you could only watch and I was devices and then eventually let you stream here television [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4174">TS</a>]

01:09:39   but the important point was you couldn't do anything with that I was at all unless you had a cable subscription that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4179">TS</a>]

01:09:45   included H.B.O. and That. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4185">TS</a>]

01:09:48   Frustrated people because they were like a might be Algis the future we the whole point of us watching your content on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4188">TS</a>]

01:09:54   our streaming of all you know people T.V. Puck thing. Or on our i Phone or on our i Pad. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4194">TS</a>]

01:09:59   Is that we don't want to pay for cable in fact we're cable gutters been don't want to pay for cable at all except [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4199">TS</a>]

01:10:04   across for internet access which will never get rid of that but anyway. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4204">TS</a>]

01:10:07   We don't want to pay for cable television we don't watch E.S.P.N. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4207">TS</a>]

01:10:10   or You know that we watch it on their website or we watch things on You Tube or whatever. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4210">TS</a>]

01:10:13   Like divorce your service from the cable television is straight. And now finally at H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4213">TS</a>]

01:10:19   Is ready to do that they're not ready to do it themselves because apparently their technology act is not together on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4219">TS</a>]

01:10:24   the whole H.B.O. Go front so they're outsourcing it I believe to the end all be the T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4224">TS</a>]

01:10:27   People the people who do Major League Baseball television string which by all accounts despite the silly blackout [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4227">TS</a>]

01:10:32   nonsense. The actual stream part of it works pretty well. So there are high hopes for this business if you pay them. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4232">TS</a>]

01:10:38   Fifteen dollars a month you can watch H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4238">TS</a>]

01:10:40   You don't need to have a cable subscription all you need to some device that can do this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4240">TS</a>]

01:10:44   and it is exclusive to Apple for how long like six months or three months or. I thought it was three. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4244">TS</a>]

01:10:51   But I've also heard that it's not really exclusive to Apple I didn't read up on this because I don't really watch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4251">TS</a>]

01:10:56   H.B.O. and I don't have H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4256">TS</a>]

01:10:57   but I could swear I had read somewhere recently that it may or may not actually be exclusive. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4257">TS</a>]

01:11:04   But the deal is like you know so the new season of Game of Thrones is starting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4264">TS</a>]

01:11:08   and Apple did just drop the price on it's also a pocket thing. So for sixty nine dollars. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4268">TS</a>]

01:11:13   Cord cutters can buy a talk and fifteen dollars a month. They can watch Game of Thrones they can watch it in theory. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4273">TS</a>]

01:11:19   Whenever they want without a cable subscription without. Barring some borrowing quote unquote someone's H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4279">TS</a>]

01:11:24   Go password or does described H.B.O. Which was the past practice. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4284">TS</a>]

01:11:29   And for a short period of time which includes the time that the Game of Thrones. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4289">TS</a>]

01:11:32   Season will be from airing the only way to do this or. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4292">TS</a>]

01:11:36   According to Apple only way is on their particular thing but that will expire and very soon I'm sure H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4296">TS</a>]

01:11:40   Now will be available everywhere and it's a guy who always all wanted out of H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4300">TS</a>]

01:11:44   and This is the slow crumbling of all the people who are holding out. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4304">TS</a>]

01:11:48   Holding the line and old media going towards like what Mark was an eventual given Tendulkar platform. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4308">TS</a>]

01:11:54   Kind of like we have an i OS today was a series of applications that you can use to watch you know N.B.A. or An L.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4314">TS</a>]

01:12:00   or Maybe. I don't know if N.F.L. Is out there all these three letter acronyms for sport things and none of us watch. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4320">TS</a>]

01:12:06   I do. Yeah. Do they have an i Phone app you can I mean I mean they do. But it only is useful if you get N.F.L.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4326">TS</a>]

01:12:13   Sunday Ticket which you can. Only get if your Direct T.V. Subscriber or live in like the U.K. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4333">TS</a>]

01:12:18   So those deals like that they're still kind of entrenched [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4338">TS</a>]

01:12:21   but trying to slowly divorce themselves like that I shouldn't have to pay for cable television [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4341">TS</a>]

01:12:26   or satellite television or whatever. I should just be able to Alex hard by the. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4346">TS</a>]

01:12:31   Still you know it's not the shows you are still buying the channels you want right you're buying H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4351">TS</a>]

01:12:36   You're not buying Game of Thrones. People would rather just be able to Game of Thrones. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4356">TS</a>]

01:12:40   About buying the season and i Tunes after it's already aired over and over or the day after it aired like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4360">TS</a>]

01:12:45   We're narrowing it going to closer and closer used to be. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4365">TS</a>]

01:12:48   You couldn't get a digital version of a television show ever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4368">TS</a>]

01:12:51   and then you get a digital version of the television show much later and then you get the next day. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4371">TS</a>]

01:12:55   and now you're going to be able to watch of the same time as the people who subscribe to H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4375">TS</a>]

01:12:58   Again in theory because if their service crush. Are crushed under the weight of all the. The evil trying to do that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4378">TS</a>]

01:13:04   I know my Tivo over Court and I'll be able to watch it in real time. That's a great thing about H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4384">TS</a>]

01:13:09   No commercials you know how to. You know you can watch in real time because you know the way the commercials to cue up. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4389">TS</a>]

01:13:14   But anyway. I continue to watch those things on my nice reliable T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4394">TS</a>]

01:13:17   but They're trying to get to the future and I feel like if people go out and get the sixty nine dollars Talk. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4397">TS</a>]

01:13:24   So they can watch it and pay This is Gretchen dates B.S. They can watch a game of thrones finally in. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4404">TS</a>]

01:13:29   You know without borrowing someone's password without having to scribed H.B.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4409">TS</a>]

01:13:32   and They plug in the pocket to turn it on they're all excited to watch and they got their popcorn [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4412">TS</a>]

01:13:36   or maybe some friends over in it play and it doesn't play.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4416">TS</a>]

01:13:39   They're not going to be excited about the future of streaming T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4419">TS</a>]

01:13:42   They're going to regret that sixty nine dollars purchase on the new Apple T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4422">TS</a>]

01:13:44   Comes out to ninety nine dollars they're not going to be enthused about buying that. It is. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4424">TS</a>]

01:13:48   So easy to sour and normal person not a geek but like a semi normal person on the experience of T.V. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4428">TS</a>]

01:13:54   Connected talks by just having a not work once. And I'm going. You know what I don't like paying for cable. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4434">TS</a>]

01:13:59   I didn't like paying extra on top of cable for H.B.O. but At least I can watch my show when I want to watch my show. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4439">TS</a>]

01:14:04   I have nothing to have agree with you completely I mean I think you know that they fought for three sponsors this week. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4444">TS</a>]

01:14:12   Writers T.V. Squarespace and Harrys and we will see you next week. Now the show is over. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4452">TS</a>]

01:14:21   They didn't even mean to be good because it was accidental. It was accidental. John C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4461">TS</a>]

01:14:35   Would because it was that was a death was accidental. And you and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4475">TS</a>]

01:14:52   He was no says that that's king lists and A [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4492">TS</a>]

01:14:59   and team article says that risky is the stories they caught while watching the stories. Well. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4499">TS</a>]

01:15:26   Marco we talked a little bit earlier. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4526">TS</a>]

01:15:29   And we told you to save it for the after show about how you're falling out of love with Twitter which is funny because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4529">TS</a>]

01:15:36   I feel like you're coming to a conclusion quicker than I am [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4536">TS</a>]

01:15:39   but I have been having similar feelings about what is really. It's Twitter really doing anything positive for me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4539">TS</a>]

01:15:48   Or is it just making me angry all the time like the thing that I quoted to you guys before I put on the show was my you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4548">TS</a>]

01:15:55   look up an avid any of you recognize the quote I was referencing when market first talked about this you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4555">TS</a>]

01:16:00   This is this is an older quote is from seventeen seventy seven I don't know if you guys remember back that far. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4560">TS</a>]

01:16:05   You know. We're not as old as you John it seems Samuel Johnson and the the. Well known part of it is already the thing. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4565">TS</a>]

01:16:13   You find Gnome and at all intellectual who is going to leave London. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4573">TS</a>]

01:16:16   No sir when a man is tired of London he is tired of life for there is in London all that life can afford and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4576">TS</a>]

01:16:22   That was my way of saying that it's not specifically. Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4582">TS</a>]

01:16:27   That is attire something in that I think at this point Twitter offers. All that life can afford more or less. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4587">TS</a>]

01:16:34   Is it is exposure Jews lots of people which can happen anywhere on the Internet whether it be in a usenet group where [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4594">TS</a>]

01:16:41   the exact same toxic things that Mark was going to discuss I'm sure. Haven't you know. Could happen and did happen.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4601">TS</a>]

01:16:47   Or it could be R.C. Or it could be web forums are Web old inboard that rare all L.O.L. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4607">TS</a>]

01:16:53   Chat room newsgroup thing that and I was ever an A.O.L. One of those things are called like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4613">TS</a>]

01:16:58   The problem is not the medium. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4618">TS</a>]

01:17:00   The problem is and in fact Twitter folly better than most in the way that it handles their social interactions [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4620">TS</a>]

01:17:05   and limiting people and having a symmetrical fall and everything is you know. Being tired of life. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4625">TS</a>]

