

503: The King of Moderating


00:00:00   [Music]

00:00:07   Hello and welcome to episode 503 of the Connected Podcast from Relay FM.

00:00:13   This episode is brought to you by NetSuite, Ecamm, 1Password and Fitbud.

00:00:18   My name is Mike Hurley and I have the pleasure of welcoming to the show Federico Vittucci.

00:00:23   Hello Mike, how are you?

00:00:25   Hello Federico.

00:00:26   It's good to be back here, it's good to talk to you.

00:00:30   And I'm happy to be back.

00:00:32   It's good to talk to Steven. Hello Steven.

00:00:34   Hello boys, it is good.

00:00:37   We're all together again.

00:00:38   Yes.

00:00:39   Which is nice.

00:00:40   Mike, I hope you had a good time off.

00:00:42   I did.

00:00:43   And now we're back.

00:00:46   We're back.

00:00:47   And that means we start with follow up.

00:00:50   Follow up.

00:00:51   You got to do, someone's got to do the sound, you know.

00:00:52   Follow up.

00:00:53   Follow up.

00:00:54   Follow up.

00:00:55   iOS 17.5.1 is out.

00:00:58   This fixes an issue that it kind of fell between our episodes a little bit, where deleted pictures

00:01:05   were reappearing for some users.

00:01:07   A lot of people wrote the headlines of the iPhone is undeleting your nudes because obviously

00:01:12   that's what people are going to recognize immediately in their photo rolls that have

00:01:18   been deleted.

00:01:19   Right?

00:01:19   If you took 17 pictures of your kids' soccer game and two show back up, you're not going

00:01:23   to notice that, but nudity pictures, you probably will.

00:01:27   Horrific bug.

00:01:29   I really hope that everyone had to work late and over the weekend to fix this unexcusable,

00:01:35   but it seems to be fixed in 17.5.1.

00:01:37   So good job.

00:01:40   But I would like to call attention to this and one other thing.

00:01:43   Okay.

00:01:44   So this bug happened.

00:01:46   We also had that thing a few weeks ago, which I spoke about on upgrade where a bunch of

00:01:50   Apple IDs got locked and had to reset the passwords, right?

00:01:55   Both of these things have come and gone.

00:02:00   Apple's not saying anything about it because this photos thing, how did this happen?

00:02:06   I believe they need to answer this.

00:02:09   Yes, they do.

00:02:10   Because if I have deleted a photo, that photo should be gone, right?

00:02:15   Why does it still exist?

00:02:16   Exactly.

00:02:17   Where does it exist?

00:02:18   The photos that I have chosen to delete, that Apple tells me will be deleted after 30 days,

00:02:23   how did they come back?

00:02:25   How did that happen?

00:02:26   Like there were reports where, I don't know if this is true or not, but there were reports

00:02:30   that I was reading that some people were getting photos from a previous device owner.

00:02:37   Well that was like one report on Reddit.

00:02:40   Yeah I mean, you can't be sure of that.

00:02:43   I don't think that was a thing.

00:02:44   It was enough to say that photos that were deleted were coming back and they were longer

00:02:49   than 30 days even.

00:02:50   So where and why are these photos being stored and how on earth did they come back again?

00:02:57   I think there needs to be an explanation for this.

00:03:01   You're right, you're totally right.

00:03:03   I cannot believe Apple hasn't said anything about all that login reset stuff.

00:03:08   But between the two, they need to have some sort of statement.

00:03:11   Because like this is, it's serious.

00:03:14   I mean the nude headlines are one thing, but like all sorts of terrible things can happen

00:03:20   when this comes up.

00:03:22   And it definitely raises the question in my mind as well, like does deleting not mean

00:03:25   deleting?

00:03:26   Like are these hanging out on a server somewhere?

00:03:28   Are they still in my iCloud account just like hidden away somehow?

00:03:34   There needs to be an explanation around this.

00:03:37   But if there hasn't been by now, probably won't be.

00:03:39   Because they've been pretty good recently at getting their statements out and these

00:03:42   are things that people are asking for comment on and they're not giving any.

00:03:47   That's not what you think.

00:03:49   It's not what you think.

00:03:51   Deleting, it's not what you think.

00:03:55   I love it.

00:03:56   That's so good.

00:03:57   That's so good.

00:03:59   T.G., you are the king of moderating, not moderating.

00:04:03   Moderating, yes I'm moderating.

00:04:04   You are the king of moderation.

00:04:05   You better eke out the moderator.

00:04:07   You are the king of modifying, geez, iPads.

00:04:11   Moderatifying.

00:04:12   Moderatifying magic keyboards and iPads and Macs.

00:04:16   We're going to talk about MacPad 2.0 in a little while.

00:04:21   Can you walk me through what's going on with this magic keyboard mod that's floating around?

00:04:24   Yeah, so I saw this post on Threads.

00:04:29   This person noticed that the magic keyboard felt more tippy when used on a desk compared

00:04:36   to the previous one.

00:04:38   The problem is that the redesign hinge of the magic keyboard doesn't touch the desk

00:04:46   or like any flat surface when the keyboard is open and you're typing on your iPad.

00:04:52   This person's solution, Chris Newman on Threads, was to just simply attach some clear silicon

00:04:59   bumpers, like some clear rubber feet essentially, to the hinge and stabilize the keyboard.

00:05:06   It works.

00:05:08   This is something that I also noticed.

00:05:10   I'm going to do this mod myself, not exactly for this reason, but because the new hinge,

00:05:19   I don't like how it scratches my kitchen table because it's this flat aluminum bar on my

00:05:27   kitchen table.

00:05:30   My kitchen table is made of ceramic, so I don't want this thing to get the hinge to

00:05:37   be ruined by the texture of my kitchen table, so I'm just going to apply these clear plastic

00:05:43   bumpers, exactly like Chris did on Threads, to solve that problem.

00:05:49   So yeah, that's what I'm going to do.

00:05:50   It's a clever, simple mod that doesn't involve voiding any warranty for your magic keyboard.

00:05:59   So I have something that I think you'll enjoy Federico, those little rubber guys.

00:06:03   3M created a product like this and they call them bumpons.

00:06:06   Oh my god, bumpons?

00:06:09   I think you'd like that word, bumpons.

00:06:11   B-U-M-P-O-N, bumpon.

00:06:13   Bumpon?

00:06:14   Bumpon.

00:06:15   Bumpon, I can get them Friday.

00:06:18   And I know this because in keyboards this is what people just call them, so these are

00:06:23   very, this type of little rubber feet that they're all mechanical keyboards because

00:06:29   you don't want the metal on the desk and also it stops the keyboard from moving around.

00:06:33   And so that's where I learned the term bumpons because I have a bunch of bumpons.

00:06:38   Bumpons are great, I put them on everything.

00:06:42   What you are for those rolling squares, I am for bumpons.

00:06:45   I have them on tons of stuff in my house, things that go on kitchen counters and stuff

00:06:50   to stop them moving around like cutting boards and I'm bumping on everything.

00:06:54   Bumpons.

00:06:55   I've used them to replace feet on computers I get into the collection because sometimes

00:07:00   those rubber feet are really sticky or they come off and what's great about them, you

00:07:04   can go to the hardware store and they come in all sorts of sizes.

00:07:07   In clear or brown or black, round, square, it's a great technology.

00:07:15   Bumpon.

00:07:16   Bumpon.

00:07:17   Bumpon.

00:07:18   Listener Greg wrote in, in connected 502 Federico wondered why the body's default remedy to

00:07:24   many situations is a throw up.

00:07:26   Ah yes, yes I did.

00:07:28   If what you see doesn't seem to agree with your other senses, what your other senses

00:07:32   are telling you about your motion, one thing that can cause this is ingesting something

00:07:37   poisonous.

00:07:39   The body simply decides to get rid of everything in case something in it is causing harm.

00:07:44   Huh.

00:07:45   There you go.

00:07:46   Okay so this is like a natural reflex or something that the human body thinks that it ingested

00:07:54   something and so it's like oh let me throw it up you know as a precaution.

00:07:58   Makes sense.

00:07:59   Yeah you eat some some wild mushrooms in the forest and suddenly the ground starts moving.

00:08:04   Yeah it's a good thing just to toss it overboard.

00:08:08   Yeah I was recently talking to a friend.

00:08:11   She relocated to New Zealand a few years ago.

00:08:17   Like the typical story of like abandoning all of her belongings from her previous life.

00:08:22   She's a couple of years younger than me and she tried to sell me on this idea that it's

00:08:27   actually good for you to micro dose on mushrooms.

00:08:30   It's like if you do it in small qualities it's fine.

00:08:33   It's like yeah I'm not gonna do it.

00:08:35   I mean that's what they say.

00:08:37   Thank you.

00:08:38   It's just like no it's actually great for your creativity.

00:08:41   It's like yeah thank you but no I'm not gonna do that.

00:08:44   I bet it is.

00:08:45   I mean you know a hyper card came out of an LSD trip so.

00:08:48   Did it?

00:08:49   It did.

00:08:50   Oh.

00:08:51   Really?

00:08:52   No okay.

00:08:53   We should micro dose on mushrooms and see where it takes us.

00:08:55   Maybe we should consider the mushrooms.

00:08:56   Yeah.

00:08:57   Can you imagine how funny this show would be if we were all on mushrooms?

00:09:02   Someone might cut a MacBook Air in half.

00:09:04   Someone might.

00:09:05   But in the other way it's not what you think.

00:09:10   Just like half of the screen off the keyboard.

00:09:13   Or you know like I take the screen out of my studio display and like stick an iPad to

00:09:17   it.

00:09:18   It's like the inverse of the Mac pad.

00:09:21   I want an OLED.

00:09:22   You just flip it around and you're just like you're reaching around and you're like touching

00:09:26   the back you know and like what's happening on the front.

00:09:28   It's like perfect.

00:09:29   That's the way it's going.

00:09:30   Speaking of micro dosing.

00:09:32   Yes.

00:09:33   Speaking of being high.

00:09:39   Humane is looking for a buyer.

00:09:42   This is according to Mark Gurman at Bloomberg.

00:09:45   No they're going to need a big dose not a micro dose for this one.

00:09:49   Yeah they're going to need a big dose of money.

00:09:51   This is the whole basket of mushrooms.

00:09:53   Tell us the price Mike.

00:09:55   So Mark Gurman's reporting that they're trying to sell themselves so that they're engaging

00:09:59   with financial middle people and they are looking for a price somewhere between 750 million

00:10:06   to a billion.

00:10:07   Holy moly.

00:10:09   Which look I mean the thing is if they're going to sell this is the kind of money they

00:10:16   need because of how much money they've raised.

00:10:18   Like we can make a lot of arguments as to whether they're worth that money.

00:10:23   I'm not sure that they are.

00:10:26   They might have an amount of intellectual property that's interesting.

00:10:30   I don't know how you would value any of that.

00:10:34   But this is like they need to return money to the people that invested in them right.

00:10:38   So like if they're going to sell it has to be for this.

00:10:40   I think someone will buy them.

00:10:41   I don't think someone will pay that amount of money.

00:10:44   Like I think they'll probably end up just like everyone just gets what they paid in

00:10:47   which is probably like half a billion or something.

00:10:51   Someone's going to buy them I think.

00:10:53   Yeah it's the world's most expensive laser.

00:10:58   That's probably not true.

00:11:00   I think that they are probably genuinely like interesting to some company because they did

00:11:06   produce a piece of hardware that looked nice right.

00:11:11   And there aren't a lot of people that can do that I feel.

00:11:15   I'm not surprised by this.

00:11:18   Where else are they going to go?

00:11:19   It's either this or it goes out of business probably right.

00:11:22   I think.

00:11:23   Yeah.

00:11:24   Realistically.

00:11:25   I made the joke to you guys earlier when we were talking about this in iMessage that if

00:11:29   I was Tim Cook I would buy them and force them to work on the iPhone.

00:11:34   That's what I would do.

00:11:35   You said the iPhone SE.

00:11:37   I did say the iPhone SE specifically because it's the least exciting iPhone.

00:11:42   Sorry iPhone SE users.

00:11:44   You see I didn't want to say that because I didn't want the follow up.

00:11:48   But yeah that's what I would do.

00:11:49   I'd be like you had a lot to say about the smartphone.

00:11:51   Get back to work on the smartphone.

00:11:53   That's what I would do.

00:11:54   But you know.

00:11:56   Steven did you make a decision about your social media username yet?

00:12:01   I did.

00:12:03   Okay.

00:12:04   I am @therealmikehurley.

00:12:06   Please stand up.

00:12:09   Instagram.

00:12:10   Mike Hurley official.

00:12:12   Mom's spaghetti.

00:12:14   /therealmikehurley.

00:12:16   You're a liar.

00:12:20   As always.

00:12:21   As always.

00:12:22   Geez.

00:12:23   Yeah I'm just sticking with ismh86.

00:12:28   Done.

00:12:29   Oh so you've gone everywhere now.

00:12:32   Yes.

00:12:33   You can't.

00:12:34   I don't know if I said this on the show.

00:12:36   But you can't just change a Mastodon username.

00:12:40   Which is bogus Mastodon fetaverse people.

00:12:44   It's not surprising though.

00:12:45   You have to think about it.

00:12:46   You have to create a new account and then you can migrate the account.

00:12:50   But the migration only moves your followers.

00:12:54   So people who follow you will follow your new account.

00:12:57   You have to export a CSV and then import it to your new account to have people you follow

00:13:02   come over to your new account.

00:13:04   Why is that not in the migration?

00:13:06   And there's no way to move your contents like all your old posts just go away.

00:13:09   Which is fine.

00:13:10   I don't care.

00:13:11   But it's very complicated.

00:13:13   And this is now the second time I've done it because I went from mastodon.social to

00:13:16   eWorld.social and now this.

00:13:19   And it's kind of a pain.

00:13:23   But you know open web.

00:13:24   What are you going to do?

00:13:26   It's fun to search for you right now.

00:13:27   Yeah there's probably six of me.

00:13:29   There's so many Stevens.

00:13:30   I know.

00:13:31   So I have a couple of questions for you.

00:13:34   Did you say that you lose the posts or you keep the posts?

00:13:36   You lose them.

00:13:37   Well they don't move to your new account so they're effectively gone.

00:13:42   Oh because also when I search for you I find the threads version of you as well.

00:13:46   Yeah because I have that federated and that is actually broken at the moment.

00:13:53   So I went to the threads interface.

00:13:54   It was like oh I changed what account I need to go to.

00:13:58   So I turned it off and you can't turn it back on for like 30 days.

00:14:03   Makes sense.

00:14:04   Because you don't want to federate too hard.

00:14:05   So it is not federating right now but it will again because I think that's good.

00:14:13   Mums fed-getty.

00:14:17   Fed-daddy.

00:14:20   Fed-averse-getty.

00:14:21   So yeah I don't you know it's not my favorite thing in the world but it's done.

00:14:29   So it's done.

00:14:31   So let this be a lesson to you and everyone.

00:14:34   Don't delete accounts on social media right.

00:14:38   If you want to take a break delete the app.

00:14:40   Don't delete the account because then you end up in this scenario you know.

00:14:45   I think it's rare that somebody changes a username to add numbers but Steven had to

00:14:49   do it so don't delete accounts.

00:14:52   Don't do it.

00:14:53   I was mad because Instagram got bought and rage quit and I should have just.

00:14:57   Now look at you.

00:14:58   And that's what I do with my Twitter account.

00:15:01   It's just like locked and private.

00:15:03   Yeah my Twitter account is just like a ghost.

00:15:07   It really is.

00:15:09   I think I even changed my profile to black and white to make it look like I'm dead.

00:15:14   Wow.

00:15:15   I did that on Twitter.

00:15:16   I have this thing if I ever see a black and white photo of someone I've immediately assumed

00:15:20   that they've died.

00:15:21   Yeah.

00:15:22   Do you ever feel this?

00:15:23   Yeah.

00:15:24   Like if you're on Instagram if someone posts a black and white photo of someone I'm like

00:15:26   oh no they're dead.

00:15:27   That's my initial thought.

00:15:29   I don't like that.

00:15:30   I just went to Twitter because I was gonna look at my account.

00:15:32   It redirected to x.com and one password doesn't work because all my URLs saved in one password

00:15:38   are for twitter.com not x.com.

00:15:41   I'll just never log in again.

00:15:42   Yeah whatever.

00:15:44   I did not change my account by going on it right now but what I find so funny right now

00:15:48   is you go to like a Twitter page and you very quickly see it and then they pop up a thing

00:15:52   that says log in and I find that so funny like it's so broken.

00:15:55   It is so broken.

00:15:57   It is dead.

00:15:59   Rest in peace.

00:16:02   This episode of Connected is brought to you by NetSuite.

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00:17:17   a few more weeks.

00:17:18   Head on over to NetSuite.com/Connected.

00:17:28   Our thanks to NetSuite for the support of the show and Relay FM.

00:17:34   So we should talk about headphones.

00:17:36   There's always a new headphone king in town, maybe?

00:17:40   I don't know.

00:17:41   Sonos, they have officially unveiled their widely speculated and previously rumored and

00:17:47   shown on a bunch of websites, Sonos Ace headphones.

00:17:51   These are over-ear wireless headphones that look pretty good, I would say.

00:17:58   They are reminiscent of the AirPods Max in some ways, the design of the headband and

00:18:05   the arms and the removable magnetic cups that you can remove and replace whenever you want.

00:18:15   They have, of course, some unique integrations with the Sonos ecosystem.

00:18:20   I will leave you to...there's a bunch of videos that you can go check out, but I think Chris

00:18:25   Welch's first look on the verge is a pretty good one.

00:18:29   Chris is the headphone guy on the verge.

00:18:33   Excellent coverage all the time.

00:18:34   He's also been breaking news about these products for their entire existence.

00:18:40   It's very funny that they do continue.

00:18:43   You know what I like about Sonos, actually, is they continue to give this access to Chris.

00:18:48   And Chris is the key person posting the leaks.

00:18:53   I respect that.

00:18:54   I respect that about a company.

00:18:58   This person is like, they are on your beat, but he's still there in the press events.

00:19:03   I respect that about Sonos.

00:19:05   More companies should be like that.

00:19:07   So, yeah, these headphones, they have...so the first unique integration is, of course,

00:19:14   the support for private listening.

00:19:17   So if you're at home and you have Sonos soundbars or other Sonos equipment...

00:19:23   Just Sonos soundbars.

00:19:24   Just Sonos soundbars, okay.

00:19:25   Yeah, just Sonos soundbars.

00:19:27   You can put on your headphones and you can sort of transfer the audio from the soundbar

00:19:32   to the headphones if you want to join in and just listen in using your headphones.

00:19:38   They have these...what's the name of the button that they have?

00:19:42   The content button?

00:19:44   The content key.

00:19:45   Content key.

00:19:46   Yeah, the content key, which is this metal slider that you can use to adjust volume and

00:19:51   press to play and pause, as well as to long press if you want to beam the audio from the

00:19:56   TV to the headphones.