01:17:11   And I'm not saying that that Demi's is wrong [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4631">TS</a>]

01:17:13   or anything I'm saying like that we should put the blame where it lies which is like you know other people suck. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4633">TS</a>]

01:17:18   Right and OR WHATEVER THEY ARE YOU want to deal with like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4638">TS</a>]

01:17:21   How how are you current feeling like I'm gonna put a video game turns like how how are your shields. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4641">TS</a>]

01:17:27   Holding up against the current onslaught right. Are you feeling weak. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4647">TS</a>]

01:17:31   Are you feeling strong do you feel like it's wearing you down doing something negative [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4651">TS</a>]

01:17:34   and disengaging is the way you deal with that like if your shields are going down you get bombarded from all sides. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4654">TS</a>]

01:17:40   You. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4660">TS</a>]

01:17:40   You know you go elsewhere you pull your ship back you hide behind a rock and let your ships regenerate [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4660">TS</a>]

01:17:45   and I'm mixing videogame metaphors here [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4665">TS</a>]

01:17:47   but like treat it like the Halo thing that so you know you can step back for a minute new recharger things are right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4667">TS</a>]

01:17:53   and what I'm getting at is that it's not so much. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4673">TS</a>]

01:17:55   Twitter specifically it could really could be anything it could be blog comments of your comments on your blog on the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4675">TS</a>]

01:18:00   way to fix that might be to turn off comments could be people sending you hateful e-mails like there are many vectors [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4680">TS</a>]

01:18:05   to rich people who have any amount of notoriety can be put upon by others [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4685">TS</a>]

01:18:09   and can start to affect them for a variety of reasons and I think. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4689">TS</a>]

01:18:14   Ignatian that and dealing with it in a way that works best for you is healthy. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4694">TS</a>]

01:18:18   My only point with the tired of life thing is that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4698">TS</a>]

01:18:21   I don't think it's specific to Twitter or any one thing and I don't think shifting you're used to like app dot net [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4701">TS</a>]

01:18:28   or usenet or going back to our C.E.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4708">TS</a>]

01:18:30   or Direct nothing is going to solve that problem that is not a technology problem is just a like a thing that you have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4710">TS</a>]

01:18:35   to deal with the goes in cycles and you have to deal with no matter where it is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4715">TS</a>]

01:18:38   and you have to do whatever you need to do to make yourself. You know. Be Happier essentially. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4718">TS</a>]

01:18:44   So I actually agree with most of what you just said. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4724">TS</a>]

01:18:48   It's not the problem I have with Twitter the problem having is partly my fault. It is partly that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4728">TS</a>]

01:18:57   That it is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4737">TS</a>]

01:18:58   and I've talked about before like struggles with trying to keep my tour usage under control so it's not just constantly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4738">TS</a>]

01:19:05   sucking away. Little bits of time throughout the day and just the in this massive time suck and distraction suck. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4745">TS</a>]

01:19:11   Which which hurts my part to the end when I see my report from Rescue Time. Every week and it's how I spend X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4751">TS</a>]

01:19:17   Hours in Twitter. I don't feel good about that. So that's part of the problem. And I've always had that problem. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4757">TS</a>]

01:19:24   And I've tried different techniques over the years to try to minimize that like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4764">TS</a>]

01:19:27   You know only using it on my phone or only using it notification center or. You know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4767">TS</a>]

01:19:32   Quitting it during the workday or whatever and they've all done. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4772">TS</a>]

01:19:37   Slight help here and there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4777">TS</a>]

01:19:38   but they mostly just kind of move the problem around they don't really tend to reduce the problem meaningfully. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4778">TS</a>]

01:19:44   The problem there is just me that I want to keep in gauging and interacting with Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4784">TS</a>]

01:19:48   You're going on tour explosions right I know you don't have that problem. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4788">TS</a>]

01:19:52   If you were I would say that's one thing you could definitely see another problem that I have is that I'm not keeping [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4792">TS</a>]

01:19:59   up because so much is going on on Twitter. I'm missing what my friends are saying. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4799">TS</a>]

01:20:05   And I recently like a couple weeks ago. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4805">TS</a>]

01:20:08   I don't follow about about a third of the people I was following like I went through [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4808">TS</a>]

01:20:11   and tried to call as much as I could. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4811">TS</a>]

01:20:13   And I started using mutes here and there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4813">TS</a>]

01:20:15   but I had that's a little too much work for me so I'm not going to do much of it but. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4815">TS</a>]

01:20:21   But the problem is that all of my friends. For the most part are talking to each other on Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4821">TS</a>]

01:20:28   And if I want to keep up with what my friends are doing or talking about or what's going on in the world. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4828">TS</a>]

01:20:33   I am to be reading that right now. I'm already. Not reading most of it because I'm not a completionist. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4833">TS</a>]

01:20:40   I can't keep up so I'm already not reading it but I'm missing all that at the same time. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4840">TS</a>]

01:20:44   If I want to talk to my friends. In that context if I want to be part of the conversation. Where in public. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4844">TS</a>]

01:20:52   And so what I what I need. What I'm looking for is some separation. You know in public it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4852">TS</a>]

01:20:58   Somebody had forget who some somebody about a year ago I heard talk of there they were comparing like having a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4858">TS</a>]

01:21:04   conversation. Briefly with your friends on Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4864">TS</a>]

01:21:07   It's like having a conversation like on your front porch with somebody. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4867">TS</a>]

01:21:11   And there's tons of people walking by on the sidewalk and they yell you like responses. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4871">TS</a>]

01:21:15   You weren't part of the conversation. And they're like yelling butting in like you're Did they like what do you like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4875">TS</a>]

01:21:22   Get off my porch like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4882">TS</a>]

01:21:23   but that's one of the strengths of her as well because if it was only happening in private fewer people would benefit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4883">TS</a>]

01:21:29   the reason it kind of works the way it does is that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4889">TS</a>]

01:21:31   Groups of people can sort of organically form who like discussing a particular topic [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4891">TS</a>]

01:21:36   and like you're doing it in public. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4896">TS</a>]

01:21:39   Partially because you want some of the public to see it for you don't want to people going by your parts [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4899">TS</a>]

01:21:43   and yelling at you while you're doing your thing but you do want to say maybe this interested guy who you met once [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4903">TS</a>]

01:21:48   or twice will hear conversation joining kind of like at a party right like so the public major Twitter is both a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4908">TS</a>]

01:21:53   strength and weakness. And how it plays out really depends on how many people are walking by your part so to speak. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4913">TS</a>]

01:22:00   And I agree that that you know that is an important strength of Twitter. What I like that that exists. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4920">TS</a>]

01:22:06   I don't like that that is the far and away dominant place that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4926">TS</a>]

01:22:12   My friends interact with each other and that I need to interact with my friends like. We are always in public. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4932">TS</a>]

01:22:19   And I think it should be the opposite I think. I think we should interact in public sometimes and. Most of the time. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4939">TS</a>]

01:22:25   It would be more pleasant. If it was private. And so there's you know different ways to do that there's you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4945">TS</a>]

01:22:32   Chat rooms and stuff. Slacken. You know stuff like that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4952">TS</a>]

01:22:37   I think I'd rather spend more time looking into still fight that these days because it is it is so exhausting. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4957">TS</a>]

01:22:43   It is like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4963">TS</a>]

01:22:45   You know I like I was just at a conference and being a conference was great [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4965">TS</a>]

01:22:49   but most Postgres people on Twitter are not as nice as the attendees of will. And it's a much bigger crowd on Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4969">TS</a>]

01:22:59   You know imagine going to a conference where you have you know tens of thousands of people all around you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4979">TS</a>]

01:23:05   and listen to everything you say. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4985">TS</a>]

01:23:07   Be and being ready to butt in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4987">TS</a>]

01:23:09   and so you're going to get a lot of good stuff that you going to meet a lot of good people. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4989">TS</a>]

01:23:12   Hearing a lot of good ideas. And good conversations out of that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4992">TS</a>]

01:23:17   We're also going to get a lot of jerks in specially if it's free to enter to enter and nobody knows your name [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/4997">TS</a>]

01:23:22   and you don't have to show your face. So it is exhausting. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5002">TS</a>]

01:23:26   After a while to be always partially or fully in public like that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5006">TS</a>]

01:23:31   when you're really just trying to have like everyday interactions with mostly just your friends. And you're welcome. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5011">TS</a>]

01:23:37   Like. It's like always being a conference. So there is value in being in a conference sometimes. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5017">TS</a>]

01:23:43   But there is also like. There's a certain level of certain threshold of like sanity where like. You can't be. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5023">TS</a>]

01:23:51   Publicly performing all the time and have that be mentally healthy at least I can't. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5031">TS</a>]

01:23:57   And so what I'm saying is not that Twitter is bad and by the way. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5037">TS</a>]

01:24:01   And a lot of people rightly point out in the chat room like much of the problem [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5041">TS</a>]

01:24:06   when people complain about quote Twitter is they're complaining about the group they're following to pay attention to. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5046">TS</a>]

01:24:12   I I'm aware that social networks are what you make of them with what you choose to follow. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5052">TS</a>]

01:24:17   However Internet really Twitter. They are not what you make of them as. In terms of who talks to you. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5057">TS</a>]