00:19:59   They look pretty good, I think.

00:20:02   They're not made of aluminum as the AirPods Max.

00:20:06   They have a really cool-looking case that also uses magnets to line up the different

00:20:12   parts that you need to store and carry.

00:20:15   I'm not gonna buy this, but we do have a long time at this point, Sonos customer, the real

00:20:24   Mike Hurley.

00:20:26   What do you think about these Sonos headphones?

00:20:30   I think that it's interesting, the decisions that they made.

00:20:34   I think they made the right decisions, though.

00:20:39   These headphones do not integrate with the Sonos system that you would be used to as

00:20:44   a Sonos customer.

00:20:46   So you can't be listening to something on Sonos speakers and then have that music also

00:20:55   playing the headphones.

00:20:56   It doesn't work like that.

00:20:58   These are Bluetooth headphones, first and foremost, and then they have the one integration

00:21:02   with the Sonos system, which is if you have, at the moment, it's just their most expensive

00:21:07   soundbar but they're gonna be bringing it to their other soundbars where you can do

00:21:10   this thing of like, "I'm watching something on TV and now I can just bring that audio

00:21:14   to me."

00:21:16   These are fully featured headphones.

00:21:19   They've got Dolby Atmos and surround sound and they say they have best in class noise

00:21:26   cancellation, they have transparency mode.

00:21:29   So if you are a Sonos customer, it's weird because here's a Sonos product that doesn't

00:21:34   work like a Sonos product, but I actually think this was the right decision because

00:21:38   I think it would have been weirder to be like, "Here's a pair of headphones and you can

00:21:42   only listen to them in your house."

00:21:44   That would have been very strange as a product to exist.

00:21:48   So I think that this is a smart product of like, what I hope that they have done here

00:21:52   is we have made an excellent pair of headphones that are Bluetooth headphones.

00:21:56   You can listen to them on your phone, your iPad, when you're traveling, and then it

00:22:03   may bring more people into the Sonos ecosystem, right?

00:22:06   Where they're like, "I really like these, what else do they do?"

00:22:09   So that might be a thing that we see more of.

00:22:12   For me, I am obviously very intrigued about this product because I am a big fan of Sonos'

00:22:18   stuff.

00:22:19   We spoke about it in the pro show, but I know there's this big controversy about the app

00:22:22   right now.

00:22:24   The app is fine for me because I don't use the features that are missing and I actually

00:22:29   like the new design.

00:22:32   And I'm intrigued about these headphones.

00:22:34   I'm very intrigued to see the full reviews, like how good is the noise cancellation.

00:22:38   But really what I want, what would be best for me is I want AirPods Max 2.

00:22:44   That's what I want.

00:22:46   Because what I want is all of the stuff that's in my AirPods Pro, but in my AirPods Max.

00:22:51   I want active transparency, I want USB-C, I want voice, like conversation detection,

00:22:59   like I want all that stuff.

00:23:00   And that's obviously not what the Sonos has because that's Apple stuff.

00:23:04   So I'm just going to sit hoping and waiting for the AirPods Max 2 because I don't want

00:23:11   to buy two sets of $400 headphones within like a year or whatever.

00:23:16   And I would say the AirPods Max, they are still excellent headphones, even though they

00:23:21   miss a bunch of features.

00:23:22   But they are still super good.

00:23:24   So if I didn't have any of these and I was maybe making a decision about a pair of headphones

00:23:28   to buy, I could see myself making this decision based on how good or not the reviews are.

00:23:34   But I would struggle to replace my AirPods Max of these when if AirPods Max 2 come, which

00:23:41   I do think they still will, then I would want those more, I reckon.

00:23:47   But these are, this is an interesting product.

00:23:49   I think they've done a, I think this, you know, looks way more compelling as a version

00:23:55   one product than you would expect a version one product to be, right?

00:23:59   Just like the overall finish of these look really, really good.

00:24:02   Yeah.

00:24:03   Yeah, I agree.

00:24:04   Mike, you have an iPad Pro.

00:24:06   Tell us about it.

00:24:07   Yeah.

00:24:08   So I love my iPad Pro.

00:24:09   I have an 11 inch iPad Pro.

00:24:12   I've had it since Saturday and I am enamored by this product.

00:24:19   I am excited to use it.

00:24:21   It makes me happy to use it.

00:24:24   Which is a feeling that comes along not every time that I have a new Apple product, right?

00:24:32   You know, like recently, like obviously the vision pro cause it was all brand new, but

00:24:36   like I think about something like the iPhone 12, no 14.

00:24:42   What was the one that went flat sides?

00:24:43   Was it 14?

00:24:44   No, I think it was the 12.

00:24:48   Okay.

00:24:49   So that one was like, Oh, I loved that phone.

00:24:51   Right.

00:24:52   And I think about it, like this is so nice and new in its way or, um, even to an L to

00:24:56   a point that the 15 because of the lightness, but not, it didn't have as much.

00:25:01   Or I think about something like Apple watch ultra, which is like the first Apple watch

00:25:05   in many years and, or the, uh, the M2 MacBook air, because like there are these devices

00:25:10   that take these big leaps.

00:25:11   And for me coming from an iPad mini huge leap, right?

00:25:16   Like, and as well, like the last iPad pro that I used was a 2020 iPad pro.

00:25:22   So the best screen technology I had was promotion.

00:25:26   I never had many LEDs.

00:25:27   So going to an OLED is fantastic.

00:25:29   All of the new pencil stuff is incredible.

00:25:32   I found last night that if you use, you know, I still, now I'm using an iPad pro again,

00:25:37   I'm using my Apple pencil was for navigation as well as I am for like scribbling around,

00:25:41   but they added a little haptic for if you long press on stuff.

00:25:46   So if you long press on stuff, the pencil clicks, it's like, great.

00:25:49   I love that.

00:25:50   I want that.

00:25:51   So these little details are just fantastic.

00:25:53   I love, I love the new smart folio.

00:25:56   The fact that I can put it in different orientations, it's a little fiddly, but it does the job.

00:26:01   Um, yeah, this, I think this iPad is fantastic.

00:26:04   I'm super, super happy with it.

00:26:06   And you know, I spoke about this upgrade, but like, I don't have any real desire to

00:26:11   use my iPad for more than what Apple wants you to use an iPad for.

00:26:15   And like, this is no shade on any friends of mine, right?

00:26:18   Like I have, I have lived that life.

00:26:20   You're talking about me?

00:26:21   You have a problem?

00:26:22   I don't know anyone, you know, Steven maybe.

00:26:24   But I've been in those trenches.

00:26:27   I lived that life, but now I just, I use my iPad for content consumption and I'm very

00:26:34   happy with that.

00:26:35   And this one is like, it's fantastic.

00:26:38   It's fantastic because it's all content looks and feels better on it.

00:26:42   So thin, super light.

00:26:43   Like I'm still having, I pick it up and I'm like, man, that's so light.

00:26:47   Yeah, this is just for me, an incredible product and I'm very happy with it.

00:26:51   Hmm.

00:26:52   Um, you know that Apple pencil squeezes never worked for me.

00:26:57   Have you adjusted the sensitivity?

00:27:00   No, no, no.

00:27:03   What I mean is that I go in settings and I assign, run a shortcut as an action for the

00:27:11   squeeze.

00:27:12   Then I back out of that page, right?

00:27:16   I go to the previous screen and it says squeeze turned off.

00:27:21   I opened the setting again.

00:27:22   I say, when I squeeze run a shortcut, then I go back and it says off.

00:27:28   And so I rebooted my iPad.

00:27:30   I installed 17.5.1.

00:27:33   I try it again.

00:27:34   It's like the setting doesn't stick for me.

00:27:38   Like, so the squeezes currently useless on my iPad.

00:27:42   Have you played around with it without the shortcut?

00:27:44   No, no, no.

00:27:45   Like just, just in the notes and stuff like that.

00:27:48   Why would I?

00:27:49   I guarantee you it's shortcuts.

00:27:50   I can barely hold the pencil in my hands.

00:27:52   Like I don't even know.

00:27:53   Like yesterday I had to fill out a form using a pen.

00:27:55   I was like, do I even know how to write anymore?

00:27:58   Oh boy.

00:27:59   Yeah.

00:28:00   Well, I like it, but if it didn't work for me, I would also, I would be unhappy, you

00:28:06   know?

00:28:07   Yeah.

00:28:08   Yeah.

00:28:09   So hopefully it'll get fixed.

00:28:10   That's fine.

00:28:11   I apologize, right?

00:28:12   You know?

00:28:13   Yeah.

00:28:14   I'm just kidding.

00:28:15   Put Mac OS on it.

00:28:16   No, I'm just kidding.

00:28:17   But maybe.

00:28:18   Steven, have you kept yours?

00:28:19   Yeah.

00:28:20   Yeah.

00:28:21   Nice.

00:28:22   Nice.

00:28:23   I got to say as a listener of the show last week, just a great moment.

00:28:26   Just a great moment.

00:28:27   That was a classic Steven moment.

00:28:29   When Steven announced that he had an iPad, which I knew was going to happen.

00:28:34   Like I was very confident it was going to happen, but it was beautiful the way it was

00:28:38   unveiled to the world.

00:28:40   Federico had asked me before we hit record, I just didn't answer.

00:28:43   I just talked about something else.

00:28:46   What is that?

00:28:47   We're talking about it on the show.

00:28:48   I was like, okay.

00:28:49   Yeah.

00:28:50   Talk about it on the show.

00:28:51   What about your iPad mini, Mike?

00:28:52   Is it, is it going to be jettisoned to a family member or.