01:24:24   And what you receive. That is mostly up to the public I mean you can. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5064">TS</a>]

01:24:29   You can like you know try to avoid talking about certain topics which is stupid [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5069">TS</a>]

01:24:33   but you know you can you can do stuff like that to try to minimize what you get but for the most part. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5073">TS</a>]

01:24:37   Once you have a non-trivial sized audience. You're going to have random jerks talking all the time. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5077">TS</a>]

01:24:43   And in a jerky way and. No matter how much good is interspersed throughout that. It's really exhausting. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5083">TS</a>]

01:24:50   Well the problem is that the cost of entry to affecting somebody else's day. Is almost zero. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5090">TS</a>]

01:24:58   Because you can fire off this hundred forty character or less message to darn near anyone you want. And that's free. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5098">TS</a>]

01:25:08   And it takes almost no time and. Just like you were saying John that's one of the strengths of Twitter is that it's. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5108">TS</a>]

01:25:14   You can you can get messages across quickly and easily. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5114">TS</a>]

01:25:19   Then you can have access to almost anyone on the planet if you so desire. Like celebrities. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5119">TS</a>]

01:25:24   And when I'm talking about like actual celebrities not a story idea [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5124">TS</a>]

01:25:29   but the problem with that is all of these people also have access to you and the thing that I've been struggling with. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5129">TS</a>]

01:25:36   With regard to Twitter is. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5136">TS</a>]

01:25:38   I feel like maybe I'm just becoming more sensitive I thought of becoming I didn't becoming less sensitive [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5138">TS</a>]

01:25:45   but I feel like I'm seeing more and more negative or not constructive comments coming my way that bother me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5145">TS</a>]

01:25:55   And granted the easy answer is Well don't let a bar. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5155">TS</a>]

01:25:58   Bother you you idiot but it's hard I'm not good at just putting up that wall so like for example. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5158">TS</a>]

01:26:04   I had put up a post about Apple Pay and about how I thought it was crummy that when my card had expired. D. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5164">TS</a>]

01:26:12   Card didn't update which I've since found out a. It is theoretically capable of doing if the bank handles it right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5172">TS</a>]

01:26:18   And it also didn't tell me when I went to use it to use that the Apple Pay. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5178">TS</a>]

01:26:22   Version of the credit card that had expired just that denied. So I wrote a post about that Will somebody tweeted. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5182">TS</a>]

01:26:29   Apple Pay messaging. At Casey last You're being ridiculous keep track of your cards. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5189">TS</a>]

01:26:35   Sorry that I made an honest mistake. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5195">TS</a>]

01:26:38   But did you also learn about the fact that your bank if your bank could handle it correctly that it wouldn't happen to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5198">TS</a>]

01:26:45   you also learn about that on Twitter or from some stranger. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5205">TS</a>]

01:26:48   I learned about it from from some friends [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5208">TS</a>]

01:26:51   but I also eventually heard about it on Twitter is a blessing in the curse like you will a made it with any kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5211">TS</a>]

01:26:58   like you know father anything we talk about here we are wrong. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5218">TS</a>]

01:27:01   Many people will tell us which I like I like the fact that you know that's an advantage of having an audience. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5221">TS</a>]

01:27:05   Some of the people who tell you lean about it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5225">TS</a>]

01:27:08   That's the price you pay for having a bunch of people tell you like solve your problems for you know I'm not a lot of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5228">TS</a>]

01:27:13   people like a lot of people who only see the upside would love to do that they like you know boy it must be good to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5233">TS</a>]

01:27:18   have a popular tech products as because you can say hey I'm having trouble getting my Who's it working with my whatever. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5238">TS</a>]

01:27:24   And then a million people tell you how to get them to work together [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5244">TS</a>]

01:27:27   and like some percentage of those people be right and you will you'll have yourself Robin Wright. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5247">TS</a>]

01:27:31   But then some percent of people will be jerks like when I had my jumbo frame issue. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5251">TS</a>]

01:27:35   It would never I would never have found that problem. If. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5255">TS</a>]

01:27:38   If I had asked on Twitter and gotten hundreds of responses of what it might be. And like two of them said jumbo frames. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5258">TS</a>]

01:27:46   And they were that was that of being right. I am so lucky to have such a big audience on Twitter that I can. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5266">TS</a>]

01:27:52   That I have access to that kind of information. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5272">TS</a>]

01:27:54   I'm so lucky that I have a big enough audience that I can launch products and write blog post to get attention. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5274">TS</a>]

01:28:01   Like the audience has. Like I have built in attention for anything I do now. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5281">TS</a>]

01:28:06   That's the problem that's why I would feel like a jerk just walking away from this. Both both. I would feel ungrateful. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5286">TS</a>]

01:28:13   To other people who have been following me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5293">TS</a>]

01:28:15   And also I would feel like I was throwing away a giant professional advantage. So I feel like I can't leave Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5295">TS</a>]

01:28:23   Yeah. But. But that's why I need to find a better balance. But yeah that's a skill. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5303">TS</a>]

01:28:29   Like like anything else is a skill you have to develop it's like you know. I had none of us. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5309">TS</a>]

01:28:33   Experience with us because you imagine running a huge company being being the C.E.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5313">TS</a>]

01:28:37   Of a company with thousands of employees like that is not usually a natural thing that most people used to like you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5317">TS</a>]

01:28:43   know used to just dealing with yourself when you're a kid and you learn to gain responsibility [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5323">TS</a>]

01:28:47   but like it is it is at these extremes of extreme ratios of you to other people. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5327">TS</a>]

01:28:53   It's a skill that you have to learn there. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5333">TS</a>]

01:28:55   You know there are things you can learn about being a manager and being a C.E.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5335">TS</a>]

01:28:58   or Running a large company like you just have to figure out right and you have to you know research them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5338">TS</a>]

01:29:04   and learn them and some people are just not cut out for any goal never be a good C.E.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5344">TS</a>]

01:29:08   or A good manager of a lot of you because it's just not how they work right so if suddenly you get an audience [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5348">TS</a>]

01:29:13   and you have to deal with notoriety and fame and a lot of input from other people. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5353">TS</a>]

01:29:17   You have to either learn to deal with that are learning what your limits are learn that I don't want to be the C.E.O. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5357">TS</a>]

01:29:23   Of a big company because no matter how good I could possibly get out of doing so doesn't make me happy how big are you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5363">TS</a>]

01:29:28   comfortable how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5368">TS</a>]

01:29:28   but you know you see a lot with actual celebrities who get big because of some talent they have they're in it there in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5368">TS</a>]

01:29:34   a hit movie they're a great singer that hit song or something and very often the prerequisites to get that fame. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5374">TS</a>]

01:29:42   Being very talented. Being a good actor. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5382">TS</a>]

01:29:44   Being in the right place of the right time some combination of things are totally unrelated to the ability to deal with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5384">TS</a>]

01:29:50   the fame that is going to come with that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5390">TS</a>]

01:29:52   You know the ones that stick the ones that stay are like yes they're really talented [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5392">TS</a>]

01:29:56   and also they are able to figure out how to have a successful well balanced life. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5396">TS</a>]

01:30:01   In the face of what must be you know the insane onslaught of like real fame right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5401">TS</a>]

01:30:08   Other people have the talent get the notoriety and very clearly can't deal with the onslaught of Real same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5408">TS</a>]

01:30:13   and have tragic terrible lives. We are lucky that in our tiny little dose of notoriety here. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5413">TS</a>]

01:30:19   It's unlikely that Marco is going to you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5419">TS</a>]

01:30:21   Go on a bender and drive his test lawful cliff or something like You know it's it's just but. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5421">TS</a>]

01:30:27   But I think that's why I think our problem is more relatable because I think everybody has a. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5427">TS</a>]

01:30:32   You know even if it's just like someone said something mean on your Facebook post. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5432">TS</a>]

01:30:36   You know who was like an acquaintance or someone you knew in high school and that ruins your day. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5436">TS</a>]

01:30:40   That's pretty much a level we're talking about here it's not like we're getting bombarded with thousands of people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5440">TS</a>]

01:30:45   hating us. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5445">TS</a>]

01:30:45   It but it doesn't take much it just takes one person making one main comment to make the make you think like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5445">TS</a>]

01:30:50   and are used to that are used to acquaintances [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5450">TS</a>]

01:30:53   or even strangers perhaps telling you mean things about yourself maybe that's not something that happens in your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5453">TS</a>]

01:30:57   regular life but suddenly it happens in the Internet because they have access to you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5457">TS</a>]

01:31:00   and everyone I think like added to the complaint we get when we talk about it's like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5460">TS</a>]

01:31:03   when you start talking about your problems of like oh you have a lot of two of our lives I think everybody if you have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5463">TS</a>]

01:31:07   one Twitter for all of you have ten people who read your face. Everybody has this problem. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5467">TS</a>]

01:31:11   At pretty much exactly the same scale we do. Because what we're talking about here is. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5471">TS</a>]

01:31:17   Handfuls of of negative feedback from people because we're not. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5477">TS</a>]

01:31:22   You know it's not we're not that big and I think our handful. Is within an order of magnitude of your handful. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5482">TS</a>]

01:31:27   And is really the same type of scope of problem I think everybody who has any interaction any social media [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5487">TS</a>]

01:31:33   or any sort of one to many communication medium it's not just like face to face. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5493">TS</a>]

01:31:38   Has to deal with this and has to figure out what are my limits. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5498">TS</a>]

01:31:41   How do I feel about this am I going to grow a thicker skin [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5501">TS</a>]

01:31:44   or am I going to pretend I'm going a thicker skin really I'm just internalizing it all in all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5504">TS</a>]

01:31:48   and all come to a breaking point [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5508">TS</a>]

01:31:50   and I like snap at my children I realize I'm snapping at them because someone said something mean to me on my Facebook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5510">TS</a>]

01:31:55   post. Two days ago and I'm still thinking about it right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5515">TS</a>]

01:31:58   That that I couldn't agree more that's exactly how I feel that I'm trying to just fabricate a thicker skin. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5518">TS</a>]

01:32:04   But I don't think I've actually built a thicker skin yet. And it's hard. It's a hard thing to deal with. It's weird. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5524">TS</a>]

01:32:12   And I think a an ecstasy said a couple things in the chap that I thought were great. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5532">TS</a>]

01:32:16   Some people are pleasured interact with others just suck your energy. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5536">TS</a>]

01:32:19   And I think that's a really good way of putting it that that I see this comment like oh don't be ridiculous keep track [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5539">TS</a>]

01:32:24   of your You're being ridiculous keep track of your cards [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5544">TS</a>]

01:32:26   and just kind of like sucks the air out of my day a little bit. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5546">TS</a>]

01:32:29   Showed it no I should be big enough to realize is some stranger that. I'm never going to interact with and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5549">TS</a>]

01:32:36   That shouldn't bother me but it does [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5556">TS</a>]

01:32:39   and that then the thing I'm struggling with again coming back to next to see is in his [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5559">TS</a>]

01:32:43   or her case I wall so say the older I get the less tolerance of energy sucking people I become I put up with a lot more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5563">TS</a>]

01:32:48   crap at eighteen than I do at forty eight. And I feel like even in the last couple of years I've gained something and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5568">TS</a>]

01:32:55   I can't say notoriety because I was corrected once that it's not notoriety it's fame for us because we didn't do bad [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5575">TS</a>]

01:33:00   things. Then he was as I get more fame. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5580">TS</a>]

01:33:04   I'm finding that I have less and less tolerance in time for the that kind of energy sock. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5584">TS</a>]

01:33:10   And I've noticed kind of building on what Marco it said that I'm getting much more aggressive with. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5590">TS</a>]

01:33:17   The block button and and. And those sorts of things. Then I ever have been in the past and granted. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5597">TS</a>]

01:33:26   I'm you know just freshly thirty three. Been so it's not that I'm getting to old age but even as I'm getting older. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5606">TS</a>]

01:33:33   At this age. I'm finding that. Less and less tolerant of it and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5613">TS</a>]

01:33:38   And where we started this conversation is where I'm coming back to now which is. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5618">TS</a>]

01:33:43   Is it really worth me getting upset over these random strangers on the Internet and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5623">TS</a>]

01:33:48   I feel like I'm getting more and more upset over time and in fact. At the end of last year in December. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5628">TS</a>]

01:33:56   And this is a little bit of a corollary for half or so of December. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5636">TS</a>]

01:34:00   I kept track every single day of what Twitter was pissed off about. Because I felt like every day. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5640">TS</a>]

01:34:08   There was some unbelievable travesty that Twitter was all fired up about every single day now that oftentimes I didn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5648">TS</a>]

01:34:16   relate to me at all but that much negativity man. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5656">TS</a>]

01:34:19   All my goodness eventually just wears on you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5659">TS</a>]

01:34:22   and the reason I kept track of this because I ended tended to post a blog post about it. As it turns out. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5662">TS</a>]

01:34:30   Right around the time that the right I just midway through the month. Somebody I want to see it maybe it was time. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5670">TS</a>]

01:34:36   But somebody put up a post that had basically done that for an entire here. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5676">TS</a>]

01:34:42   And so at that point I figured well my post wasn't really worth it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5682">TS</a>]

01:34:46   but it's just it's stunning to me how much negativity I've seen on Twitter and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5686">TS</a>]

01:34:53   Like Marco I'm trying to evaluate where. Does that fit in my life. Because I don't want to eliminate it entirely. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5693">TS</a>]

01:35:02   But I think I'm giving it much more time and too many thought cycles. And I need to back it off a bit but I'm not sure. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5702">TS</a>]

01:35:10   The right way to do it and like Marco. I'm a freakin addict which is not to I don't say that with pride. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5710">TS</a>]

01:35:16   I wish I was less so but it is it is unbelievably thrilling to get responses from people that you respect. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5716">TS</a>]

01:35:25   Or even strangers that have good information like the big frames that friends whatever you call it seems come a fat. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5725">TS</a>]

01:35:35   Frame. Fine See now I'm totally to rails myself. But. But you know one way or another. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5735">TS</a>]

01:35:42   There's good things that come from Twitter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5742">TS</a>]

01:35:44   but there's also so much bad I can't figure out is the bad outweighing the good these days for me anyway. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5744">TS</a>]

01:35:50   What Margo is doing like he's doing all the all the logical things that you would think to do trim your fall as you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5750">TS</a>]

01:35:56   people try to cut down and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5756">TS</a>]

01:35:58   when you do it don't be a completionist like he's going through he's going down the punch list of things you can do to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5758">TS</a>]

01:36:03   manage this. On some are on the punch list for certain people maybe think your way out of it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5763">TS</a>]

01:36:08   Most people that doesn't work like a little bit Katie It sounds like you're trying to think your way out of it like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5768">TS</a>]

01:36:13   should I be upset intellectually can I can I rationally think about that I shouldn't be bothered by with strangers that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5773">TS</a>]

01:36:19   like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5779">TS</a>]

01:36:20   I don't know if you can have that conversation with yourself [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5780">TS</a>]

01:36:22   and have it have affected my experience it is very rare that people can. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5782">TS</a>]

01:36:28   Can use reason to change their motions they feel from input from other people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5788">TS</a>]

01:36:33   but some people can't so it's worth least giving that a try. But you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5793">TS</a>]

01:36:39   And caring to follow us I think is probably the first thing you should be as you said like you know what is Twitter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5799">TS</a>]

01:36:43   upset about today as Mark pointed out Twitter is who you follow like What is Twitter upset about you have no idea what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5803">TS</a>]

01:36:49   terrorism said about Twitter as an aggregate is probably talking about Justin Bieber. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5809">TS</a>]

01:36:52   That is not in your head you know I mean. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5812">TS</a>]

01:36:54   Your Twitter is upset about some apple thing that nobody knows about except you know so. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5814">TS</a>]

01:36:58   Changing your Follistim it can be painful because even for all the symmetry [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5818">TS</a>]

01:37:03   and Twitter can be painful to on follow people who you know you may agree with them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5823">TS</a>]

01:37:07   and you maybe it is part of the reason you would involve them like their outrage about Issue X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5827">TS</a>]

01:37:11   You one hundred percent agree with them but if you X. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5831">TS</a>]

01:37:13   and You are also outrage an outrage of the negative feeling so you're on following them not because they're posting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5833">TS</a>]

01:37:19   things you disagree with but because they're prosecuting you agree with your like now I too am outraged. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5839">TS</a>]

01:37:23   You have transferred your outrage to me. Because we agree on everything. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5843">TS</a>]

01:37:26   Therefore I'm going to on follow you like you're not I'm following people because their their pinions are the opposite [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5846">TS</a>]

01:37:31   of yours you're in following people who you agree with. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5851">TS</a>]

01:37:33   But who came to be angry all the time that's rubbing off on you know well [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5853">TS</a>]

01:37:36   and there's also you know to me I feel like there's there's a big difference. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5856">TS</a>]

01:37:42   With with Twitter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5862">TS</a>]

01:37:43   and a lot of it comes from from the blog world to which is that with Twitter there's a very very you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5863">TS</a>]

01:37:50   It is who you follow that's like you know what you see in your timeline but there's still the big problem with. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5870">TS</a>]

01:37:56   With all of the. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5876">TS</a>]

01:37:57   You know replies from jerks and everything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5877">TS</a>]

01:37:59   and you know a few weeks ago I mentioned how you know I I feel more comfortable saying things in pod casts that I do. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5879">TS</a>]

01:38:08   On the on my blog things that might be controversial it might get people to call me a jerk or whatever. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5888">TS</a>]

01:38:14   And the reason why is because in in blogs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5894">TS</a>]

01:38:19   and on Twitter it's really really easy to get drive by rash reactions from people and. So when. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5899">TS</a>]

01:38:26   And this is you know that anger that you see that you see like bubbling up on Twitter that's directed at something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5906">TS</a>]

01:38:31   that's a mood. It's this drive by mood where someone sees a few words or headline. They disagree with. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5911">TS</a>]

01:38:40   And they fit into their narrative with their confirmation bias of. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5920">TS</a>]

01:38:44   Whatever they think those people are like or whatever and and. They just lash out and yell immediately. They. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5924">TS</a>]

01:38:50   They don't look at context. They don't know that people are talking to they. It's just a quick. You know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5930">TS</a>]

01:38:56   Harsh reaction. With pod cast. You don't really get a lot of that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5936">TS</a>]