00:28:57   I think it's going to have to be, I'm giving it a little bit more time because what I thought

00:29:02   I would want to keep it for is for reading comics at night because the screen is so small

00:29:07   and the products are so small.

00:29:08   It makes it very easy to hold, right?

00:29:10   Like the 11 inch while thin and light is still bigger, you know what I mean?

00:29:13   And it's like, it makes it a bit more cumbersome, but the screen is just so much better.

00:29:18   Right?

00:29:19   So like the comics I'm reading look better on an OLED screen than the, I would say sub

00:29:25   par LCD screen of the iPad mini.

00:29:30   It's not as good as the other iPads.

00:29:33   And so I keep looking at that mini and I'm like, I love you little guy, but I'm just

00:29:38   not sure.

00:29:39   I don't think I can do it.

00:29:41   Like I think I've got to go.

00:29:42   You had a good time together.

00:29:43   I think I've got to go with the 11 inch.

00:29:44   Now it's time to move on.

00:29:46   Yeah.

00:29:47   We had a great time together, me and Patrick.

00:29:48   Like we had a wonderful love affair, but I think it's time to move on.

00:29:53   Love affair you would say?

00:29:54   Yeah.

00:29:55   Okay.

00:29:56   I'm going to let go of my short king and I'm going for a tall guy now.

00:29:59   Looking for some, something else.

00:30:02   I wonder what you were going to say there, Stephen.

00:30:04   I just, no, I just stopped.

00:30:05   I just stopped.

00:30:06   You just immediately just jettisoned out of that one.

00:30:09   What have you done?

00:30:10   You don't have the magic keyboard.

00:30:11   You're just using the smart folio.

00:30:14   I got a smart folio in denim.

00:30:18   It's a useless color, but it's, it's nice.

00:30:21   Like, and I think, I think it was an upgrade.

00:30:24   Jason says something that blew my mind.

00:30:25   It was like, I keep my iPad pro in the folio and then I put it in the magic keyboard.

00:30:30   Do I need the keyboard?

00:30:31   And I've always used mine the other way around.

00:30:33   And so I'm going to give that a try.

00:30:35   I'm going to leave the magic keyboard at my desk, like in the drawer, and then when it's

00:30:39   time to like take it someplace to a meeting or something, or when, you know, do a little

00:30:44   light email or something on it, then, uh, then slap it in the keyboard.

00:30:48   See how that goes.

00:30:49   Hmm.

00:30:50   Cause it doesn't feel drastically thinner with the magic keyboard on it compared to the old

00:30:54   one.

00:30:55   It is, but the smart folio really makes it feel thinner.

00:30:58   That's a good idea.

00:30:59   Keeping it because I've also been like, now that you mentioned it, I've also been doing

00:31:03   it the other way around.

00:31:04   Like it's always in the magic keyboard and I've been keeping like the smart folio usually

00:31:08   on my nightstand because that's what I want to do.

00:31:10   Like non-work things on the iPad at night, like watch a movie or play a video game or

00:31:15   something.

00:31:16   But I am intrigued by thinking about it the other way around actually.

00:31:20   Yeah.

00:31:21   Interesting.

00:31:22   It's good.

00:31:23   Uh, it's a good iPad.

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00:32:54   Federico, we've all been holding our breath, waiting to see what you were going to do with

00:33:02   the Mac pad with the new iPad Pro out.

00:33:06   I know you went to the 13 inch this time.

00:33:09   You have a story on Mac stories about some of this.

00:33:12   How's that gone?

00:33:13   Are you liking it?

00:33:14   How's the OLED life with the Mac pad?

00:33:17   It's incredible.

00:33:18   OLED looks really, really nice on Mac OS.

00:33:23   Being the iPad Pro ready for the Mac pad was like a 10 minute deal.

00:33:26   I just, I knew that I was going to have to get, that I needed to get like this back cover

00:33:33   that I had to cut just like I did with the previous one, attach three magnets to it and

00:33:39   then it was good to go because like the MacBook was already, of course, half of the MacBook

00:33:46   was already good to go.

00:33:47   I just needed to prepare the mounting system, which will be the back cover on the iPad with

00:33:52   three magnets lined up.

00:33:54   And yeah, there was a 10 minute deal and I just ran my shortcut to enable sidecar and

00:34:00   there it was, Mac OS on OLED, which looks fantastic.

00:34:04   I mean, the wallpapers look especially good.

00:34:07   And even like something that Jason mentioned in his review of the iPad Pro, which is you

00:34:11   can tell the quality of OLED even just by looking at things like black text on a white

00:34:16   background.

00:34:17   Like, I also noticed that on Mac OS with like the names of folders and files in Finder when

00:34:25   you're using light mode, like I can tell that the black color of the text is crisper and

00:34:31   darker than before, which is nice.

00:34:35   And yeah, then, then like, I guess the more interesting part of this experiment, which

00:34:40   is something that I'm still working on, is something that is still a bit of a work in

00:34:46   progress.

00:34:47   And that is, so in this current version of the Mac pad, when I detach the screen, so

00:34:53   when I grab the iPad, the iPad, I only have a back cover for it, right?

00:35:00   It doesn't have a front anymore.

00:35:04   And I was thinking about this and I realized, well, it's not convenient.

00:35:09   Like it works as a mounting system, but then I don't have a folio anymore.

00:35:15   Like it's just the back because the front I cut with a knife.

00:35:20   And so I started thinking, is there a way that I can actually keep the best of both

00:35:25   worlds, which would be attach the iPad as a screen for the Mac pad, but also when I

00:35:31   detach it, I can have a folio that does all the things that folio does, which is there's

00:35:37   a front cover and you can fold it and you can prop it up on your lap or on a desk or

00:35:42   you can use it to type in landscape or something.

00:35:46   So I started playing around with these ideas and I had a first version based on a mod for

00:35:54   the Apple Smart Folio.

00:35:56   I attached three magnets to the front of the Smart Folio and I realized that if I fold

00:36:04   the folio in a particular way, which is different from the default one, there was a way to attach,

00:36:11   there's a photo on Mac stories that shows what I mean.

00:36:15   There was a way to attach the folio without cutting anything to the Mac pad.

00:36:22   But when I did that, I noticed that the iPad would tilt backwards because that folded section,

00:36:32   the iPad essentially became a lever and it would cause that folded section to, well,

00:36:38   unfold because of the weight.

00:36:41   So I put together this very ugly, I gotta say it's very ugly, it works, but it's ugly,

00:36:50   prototype that uses a Velcro strip to keep that folded section together.

00:36:57   And so go check out the photos because it's easier to see in practice what I mean.

00:37:02   This solution works and I've been using it.

00:37:06   It's a way to keep a working Smart Folio that when you detach the iPad from the MacBook,

00:37:15   it's still a Smart Folio that you can fold, that you can close on top of the iPad.

00:37:19   I don't love this first version because I used magnets that are too big, so I want to

00:37:28   do a second revision with smaller magnets and also I used too much Velcro.

00:37:35   I tried, as I mentioned in the story, I tried replacing Velcro with micro suction tape.

00:37:40   It doesn't work because the weight of the iPad is too much.

00:37:46   So I will need to use Velcro again.

00:37:48   Maybe I can find a thinner Velcro, but for sure I gotta use less of it because I was

00:37:54   a little too concerned in this first take on this experiment and I used too much.

00:38:01   And so in the second revision, if I can find a thinner Velcro, that would be ideal, but

00:38:08   also use less of it.

00:38:10   The Velcro is to kind of hold the cover of the Smart Cover out of the way basically,

00:38:17   right?

00:38:18   Yes.

00:38:19   So if you take a look at the photos, when the front part of the cover folds on itself

00:38:27   and I attach it to the magnets, without the Velcro, the iPad would tilt backwards.

00:38:34   The magnets need to be stuck to the rigid part of the Smart Cover, which goes on the

00:38:40   back.

00:38:41   Yes.

00:38:42   Yes.

00:38:43   So that part, because of the weight of the iPad, it's because the iPad in that configuration

00:38:46   is very top heavy, so the top part of the iPad would push the cover backwards and so

00:38:54   the Velcro acts as a resistance in the bottom section.

00:38:58   And so even though there's weight, the Velcro keeps it together.

00:39:03   This is where I'm probably going to need Dr. Drang to design a magnet.

00:39:07   You need a structural engineer at this point.

00:39:09   I need an engineer to take care of this for me.

00:39:11   So Dr, if you're listening, hit me with any tips as long as it doesn't involve any equations.

00:39:17   But yeah, I'm liking this a lot.

00:39:21   Yeah.

00:39:22   Go check out the pictures.

00:39:25   And that's...

00:39:26   Yeah, I've been using it.

00:39:29   It's lovely with OLED.

00:39:31   It works amazingly well.

00:39:32   And yeah, the MacPad lives on, even with the new iPad Pro.

00:39:38   It looks much better with the 13 inch.

00:39:41   It's much more visually balanced than before.

00:39:44   Mike saw the original version in real life and it looked funny with the 11 inch iPad

00:39:49   Pro.

00:39:50   Now it looks much better.

00:39:51   So yeah, go MacPad.

00:39:53   Go MacPad.

00:39:54   It's kind of the beauty of this product, right?

00:39:57   Is that you can update it component by component.

00:40:00   Yeah.

00:40:01   Yeah.

00:40:02   Imagine that.

00:40:03   I'm just so curious to say, naked robotic core.

00:40:05   That's right.

00:40:06   It's like that.

00:40:07   I don't think he was talking about cutting a MacBook Air in half, but...

00:40:09   I mean, it's more naked if you're cutting the screen off.

00:40:13   It's more naked than it was previously.

00:40:14   It's more something.

00:40:15   Yeah.