01:39:00   Because pod cast are so undiscoverable fundamentally by the. By the format mostly. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5940">TS</a>]

01:39:06   And I know there's you know there's ways we can improve it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5946">TS</a>]

01:39:08   but ultimately the format is just pretty undiscoverable compared to text. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5948">TS</a>]

01:39:14   And I think it always will be that way relatively speaking. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5954">TS</a>]

01:39:17   You know with the exception of minor improvements here and there but with pod cast like most people who are hearing. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5957">TS</a>]

01:39:24   What I'm saying right now. Our subscriber to the show and who here on a regular basis. Who hear the three of us. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5964">TS</a>]

01:39:31   Talking for a couple hours every week. And who have probably heard us for a couple hours every week for a long time. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5971">TS</a>]

01:39:38   So they like you listeners who are hearing me say this. You know us. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5978">TS</a>]

01:39:42   Like the vast majority of you know us on some level. You know the context. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5982">TS</a>]

01:39:47   You know the kind of people we are you know roughly. You know the the. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5987">TS</a>]

01:39:52   The context in which we are saying the things we say in which we think the things we think you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5992">TS</a>]

01:39:56   You know if we say something it's little bit off. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5996">TS</a>]

01:39:58   You probably give us the benefit of the doubt because you know who we actually are. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/5998">TS</a>]

01:40:03   And so there are I think there are way fewer of those drive by nasty interactions. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6003">TS</a>]

01:40:09   For things you say on pod casts than there are for things you say on Twitter on blog posts. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6009">TS</a>]

01:40:14   And for me and the result is pod cast audiences tend to be much smaller than popular blogs popular. You know. Tweets. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6014">TS</a>]

01:40:25   Accounts or whatever. You Tube channels that are a little more accessible to this kind of drive by ness. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6025">TS</a>]

01:40:29   Like podcast audiences are way smaller. But I can't so much less nastiness per capita in pod cast. Than I do. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6029">TS</a>]

01:40:39   From any other audience by a long shot [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6039">TS</a>]

01:40:41   and I'll say things on here that are potentially way riskier to say than I would ever say on my blog. And yet. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6041">TS</a>]

01:40:49   I get almost no crap for it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6049">TS</a>]

01:40:51   It's just too much work to listen to Obama anyone ever ever someone starts retreating you're treated around you'll get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6051">TS</a>]

01:40:56   all the crazy drive bys for people who have no idea who you are in Iran your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6056">TS</a>]

01:40:59   but it is just so much work so I got to download a baby audial file and then listen to audio [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6059">TS</a>]

01:41:03   and they don't know overcast exists so that on no I don't know podcast finds there's that on they can listen faster AND [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6063">TS</a>]

01:41:08   IT'S LIKE WHERE IS THE PART WHERE THEY TALK ABOUT THIS HOUR never mind where anyone can read a tweet to second to get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6068">TS</a>]

01:41:13   angry so exactly Ed is not not environ even a blog post like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6073">TS</a>]

01:41:17   when you know that going to your blog post goes viral likes on C.N.N. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6077">TS</a>]

01:41:21   See it whatever like you're just going to drive by's for for half a year just because of that one thing. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6081">TS</a>]

01:41:26   Right I mean here. Here's like. I would love. I would absolutely love. If Twitter had a setting. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6086">TS</a>]

01:41:33   That would not show me mentions from people who didn't follow me for more than the past week. Think about that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6093">TS</a>]

01:41:41   Yeah there's a lot Twitter can do for that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6101">TS</a>]

01:41:43   but that does actually get into the doesn't actually get into the realm of features that would only benefit the people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6103">TS</a>]

01:41:49   who have a larger than normal number of followers but they are you have those features. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6109">TS</a>]

01:41:54   Verified accounts have a setting where you can only see positive people from people you follow. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6114">TS</a>]

01:41:59   Right now the and that's too aggressive Yeah like because then. Then you can hear from strangers. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6119">TS</a>]

01:42:03   Right so that's that's too extreme but if you look at the trash that you get. If you look at the nastiness. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6123">TS</a>]

01:42:11   The nasty comments from people on Twitter. The vast majority of them for me. Are from people who don't follow me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6131">TS</a>]

01:42:17   Because they saw summary tweet somewhere or something then they're like God they lash out and they yell [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6137">TS</a>]

01:42:22   and they get nastier when their eggs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6142">TS</a>]

01:42:23   and they're going to talking to the whole thing like you know what we don't usually get the eggs that we just get we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6143">TS</a>]

01:42:27   get to drive by the people who have established Twitter accounts and I just talk with their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6147">TS</a>]

01:42:30   and their circle me talk in our circle in our sort of don't interact with some little thing from our circle lands over [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6150">TS</a>]

01:42:35   in their circle and they've all just come back and you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6155">TS</a>]

01:42:37   but the good thing about them is for the most part you'll never see them again. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6157">TS</a>]

01:42:40   Like they most of them all to make it their mission in life to make your life miserable. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6160">TS</a>]

01:42:44   Like it's not my one of them they have the video of like the woman being catcalled on the street. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6164">TS</a>]

01:42:48   And I made one or two tweets about it and they somehow came. Leaked out of our circle because some right wing. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6168">TS</a>]

01:42:53   Site put up. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6173">TS</a>]

01:42:55   You know one of my tweets on their page and was just you know it was like months [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6175">TS</a>]

01:42:59   and months of random fairly aggressive hate. From just from people who are totally outside. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6179">TS</a>]

01:43:05   Circles who have no idea anything about who I am or that I have a podcast [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6185">TS</a>]

01:43:11   or like I'm just a person did you know I mean like. And it's just that was miserable. It was like I think I said. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6191">TS</a>]

01:43:17   I tweeted about. It was like you know. Five mil a sucky is eons worth of of hate right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6197">TS</a>]

01:43:23   But it just goes on but it just goes on forever. Like and eventually you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6203">TS</a>]

01:43:27   I mean I deal with things in a different way probably than than you do but like it was. It was miserable and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6207">TS</a>]

01:43:35   And it was like a rainstorm it doesn't end like you know I don't know what your see N.B.C. Story you know Apple. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6215">TS</a>]

01:43:42   Functional high ground stuff is going I'm assuming you're still getting those. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6222">TS</a>]

01:43:47   But I'm hoping they're not as hate filled as as the things I was getting for this thing and. At the very least. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6227">TS</a>]

01:43:53   Anyone is going to be angry about functional highground probably cares about Apple. Right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6233">TS</a>]

01:43:57   And so if they're somewhere in your circle in that respect you may not get rid of them but just get. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6237">TS</a>]

01:44:01   When I was getting the random hate from strangers. It helped that I knew these people didn't know anything about me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6241">TS</a>]

01:44:08   It helped that I knew that I was never going to see these people on Twitter again. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6248">TS</a>]

01:44:13   Right it helped that it was so outside of the normal things I tweet about. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6253">TS</a>]

01:44:17   Unlike your functional highground things because you're just you're like cultivating the worst of your actual audience [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6257">TS</a>]

01:44:23   like people who care a lot about Apple or any real anger about you for saying stuff about Apple. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6263">TS</a>]

01:44:27   Like the you know if you say something wrong I was but I'm saying is I was able to deal with it by saying [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6267">TS</a>]

01:44:32   but by thinking to myself. I'm never going to see any of these people to me again. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6272">TS</a>]

01:44:37   It's probably not even worth my time to block them. Because like. If I just simply don't engage one of them. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6277">TS</a>]

01:44:43   They'll get it out of their system. They don't know who I am. You know and it just it and it will blow over. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6283">TS</a>]

01:44:49   In two to three months. And it did more last I haven't got one of those in a long time. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6289">TS</a>]

01:44:55   And that was the way I dealt with that one. But you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6295">TS</a>]

01:44:59   Having to deal with that one to three months like going off Twitter would be another way to deal with that one. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6299">TS</a>]

01:45:04   I just say I'm going to come back from Twitter into three months when this is blown over. Right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6304">TS</a>]

01:45:08   And you know years have to do whatever it takes for you to feel OK and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6308">TS</a>]

01:45:13   These unfortunate flare ups can happen to anybody. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6313">TS</a>]

01:45:15   Like and again I would say again this is not a thing oh poor you got too many followers. Anybody's tweet. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6315">TS</a>]

01:45:20   It's not because I have a lot of followers. Anybody's tweet. Can be pulled out and put into the right place. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6320">TS</a>]

01:45:25   Unlike you know. Some website or forum or Bolton board. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6325">TS</a>]

01:45:30   That has an organized presidents that disagrees with whatever it is that you are passionate about that can happen to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6330">TS</a>]

01:45:37   anybody because on the page I was under was there was just the other people. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6337">TS</a>]

01:45:40   You know some of those people had ten followers right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6340">TS</a>]

01:45:42   They were going to get the same exact volume of hate mail that I was going to get because nobody who's sending hate [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6342">TS</a>]

01:45:47   tweets those people. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6347">TS</a>]

01:45:49   Knows who they are they just saw their tweets on a page became enraged [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6349">TS</a>]

01:45:52   and funneled that rage into sending hate in their direction. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6352">TS</a>]

01:45:55   It could happen to anybody that's the beauty of the Internet. You know if the Huffington Post. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6355">TS</a>]

01:46:01   Grabs your tweet and puts it up and you get you could get angry hate filled e-mail from people for months. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6361">TS</a>]

01:46:06   And you could have ten followers. Like this just. That is the beauty and curse of our age I guess. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6366">TS</a>]

01:46:12   And so I really think that everyone has will eventually have to. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6372">TS</a>]

01:46:16   Find their way of dealing with the situation and learning what their limits are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6376">TS</a>]

01:46:22   and I think what Casey was talking away for of like not lying to yourself about what your limits are not thinking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6382">TS</a>]

01:46:26   because it shouldn't bother me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6386">TS</a>]

01:46:28   Therefore I will continue to do the thing that I know bothers me because I intellectually believe that it shouldn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6388">TS</a>]

01:46:33   bother me that's probably not. Probably not a healthy. Coping Mechanism. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6393">TS</a>]

01:46:37   Yeah that's what I've been attempting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6397">TS</a>]

01:46:38   and failing at just like Casey's like I've been I've been feeling miserably at that for years now and like that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6398">TS</a>]

01:46:45   and I mean I think. I think for me feels when solution is going to be reducing how much I used Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6405">TS</a>]

01:46:51   Because Twitter is not going to change Twitter is as a medium like that setting I just said you know they're not no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6411">TS</a>]

01:46:57   client is ever going to add that really like. They probably don't even allowed to anymore. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6417">TS</a>]

01:47:02   Like what the new Twitter rules of the road. Would have to be a Twitter service things like you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6422">TS</a>]

01:47:07   Do the type of features that Twitter as a service can do and maybe they could think about that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6427">TS</a>]

01:47:12   but the fact that verified is still this rare thing that not everybody can get shows they really have no idea what the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6432">TS</a>]

01:47:17   hell they're doing in terms of making a pleasant place. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6437">TS</a>]

01:47:19   Exactly and it just seems like the leadership of Twitter has no interest from a product direction perspective. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6439">TS</a>]

01:47:27   In doing much about these principles and sometimes some of them are not problems that Twitter really can solve. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6447">TS</a>]

01:47:34   You know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6454">TS</a>]

01:47:35   and I recognize that So for me this is why I really like the direction I'm going to really try to go now is just taking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6455">TS</a>]

01:47:45   a lot of my usage that is currently on Twitter. And just taking a private. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6465">TS</a>]

01:47:49   Because I being in public for everything I do is just not working. It's just not. Yeah it's funny because as. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6469">TS</a>]

01:47:59   Because I have the show on relay. Because I have analog on real I. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6479">TS</a>]

01:48:03   I've been a part of the relay Af-Am slack channel and That. Has a really awesome group of people in it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6483">TS</a>]

01:48:10   And I feel like that's kind of feeling. Not filling a void necessarily but it's. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6490">TS</a>]

01:48:17   I'm getting more positive experiences from that in fact they're pretty much universally positive. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6497">TS</a>]

01:48:22   And I've been a lot of the little quips that I may throw into Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6502">TS</a>]

01:48:27   A lot of times I'll just share with my my close friends on the relay chat or slack. Because I know. Reliably. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6507">TS</a>]

01:48:35   That they will understand where I'm coming from get my intention and get what I'm trying to say. Even if or. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6515">TS</a>]

01:48:42   You know maybe I'm just whining about so. The only secretly you write in I'm OK with that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6522">TS</a>]

01:48:47   I'm OK with them secretly hating me because this way I don't have to know that they but all kidding aside I wonder if. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6527">TS</a>]

01:48:55   If I sway. Let's say the pendulum swings just all the way over to the real A.F.M. Slack and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6535">TS</a>]

01:49:01   I almost completely stop using Twitter. I think at that point though. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6541">TS</a>]

01:49:07   I'll miss some of the random interactions all mishearing about fat. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6547">TS</a>]

01:49:12   Frames [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6552">TS</a>]

01:49:13   and all mishearing about his hearing about as hearing things from people that I don't know because genuinely as much as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6553">TS</a>]

01:49:20   we're complaining and men moaning or sharing if nothing else. Our experiences with Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6560">TS</a>]

01:49:25   I both of you have said [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6565">TS</a>]

01:49:26   and I can't agree more that some unbelievably wonderful wonderful things happen on Twitter with random people. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6566">TS</a>]

01:49:36   And some of the some people have sent hundred forty character messages to me that are just heart crushingly awesome in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6576">TS</a>]

01:49:43   the best possible way. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6583">TS</a>]

01:49:46   And so because of that I don't think I necessarily want to give up on Twitter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6586">TS</a>]

01:49:50   and I'm not saying either of you are saying it either but I worry that if I get into this echo chamber in the slack. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6590">TS</a>]

01:49:56   Chat. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6596">TS</a>]

01:49:56   That maybe I'll miss out on some of the contrarian opinions that if I'm honest I'm probably not getting on Twitter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6596">TS</a>]

01:50:01   anyway. But I like to think I'm getting on Twitter. That's why it's. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6601">TS</a>]

01:50:05   It's a balance right it's a bounce we all need to find and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6605">TS</a>]

01:50:09   I think right now we've in the last few years that the rise of all the social stuff and mobiles the. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6609">TS</a>]

01:50:14   I think we got a little too far in the everything is public on social networks direction. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6614">TS</a>]

01:50:21   And now I think we're going to start swinging back a little bit hopefully on a pendulum. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6621">TS</a>]

01:50:24   With like OK not everything needs to be public all the time. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6624">TS</a>]

01:50:28   And we're actually and being private can actually be quite peaceful [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6628">TS</a>]

01:50:33   and a relief from always being in public all the time. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6633">TS</a>]

01:50:37   Now there's a gap in the model lineup so to speak I'm back to the a MacBook type analogy where you EVER we all have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6637">TS</a>]

01:50:42   privacy all of our message text messages instant message. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6642">TS</a>]

01:50:45   One on one or one on you know if a small circle of people right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6645">TS</a>]

01:50:50   Is that that is a public thing over there on Twitter right. And then the in between thing is this. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6650">TS</a>]

01:50:55   And I think there's a reason the imagery thing is a big gap to get things like slacker glass board [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6655">TS</a>]

01:50:59   or like a small group of people are going to I receive channel a small group of people who are who know each other that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6659">TS</a>]

01:51:05   because you don't want to talk one on one with all your individual friends you do on a place that's in between with you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6665">TS</a>]

01:51:09   want to talk one on one you're just send people text messages or instant message like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6669">TS</a>]

01:51:13   That's fine a solved problem but sometimes you want to talk to two or three or four be in a room [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6673">TS</a>]

01:51:17   or be even be some places because all with like a whole bunch of people right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6677">TS</a>]

01:51:20   But it's still not public the difference gene. You know. Even if you were talking to everybody W.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6680">TS</a>]

01:51:25   That's only a few thousand people. It's not the entire world of. You know whatever to seven billion. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6685">TS</a>]

01:51:31   So why is there that gap there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6691">TS</a>]

01:51:33   and I think one of the reasons that gap is there is we used to have before we had the big public things. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6693">TS</a>]

01:51:38   All we had where the little places we had private. Which would be like one to one email or instant message. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6698">TS</a>]

01:51:43   And then we had self constructed small social groups. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6703">TS</a>]

01:51:47   Isolated by obscurity like a bunch of people on you know the global gross Island where you have the full measure [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6707">TS</a>]

01:51:51   ecosystem or be like one Usenet group up in a corner. That with like two hundred regulars. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6711">TS</a>]

01:51:56   And that makes a low community there. And technically and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6716">TS</a>]

01:51:59   It's in public but it's protected by the fact that Google doesn't exist yet. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6719">TS</a>]

01:52:02   And there's no way for people to find you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6722">TS</a>]

01:52:03   and it's you know it's like you're hiding on your little island till the book show up right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6723">TS</a>]

01:52:07   And you even things like slack or whatever you end up with these little islands and I remember those days [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6727">TS</a>]

01:52:12   and what happened in those days was you ended up with too many islands. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6732">TS</a>]

01:52:15   Here's where I go to talk about people at Star Wars here's where I go to Talk Talk to people about computer stuff here [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6735">TS</a>]

01:52:20   is where I talk to my family [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6740">TS</a>]

01:52:22   and was like they were these little private islands at the scale the market was looking for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6742">TS</a>]

01:52:26   but you ended up with fifty of them you're like geez I don't like having to go to all the different protocols all these [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6746">TS</a>]

01:52:30   different places and sometimes I want to cross-pollinate and I got a check. You know five different places for it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6750">TS</a>]

01:52:36   What happens is either. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6756">TS</a>]

01:52:38   Those little places die out or those little places sort of metastasize and become Twitter essentially like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6758">TS</a>]

01:52:44   That is the life cycle of those places. Things of that scale in their. Just like fizzle. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6764">TS</a>]

01:52:50   And die out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6770">TS</a>]

01:52:51   or become like this too many of that you can't go to all the ones like the reason you are going back to APT not net [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6771">TS</a>]

01:52:55   even those like seven people there we know it just doesn't have critical mass or. They grow. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6775">TS</a>]

01:53:00   But they starts like well why doesn't everybody on usenet now why isn't everybody on a well it's a message from what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6780">TS</a>]

01:53:05   you know like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6785">TS</a>]