00:40:16   I feel like say that you want to update to an M4 MacBook Air or something.

00:40:21   And they were like, yeah, you can do these things separately.

00:40:24   That's pretty cool.

00:40:25   Yeah.

00:40:26   Yeah.

00:40:27   Or maybe a Co-Pilot plus Windows PC.

00:40:28   You know what I mean?

00:40:29   Oh, we can talk about that.

00:40:30   We're going to get to that.

00:40:33   Don't you worry.

00:40:34   You can do anything.

00:40:35   You can do anything now.

00:40:36   We're going to get to that.

00:40:37   You put a Surface on top of the MacBook.

00:40:39   It's like, you're free.

00:40:41   Yeah.

00:40:42   I know, Federico, you've spoken about macOS being usable on the 11-inch display when you're

00:40:48   in that mode.

00:40:49   Yeah.

00:40:50   But is it better, noticeably better on the 13?

00:40:52   Oh, yeah.

00:40:53   I mean, yes, it is.

00:40:54   It absolutely is.

00:40:55   It feels...

00:40:56   It's a traditional computer display.

00:40:59   It was fine before.

00:41:00   Like, I remember being a huge fan of the 11-inch MacBook Air a decade ago or something when

00:41:05   it was around.

00:41:06   What a beautiful time that was, you know?

00:41:07   Great computer.

00:41:08   They should do one again, but they won't.

00:41:11   So it was usable.

00:41:13   It's obviously much better on the 13.

00:41:17   It makes more sense.

00:41:18   And, yeah, the window sizes, they're more comfortable.

00:41:22   The dock is the proper size.

00:41:25   Like, everything makes more sense on the 13-inch.

00:41:28   Yeah.

00:41:29   Yeah.

00:41:30   They've sold Macs smaller than that now, right?

00:41:32   You are now fully in MacBook-size screen territory.

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00:44:01   We spoke last week a lot about OpenAI's announcements and commented that the voice sounded a little

00:44:08   familiar and turns out that they done goofed or committed a crime.

00:44:15   That's a way to say it.

00:44:16   Done goofed.

00:44:17   Would you mind if I give my attempt at an abridged version of the chain of events?

00:44:23   Please.

00:44:24   Please.

00:44:25   OpenAI had a voice named Sky.

00:44:27   This voice predated the GPT-4O launch.

00:44:31   It was one of the pre-selected voices that you can have because they've had the voice

00:44:35   thing for a while.

00:44:38   This voice sounded an awful lot like Scarlett Johansson, essentially referencing her role

00:44:45   in the movie, her where she plays a voice AI.

00:44:49   During the launch of GPT-4O, they spent a lot more time with the voice stuff than they

00:44:57   had previously.

00:44:58   It's actually the entire presentation really, talking to and hearing it talk back.

00:45:08   They were also showing off improvements that they were making to the voice technology to

00:45:12   make it sound more real like breath and stuff like that.

00:45:18   Lots of people also recognise the voice similarities to Johansson.

00:45:22   They were like, "Oh, this sounds just like her.

00:45:25   It was in media."

00:45:26   There was an SNL joke about it, which is particularly funny because the person who said the joke

00:45:35   is Scarlett's husband, Colin Jost.

00:45:39   OpenAI will get lots of questions about this because it's like, "Hey, this sounds like

00:45:45   that very famous actress who was in that movie."

00:45:49   Sam Altman tweeted the word "her" after the presentation.

00:45:55   OpenAI took the voice down after receiving lots of questions about it.

00:46:00   Then Scarlett Johansson released a statement.

00:46:03   Should I read the statement?

00:46:07   Last September, I received an offer from Sam Altman who wanted to hire me to voice the

00:46:12   current ChatGPT 4.0 system.

00:46:15   So I've read this initially and thought, "Was that written wrong?

00:46:19   Did that mean 4.0?"

00:46:20   I was like, "No, actually that's GPT 4."

00:46:23   Which is when they brought the voice in and also last September.

00:46:28   He told me that he felt that by voicing the system, I could bridge the gap between tech

00:46:32   companies and creatives and help consumers to feel comfortable with the seismic shift

00:46:36   concerning humans and AI.

00:46:38   He said he felt that my voice would be comforting to people.

00:46:41   After much consideration and for personal reasons, I declined the offer.

00:46:45   9 months later, my friends, family and the general public all noted how much the newest

00:46:50   system named Sky sounded like me.

00:46:54   When I heard the release demo, I was shocked, angered and disbelief that Mr Altman would

00:46:58   pursue a voice that sounded so eerily similar to mine that my closest friends and news outlets

00:47:02   could not tell the difference.

00:47:03   Mr Altman even insinuated that the similarity was intentional to eating a single word "her",

00:47:08   a reference to the film in which I voiced the chat system Samantha who forms an intimate

00:47:12   relationship with a human.

00:47:14   Two days before the chat GPT 4.0 demo was released, but Mr Altman contacted my agent

00:47:24   asking me to reconsider.

00:47:25   Before we would reconnect, the system was out there.

00:47:28   As a result of their actions, I was forced to hire legal counsel who wrote two letters

00:47:32   to Mr Altman and OpenAI, setting out what they had done and asking them to detail the

00:47:36   exact process by which they recreated the Sky voice.

00:47:39   Consequently, OpenAI reluctantly agreed to take down the Sky voice.

00:47:43   In a time when we were all grappling with deep fakes and the protection of our own likeness,

00:47:48   our own work, our own identities and I believe there are questions that deserve absolute

00:47:53   clarity, I look forward to resolution in the form of transparency in the passage of appropriate

00:47:58   legislation to help ensure that individual rights are protected.

00:48:02   All time great statement, once again Scarlett Johansson is out there sticking it to the

00:48:08   big companies, don't forget she sued Disney and won.

00:48:11   I think they settled but nevertheless she was right in what she was doing at the time

00:48:16   than she is right now.

00:48:20   OpenAI are saying that this is a coincidence and that it is another voice actor who just

00:48:29   so happens to sound like Scarlett Johansson.

00:48:34   Which I just believe is a lie.

00:48:40   One of these things is a lie.

00:48:42   Either it's a lie that it is a voice actor who just so happens to sound like her or what

00:48:50   I honestly think is happening is this is a synthetic voice that they created, trained

00:48:54   on her voice.

00:48:55   I don't know if you two had experienced it all but I have access to GPT 4.0 and so

00:49:03   you can talk to it and the voice is still good but not as good and my voice was set

00:49:09   to the sky voice and when I was on vacation I wanted to see how Adina would talk to it

00:49:15   because she's not going to be kind to the machine where I might be in that way, she

00:49:21   was just asking it questions where I might let things go or phrase things in such a way

00:49:26   that I know I'm talking to a computer.

00:49:28   She had a conversation with it for a couple of minutes and was asking it advice about

00:49:31   what we could do on our trip.

00:49:33   It just sounded like her.

00:49:35   I don't believe for a second that this is a coincidence because it sounded just like

00:49:41   her.

00:49:42   So that's kind of the news as it is so far.

00:49:47   The really damning part in my mind is that they contacted her agent two days before the

00:49:52   demo.

00:49:55   This is like when my kids were younger and you come in and there's like a mess in the

00:49:59   kitchen or in their room like hey did you make this mess you're the only one here like

00:50:03   no I don't know who made this mess like well you did you're just lying to me very transparently

00:50:08   and I mean as bad as this is and this is pretty bad really bad and boy to your point Mike

00:50:17   they mess with the wrong person I would not want to be on the other end of Scarlett Johansson's

00:50:21   lawyers but this is yet another example of this company and probably other companies

00:50:30   in this field using information that's not theirs to build their products right remember

00:50:35   the thing a couple of weeks ago when their CTO was asked if Sora was was trained on YouTube

00:50:43   video YouTube videos and there's like it's not an answer like well yeah of course it

00:50:48   was oh we trained different things we found on the internet yeah like the youtube.com

00:50:52   website this is the same to me the same sort of we can do whatever we want get out of our

00:51:00   way that I find increasingly distasteful from this company and it just they they think they

00:51:08   can just do whatever they want to get away with it like I don't they may not in this

00:51:12   case but it is it is really gross well they don't care right that it's this is their attitude

00:51:20   I guess it's just we're the cool guys and and we are changing the tech industry we can

00:51:26   do whatever we want which I think it's a that's a very toxic attitude honestly like just disregarding

00:51:33   completely I mean getting in touch with her agent two days before and yeah just going

00:51:38   ahead because hey what's what what are they gonna do to us you know like we have billions

00:51:42   of dollars what like I really dislike everything about this honestly. The thing that like I

00:51:50   think annoys me the most is the stupidity of it like you didn't need to do any of this

00:51:57   and it would have been fine you know like none of these things had to happen you you

00:52:00   didn't need to get Scarlett Johansson anyway like you didn't need to get her voice right

00:52:07   like it doesn't matter it could just be any voice why does it need to be the voice from

00:52:11   the movie which I know this is like an old joke at this point but like that movie ends

00:52:17   real bad like I don't understand why you want to make that connection so much and also why

00:52:23   like Altman thinks that like her like the her voice would be the right thing to bridge

00:52:31   the gap like that doesn't make any sense. Yeah you missed the message of the film. Yes

00:52:38   and like I just GPT 4.0 is really impressive no one cares now right this is completely

00:52:47   overshadowed it and so like all of these people inside of open AI have done the work that

00:52:51   they've done to make this technology. Well there's fewer people than there used to be

00:52:54   did you see like the flood of people leaving in the wake of the demos? Yeah I don't know

00:52:59   about all of that like I don't really know I heard about a couple of executives left

00:53:04   right I don't know about anybody else personally but like yeah some of it was some of the people

00:53:08   behind the coup like the the other executive that was part of that yeah and then some people

00:53:15   apparently on the product safety team left as well. Okay I mean like I don't know what

00:53:20   that was all in relation to I think that might just be like the fallout of the coup. Yeah

00:53:25   yeah my point was just all the people working there and I was just like well there's fewer

00:53:29   people than there used to be I don't think there was like a Scarlett Johansson protest

00:53:33   within the company. Okay I was sorry I wasn't sure if that was what what you what you meant

00:53:38   but like all of these people did this work and like now it kind of doesn't matter right

00:53:43   and it's all just because of the the idiocy of Altman in this scenario right it's just

00:53:49   like why even do any of this like what are you doing like you should be doing everything

00:53:55   you possibly can to make people warm up to your company. Yeah. Because people are rightly

00:54:02   so really hesitant of this right and like this is like this era of technology has promise

00:54:12   there are interesting things that are going on but there's also a lot of really unsettling

00:54:18   things that are going on you don't need to add to the unsettling by doing things that

00:54:23   don't even make any sense like why would you do this? I want to read a quick quote from

00:54:29   Casey Newton a platformer. It's narrative about so open AI's narrative about the Johansson

00:54:36   debacle is essentially that its chief executive slipped on a series of banana peels over the

00:54:40   last nine months until they were trapped in an uncanny valley between one of the world's

00:54:43   most famous actresses and another actress whom it declines to name who sounds just like

00:54:48   her. For me it's the slipped on a series of banana peels thing where it's just like whoa

00:54:55   I didn't mean to do any of this like it's all just so happened to occur like it's just

00:55:00   so stupid and juvenile it's like you're supposed to be in charge of this massive company just

00:55:05   act like an adult. And if you hired somebody else to have that person come out and make

00:55:11   a statement and it all goes away or it gets better at least. Like I'm sorry like to me

00:55:17   look the idea of like we're protecting this person's privacy that doesn't hold water with

00:55:22   no that feels like the kind of thing you would say when you're trying to protect the fact

00:55:25   that nobody exists. Like what is the like what what's the issue here like voice actors

00:55:34   all the time they're accredited well you can't credit this one what's the what's the concern

00:55:38   around this like I don't I don't understand what that concern is. Yeah we know who did

00:55:42   the original Siri voice like you know come on. To me that it just feels like we're trying

00:55:47   to hide this. I mean look I don't know what scholar Janssen's move is going to be I don't

00:55:52   know if she's going to try and file a lawsuit if she does and if she's successful to do

00:55:57   so I think she has the ability to do it. Oh yeah. And maybe we'll find out the answer

00:56:01   but it's going to be a long way in the future and maybe people won't care about it anymore

00:56:04   but I think she's done a great job here of kind of exposing them I think done very well

00:56:10   to be honest I think she's she's kind of crushed it but it just it just disappoints me it disappoints

00:56:16   me and then I think about what are we four weeks away from from Sam Altman maybe appearing

00:56:22   at WWDC. Hey everyone I made a new voice it's called Tim. It's called Tom. It's called Tom.

00:56:37   I always wonder what happens at Microsoft when these sorts of things happen right Microsoft

00:56:44   has put a lot of money in this company a lot of their co-pilot stuff which we're talking

00:56:48   about next powered by this during the coup they offered Sam Altman a job and he turned

00:56:56   it down to go back to the company that tried it I'll see him like I want to know everything

00:57:00   about that relationship but you know someone at Microsoft like when this news broke they

00:57:04   just they just slammed their head into their desk. Yeah I think they kind of expect it

00:57:10   from them now though like I don't know how much you've you to follow this but like Microsoft

00:57:16   is buying up more AI companies like they're essentially building within Microsoft a team

00:57:21   where they can just plug them in yeah get rid of open AI as they should they should

00:57:26   own their technology but like I think open AI has brought them to the dance right and

00:57:31   like now they're building the infrastructure that they need to leave it's like you know

00:57:37   after all this it's like yes I expect that every time something like this happens such

00:57:41   as just like I don't want to have to deal with this right like you're you're like we're

00:57:46   trying to do a thing over here and you know like he was at build like the next day after

00:57:51   this and it's just like you're just you're embarrassing me but it at least seems like

00:57:55   he is making the moves that he would need to try and get rid of them and move over to

00:58:02   whatever there is but I think that it would be particularly awkward for Apple because

00:58:07   if they're going if they are actually going to announce a brand new partnerships like

00:58:12   oh so you decided still a brand new like that's going to be the question where it's like with

00:58:18   Microsoft it's a little bit like well we're already in bed together like you know the

00:58:22   the the it'd be weird it's going to be I think more complicated to be like no we made the

00:58:26   decision now that we're going to do this so I'm very intrigued to see how that's going

00:58:30   to go.

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01:00:43   Our thanks to Fitbod for the support of the show and Relay FM.

01:00:49   So there was a Microsoft Surface event earlier this week followed by the Microsoft Build

01:00:56   conference I believe.

01:00:58   And of course at the Surface event the big news is the debut of these brand new AI PCs

01:01:04   that Microsoft is not calling AI PCs, they're calling Co-Pilot Plus PCs.

01:01:11   Which is an interesting name to say the least.

01:01:14   Co-Pilot Plus...

01:01:15   Are you guys familiar with the fact that they actually already have things that are called

01:01:19   Co-Pilot PCs?

01:01:21   No but I'm not surprised.

01:01:23   It's a different thing.

01:01:25   Oh my god that is so Microsoft.

01:01:27   Isn't that great?

01:01:28   It's so Microsoft.

01:01:30   I really like the Co-Pilot branding.

01:01:33   Me too I think it's great branding.

01:01:34   But you got to deploy it in a more reasonable fashion at Microsoft.

01:01:39   So this Co-Pilot Plus PCs obviously we know Microsoft is going all in on AI and they've

01:01:47   been doing that for the past two years really.

01:01:52   But what's different about these new computers, so there's a new Surface laptop and there's

01:01:56   a new Surface Pro 11.

01:01:59   Is that...

01:02:00   They skipped the 10 right?

01:02:02   Well they're actually not numbering them.

01:02:04   They're not numbering it.

01:02:05   Yeah.

01:02:06   The 10 is business only I believe.

01:02:07   The Surface Pro 10 is just for business customers.

01:02:10   They didn't number this one.

01:02:13   The thing about these computers is that they're running on a brand new ARM based architecture.

01:02:20   So this is the long rumored Qualcomm made Snapdragon X processors.

01:02:26   They're going to power these Windows machines.

01:02:28   And specifically there's two versions of the Snapdragon X.

01:02:32   There's the Plus and the Elite.

01:02:35   Now what's really remarkable here is that we can get to the details about like how Microsoft

01:02:44   is doing this transition from the X86 architecture to an ARM based architecture.

01:02:52   They tried years ago.

01:02:53   It didn't exactly work out in terms of developer adoption, app compatibility and a bunch of

01:02:58   other issues.

01:02:59   It seems like this may be the time they actually do it.

01:03:03   But what I find fascinating is the comparisons to the M series chips to Apple silicon and

01:03:10   specifically Microsoft saying we are beating the MacBook Air with these computers.

01:03:18   That I find interesting because from a certain perspective in terms of just raw AI numbers

01:03:27   it may even be true if you consider how these processors perform and all the different large

01:03:34   language models that Microsoft has embedded within Windows at this point.

01:03:38   I believe there's about 40 different models that Microsoft has in Windows.

01:03:44   But I still struggle to see these computers as having the kind of performance of a MacBook

01:03:53   Air in terms of running cool and being thin and that's not even to mention of course the

01:03:59   Surface Pro compared to the incredible thinness of an iPad Pro.

01:04:04   But they're using different metrics to compare these copilot Plus PCs to MacBook Airs.

01:04:10   And so I wanted to ask you guys first of all, silly name aside, do you find this interesting

01:04:18   as an idea of an AI first computer?

01:04:22   Well, I mean...

01:04:25   Or do you find it silly?

01:04:26   No, I don't find it silly.

01:04:28   I mean, to me it's just like, well, I do believe I've come around to the idea that like, look,

01:04:35   love it or hate it.

01:04:36   This is the next phase of computing now.

01:04:39   Like we're in it.

01:04:40   And so like the idea of a AI focused PC is funny to me because it's just like, I do think

01:04:46   that within five years that's just a PC.

01:04:49   It's new now.

01:04:50   It's like saying if the smartphone was invented now, oh, this is a camera phone.

01:04:56   It's like, yeah, well...

01:04:57   Or just like, what do you guys think about this new touch focused phone?

01:05:03   You know, like I genuinely think we're just in it now.

01:05:07   The thing that I find the most interesting, some of the stuff they're putting in Windows

01:05:12   is interesting to me, but the thing I find the most interesting is how hard they are

01:05:18   bringing it to Apple.

01:05:20   I like this.

01:05:23   I like this.

01:05:24   Yes, do it.

01:05:26   Just go for it.

01:05:27   And like they're saying, I mean, I listened to the Verge cast and Tom Warren was saying

01:05:31   that like he was in a briefing with Microsoft for multiple hours where they would just,

01:05:37   they had a MacBook Air and the Surface laptop next to each other and they were just doing

01:05:41   benchmark after benchmark.

01:05:43   Like they are not just saying that this is more powerful in AI.

01:05:47   They're saying it is more powerful in everything.

01:05:50   They're saying it has longer battery life.

01:05:52   Like they're just saying like all in all, this machine is better.

01:05:55   Now they probably have fans in them.

01:05:58   Right.