01:53:06   Why isn't everybody in a slack room the some people I wish when it's like them who weren't but the people us [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6786">TS</a>]

01:53:10   when those like him are different the set of people the other person thinks are in it which is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6790">TS</a>]

01:53:12   when a black woman eventually everybody you fall into one of those Akron you just recreated twitterings I just lack [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6792">TS</a>]

01:53:17   room. Right. It's true it's true that in comfortable middle part as like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6797">TS</a>]

01:53:22   It's I think it's very difficult things to live in the middle part because they always move in one direction [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6802">TS</a>]

01:53:28   or another it's very difficult to find status there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6808">TS</a>]

01:53:31   and less you have a very narrow focus I think people find that faces of Facebook even the Facebook is basically public. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6811">TS</a>]

01:53:37   Because they have the same of protection of obscurity. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6817">TS</a>]

01:53:39   And because they have one axis they just want to talk to their family and friends. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6819">TS</a>]

01:53:43   Maybe it's two axes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6823">TS</a>]

01:53:44   but it's not like it's problem of you know want to say where the people I talk about fixing up my car. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6824">TS</a>]

01:53:50   Where the people on talk about metalworking where the people I want to talk about the sports team where the people on a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6830">TS</a>]

01:53:54   talk about sports team and then you end up with these little islands again if you try to do it all at once [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6834">TS</a>]

01:53:57   and you just end up with Twitter and it's. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6837">TS</a>]

01:53:59   It is a difficult balance talking to all these people who you don't you never see who live all over the world. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6839">TS</a>]

01:54:07   I couldn't agree with you more and the funny thing is I have now dedicated one of the spaces on my work machine. To be. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6847">TS</a>]

01:54:14   My like communication pain and accepting Twitter. I have Slack. I have in like the upper left hand corner I have I.R.C. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6854">TS</a>]

01:54:23   In the upper right hand corner. I have. I message in. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6863">TS</a>]

01:54:26   I am in the in the lower right hand corner and I have hip chat for work in the lower left hand corner. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6866">TS</a>]

01:54:32   So I have four panes on the screen at once that are the four different places that I know that I have real time [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6872">TS</a>]

01:54:38   communication. And then on top of that is Twitter and on top of that is email and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6878">TS</a>]

01:54:43   I already am feeling a bit of exhaustion but I'd much rather have. Tiredness. Then the sadness that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6883">TS</a>]

01:54:52   I wonder if I'm getting more than happiness from Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6892">TS</a>]

01:54:56   At least you don't have a web forums [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6896">TS</a>]

01:54:57   and Usenet right so you're a little bit I remember I remember Baghlan days where most of my communities of this size. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6897">TS</a>]

01:55:04   Were Web bulletin boards like as Usenet has gone away. And the big web hadn't come. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6904">TS</a>]

01:55:08   And there were web olden boards that ever just cycle her and check all of them were little communities in each one and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6908">TS</a>]

01:55:15   I don't think that was much better in fact. Like I find Twitter. Freeing. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6915">TS</a>]

01:55:19   Because if you're in a web old embarking any or even a slack channel and someone's being a jerk you can't. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6919">TS</a>]

01:55:24   An follow them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6924">TS</a>]

01:55:25   or you couldn't back in today anyway like there was no equivalent of like I don't want to see what they have to say [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6925">TS</a>]

01:55:29   again. Right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6929">TS</a>]

01:55:31   You know because other people reply to them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6931">TS</a>]

01:55:33   and use their replies like Twitter has helped in that regard both by keeping their volume down.. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6933">TS</a>]

01:55:36   Because they can only focus too much M. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6936">TS</a>]

01:55:38   And by sort of letting you try to trace the outlines of your own little island by curating your fall this. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6938">TS</a>]

01:55:45   To give yourself a fighting chance whereas the you know if it for example in your slack thing a bunch of people were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6945">TS</a>]

01:55:50   invited in who didn't like who didn't like you. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6950">TS</a>]

01:55:52   You can't participate in that slack room [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6952">TS</a>]

01:55:54   and drive away anyway the tools are there for you to do it it becomes dead do you have to just leave whereas if a bunch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6954">TS</a>]

01:55:59   of people come on Twitter and up not just you. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6959">TS</a>]

01:56:02   You can start becoming a doctor if you can either on follow them or block them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6962">TS</a>]

01:56:05   and still have the conversation with the people that you like. So you know. I think things are better. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6965">TS</a>]

01:56:12   Now in the sense that the big public one is actually a viable enough to fool us all into thinking like oh I don't need [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6972">TS</a>]

01:56:21   that in between one anymore the big public want to find for a long time that kind of worked out. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6981">TS</a>]

01:56:25   That's how good the big public one is now compared to what I was before [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6985">TS</a>]

01:56:28   but we definitely do need those middle sized awhile [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6988">TS</a>]

01:56:32   and serve connections I just don't know the solution to getting a set of those that is stable and satisfactory that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6992">TS</a>]

01:56:38   Don't you disappear or become big things. You know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/6998">TS</a>]

01:56:42   Oh see it happens but it's interesting it's an interesting conversation and I love [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7002">TS</a>]

01:56:47   when we get a little touchy feely on the show. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7007">TS</a>]

01:56:49   No one just stealing yelling analogs I know I'm Mike is going to be so low [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7009">TS</a>]

01:56:54   and three zero I want to give you a couple more. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7014">TS</a>]

01:56:57   I don't know if they count as tips [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7017">TS</a>]

01:56:58   but think things that I've been doing to try to help manage deck to it try to Twitter Twitter negative they. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7018">TS</a>]

01:57:04   Yet may or may not work for you but. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7024">TS</a>]

01:57:07   One of the things is like you know we talk about people don't give us the benefit of doubt [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7027">TS</a>]

01:57:10   and assume the worst about us [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7030">TS</a>]

01:57:11   and everything's it goes both ways we do the same thing about them like because because it's like you know it's my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7031">TS</a>]

01:57:16   smileys are invented because ten. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7036">TS</a>]

01:57:18   Medium [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7038">TS</a>]

01:57:18   and someone set type something like you know what the kids well you typed OK with a period that means you're angry [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7038">TS</a>]

01:57:23   right. It's very different to misread what people are saying. And in the same way to do so a very often. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7043">TS</a>]

01:57:30   Someone will come at me with something that I think that is aggressive. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7050">TS</a>]

01:57:35   And I will do something to try to determine whether they were intentionally aggressive or whether they were trying [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7055">TS</a>]

01:57:40   and failing to make a joke because that's the whole thing like Mark was saying that people listen to us [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7060">TS</a>]

01:57:43   and they know us and I feel like they're familiar in the same way that we can say things to each other that you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7063">TS</a>]

01:57:47   We take for granted that the mean things we say to each other are jokes. Right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7067">TS</a>]

01:57:51   And so at the very least that gives us a leg up on thing does he really think that you're like Well now it's obviously [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7071">TS</a>]

01:57:55   meant as a joke but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7075">TS</a>]

01:57:56   when strangers do it they think they know us we have no idea who they are totally read the naked aggression to us [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7076">TS</a>]

01:58:01   and so I will reply to them in a way that will. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7081">TS</a>]

01:58:05   That will give them an opportunity to basically say in whatever so many words like. I didn't mean it that way. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7085">TS</a>]

01:58:15   Or like to reveal themselves as being. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7095">TS</a>]

01:58:18   It was an attempt a good natured joshing and they're actually a fan they were trying to be nice [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7098">TS</a>]

01:58:21   and I felt like trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. Especially if they follow me because I am. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7101">TS</a>]

01:58:27   Unlike you know. I'm our gress of my block in these days. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7107">TS</a>]

01:58:31   But unlike Marcos policy I've not come to the point where I allers like so we block people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7111">TS</a>]

01:58:35   and I feel really bad about blocking anybody who follows me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7115">TS</a>]

01:58:38   Again this is just my how I'm dealing with things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7118">TS</a>]

01:58:40   but you would think like OK fine do that thing where you try to see if the given time for the doubt all you're going to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7120">TS</a>]

01:58:45   do is just make them pissed off more and make yourself more miserable and I have to admit that does happen sometimes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7125">TS</a>]

01:58:50   but what I have found is that the one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7130">TS</a>]

01:58:52   or two times that I engage in someone in a way that lets them reveal the fact that that I should have given the better [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7132">TS</a>]

01:58:59   for the doubt the just like it was a joke that came off wrong or right or whatever. I feel better. Like that is a. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7139">TS</a>]

01:59:05   That is a positive lift more than I think even if they just come out in the beginning [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7145">TS</a>]

01:59:09   and sent something nice like I feel that there's a positive lift that like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7149">TS</a>]

01:59:13   I was able to turn it around that what could have turned into a fight didn't turn into one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7153">TS</a>]

01:59:17   and we came to an understanding that someone was misunderstood and that we worked it out. And that like that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7157">TS</a>]

01:59:22   It gives me faith in humanity that they're like that not everyone who I think is evil and mean is actually evil [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7162">TS</a>]

01:59:28   and mean sometimes they just make a mistake with what they type. You know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7168">TS</a>]

01:59:31   And it happens every once and it doesn't happen a lot I have to admit like not going to you know. They're not all good. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7171">TS</a>]

01:59:36   Like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7176">TS</a>]

01:59:37   But the few times it does happen I think personally it gives me a lift to counteract like you know how like that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7177">TS</a>]

01:59:42   one bad comment is disproportionately weighing on you. The one good thing that happens. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7182">TS</a>]

01:59:46   I find disproportionately lifts me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7186">TS</a>]

01:59:49   And I also think like you know the person Any other end of that feels better out as well maybe learn something about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7189">TS</a>]

01:59:55   you know. Not being mean and the way I do that. Someone says they just saw me do this on Twitter today. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7195">TS</a>]

02:00:01   The way I do this is probably doesn't look very nice because very often I do this by coming back at them directly to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7201">TS</a>]

02:00:07   essentially give them a reply that looks very aggressive [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7207">TS</a>]

02:00:10   but it lets them know you said something that hurts my feelings and I don't even know who you are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7210">TS</a>]

02:00:13   and maybe you didn't mean to do that and if they are actually mean. I've done a comeback like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7213">TS</a>]

02:00:19   You know I've come back at them in the typical way the yard with somebody. But if it's there. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7219">TS</a>]

02:00:24   If they didn't mean to be mean like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7224">TS</a>]

02:00:27   I found rather than trying to engage them and say Did you really mean that are valid law. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7227">TS</a>]

02:00:32   If I come back at them in a way that would make a good person feel shame. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7232">TS</a>]

02:00:36   They will feel shame and come back when I think I come back of them in a way they would make a good feel. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7236">TS</a>]

02:00:39   Person feel shame. And there they are did intend to hurt my feelings. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7239">TS</a>]

02:00:45   Then I still feel like I'm made an aggressive counter and I just walk in the move and right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7245">TS</a>]

02:00:51   I don't know if that's going to help [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7251">TS</a>]

02:00:52   but you guys I don't know if it's ever happened to you like you've turned someone around [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7252">TS</a>]

02:00:55   or like you I mean we kind of had it with like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7255">TS</a>]

02:00:57   You know someone in a chat room who was sent us an angry email me talk about it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7257">TS</a>]

02:01:01   and like you know kind of work things out and turn things around write that positive outcome. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7261">TS</a>]

02:01:08   Lifts my estimation of humanity and you can turn a bad day into a good one. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7268">TS</a>]

02:01:13   I don't know if you guys want to take that chance it's certainly a lot of work [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7273">TS</a>]

02:01:15   but I found that that does help me feel better about the whole thing. Yeah. You know it's. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7275">TS</a>]

02:01:22   That's another thing I'm working on in that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7282">TS</a>]

02:01:25   Sometimes I'll try to reply with an equal amount what I feel is in equal amounts of snark. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7285">TS</a>]

02:01:33   For exactly the same reason John. So for example the person who had tweeted to me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7293">TS</a>]

02:01:38   You know you're being ridiculous keep track of your cards. My reply to that person was. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7298">TS</a>]

02:01:42   It was an honest mistake you're being ridiculous. Which. I'm not saying I'm necessarily proud of that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7302">TS</a>]

02:01:50   But my thought was I have replied in kind. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7310">TS</a>]

02:01:55   And the thing that that bums me out about it though is that walking back on it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7315">TS</a>]

02:02:02   I don't think I feel good about that reply. And it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7322">TS</a>]

02:02:05   And it's tough because it bothered me enough that I felt like I wanted them to this person to know that I am bothered. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7325">TS</a>]

02:02:12   But I don't know that I've gotten enough relief from replying in a snarky way either does [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7332">TS</a>]

02:02:20   but I don't think you let them know that you're upset that I think you just came back to them the regulators argument [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7340">TS</a>]

02:02:24   like the. The one from today I can remember it was but someone. Some was you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7344">TS</a>]

02:02:29   Complaining about my pronunciation America which happens all time. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7349">TS</a>]

02:02:32   So I like that's that's fine and you can do that in a funny way. Or you can do that in a mean way. Right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7352">TS</a>]

02:02:39   And this person did it in sort of a mean condescending way. Right. But as far as I knew they could have been in there. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7359">TS</a>]

02:02:47   In their mind and could have been exactly the same feelings all of the people who like you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7367">TS</a>]

02:02:51   Do it in the silly way. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7371">TS</a>]

02:02:52   Right that we do it to each other until I get it's a running gag on the show right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7372">TS</a>]

02:02:55   but if someone misfires an attempt at humor you can come off seeming really mean. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7375">TS</a>]

02:02:59   Rather than thinking that person is really mean and getting down about it. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7379">TS</a>]

02:03:02   What I came back with them was like you know. Using a similar like echo of their comments of like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7382">TS</a>]

02:03:08   You know I told him basically like they're being condescending. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7388">TS</a>]

02:03:12   They're suddenly like how hard is it not to say the word Mariella like you know like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7392">TS</a>]

02:03:15   It's a subtle difference in phrasing of just you know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7395">TS</a>]

02:03:18   You pronounce it or weird way blah blah blah are making a joke or just saying. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7398">TS</a>]

02:03:22   I roll How hard is it to pronounce this work right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7402">TS</a>]

02:03:25   And depending on your mood and I was in a not a particular good mood that part of like really going to call me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7405">TS</a>]

02:03:30   and say How hard is it different like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7410">TS</a>]

02:03:32   There are ways to phrase that that are not quite as mean it wasn't mean it's not that mean [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7412">TS</a>]

02:03:35   but I was just it annoyed me so I said. How hard is it not to be condescending to strangers on Twitter. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7415">TS</a>]

02:03:40   Which emphasize a couple things One that I don't even know you that you are essential like Marco said walking by my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7420">TS</a>]

02:03:45   porch thing we have a conversation not even because like for a podcast or who knows when. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7425">TS</a>]

02:03:50   And just yelling at me that you're disappointed that like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7430">TS</a>]

02:03:52   How hard is it to do this thing I find so easy you're a terrible person right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7432">TS</a>]

02:03:57   And my thing comes back at them it's like it is kind of a comeback. Right. But it's also emphasizes the fact that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7437">TS</a>]

02:04:03   What were you just doing there. You were being condescending to someone you don't even know on Twitter we have no. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7443">TS</a>]

02:04:08   We have never met I don't know who you are I don't even know what you're referring to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7448">TS</a>]

02:04:11   and your opening salvos to be condescending to me about how I pronounce something right. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7451">TS</a>]

02:04:16   And the person came back and I forgot what their reply was but it was like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7456">TS</a>]

02:04:21   It was acknowledgement that that's really not how they meant to come across [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7461">TS</a>]

02:04:24   and they're just like greatest artist funny how is pronounced a reverend then I explain to them there was a regional [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7464">TS</a>]

02:04:28   accent and lovely whatever like you know. It is has effectively a positive result. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7468">TS</a>]

02:04:35   But the important point was to like communicate to that like make them realize how their actions look from my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7475">TS</a>]

02:04:43   perspective. I don't know if you saying that like. You know that you said about the expiring credit card let them. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7483">TS</a>]

02:04:50   Really what really communicated to them how you were feeling about or what it looks like. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7490">TS</a>]

02:04:54   From your perspective but like I said sometimes is you know. I think the percentage of this work is really low. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7494">TS</a>]

02:04:59   Like it and most of the time I don't do anything and I just ignore it and move on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7499">TS</a>]

02:05:03   but every once in a while I make a go at that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7503">TS</a>]

02:05:06   And I'm just so happy and pleasantly surprised that it makes me feel better when it actually does work and someone. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7506">TS</a>]

02:05:13   And what could have been a conflict trying to do not a conflict. Now to know I just feel like in retrospect that. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7513">TS</a>]

02:05:19   Maybe the the right answer. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7519">TS</a>]

02:05:21   I guess the reason I tweeted in in replied was because I wanted some amount of closure and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7521">TS</a>]

02:05:26   but in retrospect the closer I got was not the closure I wanted. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7526">TS</a>]

02:05:29   Because if I just ignored it would it even at the back of my head. Like all day long. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7529">TS</a>]

02:05:34   It was a person such a jerk What if I ever do to bother them it was an honest freakin mistake why they so upset. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7534">TS</a>]

02:05:39   And so that's why I replied because the did get it out of my head but I am not getting the relief [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7539">TS</a>]

02:05:46   and satisfaction from. From my tweet that. That I wanted. And that's probably it's certainly on me. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7546">TS</a>]

02:05:53   I mean I could have said something differently here. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7553">TS</a>]

02:05:55   Like you're saying John I could have handled it differently but I don't know. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7555">TS</a>]

02:05:59   It's just it's stuff like that like this little one shot thing that really in the grand scheme of things is not a big [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7559">TS</a>]

02:06:05   deal. But you get it constantly. And it when he's on you. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7565">TS</a>]

02:06:11   I mean I telling you things you already know it's just it's constant I feel [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7571">TS</a>]

02:06:15   and all more confident than ever used to be and I think that's all in large part because I have more of an audience [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7575">TS</a>]

02:06:19   and I never used to have. But I don't know it's just it's tough it's been tough for me to deal with and. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7579">TS</a>]

02:06:26   And we're very lucky that we're receiving any sort of feedback at all and we're not just shouting into the abyss [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7586">TS</a>]

02:06:33   but sometimes the echo you get back is not the echo you want. [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdT4UF_0/7593">TS</a>]