01:05:59   You sound about the coolness thing.

01:06:00   It's like, okay, like a lot of people are bringing this up.

01:06:01   Like I think John Cooper wrote about it too.

01:06:04   I don't know if that matters.

01:06:05   Like I don't, you know, like, okay, like it does, you know, whatever.

01:06:09   But like it's probably more powerful than a MacBook Pro then.

01:06:13   Right.

01:06:14   Like, you know, it's just like, whatever.

01:06:19   To me, the thing that is interesting here is that they are building computers that look

01:06:22   compelling and they are putting these features into their operating system and then they're

01:06:27   saying this is better than Apple's laptops.

01:06:29   And I'm just like, all right, like this is it.

01:06:32   I like this from Microsoft.

01:06:33   Let's see what they got.

01:06:34   Yeah.

01:06:35   Are you guys familiar with where these chips came from?

01:06:38   Yes, I am.

01:06:40   Okay.

01:06:41   So this is, they're Qualcomm chips, but a while back Qualcomm bought a company founded

01:06:47   by a bunch of people who left Apple who worked on Apple Silicon.

01:06:51   Yep.

01:06:52   It's a company called Nuvia.

01:06:53   Nuvia.

01:06:54   Interesting.

01:06:55   And Qualcomm just said, we'll give you whatever you need, make us the chips.

01:07:00   And these are the chips.

01:07:01   And they did.

01:07:02   Yeah.

01:07:03   And this is a pretty remarkable chip.

01:07:04   In terms of like for AI, they're saying like 40 trillion operations per second.

01:07:12   Like this Snapdragon X architecture, like it is a serious thing.

01:07:16   And the fact that Microsoft is saying we're not just comparable to a MacBook Air.

01:07:20   We are superior in terms of performance to the M3.

01:07:25   Like that is a serious claim.

01:07:28   And they're saying that these computers, like they're claiming, like I was just checking

01:07:32   the Surface Pro specs page.

01:07:34   They're claiming 14 hours of battery life for a tablet, which, you know, different kind

01:07:41   of tablet in many regards.

01:07:43   But yeah, it's like this is a serious effort in terms of bringing an R base architecture

01:07:50   to Windows and now will it work this time around?

01:07:55   I think it will.

01:07:57   The question remains, what is the app story?

01:08:00   Like that is their issue of like how many apps are actually going to come?

01:08:04   And they announced a bunch of important apps like Photoshop and others are like they're

01:08:08   bringing, they're going to make native versions.

01:08:11   Isn't Fantastical also coming to Windows because of this?

01:08:14   It was on a slide and then there was a tweet or a thread post by somebody who said it was

01:08:20   coming, but I don't, I would not be surprised.

01:08:22   I mean, it makes sense for them to do that.

01:08:26   To your point, Mike, and to yours, Frederick, really, the reason this is so interesting

01:08:30   to me is that this is Windows on ARM in a way we've never seen it before.

01:08:36   And the software and the hardware both have held it back, but in particular the software,

01:08:40   if you go back, whatever it was, eight years or whatever, 10 years to the Surface RT, that

01:08:45   thing failed because the hardware was underpowered, but also because there was no software for

01:08:49   it.

01:08:50   And Microsoft has taken their sweet, sweet time to get Windows ready to get their emulation

01:08:55   ready.

01:08:56   And in that time, now they have this chip.

01:08:59   So now things are coming together and either John or Ben said this on dithering, I forget

01:09:05   which one, but this feels like a turning point in the decline of x86 and Intel is going to

01:09:14   have with Lunar Lake, a next gen processor.

01:09:17   They're going to have, you know, co-pilot plus PC stuff ready, but ARM is where these

01:09:24   things are happening.

01:09:26   And if these devices and the software do all really work as well as Microsoft says they

01:09:33   do, this very well could be the turning point where, hey, x86, not on the Mac anymore.

01:09:42   It's going to be a long time before it's not a Windows anywhere.

01:09:44   Like it's a very long transition, but this feels like a very big step towards that future.

01:09:50   I genuinely think the Intel thing is just there because Microsoft are being nice to

01:09:54   them.

01:09:55   I think so too.

01:09:57   I think x86 is over.

01:10:00   They can also still use them.

01:10:02   Like Steven said, it's going to be a long transition and there's probably many reasons

01:10:07   for Microsoft to remain partners with Intel for lower spec'd computers.

01:10:15   The Windows world is so different from the Apple one.

01:10:18   It makes sense, like they're the kind of company that is built to have multiple partners.

01:10:24   But yeah, this is the question is how good is their emulation layer?

01:10:29   Because if it's still not good enough, this won't work.

01:10:33   Right.

01:10:34   So to give you like I posted on threads about the gaming angle, for example, which is obviously

01:10:39   an interesting one because those are some of the along with 3D applications and like

01:10:43   professional applications, like 3D graphics is one of the most intensive things that you

01:10:47   can ask a system on a chip in this case.

01:10:50   Like this is not a keep in mind, this is not a system with a discrete GPU.

01:10:55   This is just like Apple Silicon.

01:10:57   It's like a single system on a chip that has a GPU inside of it.

01:11:00   The Mac Pro wins in the end.

01:11:05   This is not these are not computers with a discrete dedicated GPU.

01:11:10   It's just one Snapdragon X system on a chip.

01:11:15   Now for the emulation layer, so I think Microsoft is telling a really compelling story, much,

01:11:22   much more compelling than whatever Apple did last year with that Mac OS compatibility thing

01:11:29   for gaming that nobody ever really took advantage of.

01:11:34   So they're saying that they have a thousand games that are already sort of have already

01:11:39   been tested and are playable or basically just complete like sort of like Steam's proton

01:11:46   thing like they have passed the compatibility checks.

01:11:50   So a thousand games and mostly you could expect these games without any optimizations to run

01:11:57   at 720p or 1080p 30 frames per second.

01:12:00   For example, they showed Baldur's Gate 3, which is a game from last year, like a massive

01:12:06   game from last year running, I believe, somewhere in between 720p and 1080p at 30 frames per

01:12:11   second. Now, you may say, well, that's not impressive. But, again, this is a system on

01:12:16   a chip without a discrete GPU using an emulation layer and running that game at 1080p 30 frames

01:12:24   per second in a tablet? It is pretty remarkable for a first take.

01:12:30   That's pretty good. That's pretty good.

01:12:31   It's pretty good. It's pretty good. And you can imagine that, like, I have a feeling that

01:12:37   Microsoft and Qualcomm are absolutely going to take Apple to task here when it comes to

01:12:41   gaming, because, like, they can tell and they can offer a much more compelling alternative

01:12:48   than whatever Apple has in store for the App Store and Apple Arcade, because the signs

01:12:55   are pretty much in the open that Microsoft, they're going to do a gaming handheld and

01:13:03   it's going to be... Most likely at this point, it's going to be based on this chip on the

01:13:10   Snapdragon X series. Now, you can imagine that sort of Xbox handheld that has full on compatibility

01:13:17   with games on Windows with this kind of battery life. And also, I will point you to the...

01:13:25   President of Xbox, Sarah Bond, I want to say?

01:13:30   Yep.

01:13:31   Saying that they have assembled a dedicated Xbox game preservation team for future backward

01:13:38   compatibility. Now, why is that?

01:13:43   I can think of something.

01:13:44   I mean, they're also saying, like, as well, like, that the next Xbox that they're working

01:13:48   on is going to be the most powerful games console ever made by a long margin. And yeah,

01:13:55   maybe this is part of how they get to that, right? Like this kind of technology. I mean,

01:13:58   we've seen it. We've seen what happens when you go to arm, like your power and your amount

01:14:03   of power per watt and that kind of stuff. It just goes through the roof and that could

01:14:07   be a big leap for this kind of system too.

01:14:10   Yeah. So the final thing I will say is that over the past few years, and rightfully so

01:14:15   in our community, because this is what we do for a living, we've been focused on the

01:14:18   incredible improvements of the Apple Silicon and M series. But I just wanted to point out

01:14:25   that, like, it's not like Qualcomm has been just resting on their laurels and doing nothing.

01:14:31   You can get some pretty remarkable Android phones, like especially the Snapdragon 8 Gen

01:14:37   3. That's just the amount of chip and the Adreno-based GPU that they have. You can play

01:14:43   some Android games and do some emulation in 4K with some really remarkable performance.

01:14:48   Now, of course, the app ecosystem is different between iOS and Android. But if I were Apple,

01:14:55   you know, competition is good in this case. And Qualcomm proving that they can work with

01:14:59   Microsoft to bring Snapdragon to a desktop operating system with a gaming angle. It's

01:15:04   very remarkable. And yeah, it's competition is great.

01:15:09   Over on Ars Technica, Andrew Cunningham has an article about Prism, which is Microsoft's

01:15:16   emulation. You know, we have Rosetta 2 on Apple Silicon Macs. And Andrew writes that

01:15:23   with a upcoming Windows 11 update, that those translated apps will run between 10 and 20%

01:15:31   faster just with the Windows update. And that Prism's performance is, quote, similar to

01:15:36   Rosetta's, although obviously this depends on the speed of the hardware you're running

01:15:40   it on. And that's another benefit of these ARM chips. They are so fast. If there is any

01:15:46   penalty for emulation, and it's not really like emulation is not really the word. It's

01:15:51   translation. It's translating, not emulating. Then you make up the difference in the speed.

01:15:58   And they've got a bunch of apps like you mentioned Adobe, but Dropbox and Chrome are native on

01:16:03   ARM and Windows. This is happening. It does not answer the questions about dedicated GPUs.

01:16:11   It doesn't really answer the question of like, you know, the the bajillion x86 PCs under

01:16:17   people's work desks, like it's going to take a long time. But I'm telling you, I think

01:16:22   we're gonna look back in a year or two. Like this, this is the time when the when the tide

01:16:27   really started shifting for Windows on ARM. The other thing I want to talk to you all

01:16:32   about is Microsoft recall. So this is a feature that was internally called AI Explorer. But

01:16:40   it effectively looks at everything you're doing on your computer, and puts it on a timeline.

01:16:49   So you can go back and see what's going on. If this sounds familiar, there was rewind

01:16:55   AI, which was this Mac application that was going to do this. And that company has pivoted.

01:17:02   But this is built into the OS into Windows. It will. There's some privacy stuff, you can

01:17:09   say, you know, don't pay attention to these websites, you can pause or stop it. It's local

01:17:13   and on device. But you can say, Hey, you know, I saw an email with this in it, or I was on

01:17:19   a web page with that on it. Can you find it for me? And it scrolls back in time. I love

01:17:24   the interface for it. I think the interface is really fun. Very reminiscent of time machine.

01:17:29   Yeah, it is. And except like sideways instead of back into the screen.

01:17:35   It's more colorful. And it's got my it looks like modern Microsoft. Like it looks great.

01:17:39   But like, yeah.

01:17:40   But this is this is a mean, it's a wild feature. I would imagine that there'll be a lot of

01:17:46   people that turn this off, or a lot of companies that turn it off for their employees. But

01:17:51   I'm curious, like, for us, is this something that you know, if this came to Mac OS, is

01:17:55   this something that we would be interested in?

01:17:59   This is the dream for me to have like the idea of total digital recall, without having

01:18:06   to bookmark or like, explicitly save things. And I get it, I get it, the privacy concerns

01:18:14   and everything. I'm sure if Apple ever did something similar, they would have better

01:18:18   settings for things that you may want to exclude from your recall. But like, for me, this is

01:18:25   exactly the perfect use of AI and a large language model. Like, see everything I do.

01:18:31   I choose to let you see what I do. And then let me search using natural language things

01:18:37   that I remember having seen on my computer, just not having saved them specifically anywhere.

01:18:43   This is something that I really, really, really hope Apple does, not just on a Mac, like anywhere,

01:18:50   like everywhere. I want to have this on all the devices that I use.

01:18:57   We should note it does only work on some of these newer Co-Pilot Plus PCs with the Snapdragon

01:19:03   X Elite chip. So this is a subset of new machines. The minimum storage space, Microsoft says

01:19:11   hard drive space, but you know, solid storage space. The minimum required for the system

01:19:16   is 256 gigs, but 50 gigs of available space, you know, for for this feature to work. And

01:19:23   its default allocation is 25 gigs, which they say is about three months worth of snapshots,

01:19:29   but you can change in the settings, how much storage allocation you you allow for this.

01:19:34   So I'm interested to see how this is how this takes off if this is used in the world if

01:19:40   people think this is creepy. We just don't know yet. And I think I think for me, like

01:19:46   I am interested in something like this, but boy, I'd want to make sure that it's local

01:19:51   because something like this, you know, basically screen reading everything you do. That's,

01:19:58   you know, that's weird. It's not a very common thing at this point.

01:20:02   Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm like struggling with it myself. I keep going backwards and forwards

01:20:09   of like, I actually would really like to utility for what Federico's mentioning, like, I don't

01:20:13   need to remember anything like it just remembers everything for me. Like, I love that. But

01:20:17   there is also just this like, do I want the computer logging everything, like everything,

01:20:23   every, you know, like, do I want that? I'm not sure that I do. And like, it's complicated.

01:20:31   I think this is the thing I'm gonna have to like, come to terms with if something like

01:20:35   this comes to Mac OS. It's just like a strange, it's just like a strange thing to think about

01:20:42   that like, there is another thing that's watching every website I go to every app that I open

01:20:48   every conversation I have, like if I have a an iMessage conversation with someone and

01:20:54   delete the iMessage thread, like, it's still gonna, we're going back to that thing we were

01:20:58   talking about earlier, right? Like the photos thing, like it's just reappearing. Like there

01:21:04   is just this like another memory. It gets weird. It's just like a, it's a thing that

01:21:08   we haven't had before other than web browsing history. And we all got used to web browsing

01:21:14   history. So I'm sure we'd all get used to this. But yeah, I think this is something that

01:21:18   I would eventually much prefer the utility of than a creepy thing. But there is also

01:21:23   just like, security concerns, right? Like, real ones that we'd have to seriously consider

01:21:31   that if someone got access to your computer, they have everything, everything now. Complicated.

01:21:39   Yeah, it's new realm, right? It's just like a new thing we'd have to get used to. And

01:21:44   yeah, it makes me uncomfortable. But also, I like the idea of it. So like, if this came

01:21:51   to Mac OS, I would turn it on. But I would still be a bit like, sometimes when I'm thinking

01:21:56   about the feature, so. Sure. Man, WWBC, a couple weeks away. Who knows? They're not going to

01:22:05   get to this level. They're not going to do this. They're not going to do this. I'm still

01:22:09   excited about WWBC. I want to see what they've got. But I'm starting to lower my expectations

01:22:15   because everything is rising. And they're not going to be at this level. They're not.

01:22:20   Because Microsoft started doing all this stuff ages ago. If you want to find links to the

01:22:26   stories we spoke about, they're in your podcast player. They're also in the information super

01:22:32   highway exit that is relay.fm/connected/503. Pull over. Check out those links. I got in

01:22:40   trouble halfway through that sentence. I didn't know. No, I liked it. It was all really good.

01:22:44   Like that's how we should say like, every website is an exit on the information super

01:22:49   highway. And you've always got to turn on to that exit when you want to go to a website.

01:22:53   That's great. That's right. If you want to find Federico, turn down Mac stories lane

01:22:58   over at a macstories.net. Lots of great stories over there. I'm sure they're gearing up for

01:23:03   WWBC. You can find Mike on a bunch of other shows here on relay FM and you can swing by

01:23:10   Cortex brand on your way home and get something for the kids. Kids need notebooks and pens,

01:23:15   right? Yeah. On the way home. Yeah. Pick up something for the kids. And I like 512pixels.net,

01:23:20   which is Steven's home because it actually sounds like an address. It does. 512 pixels.

01:23:25   Yes. Yes. You can, uh, you can stop by, you know, get a glass of tea, read about Emacs.

01:23:31   Visit for a while, you know? Come on y'all. Visit for a while. That's one of my favorite

01:23:35   Southern phrases. Like someone visits. Like we're just going to visit. I like that. It's

01:23:41   cute. It's going to visit. If the, uh, the information super highways is not your thing

01:23:48   and maybe you want to go down the social media expressway, you can do that. We're on Mastodon

01:23:56   as Vitichi, iMike and ISMH 86 as a, as our own threads. It's all the same usernames everywhere

01:24:04   now. It's all unified. Very, very exciting. You guys sound excited. Some of us have done

01:24:12   that a while ago. Some of us didn't have that problem, but yes, it's very exciting that

01:24:17   we're all unified now. You know, you're thinking about unification. What do you think about

01:24:22   the three of us having just one social media account? What do you think? We just share

01:24:28   it? Y'all can log in as connected. No, but what, will you want us all sending all of

01:24:32   our thoughts in the connected account? No, like we all just, we'll just use it. What

01:24:36   would our name be? Sti, Sti-Mike-o? Sti-Mike-o. Yeah, he sounds like a fine gentleman. Didn't

01:24:46   we do this before? Probably. We've definitely done this before, but yeah, I think that would

01:24:52   be a good idea. I think the three of us should have one account and we just post everything

01:24:56   from it. So like one day it would be like, look at this thing I wrote about a Mac pad

01:25:00   and then next day we're like, look at this podcast that I did. And the next day it would

01:25:04   be like, look at this calendar that I'm selling, you know, that could be us. You have to look

01:25:08   at that photo in the discord. Yeah, I mean, that could be us. Like that would be us, like

01:25:12   final form, you know, where Mike and I got face melded to each other. Yeah. On top of

01:25:19   Federico's buddy. Yeah. Who doesn't want to be there. Thank you to our sponsors this week.

01:25:27   They are NetSuite, Ecamm, 1Password and Fitbod. You can learn more about them, the show notes

01:25:32   as well. Thank you to our members who support us directly. You can get connected pro it's

01:25:37   just seven bucks a month. That's a longer ad free version of the show that we do each

01:25:42   and every week with extra topics. We pick titles at the end. Lots of fun things happen

01:25:47   there, but relay members also get access to our members only discord, a newsletter and

01:25:52   a couple of members only podcast we do each month. And in the month of May and June, we're

01:25:57   doing our annual specials that all members get. So if you support connected, then you

01:26:03   get, you know, the, the bonus episode of Mac power users and vice versa. All the shows,

01:26:09   we just recorded ours today and it will be out tomorrow on May 23rd for members that's

01:26:12   in the crossover feed. So go check that out. I think, uh, I think, I think people enjoy

01:26:17   what we did. Tell them we talked about Titanic. Mike's favorite movie, Federico's favorite

01:26:22   movie. Mike's favorite movie of Federico's Mike's favorite movie. He saw this week. Yeah.

01:26:31   Yes. We talked about Titanic. Uh, it sinks spoiler alert. Oh, why would you do that?

01:26:38   So many people were just like, well, they didn't know. They didn't know. It happened

01:26:42   a hundred and 15 years ago. Okay. That's it. We'll be back next week until then say goodbye.

01:26:48   I do this cheerio. Bye y'all.

01:26:51   [ Silence ]